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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/05/19 in all areas

  1. 1 point
  2. The innovativeness of hackers seems to have no end. Once again, they have worked out a means to evade security mechanisms to execute their phishing campaigns. This time, the attack exploits WeTransfer alerts to bypass email gateways. WeTransfer Alerts Phishing Campaign Researchers from Cofense have spotted another phishing campaign going on in the wild. This campaign exploits WeTransfer alerts to evade security measures. As explained in their blog post, the scammers abuse the WeTransfer file hosting service to bypass email gateways. The attack begins with emails reaching the victim’s mailbox made up as a WeTransfer notification for file sharing. The attackers seemingly use compromised email accounts for sending these phishing emails since these emails contain legit URLs to the WeTransfer service. Source: Cofense Clicking on these links redirects the victims to WeTransfer file-sharing webpages. These pages contain HTML or HTML files ready for download. Clicking on the files then redirect the user to the actual phishing sites. Source: Cofense Like any other phishing scam, this one too, upon reaching the last phase, requires the users to enter their Office 365 account credentials. Evasion Of Email Gateways Because of the presence of trusted WeTransfer links, these phishing emails usually succeed in evading most security checks. According to the researchers, Owing to this evasion strategy, despite being obvious, this phishing scam is likely to fool some users. Earlier, the same researchers also highlighted another phishing campaign that tends to bypass security checks. In that case, the researchers evaded all defense measures by using QR codes. Considering the growing number of such phishing attacks, each with a new strategy, it is imperative for users to “think twice” before clicking on any email they receive. Stay safe! Sursa: https://latesthackingnews.com/2019/07/29/phishing-campaign-exploits-wetransfer-alerts-to-bypass-email-gateways/
    1 point
  3. Tu te intreci cu OKQL? >download scribd o carte >da link de scribd Creca vrea invitatie pe filelist https://www84.zippyshare.com/v/jOTSdyzx/file.html @lauryca
    -1 points
  4. L-ai folosit de cand ai inceput sa scrii postul, si ai incetat la "cine-va" ?
    -1 points
  5. +1 pt canal de discord cu diferite sub-canale pt diferite categorii
    -1 points
  6. http://www.scritub.com/stiinta/informatica/EXEMPLE-DE-CIFRURI73532.php > CRIPTANALIZA SISTEMELOR DE CRIPTARE MONOALFABETICE Cred ca asta-i cel mai bun exemplu pt ce a zis @M2G, doar ca trebuie sa stii limba in care e 'criptat' mesajul ca sa stii dupa ce tabel de 'frecventa' a literelor sa te iei. Also, pt criptarile de genul cu cat mesajul e mai mic, cu atat e mai greu.Se poate vedea si in ex de pe site, sau pe alte site-uri, sau poti singur sa-ti faci singur un text de 1-2 pagini si sa experimentezi.
    -1 points
  7. zi boss direct, vrei sa-ti sparga unu fb-ul sotiei ca simti ca te inseala, nu?
    -1 points
  8. Prostul nu e prost destul, dacă nu e şi fudul... Hai sa nu dau toate info degeaba ca na, daca nu ma ajuta X pe mine de ce sa dau eu datele?De parca ai fi muncit pentru ele, sigur a fost o munca foarte grea sa iei un ransomware. Ai o gandire proasta, si o sa-ti explic si de ce. Cu gandiri d-astea ca a ta, n-ar mai fi existat pe net multe rezolvari pt ransomware-uri. Vine cate un Ion ca tine si zice "Ba daca nu-mi dati rezolvarea eu nu va dau informatii", dar nu se gandeste ca daca altul ar fi avut problema lui acum ceva timp, si ala ar fi dat informatiile asa, fara sa fie sigur ca primeste o rezolvare, poate s-ar fi gasit rezolvarea pana in momentul asta si ai fi scapat de problema, dar na...trebuie sa fii fudul. Spor la tinut informatiile doar pt tine si la plans in continuare ca ti s-au dus datele pe pula
    -1 points
  9. Daca prin imagine curata te referi la una care nu are date in metadata, orice imagine poate fi curata.Orice imagine paote fi convertita (chiar cu tool-uri online), si orice imagine poate fi redimensionata (chiar si in paint). https://www.thexifer.net/ Urci imaginea aici, si poti sa modifici toate datele de acolo. Iei orice poza vrei tu, de preferat la o rez cat mai mare sa nu o strici cand redmensionezi in minus, o redimensionezi la rezolutia unei camere ed telefon, si modifici toate datele acolo dupa cum vrea inimioara ta.
    -1 points
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