Introduction to Computer Science I is a first course in computer science at Harvard College for concentrators and non-concentrators alike. More than just teach you how to program, this course teaches you how to think more methodically and how to solve problems more effectively. As such, its lessons are applicable well beyond the boundaries of computer science itself. That the course does teach you how to program, though, is perhaps its most empowering return. With this skill comes the ability to solve real-world problems in ways and at speeds beyond the abilities of most humans. . Course Index How Computers Work, Binary Introduction to Programming and Scratch Threads and Programs with Multiple Scripts Binary Numbers, Programming Languages, Working in Linux, and Programming in C Secure File Transfer, Variable Types, and Arithmetic Operators Standard Input Functions, Boolean Expressions, and Loops Cryptography, Bugs, Integer Casting, and Functions Local and Global Variables, the Stack, Return Values, and Arrays Strings as Arrays, Command-Line Arguments, and more Cryptography Run Times and Algorithms, Recursion Sorting: Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, and Merge Sort Hardware, Processors, and Implications for Software Greedy Algorithms, Software Design and Debugging Pointers Pointers and Arrays, Dynamic Memory Allocation Pointer Arithmetic, Structures, File I/O Linked Lists Inserting and Deleting Elements in Linked Lists, Doubly-Linked Lists Hash Tables, Dealing with Collisions Pointers to Pointers, Binary Search Tree, Tries, Heaps Heapsort, Jeopardy! Huffman Coding Theory Bitwise Operators, Underneath the Hood - From Code to Executable File Dangerous Functions, Secure Code The Internet and Webpages - HTTP and XHTML Introduction to PHP User Input, Setting up a Login Page, SQL Threats, Part 1 Threats, Part 2 Introduction to LISP Brief Introduction to System Programming and Machine Organization Conclusions cursul: CS 50 materiale de curs: OpenCourseWare video curs,explicat pe intelesul tuturor ptc de inspiratie pt post