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  1. TheOne

    Vand scanner .

    Miroase a teapa?
  2. @askwrite el se referea la MAC, de aia am zis sa ramana la windows.
  3. E vorba ca sunt putini virusi pentru mac. Si am intalnit persoane care au iMAC-uri de ani buni si le merge perfect fara sa dea format sau chesti... Am vazut multi care si-ai pus macintosh pe PC-ul lor, n-am idee cum merge dar oricum, daca ai bani mai bine cumperi un iMAC, MacBook original.. EDIT: Atunci ramai la windows
  4. Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) ramane cel mai bun.
  5. Da, sunt gratuite pe filelist.
  6. Incearca cu nologin + tunnelier + proxifier . EDIT: Imi pare rau, dar nu te pot ajuta. Ti-am zis exact ce trebuie sa folosesti.
  7. Microsoft today reissued a security update for Windows to the faulty update that previously caused PCs to suffer Blue Screens of Death (BSoD). The new security update comes almost two weeks after reports emerged that the dodgy update crippled users’ computers with the infamous “Blue Screens of Death.” The company later advised people to uninstall the update, but now it has fixed the issue. The offending Microsoft patch identified as MS14-045, fixes Windows kernel vulnerabilities in 47 of Microsoft's systems which the company marked as important, can cause system crashes forcing users to reboot it. Soon after the initial release of the patch, the issue surfaced on Microsoft’s support forum where customers started posting messages on an eventually-lengthy thread saying that their systems, specially users running Windows 7 PCs with the 64bit version, had been bricked with an error message and ensuing "Blue Screen of Death." This update flashed a message on the screen that reads: “Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart. We’re just collecting some error info and then we’ll restart for you (0% complete).” The BSoD-triggering patch was really an embarrassment for Microsoft and it quietly told customers to uninstall the MS14-045 update. Now, after testing the patches against its huge codebase, Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) came up with a security fix and the update is available once again for download, but now known as KB2993651. So, if you have KB2982791 installed, we recommend you to uninstall it and download KB2993651 instead. You don't necessarily have to uninstall the old update, but it is highly recommended you to do so. Those who have not enabled automatic updates are advised to visit the Microsoft site and download the patch manually, as soon as possible. -> Sursa: Microsoft Fixes Faulty Patch Update that Caused Windows 'Blue Screens of Death'
  8. Hackforums - one of the po****r hacking forum in the world - has been hacked and defaced by the famous Egyptian hacker with the online handle Eg-R1z. HackForums is po****r among both whitehats and blackhats. On one end of the spectrum, HackForums helps over 110,000 hacking community members to remove dangerous malware off of their computers, as well as promotes research and learning of various malwares. But on the other end, it servers as a great platform for hackers and cyber thieves as well, who posts infected material in order to victimize others. The website is hosted in Europe on a server and expected to be earning an estimated $7,316 USD on a daily basis. Last night, hackforums.net went dark with a defacement message that reads: "[403 Forbidden Error] - You might be blocked by your IP, Country, or ISP." That's really nasty msg guys , don't u think so?! Just sending greets from Egypt i-Hmx , H3ll C0D3 , Egyptian.H4x0rZ ./Eg-R1z Cr3w t is still unclear, how hacker managed to get into server and which type of vulnerability or weakness has been exploited. But, it seems that the hacker just exploited some flaw and defaced the website and then hosted the image on hacked server which was displayed on the defaced page. Reason behind the defacement of the website is still unknown, but with the deface message, one can predict that the hacker is warning the HackForums admin about security. The forum was unavailable for few hours last night, but at the time of writing, the site was back to its normal form, but site performance is still facing some issues. You can check the defacement mirror of the hack at Zone-h as a Proof of Hack. It’s not first time HackForums website got hacked. In past, HackForums website was also hacked by various hackers with online handles imLulzPirate, b0x, SYRIAN-HACKER and KTN. -> Sursa: http://thehackernews.com/2014/08/po****r-hackforums-website-defaced-by_27.html
  9. Nu stiu, nu am incercat cu alte tari. Si nu a mai fost publicat Am scris mai sus exact ce trebuie sa faci, e foarte simplu. E impoisibil sa nu reusesti ori esti tu lenes.
  10. Salut RST, am descoperit ( de ceva timp ) unde poti sa-ti inregistrezi GRATUIT 1 an de zile un domeniu sau mai multe + website + webhosting + webeditor + ssl + 1Click-Wordpres ,etc.... Ce trebuie sa faci?: Intri pe -> One.com Web hosting**-**Domain • Hosting • E-mail** Pe site scrie si in limba engleza ca e gratuit primul an, dar dupa ce completezi toate datele tale si dai next, o sa-ti ceara bani (Cel putin asa mi sa intamplat mie). Deci: Ai nevoie de un proxy/nologin de ITALIA + un numar de telefon tot ITALIA. Imi imaginez ca multi intre voi poate nu aveti un prieten/ruda in ITALIA, pentru a trece peste problema cu numarul, completezi toate datele + un numar de telefon, indiferent care si dai next, dupa ce ai terminat de completat o sa-ti ceara sa confirmi inregistrarea cu un COD ce il trimit ei pe numarul de telefon scris, DAR ai si a 2-a optiune , scrie ceva de genu " Nu ai primit mesajul? Click here" Dai click acolo si o sa-ti deschida o pagina in care apare o foaie ce trebuie scoasa la imprimanta , semnata cu nume + prenume + data si trimisa la mail-ul http://vendita@it.one.com ( Se stie de ce am scris asa. ) Daca cineva se pricepe bine la photoshop e mai usor. Daca inregistrati cu date false nu stiu cum se procedeaza dupa un an de zile. Merge 100% am inregistrat peste 3 domenii si 1 lui @Mr.Jokerx pentru share si tutorial: IMPORTANT: In timp de 11 luni de la inregistrarea domeniului ar fi bine sa cereti anularea abonamentului, altfel o sa fiti obligati sa platiti!
  11. Ce rost are ca si asa e gratis..
  12. Along with the release of Chrome 37 for Windows, Mac, and Linux, Google today also released a long-awaited 64-bit stable version of its Chrome browser for Windows systems. The company has been working on the 64-bit support for Windows 7 and Windows 8 since June. Back in June, Google first released Chrome 64-bit only in the browser’s Dev and Canary channels. Then in July, the beta channel received the same update, and now, finally Chrome 64-bit is available in the stable channel. The new 64-bit version of Chrome offers three main advantages: Speed Security Stability Therefore, for those of you on a compatible 64-bit system, this new version will offer faster performance as well as security and stability enhancements in comparison to 32-bit version. But, Chrome 64-bit is still an opt-in process. So, if you want to take advantage of it, you can hit the new “Windows 64-bit” download link over at google.com/chrome. SPEED ENHANCEMENT Google claims that certain media and graphics workloads in particular are faster in speed with Chrome 64-bit version. The company gives an example of VP9 video decoding — used for some YouTube high-definition streams — being 15 percent faster compared to 32-bit variant as a result, said Chrome team programmer Will Harris in a blog post. The 64-bit of Chrome version is faster because it leverages optimizations made to processor and compilers, has a more modern instruction set compared to the 32-bit edition, and a calling convention that allows more function parameters to be passed quickly by registers. SECURITY ENHANCEMENT The security of the systems have also been improved in the 64-bit version by having access to a larger pool of memory. Since, Windows has a built-in security feature called ASLR (Address Space Layout Randomization) which makes bug exploits harder to write by randomizing the location of items such as DLLs in memory. Because the new version have much more memory available, bug exploits are difficult to create, and with more memory to work with, the process becomes even harder. STABILITY ENHANCEMENT The Search engine giant also says that with 64-bit version of the browser, stability has also improved, being "twice as stable" as its 32-bit equivalent. While testing beta versions of Chrome 64-bit, the development team found that the Chrome browser crashes around half as often as the 32-bit version when processing web content. WHATS WRONG WITH 64-BIT VERSION OF BROWSER? As every new feature comes with some negative impacts as well. Chrome 64-bit version might has a few possible drawbacks, of which the most significant one being no support for 32-bit NPAPI plugin that was found in the 32-bit browser This means that some browser plugins, including both Silverlight and Java, will not work in the new version. Google intends to remove 32-bit NPAPI support at some point in the future, so this drawback will not be permanent. CHROME 37 — WHAT’S NEW? The Chrome 37 update also marks the stable release for Windows, Mac and Linux, the official change log provided by Google lists the following tweaks: DirectWrite support on Windows for improved font rendering. A number of new apps/extension APIs. Lots of under the hood changes for stability and performance. The Chrome 37 update will happen automatically for most users, however if you want to get the 64-bit version, you will have to manually download the variant from the browser's website. -> Sursa: http://thehackernews.com/2014/08/google-chrome-64-bit-browser-finally_27.html
  13. Postasem eu ceva si mi-am formatat pc-ul, sunt curios daca o gasesc! Mersi!
  14. Statisticile Kaspersky Lab arata ca 16,37% dintre utilizatori inca folosesc Windows XP Peste 16% dintre utilizatorii de PC care au furnizat informatii retelei globale Kaspersky Security Network, in iunie 2014, au declarat ca inca lucrau pe computere care rulau Windows XP, fapt care poate avea implicatii asupra securitatii informatiilor. Acesta este numai unul dintre aspectele rezultate in urma cercetarii “Windows usage and vulnerabilities research” derulate de expertii Kaspersky Lab in vara anului 2014. Utlizatorii pe computerele carora ruleaza sistemele de operare vechi sau cu versiuni neactualizate de software risca sa fie tinte ale unor atacuri de malware care exploateaza vulnerabilitati. Studiul a calculat ponderea utilizatorilor de Windows XP din numarul total de utilizatori de produse Kaspersky Lab pentru Windows, din fiecare tara. Conform cercetarilor, cei mai multi utilizatori de Windows XP se afla in Vietnam, cu 38,79%. Locul al doilea este ocupat de China, cu 27,35% dintre utilizatori, aceasta fiind urmata de India cu 26,88% si de Algeria cu aproape un sfert dintre utilizatori (24,25%) care sunt inca loiali binecunoscutului sistem de operare. Aproximativ unul din cinci computere protejate de un produs Kaspersky Lab inca ruleaza Windows XP in Italia (20,31%) si in Spania (19,26%). Un procentaj mai mic de utilizatori – 4,52%, inca utilizeaza Windows XP in SUA. XP e longeviv, dar Windows 8.1 castiga teren Desi suportul tehnic pentru utilizatorii de Windows XP a fost intrerupt abia in aprilie 2014, vanzarile de Windows XP s-au incheiat inca din 2010. Acest lucru nu a afectat foarte mult po****ritatea sa: conform informatiilor obtinute de expertii Kaspersky Lab in iunie 2011, la un an dupa incetarea vanzarilor, 48,86% dintre utilizatori inca rulau Windows XP. Dupa inca un an, in iunie 2012, numarul utilizatorilor de Windows XP era 35,64%, iar in iunie 2013 numarul ajungea la 25,42%. Cu alte cuvinte, po****ritatea Windows XP a scazut cu aproximativ 10% in fiecare an. Declinul nu a fost influentat considerabil de alte evenimente externe care l-ar fi putut accelera, precum lansarea sistemului de operare Windows 8.1 in luna octombrie 2013 sau sistarea serviciilor de suport pentru Windows XP: in noiembrie 2013, procentul utilizatorilor de XP era de 21,42%, iar pana in iunie 2014, acesta a scazut la 16,37%, determinand un declin de 5,05%, sau aproximativ o jumatate din declinul total anual, in po****ritatea sistemului Windows XP. Prin comparatie, Windows 8,1, cel mai nou sistem de operare Windows, a avut o cota de piata de 7,22% in iunie 2014. Rezultatul obtinut este cu 1% mai mare decat cel obtinut de precursorul Windows 8, in perioada echivalenta: din octombrie 2012 pana in iunie 2013, Windows 8 a fost instalat pe computerele a 6,22% dintre utilizatorii de produse Kaspersky Lab. Cresterea numarului de utilizatori de Windows 8.1 ar putea fi corelata cu faptul ca Windows 8 a fost primul sistem de operare Microsoft care permitea actualizari de versiuni din Windows app store, prin intermediul unui client integrat. In plus, utilizatorii de Windows 8 aveau optiunea gratuita de a trece la Windows 8.1, acest lucru jucand un rol important in adoptarea noii versiuni. Tarile cu cel mai mare numar de utilizatori care au adoptat versiunea noua a sistemului de operare, sunt SUA (16,27%), Germania (11,17%), Marea Britanie (10,79%) si Franta (10,31%). Cu mult in urma acestora, se afla Italia (8,1%), Rusia (5,14%) si India (2,91%). Tehnologii de protectie „Statisticile Kaspersky Security Network arata ca epoca XP se apropie de final,” afirma Vyacheslav Zakorzhevsky, Head of Vulnerability Research Team la Kaspersky Lab. „Totusi, o proportie considerabila de utilizatori inca ruleaza acest sistem invechit de operare. Mentenanta sa a fost intrerupta de Microsoft, acest lucru insemnand ca producatorul nu va mai lansa actualizari de securitate sau pachete de corectie pentru vulnerabilitatile care inca ar putea exista in cadrul sistemului. In cazul in care creatorii de virusi vor descoperi o asemenea vulnerabilitate, utilizatorii de XP vor fi in pericol,” incheie Vyacheslav Zakorzhevsky. Pentru a minimiza riscul atacurilor care implica vulnerabilitati, expertii Kaspersky Lab recomanda ca utilizatorii sa-si actualizeze software-ul cu regularitate si sa utilizeze o solutie de securitate fiabila, echipata cu tehnologii capabile sa contracareze atacurile de tip exploit. Aceste tehnologii sunt incorporate in produsele Kaspersky Lab destinate utilizatorilor individuali – Kaspersky Anti-Virus, Kaspersky Internet Security Multi-Device si Kaspersky PURE, precum si in solutiile corporate: Kaspersky Small Office Security si Kaspersky Endpoint Security Business. -> Sursa: Statisticile Kaspersky Lab arata ca 16,37% dintre utilizatori inca folosesc Windows XP
  15. Sunt si eu curios de portofoliu.
  16. https://rstforums.com/forum/88568-conturi-brazzers-free.rst
  17. Nu vedeti ca thread-ul are mai bine de un an si userul are ban?....
  18. Ok, mai tarziu te voi anunta cu ceva noutati, sper sa putem rezolva problema!
  19. Deocamndata nu pot spune daca e vina programului sau a ta, desi, mie imi merge programul. Incearca sa sa instalezi ultima versiune de Framework.
  20. Ok @Fodo , in cel mai scurt timp posibil problema va fi rezolvata! Ce windows folosesti?
  21. La multi (b)ani! Sa ne traiesti! EDIT:\ In profilul tau scrie: Date of Birth May 14, 1990 (24) Posibil sa fi pus la misto, nu ? Apropo, Puteai sa pui si tu pe unu sa-ti faca o poza.. EDIT2: https://rstforums.com/forum/87881-care-i-mai-performant.rst#post563199 Usor usor imi dau seama Nu stiiai ce cadou doreai de ziua ta Sper ca parinti tai te-au satisfacut. Si gen "puteti sa-mi sugerati si alte modele de telefoane dar sa nu sara de 1200 lei" Asta fiind bugetul parintilor?
  22. Lasa-ne mai multe detalii. Fa un printscreen la Details.
  23. It’s been a bad weekend for Sony Playstation. The entire PlayStation Network was down much of the day after a dedicated distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack by online attackers, which left the network inaccessible to users. It's possible that EVE Online and Guild Wars 2 have also been hit by the attackers. Developers on the EVE Online forums have announced DDoS issues, and many users on the Guild Wars 2 forums have been reporting login issues. Sony’s PlayStation Network is an online service that connects PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 video game consoles to the Internet and to over-the-top video services such as Netflix. What’s weird about this attack is that it also includes a security threat against the American Airlines plane in which the President of Sony Online Entertainment, John Smedley, was traveling today. The aircraft along with a full load of passengers was diverted to Phoenix due to a bomb threat. WHO BRING DOWN SONY PLAYSTATION NETWORK? Two separate hacker groups, Lizard Squad and Famed God, took to social media, Twitter and YouTube, respectively, to claim responsibility for the DDoS attack on the entertainment company, which, according to Sony, inflicted an "artificially high" amount of traffic on the PlayStation Network and Sony Entertainment Network. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LC0_DV2fJTc EXPLOSIVES IN AIRPLANE At 1.30 p.m. ET, the Lizard Squad took group posted on Twitter that an American Airlines plane, with Sony Online Entertainment president John Smedley on board, had explosives, which caused the grounding of American Airlines flight 362 by way of a bomb threat on Twitter. The flight has since been sent safely on its way. Smedley later confirmed that his flight flying from Dallas to San Francisco was being diverted to Phoenix, Arizona. "Flight diverted to Phoenix for security reasons," he said. "Something about the security and our cargo. Sitting on Tarmack." According to the company, no personal information had been leaked in the attack, but the rolling outage persists in various places, some ten hours or more after the attack began. The Federal Bureau of Investigation is investigating the flight incident, Kotaku reported. At the time of writing, the reasons for the attack are still unclear and also there has been no confirmation that the two incidents are connected, but a final tweet by Smedley indicates that he believes it was not a coincidence. -> Sursa: Sony PlayStation Network Taken Down By DDoS Attack
  24. Se bazeaza pe un smtp mai bine spus. Vorbind de curat sau nu, atat timp cat programul nu este facut de tine, nu ai niciun drept de autor, nu poti spune TU ca e curat sau nu, zic bine? Nu-ti lua tu riscu de a lua ban pentru o pocnitoare de program. Oricum cineva il analizeaza mai bine. Si daca tot nu e' facut de tine, puteai sa pui si o sursa..
  25. Along with a dream to make Internet access available to everyone across the world, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is working to make the Internet a more secure place as well. Till now, a number of large technology companies have bug bounty programs to reward researchers and cyber enthusiast who contribute in the security of Internet by finding out security holes in software or web platforms, and the social networking giant Facebook is the latest one to do so. Facebook and Usenix have together implemented the Internet Defense Prize — an award recognizing superior quality research that combines a working prototype with great contributions to securing the Internet, Facebook announced Thursday at the annual USENIX Security Symposium in San Diego. Also, Facebook announced the first award under its Internet Defense Prize, and crowned a pair of German researchers for their paper, “Static Detection of Second-Order Vulnerabilities in Web Applications” — a seemingly viable approach to detecting vulnerabilities in web applications. The duo used static approach to detect “Second-order vulnerabilities” in web applications that are used to impose harm after being stored on the web server ahead of time. Second-order vulnerabilities involve uploading malicious script/payload to the targeted web servers, allowing an attacker to exploit it remotely. It is very difficult to detect Second-order vulnerabilities when analyzing the source code statically, but "By analysing reads and writes to memory locations of the web server, we are able to identify unsanitized data flows by connecting input and output points of data in persistent data stores such as databases or session data," said researchers, who revealed 159 second-order vulnerabilities in six popular web applications including several critical zero-day holes. The researchers, Johannes Dahse and Thorsten Holz of Ruhr University in Bochum, Germany, received $50,000 prize money by an award committee made up of Facebook and USENIX representatives. The committee saw a "clear path" for using the money to build the research into technology that could be implemented in the real world. The Internet Defense Prize is an ongoing program and the committee is soliciting new entries for a future prize, according to John “Four” Flynn, a security engineering manager at Facebook who served on the Award Committee for the Internet Defense Prize. The committee is inviting researchers and security enthusiasts to submit their work to Facebook for consideration to be a future recipient of the Internet Defense Prize, and said that the award amount may increase depending on the strength of the submission, or it may hold onto the funds if no project meets the bar. Last November, Facebook has also helped create the Internet Bug Bounty, similar to the Internet Defense Prize, in order to reward researchers for finding large-scale Internet vulnerabilities in open source software projects. The Internet Bug Bounty is hosted by HackerOne, which also includes other large companies such as Microsoft and Google. -> Sursa: Facebook Awards $50,000 Under Its New 'Internet Defense Prize' Program
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