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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/27/16 in all areas

  1. L-au mutat aici: https://gloryholefoundation.com
    3 points
  2. Daca te referi strict la Word si Excel (doc/x si xls/x), pachetul de Office365 contine asa ceva unde iti da un spatiu (un mini-sharepoint cu OneDrive for Business) unde tu si cei carora le dai access aveti drepturi de management asupra fisierelor. De acolo, le poti da link altora dupa screenshot-ul de mai jos: Cei care primesc access de edit, au o optiune in browser sa ii dea edit direct in browser (functioneaza cel mai bine in IE si Chrome, Firefox face figuri uneori) si tot ce editeaza se salveaza automat in fisierul respectiv. De asemenea poti seta si timp de expirare, etc. Insa cel mai simplu si convenabil este sa mergi pe Google Docs si Google Sheets.
    2 points
  3. https://medium.com/@showthread/joomla-3-6-4-account-creation-elevated-privileges-write-up-and-exploit-965d8fb46fa2#.dkvmm22rn
    1 point
  4. Recently I was in a hotel needing to make a payment, there was no phone signal so I could not receive my Two Factor Auth token. Luckily for me Paypal’s 2FA took less than five minutes to bypass. Proof of Concept Step 1: Login with a valid username and password, click on the “Try another way” link. Step 2: Enter any answer for security questions. Step 3: Using a proxy, remove “securityQuestion0” and “securityQuestion1” from the post data. Step 4: Profit Advisory Timeline 03/10/16 - Reported issue to Paypal 04/10/16 - Paypal begin investigation of issue 21/10/16 - Paypal report issue as fixed 21/10/16 - Paypal award bounty https://henryhoggard.co.uk/blog/Paypal-2FA-Bypass
    1 point
  5. Du-te-n pula mea cu topicuri d-astea.
    1 point
  6. Ma simt foarte batran citind acest topic . Radio ? 2016 ? Pe bune ?
    1 point
  7. Cum se numea site-ul unde puteam sa ma loghez cu astea? http://imgur.com/a/noQQ7
    -2 points
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