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Everything posted by spawn_705

  1. ce am facut eu? Nu am dat copypaste!
  2. astea sunt super bune, mai ales ca la inceput face o introducere simpla pt asamblare/desasamblare! Pe mine m-a ajutat, si va sfatuiesc sa il luati si voi cei care invatati c++!
  3. spawn_705


  4. la mine nu a picat nici un server! De unde as putea sa fac rost de cateva servere care pica la exploitul asta? Sunt curios sa vad cum functioneaza!
  5. va rog frumos sa imi explicati si mie cum sa il rulez! Am copiat programu in DZSoft Perl Editor l-am rulat sub cmd dar nu imi merge, imi da eroare! Cum se face?
  6. perfect pt noobs
  7. super tare tutorialul multam
  8. asta am inteles dac cum fac sa il anmalizez mai bine?
  9. ma refer la program! Fisierul ala server e virusat
  10. sal'! Te rog sa ma inveti si pe mimne cu un tutorial cum as putea sa fac un DDoS attack asupra unui server oarecare! Mersi anticipat!
  11. e virusat
  12. fratilor dar nu pot intreba nimic? Problema e ca unul n00b nu poate intreba ca ii sariti toti in cap!
  13. fratilor dar nu pot intreba nimic? Am intrebat si eu sa mai invat cate ceva! Problema e ca unul n00b nu poate intreba ca ii sariti toti in cap!
  14. si kernelul din win xp se poate schimba sau regula asta se aplica numai in cazul Linuxului?
  15. si eu am invatat! !_30 are cele mai misto tutoriale si explica pe intelesul tuturor!
  16. foarte bun tutorialul!
  17. cu respect, am postat si eu ce am gasit!
  18. nu stiu, am gasit pe un site! Nu stiam, ca e facut in visual basic!
  19. Poison ivy 2 PI2 is Remote Administration Tool. It’s used to control a computer from another. You can take screen dumps, view files and processes, and look thru the Webcam. All this to make your work easy. Poison Ivy 2 can be found on http://swerat.com/downloads.php How do I build the server/Trojan/backdoor? When you open PI2 can you see a window and some tabs go to tab build. There you are going to fill in your IP or DNS server. (Your ip http://www.myip.dk/) This is the ip the server is going to connect to. ID: Here you can type computer1 (or what ever you want the other computer named) Password: Here you type your password that is going to be used (it will be needed later), I recommend you to use it. Socks4: You don’t need to use it, but if you’re paranoid like me you can use it. Proxies hide your real ip and that good. But I not seem to get the file transfer to work even I use it. http://www.samair.ru/proxy/socks.htm Just se after that the proxies work and that they are "alive" most of the time. Active-x key:Have it selected. (It’s because if not the server wont restart with the computer) Filename: It’s the name the file will get after it has been copied. Good names are winhelper.exe, winhp.exe, debugger.exe, svchosts.exe. But you can name it what ever you want. Copy file to: Here you select where the file should be copied to. Melt: This should be selected if you want the server to diaper. But the copier will still be there. Key logger: We can jump over this. Hope you know what it is. Persistent: The server becomes hard to get ride of and I recommend you to have this selected. Then in the right corner you see a cube that says Icon there you can select what icon to use on the server. You should get something appealing and cool to make the victim click on it. Then you press build to build the server. finally you put a name that sounds appealing to the victim like examples: Picturegame, game, Then you move to the tab for setting. There you set how the computers are going to connect to you. listen on port: There you are going to give the port you gave the server before. Password: There you type the password you gave before. Time out: can be as it is. Don't do any thing less if you dont know what it dose. Then you press SAVE and your done. After that all you have to do is send it. Even the other computer has opened it, it will connect to you. it will show under the connection tab After that it’s only to double click on the computer where it shows and your up and running. How to send via Msn Messenger If you are going to send the file via MSN you should put the file in a *ZIP or *RAR file because msn doesn’t allow EXE-files to be send. Remember that its not just to send to file to the first person you meet. They have to fell safe and think about XXX Are you behind a router? If you are you have to make your router forward the port it’s under Port Forwarding. You have to login to the router and set the port to the port that you selected in the server. Then the connections from that port will be passed on to you. Do you have a Firewall? If you have a firewall (most WinXP has) you have to make PI2 an exception or if you have closed the port you need to open it (the port you put on the server) because the computers need to connect to you.
  20. Track Ip Connected To Ur Pc open notepad and copy paste the followin commands in it and save it as getip.cmd @echo. @color 09 @netstat -n @echo. @pause Run the saved file and there u go.... ! It works only in NT based OS like Windows XP
  21. salutare! Here you will learn more!
  22. salut frate!
  23. ai si tu dreptate, nu am sa mai intreb!
  24. intersant, o intrebare: NetBIOS-ul nu are deschis portul 139, stiu ca se poate intra pe un calc' foarte usor cu NetBIOSul activat?
  25. ok, cum spui tu, sper ca nu am suparat sau jignit pe cineva
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