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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/15/15 in all areas

  1. A collaboration between SUSE and Red Hat is going to bring relief to Linux users the world over: they'll be able to patch their systems without reboots. The live patching infrastructure looks set to become available in version 3.20 of the Linux kernel. The two organisations introduced their distribution-specific live patching solutions a month apart in 2013 – SUSE's kGraft hit in February, and Red Hat's Kpatch arrived in March. As SUSE developer Jiri Kosina explains on the Linux Kernel Mailing List, an early shot at live patching called kSplice was acquired and turned into a proprietary service. He says the SUSE and Red Hat approaches were different: “kPatch is issuing stop_machine()”, inspecting processes and deciding whether the system is safe to patch; “kGraft provides a per-thread consistency during one single pass of a process through the kernel and performs a lazy contiguous migration of threads from 'unpatched' universe to the 'patched' one at safe checkpoints.” After a discussion at the Linux Plumbers' Conference in Dusseldorf in 2014, the different parties worked out the basis of the new approach. A key aspect of the live-patching infrastructure, Kosina says, is that it's “self-contained, in a sense that it doesn't hook itself in any other kernel subsystem (it doesn't even touch any other code). “It's now implemented for x86 only as a reference architecture, but support for powerpc, s390 and arm is already in the works (adding arch-specific support basically boils down to teaching ftrace about regs-saving)”, he continues. Red Hat and SUSE will port their current solutions to the common infrastructure, “abandoning their out-of-tree code”. Kosina's post to the list is addressed to "Linus" and says "Live patching core is available for you to pull at git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/jikos/livepatching.git for-linus. Over to you, Mr Torvalds. ® Source
    1 point
  2. Timp de 4 ani am respectat decizia lui Nemessis de a incheia dialogul cu forumul, mai ales ca am deprins intelepciunea pe care a dorit sa o transmita. Insa n-am incetat sa urmaresc subiectele dezbatute, si, cu toate ca in timp diversi indivizi m-au impersonat - si continua sa o faca, am considerat ca o interventie n-ar face decat sa alimenteze fenomenul. Chiar daca "haked" se manifesta strident si va invita sa gustati o gluma(pana si nick-ul este ironic), multi utilizatori nu inteleg ca este farsa unuia lipsit de ocupatie. Si nu numai "haked" ... Precum spunea Nemessis, problemele din online raman exclusiv in online. Iar mesajului meu de acum cateva zile se justifica prin dorinta de a combate incalcarea unei reguli de baza a comunitatilor online. Rezultatul investigatiei mele este la Nytro. Cu reverentele de rigoare, scurta, recenta si singura mea activitate vine sa aduca lumina pentru curiosi. Pe data viitoare, prin 2019, daca se impune. Succes!
    1 point
  3. Nimic nu s-a schimbat aceasi virginii tristi!
    1 point
    1 point
  5. Multumesc, asa nu se mai chinuie lumea sa caute un nologin. Succes! #off @Byte-ul ; Ai ceva cu mine de imi dai dislike intruna ? esti cu fundul in sus tot timpul ? sau ma vrei aproape ? ma faci sa cred ca ma iubesti din corason ! Invidia asta...
    -1 points
  6. Ok, am castigat challenge-ul si am continuat sa adaug functii lui @Maximus Lista comenzi : [*] Criptari !a2b <text> (returns encrypted ASCII to Binary text) !aer <e/d> <text> (returns encrypted/decrypted AER 256 text) !armon <e/d> <text> (returns encrypted/decrypted ARMON 64 text) !atom <e/d> <text> (returns encrypted/decrypted ATOM 128 text) !b2a <text> (returns decrypted Binary to ASCII text) !b64 <e/d> <text> (returns encrypted/decrypted BASE64 text) !caesar <e/d> <text> (returns encrypted/decrypted Caesar Shift Code text) !esab <e/d> <text> (returns encrypted/decrypted ESAB 46 text) !ezip <e/d> <text> (returns encrypted/decrypted EZIP 64 text) !feron <e/d> <text> (returns encrypted/decrypted FERON 74 text) !gila <e/d> <text> (retuns encrypted/decrypted GILA 7 text) !haz <e/d> <text> (returns encrypted/decrypted HAZZ 15 text) !megan <e/d> <text> (returns encrypted/decrypted MEGAN 35 text) !morse <e/d> <text> (returns encrypted/decrypted Morse code text) !okto <e/d> <text> (returns encrypted/decrypted OKTO 3 text) !rc4 <e/d> <text> (returns RC4 encrypted/decrypted text) !rot <text> (returns ROT 13 encrypted text) !tigo <e/d> <text> (returns encrypted/decrypted TIGO 3 FX text) !tripo <e/d> <text> (returns encrypted/decrypted TRIPO 5 text) !zara <e/d> <text> (returns encrypted/decrypted ZARA 128 text) !zong <e/d> <text> (returns encrypted/decrypted ZONG 22 text) !detect <encrypted-text> (it will try to find encryption type and decode your text) !key <encryption KEY> (set your custom encryption key [ARMON-64/AER-256/etc]) !key * (to remove your encryption key) [*] Funny !bomb <username> (case sensitive username) to play the bomb game !bomb (to bomb a random channel user) There are 3 colors red blue and green. You must type one of them to defuse the bomb !chuck or !chuck <username> for a random Chuck Norris joke [*] Altele !bit <long-link> (it will return a short bit.ly link) !echeck <email-address> (check if email exists / works perfect with Yahoo! (needs more coding)) !hash <text> (returns : SHA1/MD5/SHA256 hash) !header <website> (will return HTTP request header and HTTP response header) !info <username> (small username info) !ip <ip-address> to view details (country,city,zip,latitude,logitude,time zone) of a specific IP Address. !lastlogin <username> (to view the last date that username logged in) !lastpost (to subscribe to last forum post) !lastpost (to unsubscribe from last forum post) !len <text> (returns text lenght) !low <text> (it will retur your text to lowercase) !offline <username> <message> to leave a offline message for a username. Once it comes online, he will be notified. !message <id> to view message and !clear to clear all your messages. !messages (to see if you have any messages) !clear (to clear all your messages) !ping <host: port> (this function has to be rewriten) !rev <text> (returns reverse text) !say <text> (Only admins can user this command) !seen <username> (it returs something like : I've seen nytro on Sun, 32 Dec 2099 03:52:58 +0200 saying Never say never!) !sock <ip: port> (it will connet to ip: port , checks if it's alive) !ssh <ip: port> or !ssh <ip> (it will check if ip/host has ssh open) !subscribe <cat-id> (9,12,13,15,16,17,18,19,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,40,42,43,45,48,49,53,54,55,56,58,60,61,62,63,65) To subscribe to a specific forum category. !subscribe (to view your subscribed categorys) !unsubscribe <cat-it> (to unsubscribe) !top (to view the most active chat users) [it will return something like : Gecko > J > Maximus > Aerosol > Kronzy] !up <text> (it will return your text to UPPERCASE) !uptime (you know this one) !uri <e/d> <link> (to URL encode/decode string) !zip <zip> or !zip <address> (returns full zip/addres info) !help !help <command> (ex.: !help seen sau !help !seen) Daca aveti propuneri, nu ezitati sa postati aici. Multumesc. P.S. 2800 linii de cod
    -1 points
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