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  1. Salut RST! Astazi am citit un subiect asemanator si chiar mi-a placut foarte mult ideea si am zis sa incep si eu. Am ceva timp liber si cred ca pot face si eu asta. (P.S. Romanilor le place mana de lucru ieftina ) Bun.Acum ce servicii pot presta pt aceasta suma?? Pai pot sa va zidesc o casa (Glumeam) Ce pot face pentru aceasta suma? -Va pot creea un proiect in Microsoft office (power point,word etc.) -Stiu sa creez,administrez un site/blog/canal YT -Support IT (sfaturi/support prin TW) -Stiu sa urc fisiere pe un host (ftp) si sa le administrez -Cunosc putin HTML (nivel basic este mult spus,dar ma descurc la editarea fisierelor .html) -Pot sa iti gasesc orice ai nevoie (daca exista) -Pot creea logo-uri (nivel basic) *-Pot ajuta gameri cu hackuri pentru anumite jocuri. -Detin informatii despre sistem de operare Android si va pot ajuta.(root,schimbari bootscreen etc.) -Cunosc diferite metode de a obtine like/comm/share pe facebook/twiter etc. -Sfaturi pentru cumpararea unui nou pc in functiile de cererile utilizatorului(la un pret minim). -Creez conturi pe diferite site-uri. -Traduc texte engleza-romana.(1$/100 caractere) -Trimite e-mailuri in masa.(pretul nu este de 1$) -Implementez sisteme de trimitere a e-mailurilor in masa.(pretul nu este de 1$) Daca aveti nevoie de un alt serviciu care nu este in lista,trimiteti-mi un mesaj si o sa va spun daca va pot ajuta sau nu.
    1 point
  2. The founder the bitcoin ATM firm, Mr Bitcoin, has embedded a tiny chip in his hands to keep his digital currency safe, which also gives him an in-body set of keys and an alarm clock. Dutch entrepreneur Martijn Wismeijer has had an NFC (near-field communication) chip injected into each hand between the muscle and skin tissue. The ultra-cautious Mr Wismeijer says it’s crucial to get the chips encrypted to prevent theft, although actually stealing the chips would be tricky, bloody and painful for their owner. Each chip, manufactured from glass, is 2mm x 12mm, and can hold up to 888 bites of programmable memory, the equivalent of about 26 condensed bitcoin private keys. “I did it because I wanted to experiment with strong bitcoins using subdermal implants because that’s what I thought would be the Holy Grail of contactless payments,” he told the IBTimes. But Mr Wismeijer found that the microchips could be used for a number of other things and can be read by smartphones like the Apple iPhone 6 and the Samsung Galaxy S5. “I found you can use them for lots of different things, even as an alarm snooze button. To switch off my alarm I need to scan either one or two of the implants, so this way it takes a little bit of fiddling so you never oversleep again,” he said. Wismeijer also hopes to get a special door lock fitted to his house, which will allow him to do away with keys by touching his palm on the door frame to enter. “I thought that if the storage is limited then there's no point in just getting one if I could have two, because with one I could store private information like cryptocurrency or two-factor authentication for passwords, while the other one I could use for public things like my emergency contacts or my business card," he said. No pain no gain Wismeijer does not recommend people try and install it in their bodies themselves. “Most doctors will not want to install the implant so a body manipulation artist (preferably not just a tattoo artist or piercer) will be your next best bet, but make sure they work according to strict hygiene codes and know what they are doing,” he told the Telegraph. The pain lasts only for a day he said. When asked, mainly be older people, why he bothers to go to such lengths, Wismeijer says it’s all in the name of progress. He hopes that in the not too distant future we will be able to have more complex chips fitted into our bodies that will be able to monitor things like heart rate and glucose levels. Surs?: http://rt.com/news/204315-implant-bitcoin-wallet-skin/
    1 point
  3. postati stirea asta aici www. c r e s t i n o r t od o x .ro/ forum/ ))
    1 point
  4. Salutare.Pentru cei care sunt pasionati de reverse engineering, postez mai jos aceasta carte (pdf, mobi, epub): http://k2s.cc/file/0c3b17d773cb5/1118787315engin.pdf Practical Reverse Engineeri…obi (4,30 MB) - uploaded.net Practical_Reverse_Engineeri…pub (3,17 MB) - uploaded.net Have Funk!
    1 point
  5. I-am dat eu ceva de munca,revin cu review EDIT: A fost rapid,totul ok !
    -1 points
  6. Salut am un prieten care are server de samp si am facut un pariu cu el , a zis ca daca pot sa-i sparg serveru imi da 50 de lei daca nu ai dau eu . Pana acum am incercat ceva dupa google dar n-a mers. Cateva idei sau vulnerabilitati? cand ma refer sa sparg adica sa il pic/aflu conturi.
    -1 points
  7. Serios , chiar crezi asta ? , nu se poate schimba ceva atata timp cat oamenii se lasa manipulati usor , asa-i in general romanul , prost , nu face nimic pentru tara , si el se asteapta ca tara sa faca ceva pentru el , nu conteaza cine a iesit , desi il apreciam mai mult pe Victor , pentru ca macar era roman in ..... scuzati expresia , si stia macar constitutia Romaniei. Oricum sincer , ma doare in basca , plec din tara asta , nu-i vad nici-un viitor , si sper sa se duca naiba , si s-o macine saracia.
    -1 points
  8. sunt aicia pt ca vreau sa invat intodeuna ceva nou! thx si nu ma loati in bâz?!!!
    -1 points
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