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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/21/12 in all areas

  1. EARLY RELEASE DEF CON 20 VIDEO IS LIVE! We've got another treat for everybody. The good folks at Source of Knowledge slipped us a few of the presentation videos ahead of schedule, so here they are for your enjoyment. If you slept through the keynote, here's your chance to check it out. If you missed the whole show, here's a few solid reasons you should join us next year. Keynote by General Keith Alexander - Shared Values, Shared Responsibility FX and Greg - Hacking Routers https://media.defcon.org/dc-20/video/DEF%20CON%2020%20Hacking%20Conference%20Presentation%20By%20-%20FX%20and%20Greg%20-%20Hacking%20[Redacted]%20Routers%20-%20Slides.m4v Zack Fasel - Owned in 60 Seconds Closing Ceremonies SLIDES http://defcon.org/html/links/dc-archives/dc-20-archive.html Source: http://defcon.org/ Postati aici daca mai gasiti alte video-uri de la prezentarile defcon20.
    1 point
  2. Bypassing Address Space Layout Randomization Toby ’TheXero’ Reynolds April 15, 2012 Contents 1 Introduction 3 2 Method 1 - Partial overwrite 3 3 Method 2 - Non ASLR 5 4 Method 3 - Brute force 6 5 Conclusion 6 http://www.thexero.co.uk/downloads/ASLR.pdf
    1 point
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