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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/20/20 in all areas

  1. L-am adaugat direct la cosul de gunoi pentru ca multi vor considera asta un gunoi 😂 Cum accesezi netflix fara cont de utilizator si fara parola in urmatorii pasi destul de simpli. 1.Adaugi la google chrome acest addon https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ininja-vpn-is-proxy-vpn-t/ookhnhpkphagefgdiemllfajmkdkcaim/related,selectezi MIAMI,FLORIDA USA. 2.Descarci Account Pool de aici:https://accountspool.com/ apoi dezarhivezi si il adaugi la extensia chrome.DACA NU STII CUM CAUTA PE GOOGLE. 3.Accesezi acest link: https://tecknity.com/free-netflix-account-cookies/ alegi unul,dai COPY apoi sus in browser ai Account POOL dai click pe USE COOKIE si va intra automat in Netflix. 4.Poti dezactiva ulterior iNinja vpn apoi refresh la browser pentru cei care doresc si subtitrarea in romana. 5.Daca ti se pare ca este cam scump Netflix dar ai deja cont poti descarca un vpn(URBAN VPN GUI)este sau era free. Prima data intri in contul tau de netflix apoi iesi din browser si intri in acel vpn si selectezi TURCIA ca tara. Reintri in browser si vei plati de la 13 lei pana la 30 de lei pentru netflix.Dupa plata poti dezactiva vpn-ul pana luna viitoare cand vei plati iar. Nu ai nevoie de numar de telefon din Turcia pentru aceasta treaba atata timp cat ai deja cont de netflix. Astept injuraturile...am frigiderul gol😂
    1 point
  2. Research Grants to support Google VRP Bug Hunters during COVID-19 April 20, 2020 Posted by Anna Hupa, Senior Strategist, Trust & Safety at Google In 2015, we launched our Vulnerability Research Grant program, which allows us to recognize the time and efforts of security researchers, including the situations where they don't find any vulnerabilities. To support our community of security researchers and to help protect our users around the world during COVID-19, we are announcing a temporary expansion of our Vulnerability Research Grant efforts. In light of new challenges caused by the coronavirus outbreak, we are expanding this initiative by creating a COVID-19 grant fund. As of today, every Google VRP Bug Hunter who submitted at least two remunerated reports from 2018 through April 2020 will be eligible for a $1,337 research grant. We are dedicating these grants to support our researchers during this time. We are committed to protecting our users and we want to encourage the research community to help us identify threats and to prevent potential vulnerabilities in our products. We understand the individual challenges COVID-19 has placed on the research community are different for everyone and we hope that these grants will allow us to support our Bug Hunters during these uncertain times. Even though our grants are intended to recognize the efforts of our frequent researchers regardless of their results, as always, bugs found during the grant are eligible for regular rewards per the Vulnerability Reward Program (VRP) rules. We are aware that some of our partners might not be interested in monetary grants. In such cases, we will offer the option to donate the grant to an established COVID-19 related charity and within our discretion, will monetarily match these charitable donations. For those of you who recently joined us or are planning to start, it’s never too late. We are committed to continue the Vulnerability Research Grant program throughout 2020, so stay tuned for future announcements and follow us on @GoogleVRP Soruce
    1 point
  3. Eu am folosit android studio pentru ca nu am utilizat frida. Si gen pornesc outputul care rezulta din apktool, adica ii dau run on remote machine. Mai e o faza la ultimele versiuni de android: android:isSplitRequired="true" Permite ca aplicatia sa nu fie completa la instalare. Si se descarca module la runtime. Momentan nu am vazut progrese in acest sens la apktool pe github.
    1 point
  4. Nu e suficient. Secretul pe care nu il spune nimeni e sa pui aplicatia in telefon la "select app to be debugged" si apoi sa pornesti din android studio o sesiune de debug.
    1 point
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