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  1. The concept of cooling with oil has been demonstrated by amateur over-clockers before with cooking oil, likewise, oil cooling is frequently used with large power transformers found in substations and underground, where materials such a fibreglass and copper, key components in motherboards, are typically present. This time around, a year-long study has been performed by Intel with Green Revolution Cooling, revealing what enthusiasts and, with any luck, the industry, wanted to hear. Intel discovered that with oil cooling, datacentres were able to achieve some of the best efficiency ratings witnessed, resulting in effective cooling at a fraction of the cost when compared to air-cooling. A complete failure analysis was performed on components after a year, revealing that immersion in oil had no negative impact on component lifespans. So why is oil of such interest? Where enthusiasts are concerned, when the limits of air-cooling are reached, water-cooling is often the next step. Air is a poor conductor of heat and water offers a solution that will extract heat quickly from components and may be pumped, supplying cool fresh water. Water-cooling can be quite costly, however, requiring special heat-exchange blocks and a network of tubes. If water leaks, it can damage components as it conducts electricity. In an ideal world, one would simply immerse their entire computer in water, providing optimal cooling with no need for an internal tube network, with a large volume of the liquid offering superior heat dissipation and even cooling of each and every component. The conductivity of the water would, however, destroy the computer and, this is where oil steps in - offering much of the same benefits, without the nasty electrical conductivity. Intel's study, whilst first likely to affect the HPC market, goes one step to providing hard evidence that oil cooling is both effective and safe. This could spark changes in warranty terms covering the use of oil in over-clocking and eventually lead to oil-based cooling products. We can only hope! Sursa: Oil used to cool - not cook, Intel proves the concept - Cooling - News - HEXUS.net Parere personala: Lol, interesanta faza, e una din chestiile alea care te face sa zici "De ce nu s-a gandit nimeni la asta pana acum?"
    1 point
  2. The Hacker News Magazine site : The Hacker News Magazine - IT Security Magazine ClubHACK Magazine site : ClubHACK Magazine download : All Issues | ClubHACK Magazine Phrack site : .:: Phrack Magazine ::. download : Index of /archives Datenschleuder site : Die Datenschleuder download : Die Datenschleuder :: Download PenTest Magazine site : Penetration testing magazine – information security solutions [paid] download : RESOURCES • CYBER GATES Information Security Consulting, Testing and Research Company ][akep [Rus] site : ?????? ?????, ????? ????, ?????? - ????? 2600: The Hacker Quarterly site : 2600 | General Information [paid] Hakin9 site : IT Security Magazine - Hakin9 www.hakin9.org [paid] HITB Quarterly Magazine HITB Quarterly Magazine download : HITB Quarterly Magazine (IN)SECURE Magazine download : (IN)SECURE Magazine Hacktivism The Hacker News Magazine - May 2012 Issue Welcome cyber space readers and internet junkies from around the world. May brings us into an in-depth look at our favorite topic: Hacktivism download : http://news.thehackernews.com/THN-May2012.pdf Our fearless leader, Mohit Kumar, founder of The Hacker News opens the discussion with a look at the meaning of Hackitivism and what it means for society today. Our regular writers, security specialist Pierluigi Paganini, and Mourad Ben Lakhousa bring us their perspective on this most interesting and thought provoking topic. As editor, I truly enjoyed Keith H. DeBus’s article on cyber war. I found myself wrapped up in excitement and worry as he takes us into the what’s and where’s of cyber war. Also, Dominque C Brack does an excellent job discussing the topic. Your executive editor, Patti Galle, brings you to question just what anonymous needs to look like in the future and don’t miss our fun pokes at current news. Thanks for your faithful readership and thanks to those who contribute in so many, many ways! Mohit Kumar, Editor-in-chief, The Hacker News Hack This Zine https://hackbloc.org/zine download : HackThisSite Mirror | HackThisZine aveti ce sa cititii:) pentru RsT daca nu e postat bine rog admini sa mute.. site : https://hackbloc.org/zine merita un like !
    1 point
  3. The Metropolitan Police have issued an urgent warning about a new ransom malware that is in circulation. Ransomware (also referred to in some cases as cryptoviruses, cryptotrojans or cryptoworms) comprises a class of malware which restricts access to the computer system that it infects, and demands a ransom paid to the creator of the malware in order for the restriction to be removed. Ransomware typically propagates like a typical computer worm, entering a system through, for example, a downloaded file or a vulnerability in a network service. The program will then run a payload which will begin to encrypt personal files on the hard drive. More sophisticated ransomware may hybrid-encrypt the victim's plaintext with a random symmetric key and a fixed public key. The malware author is the only party that knows the needed private decryption key. Some ransomware payloads do not use encryption. In these cases, the payload is simply an application designed to effectively restrict interaction with the system, typically by overriding explorer.exe in the Windows registry as the default shell, or even modify the master boot record, not allowing the operating system to start at all until it is repaired. We request readers to share this article with your friends on all social networks to alert them that this is a fraud and users are advised not to pay out any monies or hand out any bank details. Police advice - Modern ransomware attacks were initially popular within Russia, but in recent years there have been an increasing number of ransomware attacks targeted towards other countries, such as Australia, Germany, and the United States among others. In order to reduce the chances of being infected by this or similar malware we strongly recommend to use Some Best Antiviruses and never forget to update your software & potential vulnerabilities. source
    1 point
  4. Some attackers may determine that a website running on Joomla! site-web.com/administrator But in some cases, when you type /administrator/ index.php automatically redirects us, then practically the attacker gives up because it thinks that the website is Joomla admin panel but has another name or another direction. That happens for settings that the administrator has made ??to your Joomla, Plugin installed AdminExile [/ b] that allows administrators to add an access key to the end of the URL that redirects to erroneous entries page beginning on page 404, or anywhere else without seeing the login panel administrator. Example: - www.site-web.com/administrator/ <----- Redirecciona al index.php - www.site-web.com/administrator/?key <----- Admin Panel Once you have clicked on the second link, AdminExile password will be active until the session expires (or until the browser is closed). For this case, I made a video demonstrating where achievement easily get the key (key) to enter the administrative site without problems. Video: Description: Getting the db settings (web) by Symlink, obtaining administrative username and password, "bypass" adminpane and placing the 0day Java7 Plugin AdminExile: AdminExile - Joomla! Extensions Directory Grettings
    1 point
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