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  1. @echo off&title RST Konsole - [url]http://rst-crew.net[/url] - %~n0.bat color a :kmd set /p cm=virusz@rst-crew: if "%cm%"=="rst" goto rst cmd /c %cm% goto kmd :rst @echo -------------------------------------------------------- @echo Konsole Version 0.1 - done by cucubau @echo. @echo - Romanian Security Team - @echo [url]http://rst-crew.net/[/url] - Romanian security team! @echo We can change the world if GOD gives us the source code! @echo -------------------------------------------------------- @echo. goto kmd ---- il modifici cum vrei si il salvezi intr-un fisier cu extensia bat sau cmd, il pui unde vrei, ii faci o scurtatura cu un icon frumos ..pe desktop.. si cand vrei sa faci ceva din consola doar pornesti scurtatura.... ---- are o micutza comanda.. niste infoz: rst ---- lol!. .. bafta!
    -1 points
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