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Everything posted by laz

  1. laz

    LR e down.

    Chiar daca lr revine, nu veti putea scoate banii decat prin exchangeri... Exchangerii la randul lor vor sa scape de lr... Deci nu va schimba nimeni lr-ul LR E DOWN... PENTRU TOTDEAUNA!..
  2. laz

    LR e down.

    Nu va mai reveni niciodata... http://sci.libertyreserve.com/index.html
  3. laz

    XSS Yahoo

    degeaba ba... Nu ai ce face cu el.. si nu manca kkt ca iti arata t= ca nu e adevarat!
  4. laz

    XSS Yahoo

    Ba, nu vorbi prostii!!!! Nici daca scrii in browser javascript:alert(document.cookie) nu primesti T=
  5. laz

    XSS Yahoo

    imposibil... arata o poza cu t= si te cred
  6. laz

    XSS Yahoo

    il poti raporta... Nu se mai pot fura cookie-uri...
  7. laz

    LR e down.

    Detienen a tico en España vinculado con millonario fraude electrónico - Noticias - Noticias | Teletica video... arestat.. deci lr nu va reveni curand
  8. si asa se duce pe pula o mare afacere online... De acum va cam lasati de ilegalitati
  9. laz

    LR e down.

    http://www.bubblews.com/news/559805-liberty-reserve-down rthur Budovsky Belanchuk, 39, on Friday was arrested in Spain as part of a money laundering investigation performed jointly by police agencies in the United States and Costa Rica. Costa Rican prosecutor José Pablo González said Budovsky, a Costa Rican citizen of Ukrainian origin, has been under investigation since 2011 for money laundering using a company he created in the country called Liberty Reserve. Local investigations began after a request from a prosecutor’s office in New York. On Friday, San José prosecutors conducted raids in Budovsky's house and offices in Escazá, Santa Ana, southwest of San José, and in the province of Heredia, north of the capital. Budovsky's businesses in Costa Rica apparently were financed by using money from child pornography websites and drug trafficking. New York conviction According to records from the U.S. Justice Department, on July 27, 2006, Budovsky and a partner identified as Vladimir Kats were indicted by the state of New York on charges of operating an illegal financial business, GoldAge Inc., from their Brooklyn apartments. They had transmitted at least $30 million to digital currency accounts worldwide since beginning operations in 2002. The digital currency exchange, GoldAge, received and transmitted $4 million between Jan. 1, 2006, and June 30, 2006, as part of the money laundering scheme. Customers opened online GoldAge accounts with limited documentation of identity, then GoldAge purchased digital gold currency through those accounts; the defendants' fees sometimes exceeded $100,000. Customers could choose their method of payment to GoldAge: wire remittances, cash deposits, postal money orders or checks. Finally, the customers could withdraw the money by requesting wire transfers to accounts anywhere in the world or by having checks sent to any identified individual. Budovsky and Kats were sentenced to five years in prison for engaging in the business of transmitting money without a license, a felony violation of state banking law, but got probation.
  10. laz

    LR e down.

    Iar urca BitCoin ca si acum o luna... de la 55 usd la 270usd in 5 zile...
  11. laz

    LR e down.

    Ne-am dus pe pula fuckkkkk!
  12. laz

    LR e down.

    baaaaaaaa! Astia-s prosti
  13. tincoica al nostru.... asa mare tupeu jegos avea pe net, dar e un ciumeg
  14. shelluri ai/?
  15. laz

    Cumpar RDP

    da-mi pm dca amai vrei
  16. Avea un site: giga-software.com parca, iar username-ul lui e h33z0r Il stiu de vreo 4 ani... se lauda in Borland Delphi....
  17. zi-ne mai multe detalii
  18. laz


    zi-ne si noua ce nisa... labari, porno, hack, marketing etc
  19. Coaie, ma faci sa pierd 3 minute din viata uitandu-ma la o prostie? Esi penal!!!
  20. laz


    Ma... Aici nu sunt copii care sa inghita fiecare minciunica de a ta... Lasa-ne. Ma mir cum de sunt atatia care te cred.
  21. laz


    Ma... eu nu iau la incercare vectorii si cand sare alertul ma bucur... Eu ma uit in sursa sa vad unde injecteaza, unde e vulnerabil Auzi la el... Are un vector care face bypass la toate metodele de protectie ))))))))) hahhaha!1 deci... hajahajhaja=))) Sa iti confirme un admin sau un cunoscator in domeniu acesta ce prostii zici .. Eu am 30 posturi... nu prea am cuvant de zis. PA!
  22. laz


    Ai in cateva ore 5 xss-uri in siteuri mari: Google, amazon, paypal si twitter.. Ma indoiesc ca ai avea ceva in twitter. Am 5 xss-uri gasite in google... peste 100 de ore de cautare. 1 xss in paypal si peste 15 ore de cautare... Crede-ma ca stiu foarte bine cu ce se mananca xss-urile astea. In 3 ore sa gasesti: google, paypal, twitter, amazon este ceva aproape imposibil. Eu sunt 100% convins ca e prea-slavitul photoshop. Nu ma intereseaza parerea altora.
  23. Re: Ce face-ti la bac? Ai 0.0001% sanse ca sa iei bacu. Eu in locul tau m-as apuca de invatat; Nu de alta, dar esti tanar si te ia lumea peste picior SE ZICE AERE Grav coaie. Pune mana pe o carte ca esti la pamant cu gramaticile astea
  24. laz

    Propunere XSS

    Propun sa nu se mai aduca vorba despre xss-uri de yahoo aici pe forum. Cum zicea si Neme "Vanzarea de XSS-uri in yahoo este interzisa pe forumuri". Ehh, acum au venit copiii care posteaza ca au gasit XSS in yahoo doar de dragul de a fi contactati de alti useri prin PM si sa le vanda. Vad ca au inceput sa apara AICI XSS-uri in yahoo mai ceva ca ciupercile dupa ploaie,.
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