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  1. Asa cum spune si titlul, vand cont de adsense cu : -6 ani vechime -Verificat complet -Multiple plati primite -51.55 balanta curenta Il vand deoarece nu ma mai ocup de mult timp de adsense. Se poate face transfer pe alt mail sau contracost pot oferi mail-ul aferent. Plata se face inainte sau ne putem intalni in Bucuresti. Pot oferi orice ss la cerere. Multumesc
    1 point
  2. Nu stiu daca e de folos cuiva dar voi posta mai jos o toola leakuita pentru a enabla diverse servicii in windows11 : Stagging tool https://ufile.io/eh8jcuwp .\stagingtool.exe /? StagingTool [version 10.0.25910.1000 (WinBuild.160101.0800)] [StagingTool.exe] Controls the feature configurations for this device Usage: StagingTool.exe [/enable <featureId>] [/disable <featureId>] [/query [featureId]] [/reset <featureId>] [/testmode] [/setvariant <featureId> <variantId> [payload]] [/serialize] [/setlkg] [/restorelkg] [/trace <featureId1> [<featureId2> ... <featureIdN>]] [/setbootconfigs <jsonFile> <registryPath>] /enable Enable the specified feature /disable Disable the specified feature /query Query the specified feature (or all features, if featureId is omitted) for enablement and variant information /v Optional parameter to also print ImageDefault and ImageOverride features /reset Reset the specified feature to its default state <featureId> Specifies a feature by its feature Id Example: Enable features with Id 1 StagingTool.exe /enable 1 /testmode Used in conjunction with /enable /disable /reset Applied feature configs will revert after reboot /telemetry Used in conjunction with /enable /disable /reset Enables sending additional telemetry /setvariant Select a feature variant to use (note: the feature must be enabled for variants to be expressed). Use /query to list configured variants. <featureId> Specifies a feature by its feature Id <variantId> Specifies a feature variant by id. [payload] (Optional) Unsigned int payload for the variant (for variants that support fixed payload) /serialize Rather than apply changes to the local machine, use this option to print out (in reg.exe/hex format) a new config with all of the requested changes. This can be used for offline updates to VHDs prior to first boot. /setlkg Set Boot time feature override states as LKG Configurations /restorelkg Restore Boot time LKG configurations states Feature Configurations /trace Realtime ETW trace for the specified feature(s) usage in code E.g. enable trace for the feature with ID 1235441: StagingTool.exe /trace 1235441 /? Show command usage "If this seems complex to you, and you’re not a developer, then it’s better not to try it, as you can damage your Windows 11. On the other hand, for those of your who are familiar with it, you may now discover Windows 11’s hidden treasures. Of features."
    1 point
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