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Everything posted by rockeru133

  1. Multumesc foarte mult! PS: http://thepiratebay.se/torrent/8101843/Udemy.Victor.Bastos.Become.A.Web.Developer.From.Scratch-PRODEV
  2. Php, ruby, c++ mai exact, ce se cauta.
  3. Imi poate recomanda cineva niste tutoriale bune pentru incepatori? (fara basic-uri de HTML)
  4. Nu am vazut in viata mea o asa oribilitate. Va las pe voi sa comentati.
  5. Toata lumea de pe admf. il foloseste. USE SANDBOXIE !
  6. E pe tot net-ul ?sta. SandBOXIE POWAH !
  7. De ce trebuie s? fii a?a îngânfat? E?ti din 2007 pe-aici dar nu prea ai minte.
  8. Faptul ca-i plin de cocalari si pitipoance e un avantaj MAJOR. Poti profita de oamenii aia pana la ultimul cent. Adfly + Sharecash + Toate prostiile de PPD si PPC.
  9. Cum poate cineva sa nu inteleaga asa ceva. E easy. Use your mind.
  10. AddMeFast Bot – AddMeFast Autoclicker for Unlimited Points Automated Solution to boost your social media presence using AddMeFast What is AddMeFast? AddMeFast is the #1 tool to boost your social media presence. With AddMeFast you could get REAL twitter followers, REAL facebook likes, REAL youtube subscribers and REAL website hits from REAL people. Choose who to follow, like, subscribe and visit for targeted traffic to your social network! If you don”t have AddMeFast account then you should grab it right away. Register at http://addmefast.com Spending money to purchase points or earning these manually is a real pain! Stop Never buy AddMeFast points again! Download: http://www.ziddu.com/download/22532822/1.03.7.rar.html http://www59.zippyshare.com/v/44872322/file.html
  11. Dac? nu te ajuta, nu intra..
  12. What you need: A Facebook Account Realistic Looking Girl Pictures Phone to verify Facebook Account (Optional) Okay so, first of all make a Facebook Account with a girl's name. You can use Generate a Random Name - Fake Name Generator to get a good looking one. After that, you can go on Facebook and search random girl names to find a hot looking one, go to her profile and copy all her pictures. This can be done on other social networks, but facebook is best. After you make the profile, complete the personal information (School/Work/Hometown etc), like some pages to make the profile look legit. Now what you have to do is find some really big FaceBook pages, you can use Justin Bieber, One Direction or other artist's pages. On this tutorial i will be using Samsung Galaxy S3 page. Find the latest photo posted by the page owner and click on "View Previous Comments" Now start "Liking" everyone's comments. The people you liked their comment of, will get a notification saying that you liked their comment, they will most likely check your profile, and when they see you are a 'hot girl' they will most likely add you. I did this for 3 minutes and got this: Results after 4-5 days: Thank you all for reading, and i hope this helped you, now please take 5 seconds of your life replying saying "Thanks" to keep the thread alive. If you have any questions let me know! source: hackforums.net
  13. versiunea compilat? pentru windows te rog frumos ?
  14. Dac? mai trebuie, mai am !
  15. +4500 de backlink-uri free. Link: 4500+ Free BackLinks - Mass Ping Unlimited Websites - Ping-Clan.Com
  16. Verific?ri conturi de facebook cu pinger. Textfree Web for Free Unlimited Texting From Your Computer Verific?-?i contul de paypal simplu cu entropay. E gratis! https://www.entropay.com/prepaid-virtual-visa Hope it.s useful.
  17. preeet ?!
  18. Multumesc @The.Legend , o sa am grija la exprimare .
  19. rockeru133

    Blog Critic

  20. A colaborat cineva cu domnul de mai sus ? As dori sa cumpar Black Ops 2 , totusi pentru 15 dolari mi-se pare dubios .
  21. Multumesc . Si thanks pt share . O sa instalez BackTrack pe-un VirtualBox .
  22. Ma blochez la partea cu BACKTRACK OS , cum procedez ?!
  23. extension spoofer + crypter ieftin . Felicitari ! Sa numeri in cate minute iei BAN .
  24. o spart baza de date cu scriptu ala .
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