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  1. Un filelist se mai poate? daca da ... mersi ... in avans. Eu chiar il folosesc ... am pe TBS dar nu se compara TBS cu filelist Welcome player81 - Tbs Lover | Ratio: 3.267 | Uploaded: 1.64 TB | Downloaded: 515.59 GB
    1 point
  2. @silvynho19 : Zi ce vrei ca iti dau si tie @benny_loppa: vrei filelist? @ConraD: Trimis @georginson:Trimis @ballack :Trimis @H4e:Trimis
    1 point
  3. k Mai departe n-am citit. Treaba asta cu o fiin?? suprem? care a f?cut totul ?i bla, bla este pentru oameni lene?i ?i/sau oameni nu foarte inteligen?i. "Nu putem explica X, bu huu huu... ce ne facem?! *pauz? dramatic?* DAR NU-I NIMIC, AVEM CÂRJELE NUMITE DUMNEZEU. SLAV? LUI!" Plictisitor.
    1 point
  4. Foarte folositor pentru cautarile pe google in caz ca nu stiti se baga in casuta aia de la google:)) Si nu,nu le-am unumarat cate sunt 1. "Index of /admin" "Index of /password" "Index of /mail" "Index of /" +passwd "Index of /" +password.txt "Index of /" +.htaccess index of ftp +.mdb allinurl:/cgi-bin/ +mailto administrators.pwd.index authors.pwd.index service.pwd.index filetype:config web gobal.asax index allintitle: "index of/admin" allintitle: "index of/root" allintitle: sensitive filetype:doc allintitle: restricted filetype :mail allintitle: restricted filetype:doc site:gov inurlasswd filetype:txt inurl:admin filetype:db inurl:iisadmin inurl:"auth_user_file.txt" inurl:"wwwroot/*." top secret site:mil confidential site:mil allinurl: winnt/system32/ (get cmd.exe) allinurl:/bash_history intitle:"Index of" .sh_history intitle:"Index of" .bash_history intitle:"index of" passwd intitle:"index of" people.lst intitle:"index of" pwd.db intitle:"index of" etc/shadow intitle:"index of" spwd intitle:"index of" master.passwd intitle:"index of" htpasswd intitle:"index of" members OR accounts intitle:"index of" user_carts OR user_cart ALTERNATIVE INPUTS==================== _vti_inf.html service.pwd users.pwd authors.pwd administrators.pwd shtml.dll shtml.exe fpcount.exe default.asp 48. showcode.asp 49. sendmail.cfm 50. getFile.cfm 51. imagemap.exe 52. test.bat 53. msadcs.dll 54. htimage.exe 55. counter.exe 56. browser.inc 57. hello.bat 58. default.aspdvwssr.dll 59. cart32.exe 60. add.exe 61. index.jsp 62. SessionServlet 63. shtml.dll 64. index.cfm 65. page.cfm 66. shtml.exe 67. web_store.cgi 68. shop.cgi 69. upload.asp 70. default.asp 71. pbserver.dll 72. phf 73. test-cgi 74. finger 75. Count.cgi 76. jj 77. php.cgi 78. php 79. nph-test-cgi 80. handler 81. webdist.cgi 82. webgais 83. websendmail 84. faxsurvey 85. htmlscript 86. perl.exe 87. wwwboard.pl 88. www-sql 89. view-source 90. campas 91. aglimpse 92. glimpse 93. man.sh 94. AT-admin.cgi 95. AT-generate.cgi 96. filemail.pl 97. maillist.pl 98. info2www 99. files.pl 100. bnbform.cgi 101. survey.cgi 102. classifieds.cgi 103. wrap 104. cgiwrap 105. edit.pl 106. perl 107. names.nsf 108. webgais 109. dumpenv.pl 110. test.cgi 111. submit.cgi 112. guestbook.cgi 113. guestbook.pl 114. cachemgr.cgi 115. responder.cgi 116. perlshop.cgi 117. query 118. w3-msql 119. plusmail 120. htsearch 121. infosrch.cgi 122. publisher 123. ultraboard.cgi 124. db.cgi 125. formmail.cgi 126. allmanage.pl 127. ssi 128. adpassword.txt 129. redirect.cgi 130. cvsweb.cgi 131. login.jsp 132. dbconnect.inc 133. admin 134. htgrep 135. wais.pl 136. amadmin.pl 137. subscribe.pl 138. news.cgi 139. auctionweaver.pl 140. .htpasswd 141. acid_main.php 142. access.log 143. log.htm 144. log.html 145. log.txt 146. logfile 147. logfile.htm 148. logfile.html 149. logfile.txt 150. logger.html 151. stat.htm 152. stats.htm stats.html stats.txt webaccess.htm wwwstats.html source.asp perl mailto.cgi YaBB.pl mailform.pl cached_feed.cgi global.cgi Search.pl build.cgi common.php show global.inc ad.cgi WSFTP.LOG index.html~ index.php~ index.html.bak index.php.bak print.cgi register.cgi webdriver bbs_forum.cgi mysql.class sendmail.inc CrazyWWWBoard.cgi search.pl way-board.cgi webpage.cgi pwd.dat adcycle post-query help.cgi /robots.txt /admin.mdb /shopping.mdb /arg; /stats/styles.css /statshelp.htm /favicon.ico /stats/admin.mdb /shopdbtest.asp /cgi-bin/test.cgi /cgi-bin/test.pl /cgi-bin/env.cgi /photos/protest/styles.css /cgi-bin/whereami.cgi /shopping400.mdbers.htm /orderform/orders.txt /order.txt /derbyteccgi/shopper.cgi?key=SC7021&preadd=action&template=order.log /cgi-local/medstore/loadpage.cgi?user_id=id&file=data/orders.txt /cgi-bin/shopper.exe?search=action&keywords=%20&template=shopper.conf /cgi-bin/shopper.exe /cgi-bin/shopper.cgi&TEMPLATE=ORDER.LOG /cgi-bin/perlshop.cgi /cgi-bin/PDG_Cart/cc.log /cgi-bin/orders/mc.txt /cgi-bin/orders/cc.txt /cgi-bin/orders.txt /cgi-bin/orderlog.txt /cgi-bin/loadpage.cgi?user_id=id&file=data/db.txt /cgi-bin/ezmall2000/mall2000.cgi?page=../mall_log_files/order.log%00html /cgi-bin/ezmall2000/mall2000.cgi?page=../mall_log_files/order.log%00htm /cgi-bin/ezmall2000/mall_log_files/order.log /cgi-bin/cart32/mainframephotographics-ORDERS.txt /cgi-bin/cart32/CART32-order.txt /cgi-bin/cart.pl /ASPSamp/AdvWorks/equipment/catalog_type.asp /AdvWorks/equipment/catalog_type.asp /Admin_files/order.log /admin/Orders/orders.txt /_private/shopping_cart.mdb
    -1 points
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