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Everything posted by Gonzalez

  1. ) Penibil -Gonzalez
  2. Justin Timberlake ft Jay-Z & Timbaland - Laff At Em.mp3 -Gonzalez
  3. Cypress Hill - Hip-Hop Mexicano -Gonzalez
  4. Ce face Shark 3.1 ? (sper ca nu trebuie si tradus) Mai multe informatii aici MasT3r ZaTaN puteai pune cateva informatii despre program pentru cei ce habar nu au cu ce se mananca. -Gonzalez
  5. Citeste aici In utorrent, te duci in Options -> Preferences (sau Ctrl + P) -> BitTorrent. Bifezi Enable DHT Network, Enable DHT for new torrents, Enable Local Peer Discovery. La Protocol Encryption selectezi Enabled si bifezi casuta de langa. Uita-te in Options -> Preferences -> Connection si pune in field-ul de la Download valoarea 0 (asta daca nu e setat deja pe 0). -Gonzalez
  6. Multumesc pentru informatie! -Gonzalez
  7. Wrong section buddy. Introduction forum is here! Good luck! -Gonzalez
  8. Gonzalez

    ascund IP

    Fa-ti singur proxy. foarte simplu. -Gonzalez
  9. Se face ceai din salvie din cate am auzit. Apropo am la cabana de salvie. Daca ai bani, cumpara online, sincer nu prea as avea incredere in site-urile postate anterior. Cel mai simplu lucru este sa mergi in padure (pe camp) culegi cu mana ta si o prepari. Bafta !!! -Gonzalez
  10. Pentru cei ce au greturi: pastrezi un pachet vechi de tigari si muti tigariile din pachetul nou in cel vechi. Nu va afecta piata aceste poze in nici un caz. Nu ma voi lasa de fumat, pentru ca imi place chiar daca e daunator si costisitor. Nu va apucati de fumat!* *- exceptie : iarba -Gonzalez
  11. Un singur cuvant am pentru cei ce copiaza conversatii "interesante", "haioase" si "distractive": sunteti penibili Arata-mi si mie un individ care da importanta conversatiilor de pe Y!M, tip: i-am spart parola, mi-am batut joc de el. Elias se pare ca o hibernat, ascuns in barlog. -Gonzalez
  12. Mersi pentru tutorial! -Gonzalez
  13. Nu e nici o problema daca esti incepator, toti am fost. Incearca Photoshop CS2. -Gonzalez
  14. Ati facut un mare OffTopic, in loc sa va bazati pe tutorial. Face-ti un topic altundeva si discutati despre subiectul dorit. -Gonzalez
  15. Care-l mai urca din nou? -Gonzalez
  16. Ombladon - Traume.mp3 -Gonzalez
  17. Are si multe bug-uri, dar in rest e bun. -Gonzalez
  18. Doar un sfat: Zone Alarm e cel mai bun, mai bine dezinstalezi Kav-ul si instalezi ZA. -Gonzalez
  19. In concluzie, sunt multe metode de a descarca de pe youtube sau site-uri asemanatoare. -Gonzalez
  20. De ce nu instalezi extensia urmatoare pentru FireFox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/3006 -Gonzalez
  21. Si vechi de 9 ani! -Gonzalez
  22. BaKo's SQL Injection Scanner v2.2 Warning: You must have the latest .NET framework to run this! Warning 2: You need the Rufa font for the font to display right! This is included in the updated zip file. [basics] This scans for sql injection vulnerabilities on either a certain site you choose or any random site found by google. It has proxy support, and can retrieve the database server type, mssql database user, and mssql database version. [Whats New] -sexy font/background -proxy support -improved scanning speed -injection info, sorting, and status -database server type sorting -mssql user sorting -mssql version sorting -fixed a few bugs -improved error handling [Contact] Keep in mind I just finished this, so there may be bugs that I couldn't find. If you find any, either post it here or pm it to me. [update] - v2.1 -fixed the bug where it crashed when you hit cancel in a choose file dialog -provided the fonts you may need in the zip file [update] - v2.2 -Fixed three crashes where you click buttons before you scan google. -cleaned up some code to test sites faster. new download link (2.2): http://h4cky0u-filez.org/3745771
  23. RIP rGod
  24. Hertz(X) - esti cumva admin/moderator, vai vai! -Gonzalez
  25. La multi ani Zbengule! Tre sa dai de baut, trimite cateva sticle! -Gonzalez
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