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  1. Salutare baieti, Vrem sa investim putin in educatia si pregatirea utilizatorilor nostri prin acordarea de Custom User Title-uri pentru persoanele autodidacte de pe aici. Pentru inceput, va oferim 2 posibilitati de a ne demonstra interesul vostru pentru acumularea de cunostinte: 1. Parcurgeti un numar mare de tutoriale pe Udemy (cel putin 10, indiferent de tema tutorialului). Scrieti in acest topic un post cu tutorialele parcurse si 2-3 paragrafe pentru fiecare tutorial in parte. Ma intereseaza sa vad de ce ati parcurs acele tutoriale, ce v-a placut in mod deosebit, ce v-a dezamagit, ce ati retinut per total si cu ce puteti ajuta comunitatea pe viitor in cazul in care cineva va va cere ajutorul pe tema acelor tutoriale. Daca demonstrati ca ati parcurs cu interes acele tutoriale, primiti recompensa. 2. Urmati un curs (indiferent de tema cursului, alegeti ceva care sa va placa!) de pe coursera.org si terminati inclusiv temele acelui curs. Scrieti in acest topic un post in care sa mentionati despre ce curs este vorba, ce ati invatat din el, ce v-a placut in mod deosebit, ce v-a dezamagit, ce teme au fost date (poate voi cere portiuni din teme pe privat, nu vor fi facute publice). Daca demonstrati ca ati parcurs cu interes acel curs, primiti recompensa. Stim ca exista o gramada de site-uri de cursuri si tutoriale pe internet. Daca ati parcurs un curs de o complexitate ridicata care sa implice un efort considerabil din partea voastra, din dorinta de a va dezvolta cunostintele, scrieti-ne un post aici dupa modelele explicate mai sus si vedem cum ne intelegem. Cine stie, poate studiati pentru o certificare in domeniu sau poate va documentati intens pentru vreun proiect propriu de cercetare. In astfel de situatii, noi vrem sa va oferim putina apreciere pentru eforturile voastre. Custom Title-ul va trebui sa fie un text static, decent, de maxim 15 caractere. Vor fi acordate doar pentru cursurile/tutorialele parcurse incepand din acest moment, nu si pentru cele parcurse in trecut. Cati dintre voi veti demonstra ca internetul, cea mai mare sursa de informatie produsa de omenire, nu este folosit doar pentru socializare, entertainment si pornografie?
    1 point
  2. Faraday introduces a new concept (IPE) Integrated Penetration-Test Environment a multiuser Penetration test IDE. Designed for distribution, indexation and analysis of the generated data during the process of a security audit. The main purpose of Faraday is to re-use the available tools in the community to take advantage of them in a multiuser way. Features: * +40 Plugins (Metasploit, Amap, Arachini, Dnsenum, Medusa, Nmap, Nessus, w3af, Zap and More!) * Collaborative support * Information Highlighting * Knowledge Filtering * Information Dashboard * Conflict Detection * Support for multiple Workspaces * IntelliSense Support * Easy Plugin Development * XMLRPC, XML and Regex Parsers https://github.com/infobyte/faraday demo video https://github.com/infobyte/faraday/wiki/Demos http://www.faradaysec.com/
    1 point
  3. So this is a pretty interesting acoustic based cryptanalysis side-channel attack which can crack 4096-bit RSA encryption. It’s been a while since we’ve seen anything hardware based, and RSA 4096 is pretty strong encryption, I wonder how they figured this one out. It makes sense though when you think about it, although I wouldn’t have thought about it – I wasn’t even aware that processors made any audible noise when processing (even if the noise can only be picked up by a fairly high quality mic). Security researchers have successfully broken one of the most secure encryption algorithms, 4096-bit RSA, by listening – yes, with a microphone — to a computer as it decrypts some encrypted data. The attack is fairly simple and can be carried out with rudimentary hardware. The repercussions for the average computer user are minimal, but if you’re a secret agent, power user, or some other kind of encryption-using miscreant, you may want to reach for the Rammstein when decrypting your data. This acoustic cryptanalysis, carried out by Daniel Genkin, Adi Shamir (who co-invented RSA), and Eran Tromer, uses what’s known as a side channel attack. A side channel is an attack vector that is non-direct and unconventional, and thus hasn’t been properly secured. For example, your pass code prevents me from directly attacking your phone — but if I could work out your pass code by looking at the greasy smudges on your screen, that would be a side channel attack. In this case, the security researchers listen to the high-pitched (10 to 150 KHz) sounds produced by your computer as it decrypts data. Interesting that one of the researchers involved in this is also a co-inventor of RSA, but that’s also a good thing – showing they are constantly trying to find ways to improve it, break it etc. Perhaps all new encryption software will come with a feature to play some kind of white noise/music to disrupt any snooping of the high frequency CPU sounds. Without going into too much detail, the researchers focused on a very specific encryption implementation: The GnuPG (an open/free version of PGP) 1.x implementation of the RSA cryptosystem. With some very clever cryptanalysis, the researchers were able to listen for telltale signs that the CPU was decrypting some data, and then listening to the following stream of sounds to divine the decryption key. The same attack would not work on different cryptosystems or different encryption software — they’d have to start back at the beginning and work out all of the tell-tale sounds from scratch. The researchers successfully extracted decryption keys over a distance of four meters (13 feet) with a high-quality parabolic microphone. Perhaps more intriguingly, though, they also managed to pull of this attack with a smartphone placed 30 centimeters (12 inches) away from the target laptop. The researchers performed the attack on different laptops and desktops, with varying levels of success. For what it’s worth, the same kind of electrical data can also be divined from many other sources — the power socket on the wall, the remote end of an Ethernet cable, or merely by touching the computer (while measuring your body’s potential relative to the room’s ground potential). Thankfully it’s a very academic type of attack and doesn’t have much of a real world implication on the majority of folks, the method could be constructed for other algorithms I assume – using the same technique. But really, how many people sit around in public places decrypting sensitive documents? I don’t think there’s many. Sursa: Researchers Crack 4096-bit RSA Encryption With a Microphone - Darknet - The Darkside Pe acelasi subiect: Researchers crack the world’s toughest encryption by listening to the tiny sounds made by your computer’s CPU | ExtremeTech Research paper: RSA Key Extraction via Low-Bandwidth Acoustic Cryptanalysis [PDF]
    1 point
  4. daca esti din bucuresti si nu ai bani cred ca te pot ajuta eu sa-ti upgradezi pc-ul cu niste ram + placa video + hdd. nu promit pentru ca trebuie mai intai sa caut prin dulap.
    1 point
  5. Sunt chiar foarte bune.De unde ai tras tu concluzia ca e praf? Da,cel de 5dolari e slab,dar la banii aia ce vrei ?
    1 point
  6. Aici aveti tot pachetul exceptie facand Whiteboard Pack - Make Your Own Story pentru ca avea aproape 700MB (il pot oferi la cerere) Download envato.zip from Sendspace.com - send big files the easy way PM pentru parola. Va fi criptata, ceva simplu, folositi crypo pentru decriptare. AER256->?->ATOM128 PAROLA: 2111157.164114856, 2305008.8934531836, 1661499.043650437, 1036642.3327240949, 2109134.0060324594, 1550483.8452484396, 1421880.4458077403, 1745521.2348364545
    1 point
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