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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/29/11 in all areas

  1. The best measurements of the distant Universe -- out beyond our galaxy -- have led us to the current picture of exactly what our Universe is doing: expanding and cooling, with its galaxies progressively getting farther and farther apart. (Image credit: Molly Read for the University of Wisconsin-Madison.) But what does that mean for our past? If we're expanding and cooling, that means our past was less expanded and less cooled, or as we like to think of it, denser and hotter. Now, if you're thinking like a scientist, you don't just want to know what it's doing. You also want to know -- if it's expanding -- both what's causing the expansion, and by how much it's expanding. In other words, we'd like to determine the rate of expansion. And the answer is actually straightforward: if general relativity is your theory of gravity, the Universe's expansion rate is determined by what type of energy dominates your Universe. READ IT : Why we think there's a Multiverse, not just our Universe : Starts With A Bang
    2 points
  2. IBM developerWorks : Technical library
    1 point
  3. A Forensic Analysis : HTTP Protocol Link: A Forensic Analysis : HTTP Protocol
    1 point
  4. SQL Injection: Modes of Attack, Defence, and Why It Matters PDF: http://www.sans.org/reading_room/whitepapers/securecode/sql-injection-modes-attack-defence-matters_23
    1 point
  5. dudes... omu vrea SURSE cu pre-time mic sa le urce pe unde o fi uploader nu siteuri de streaming anyway, 71 Adult Torrent Tracker's - Torrentking.org vezi in primele 5-6 trackere
    -1 points
  6. presupunem ca suntem in posesia unui server de istealer si dorim sa aflam adresa control panelului (locul unde ajung parolele furate) Aplicatii necesare: 1. Process explorer 2. Server istealer In primul si in primul rand se recomanda folosirea unui pc dedicat pt teste de genu (pc real/ vmware/virtual pc etc ) pentru a ne feri eventualele experiente neplacute. Intrucat serverele de istealer au obiceiul sa dispara imediat dupa ce "isi fac treaba" trebuie sa ne asiguram ca procesul ramane in viata pe toata durata acestei analize Click dr pe procesul in cauza si ii suspendam activitatea odata suspendat procesul ne putem continua analiza linistiti properties... strings... ne intereseaza in special stringurile din memorie, asa ca... urmatorul pas e sa aruncam un ochi prin stringuri dupa siruri de caractere gen "http://" "www" "index.php" ".com" etc and... surprize... acuma... la adresa respectiva ar trebui sa gasim ceva de genu... sau in cazul versiunilor mai vechi... job done.
    -1 points
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