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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/18/18 in all areas

  1. OWASP Bucharest AppSec Conference 2018 - October 25th - 26th OWASP Bucharest team is happy to announce the OWASP Bucharest AppSec Conference 2018 a two days Security and Hacking Conference with additional training days dedicated to the application security. It will take place between 25th and 26th of October, 2018 - Bucharest, Romania. The objective of the OWASP's Bucharest AppSec Conference is to raise awareness about application security and to bring high-quality security content provided by renowned professionals in the European region. Everyone is free to participate in OWASP and all our materials are available under a free and open software license. Call for papers is now open! Please submit here your talk proposal Call for trainings is now open! Please submit here your training proposal Important dates Call for papers deadline: 24th of September Call for trainings deadline 24th of September The final agenda will be published after 1st of October 2018 CTF qualifiers will be on 29th of September CTF final will be on 25th of September Conference trainings and CTF day is 25th of October 2018 Conference presentation tracks and workshops day is 26th of October 2018 Who Should Attend? Application Developers Application Testers and Quality Assurance Application Project Management and Staff Chief Information Officers, Chief Information Security Officers, Chief Technology Officers, Deputies, Associates and Staff Chief Financial Officers, Auditors, and Staff Responsible for IT Security Oversight and Compliance Security Managers and Staff Executives, Managers, and Staff Responsible for IT Security Governance IT Professionals interested in improving IT Security Anyone interested in learning about or promoting Web Application Security CONFERENCE (Friday 26th of October) Date Location Friday 26th of October, 8.00 AM Venue Location: Hotel Caro Workshops: Hotel Caro Venue Address: 164A Barbu Vacarescu Blvd. 2nd District, 020285 Bucharest, Romania Price and registration The conference entrance is FREE, you need to register on the link provided below, print your ticket and present it at the entrance. The training sessions will be paid. The workshops and CTF attendance is free of charge Registration Limited number of seats! Detalii: https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Bucharest_AppSec_Conference_2018
    1 point
  2. Sursa: https://www.sri.ro/articole/atacuri-cibernetice-de-amploare-in-perioada-iunie-august-2018
    1 point
  3. Banii cui, băbăiatule?
    1 point
  4. Daca tot adusei vorba, poate e cineva interesat: http://animv.ro/metodologia-de-organizare-si-desfasurare-a-concursului-de-admitere-la-studii-universitare-de-licenta-din-academia-nationala-de-informatii-mihai-viteazul/ http://animv.ro/subiecte-pentru-proba-scrisa-de-limba-straina/ ca fapt divers, subiectele la engleza mi se par foarte usoare : http://animv.ro/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/2015_proba-scrisa-limba-engleza.pdf
    1 point
  5. Au inceput sa apara detalii: https://www.owasp.org/index.php/OWASP_Bucharest_AppSec_Conference_2018
    1 point
  6. Salut baieti. Postez aici, nu stiu cat de potrivit este locul. E un tip, Alex David, are un blog super smecher legat de seductie, se numeste "FiiBarbat". Care e ideea.. tipu' a scris niste carti. Pe blog are informatii super folositoare, ma gandesc ca ebook-urile sunt cu si mai multe informatii. Nu mi permit sa arunc ~ 100 / 150 de lei pe un ebook. Daca le are cineva si doreste sa le "impartaseasca" cu mine, as fi recunoscator. Care ma intereseaza: - "Stai drept! - "Cum sa ti recastigi iubita" - "Sarut-o! - "Cum sa vorbesti cu o femeie" - asta l-am gasit mai de mult pe net, l-am ratacit, iar acum nu il mai gasesc pe nicaieri. Cum am zis, daca are cineva un ghid dintre cele mentionate, as fi recunoscator. Mersi, seara faina
    1 point
  7. contactme bro im have good software and use is free!!
    -1 points
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