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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/13/23 in all areas

  1. Eu am dezvoltat un bruteforcer cuantic care ruleaza pe blockchain si foloseste artificial intelligence ca sa obtina acces la servere de pe glob. E privat. Din fericire nu trebuie compilat, e scris in PHP.
    1 point
  2. awesome-mobile-CTF This is a curated list of mobile based CTFs, write-ups and vulnerable mobile apps. Most of them are android based due to the popularity of the platform. Inspired by android-security-awesome, osx-and-ios-security-awesome and all the other awesome security lists on @github. Mobile CTF challenges KGB Messenger ASIS CTF — ShareL Walkthrough Android reversing challenges Android app for IOT CTF CyberTruck Challenge 2019 (Detroit USA) Matryoshka-style Android reversing challenge Cybertruckchallenge19 You Shall Not Pass - BSides Canberra 2019 Mobile challenges collection BSidesSF 2018 CTF h1-702-2018-ctf-wu THC CTF 2018 - Reverse - Android serial Android crack me challenges OWASP crack me Rednaga Challenges iOS CTF Android Hacking Event 2017: AES-Decrypt Android Hacking Event 2017: Token-Generator Android Hacking Event 2017: Flag-Validator Android Hacking Event 2017: You Can Hide – But You Cannot Run Android Hacking Event 2017: Why Should I Pay? Android Hacking Event 2017: Esoteric Android Hacking Event 2016: StrangeCalculator Android Hacking Event 2016: ReverseMe Android Hacking Event 2016: ABunchOfNative Android Hacking Event 2016: DynChallenge PicoCTF-2014: Pickle Jar - 30 PicoCTF-2014: Revenge of the Bleichenbacher Android MIT LL CTF 2013 Evil Planner Bsides Challenge Crack-Mes GreHack-2012 - GrehAndroidMe Hackplayers.com Crackmes (in Spanish so an extra challenge): crackme 1 Hackplayers.com Crackmes (in Spanish so an extra challenge): crackme 2 Hack.Lu's CTF 2011 Reverse Engineering 300 Androidcracking.blogspot.com's Crackme’s: cracker 0 Androidcracking.blogspot.com's Crackme’s: cracker 1 Insomnia'hack-2K11 CSAW-2011: Reversing101 Defcon-19-quals: Binary_L33tness Crack me's SecuInside: CTF2011 EnoWars-CTF2011: broken_droid Anonim1133 Challenge4ctf Ctfpro CTFDroid Android CTF Android_ctf Robot CTF Android Cl.ctfk Cryptax CTF Writeups 2019 DroidCon, SEC-T CTF 2019 You Shall Not Pass - BSides Canberra 2019 CyberTruck Challenge 2019 — Android CTF Bsidessf-ctf-2019-mobile-track BsidesSF CTF - Challenge: Part 1, Part 2 2018 H1 202 2018 / H1 202 CTF H1-702 CTF (Capture the Flag) BSidesSF 2018 CTF — Android Reversing/Forensic Challenge Hack the Android4: Walkthrough (CTF Challenge) Google CTF Quals 2018 Ilam CTF: Android Reverse WriteUp 8st SharifCTF Android WriteUps: Vol I, Vol II ASIS 2018 Finals: Gunshop H1-202 CTF - Writeup M1Con CTF Write up AES decode with Cyberchef 2017 BSides San Francisco CTF 2017 : pinlock-150 BSides San Francisco CTF 2017 : flag-receiver-200 BSidesSF CTF wrap-up itsC0rg1's mobile challenge and BSides SF CTF Insomni'hack Teaser 2017 : mindreader-250 2017_labyREnth: mob1_ezdroid 2017_labyREnth: mob2_routerlocker 2017_labyREnth: mob3_showmewhatyougot 2017_labyREnth: mob4_androidpan 2017_labyREnth: mob5_iotctf 2016 LabyREnth 2016_labyREnth: mob1_lastchance 2016_labyREnth: mob2_cups 2016_labyREnth: mob3_watt 2016_labyREnth: mob4_swip3r 2016_labyREnth: mob5_ioga 2016_labyREnth: mob6_ogmob Holiday hack challenge: Part 01 Holiday hack challenge: Part 02 Holiday hack challenge: Part 04a Holiday hack challenge: Part 04b Holiday hack challenge: Part 04c Holiday hack challenge: Part 04d Holiday hack challenge: Part 04e Holiday hack challenge: Part 04f Holiday hack challenge: Part 5 0ctf-2016 Google-ctf-2016 Google-ctf-2016: ill intentions 1 Google-ctf-2016: ill intentions 2 Cyber-security-challenge-belgium-2016-qualifiers Su-ctf-2016 - android-app-100 Hackcon-ctf-2016 - you-cant-see-me-150 RC3 CTF 2016: My Lil Droid Cyber Security Challenge 2016: Dexter Cyber Security Challenge 2016: Phishing is not a crime google-ctf-2016 : little-bobby-application-250 2015 Rctf-quals-2015 Insomni-hack-ctf-2015 0ctf-2015 Cyber-security-challenge-2015 Trend-micro-ctf-2015: offensive-200 codegate-ctf-2015: dodocrackme2 Seccon-quals-ctf-2015: reverse-engineering-android-apk-1 Seccon-quals-ctf-2015 - reverse-engineering-android-apk-2 Pragyan-ctf-2015 Volgactf-quals-2015 Opentoall-ctf-2015: android-oh-no 32c3-ctf-2015: libdroid-150 Polictf 2015: crack-me-if-you-can Icectf-2015: Husavik 2014 Qiwi-ctf-2014: not-so-one-time Fdfpico-ctf-2014: droid-app-80 Su-ctf-quals-2014: commercial_application defkthon-ctf 2014: web-300 secuinside-ctf-prequal-2014: wooyatalk Qiwi-ctf-2014: easydroid Qiwi-ctf-2014: stolen-prototype TinyCTF 2014: Ooooooh! What does this button do? 31c3-ctf-2014: Nokia 1337 Asis-ctf-finals-2014: numdroid PicoCTF-2014: Droid App NDH2k14-wargames: crackme200-ChunkNorris 2013 Hack.lu CTF 2013: Robot Plans CSAW Quals CTF 2015: Herpderper 2012 Atast CTF 2012 Bin 300 Misc Nuit du Hack's 2k12 & 2k11 (pre-quals and finals) Android Crackme’s 2 Vulnerable Mobile apps: Android OWASP: OMTG-Hacking-Playground Damn insecure and vulnerable App (DIVA) Damn-Vulnerable-Bank InjuredAndroid Damn Vulnerable Hybrid Mobile App (DVHMA) Owasp: Goatdroid Project InjuredAndroid ExploitMe labs by SecurityCompass InsecureBankv2 Sieve (Vulnerable ‘Password Manager’ app) sievePWN ExploitMe Mobile Android Labs Hacme Bank Android Labs Digitalbank Dodo vulnerable bank Oracle android app Urdu vulnerable app MoshZuk File Appknox Vuln app Damn Vulnerable FirefoxOS Application Android security sandbox iOS ExploitMe Mobile iPhone Labs Owasp: iGoat Damn Vulnerable iOS App (DVIA) Damn Vulnerable iOS App (DVIA) v2 Vulnerable Web apps: Node Damn Vulnerable NodeJS Application Damn Vulnerable Serverless Application OWASP: Juice Shop Damn Vulnerable Node Application Intentionally Vulnerable node.js application Vulnode OWASP: NodeGoat Vulnerable-node PHP OWASP: Broken Web Applications(BWA) Damn Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA) Damn Vulnerable Web Services(DVWS) OWASP Hackademic Challenges OWASP: Insecure Web App Project OWASP: WebGoat Bwapp Beebox XVWA - Badly coded web application Drunk Admin Web Hacking Challenge Peruggia Mutillidae Btslab OWASP: Bricks The ButterFly Security Project WackoPicko Vicnum GameOver LAMPSecurity Training Metasploitable Metasploitable 2 Metasploitable 3 Hackazon Twiterlike UltimateLAMP Sql SQLI-labs Testenv Python Google Gruyere Java Owasp: WebGoat Puzzlemall Hacme Books Bodgeit OWASP: Web Goat Ruby on Rails Hacme Casino RailsGoat C++ Hacme Travel .NET OWASP: WebGoat.NET Hacme Bank VulnApp ColdFusion Hacme Shipping Mobile security resources Mobile app pentest cheatsheet Android security awesome Android security reference Awesome-linux-android-hacking iOS security awesome awesome-iOS-resource Mobile security wiki iPhone wiki Nyxbone Nowhere Secmobi Infosec resources OSX-iOS-reverse-engineering OSX-security-awesome Awesome-web-hacking Awesome-windows-exploitation windows-privesc-check Awesome-Hacking Awesome-reversing Aweasome-Frida Awesome-security Awesome-fuzzing Awesome-wifi-security Android vulnerabilities overview OSX-security-awesome Infosec_Reference PayloadsAllTheThings Awesome-malware-analysis Linux-reverse-engineering-101 Mobile security standards OWASP Mobile Security Project OWASP Top 10 - 2016 OWASP Mobile Application Security Verification Standard (MASVS) OWASP Mobile Security Testing Guide (MSTG) Credits http://carnal0wnage.attackresearch.com/2013/08/want-to-break-some-android-apps.html https://www.owasp.org/index.php https://github.com/ctfs http://shell-storm.org/repo/ Sursa: https://github.com/xtiankisutsa/awesome-mobile-CTF
    1 point
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