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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/17/14 in all areas

  1. Ok, stiu ca nu e exact ce va doriti, dar pana va fi implementata sugestia (daca va fi implementata), aveti la indemana un mic "hack": 1. Add new bookmark; (in Chrome: Ctrl + D, Edit) 2. Name: RST Title Checker (or whatever); 3. URL: javascript:void(window.open('https://www.google.ro/#q=site:rstforums.com '+(document.getElementById('subject')===undefined?document.getElementsByClassName('blocksubhead')[0].textContent:document.getElementById('subject').value))) Mod de folosire: 1. Scrieti-va topicul nou, asa cum faceti de obicei. 2. Inainte sa apasati "Submit new thread", puteti sa dati click pe bookmark si vi se va deschide o cautare pe google cu ce va intereseaza; 3. Puteti sa dati "Preview post", apoi sa dati click pe bookmark, va continua sa functioneze. Testat in Chrome si Firefox. Sper sa va ajute.
    1 point
  2. Hack.me is a FREE, community based project powered by eLearnSecurity. The community can build, host and share vulnerable web application code for educational and research purposes. It aims to be the largest collection of "runnable" vulnerable web applications, code samples and CMS's online. The platform is available without any restriction to any party interested in Web Application Security: students universities researchers penetration testers web developers url: http://www.hack.me
    1 point
  3. Ala din prima poza sau ala din a doua poza e askwrite ? Ala din prima poza seamana cu un soricel. Ala din a doua poza nu-mi dau seama cu ce seamana.
    1 point
  4. Stiam de cateva zile bune site-u asta. Dar bine ca ai dat share!
    -1 points
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