Hello RST .... _ This Another One of Windows Exploit Development Tutorial Series _ FuzzySecurity (2012 \ 2013) _ FuzzySecurity | Home Table of Contents : ================= Part 1: Introduction to Exploit Development Part 2: Saved Return Pointer Overflows Part 3: Structured Exception Handler (SEH) Part 4: Egg Hunters Part 5: Unicode 0x00410041 Part 6: Writing W32 shellcode Part 7: Return Oriented Programming Part 8: Spraying the Heap [Chapter 1: Vanilla EIP] Part 9: Spraying the Heap [Chapter 2: Use-After-Free] Best Regrads NO-MERCY
eu zic ca decat sa le postezi aici intra un kinder si le schimba parolele ..mai bine faci ceva un concurs ..etc si cei care raspund corect ..sa le dai pe pm niste root-uri ...
nu mai postati ma stiri de cacat..daca vreau sa aflu ceva ce cu adevarat m-ar interesa,m-as duce pe un site de stiri si casca ochii acolo..ce dracu,de cateva zile numai topicuri cu barfe si porcarii