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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/16/10 in all areas

  1. E simplu tot ceea ce trebuie sa faci este sa urmezi pasii Tutorialul este facut doar in scop educativ.[daca va place puteti sa va cumparati o licenta] ce trebuie sa ai: telefon cu symbian + telefon sa fie hacked adica sa se paote inslata orice program pe el. 1.-Descarcati pack-ul de aici Free File Hosting & Video Downloads, Free File Sharing, Online Friends Network - Ziddu dezarhivati l si bagati l pe card -Apoi instalati Modo.sis X-plore.sis si apoi KMS 2.-Dupa instalare intri in Modo cauti folderul "c:\private\20028ddf\"si il copiezi pe card - iesi din modo si intra in Xplore te duci la folderul copiat pe card adica 20028ddf si acolo gasesti un fiser numit SETTINGS.KLS dam pe tasta 3 pentru hex viewer si ne ducem la string ul 000100 si copiem pe o foaie 14 valori dupa 3b cazul meu 48 4f 2d 49... 0b[aceste valori difera de la telfon la telefon daca vreti este imeiul telefonului codificat;)] dam iesire -apoi tot din Xplore ne ducem la folderul din pacukul dat de mine si acolo gasim tot un fiser care se numeste tot SETTINGS.KLS dam pe hex editor cautam stringul 000100 si o sa gasim acolo 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 -inlocuim pe acei 58 cu valorile copiate mai sus dam salvare. ar trebui sa arate cam asa [in cazul meu] 3.Intram iar in modo mergem la "c:\private\20028ddf\" si il redenumim 20028ddf0. -dupa aceea copiem SETTINGS.KLS modifcate de noi la pasul 2 si le copiem in folderul 20028ddf0 apoi redenumim la loc in 20028ddf si iesim din Modo -pornim kms.update 4.Done! PS. Am incercat sa explic cat am putut eu de bine ps2: ma scuzati de screenshot pe asta il aveam instalat si era trial si de aceea aparea OPDA Lista de telefoane:Symbian OS 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4 Series 60 (Nokia smartphones only).: okia: E61, 5500, N95, 3250, E50, E60, N71, N80, E71, N96, N78, 6220, 6110 HTC: 710S HTC: S620 HP: iPaq 514 HP: S100 HP: HW 6915 Eten: m600 Eten: x800 Toshiba: G900 ASUS P750 Samsung SGH i200 HTC Touch Diamond Glofish DX900 Samsung i900 Nokia 5800 Nokia n82 nokia n97 Nokia e90 Nokia n76 HTC Touch Pro2 Nokia 5530 Nokia 5730 Sper ca va placut! Succes!
    1 point
  2. In this video, Limor and Philip from Citizen Engineer, demonstrate how to clone SIM cards and hack payphones to do interesting things. The SIM card section starts with a primer on how the authentication works in the GSM world - challenge / response where the SIM contains the encryption key which is used to encrypt the challenge sent by the base station. Now the problem seems to be that there is no way to retrieve the encryption key directly from the SIM cards and the only way (which also only works for older cards) is to use a chosen plain text attack. This attack is carried out by connecting the SIM to a computer and bombarding it with encryption requests for known plain texts. After enough samples go through, the encryption key can be cracked. Once the encryption key is known it is trivial to clone the card using a writer. The video demonstrates the whole hardware hack on how to build your own reader, however, if you do not have the patience or the necessary skills / equipment then you can purchase one from them directly. In the later part of the video, Limor demonstrates how to modify Western Electric payphones so that they can be used as a home telephone, for VoIP (Skype) and to make it accept quarters. The whole video is more of a "hardware hacking" session than much of software. Its very well made and is definitely a recommended watch. Cloning SIM Cards and Hacking Payphones Tutorial
    -1 points
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