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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/23/15 in all areas

  1. Today we have in the studio quite popular (over 500 thousand. Users) wonder extension that allows you to encrypt your traffic and bypass any blockage. The name of this miracle has ZenMate. Expanding ZenMate exists for: Google Chrome Opera Firefox browsers others I had not considered. It works much the same as the compression mode in the browser, but without actually compression. All your traffic is encrypted and sent through an intermediate server. Himself intermediate server is located in another country (you can select it), and from there actually is a request to load the site. Encryption and foreign servers provide the ability to bypass any local lock. And here is the official video: After installation, you must go through a short registration process to gain access to free capacity. It looks like he addon Personally, I liked what addon for FF anonymoX.
    1 point
  2. Demo : Vanquish Photoshop Action | GraphicRiver Download : graphicriver11021639vanquishphotoshopaction.zip - Send Files Online - TempSend.com
    1 point
  3. Ai 10 intrebari pe care le faci in 2 minute. In 3 din ele iti arata cate un buton din word si trebuie sa spui ce reprezinta (align left, center si justify). O alta intrebare era ceva de genul: "Care dintre urmatoarele este o adresa de email?". Cea mai "grea" a fost sa transformi 86 in baza 2 sau ceva de genul. Stai relax PS: Acest chestionar o sa-l dai undeva pe holurile facultatii, poti sa-ti aduci laptop, imprimanta si alte chestii cu tine ca nu-ti spune nimeni nimic.
    1 point
  4. Flacai nu cred ca mai este cazul sa specific, rulatii tool-urile de genul in VM, sandboxie sau mai stiu eu in ce....e regula asta. Numai Bine.
    -1 points
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