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Exploit Scanner by Reiluke (LFI/RFI/SQLI/XSS)
Gonzalez replied to Lolec :)'s topic in Programe hacking
Inainte sa postezi ceva, incearca. -Gonzalez -
// Removed -Gonzalez
Sunetul de la zerg, atunci cand ies tarani afara din cocun. -Gonzalez
Unde ajungem pana la urma? Va fi si mai rau. Daca copii de 8-10 ani au profil de hi5, telefoane mobile si sunt rasfatati, imi tai venele de sus in jos; dar (exista un dar) asta e Romania. Dumnezeu e de 3 ori femeie. -Gonzalez
Poti incerca linistit BackTrack si ai sa vezi ca o sa-ti placa. -Gonzalez
In orice caz asta e mult mai bun, deoarece arata daca are pitzipoanca hi5. -Gonzalez
Ce tare! -Gonzalez
Ala sigur nu ii Mac OS X, pana is eu popa. E skin. -Gonzalez
Mi se pare ca a mia fost postat. -Gonzalez
Theology of Reality. author: seven date: 2009-2 This paper will explain to you the complicated process of creation in the most simplist terms. This is an esoteric secret that has been guarded for thousands of years. This story appears in the more complicated writings kept over time. Before time was time and reality existed. there as nothing but matter, Dark matter which does not have any properties that can be identified with the usual scientific approach. it didn't have order or consciousness, it just was. Chaotic matter with no purpose. Out of this dark matter, consciousness was created. Which had purpose but had no shape or form. No chemical make up, it had no physical or chemical attributes. But Its purpose was to expand itself. Consciousness created Time and space and reality. The first thing that was created from consciousness was matter. Matter as we know it. The first object was Light, the substance that all living entities are created from. This light gave way to the creation of stars, gas, time. From this matter dust was the result from its break from dark matter. This dust, in the process of time (Millions of years) through heat and expansion started to clump together, these clumps is what formed planets, stars asteroids etc. Earth, was just a ball of rock until the light from the sun combined with water which came from gassy space particles frozen in deep space, fell to earth and melted with the sun. Plant life began to grow. bacteria formed and from bacteria micro organisms came forth. The planets without organization was brought together by Consciousness (the opposite of chaos) which gave order to the system of planets. Its main force was electromagnetic power. A force was used to cling planets in an orbit (which we call gravity). when life started to progress, all animals were without thought. This Creative force, trapped parts of its own light inside this matter, higher order animals now had a Spark of life, which some call the soul. This light came from the creative force itself, the matter that this soul was trapped in acted like a prison for this light, which is a self emanating light which has no source but itself. This creative force has no other function but to create, a perpetual process that will never end (Hence the expanding universe). Light itself changes, and this change is the birth of thought. when lower beings began to think and organize, another part of life began, The material life. This material life began the process of forming itself, Mentally. As the universe expanded, older forms of mass which now had thought, light and purpose began to learn. They in turn, guided by an unexplainable need to organize, create and make things progressed itself. they in turn traveled through space, finding habitable planets began the process of life, everyone they could land. Earth and its life (animal life with thought) is the result of these travelers altering the phase of life. They made life with the ingredients that the creative force left behind. All life is a combination of Conscious Light and Dark chaotic matter. Organization and complete destruction. Some of these travelers only thought about itself and some thought of life. From the beginning of mankind, the only thing that has always been apparent is the duality of reality itself. Light and Dark. Through time man began to learn and with his thought process began to write, and with all its knowledge of life tried to explain this eternal struggle. There was one flaw in the creation of Humans. They were the result of genetic tampering of animals that had no light. This flaw keeps man in a state of fear, illogical thinking and the weakness to give in to the dark matter that is also made up of. Humans can never reach its full potential of the light it contains until it is free of the matter that traps it. This dark matter is the source of the corrupted thought of light. God isn't a conscious being that is waiting for its created parties to return to it. All life that has the ability to think is already part of what People call God is. Life will always continue to expand, so will the thought process of man if they allow it to grow.
Tutorial Parole Sigure Autor: Gonzalez Acest tutorial este creat pentru a fi un 'guideline', in alegerea parolelor dvs. Securitatea parolelor este foarte importanta si totusi uni oameni uita acest lucru. De obicei, te gandesti la parola ta ca la un lucru minor ce iti protejeaza contul de yahoo,hotmail, gmail etc. Dar ce spui de conturile bancare, locul in care se afla cardul de credit, sau contul de eBay? Oriunde folosesti parola, este important sa fie una puternica. Crack-ul de parole a evoluat destul si va continua sa evolueze, programele de cracking stau la dispozitia oricui online si asteapta sa le descarcati pe gratis. Deci, indiferent daca e pentru protejarea computerului, sau conturi online, trebuie sa fie o parola puternica pentru ati pastra informatiile in siguranta. Ce Sa Nu Folosiesti Multi utilizatori folosesc in parole lucruri din viata personala, cum ar fi: -nume -zi de nasteri -date Sub nici o forma sa nu le folositi. Ele sunt usor de ghicit, si, si mai usor de 'spart'. Niciodata sa nu folositi lucruri evidente din viata dvs, precum: nume, zi de nasteri, date. Programele de cracking cunosc absolut orice nume, si pot incerca zeci de mi de combinatii de numere foarte repede. Generatoare de parole Generatoarele de parole intradevar creaza parole puternice, dar au alte defecte. Parolele generate sunt greu de tinut minte, si lungi. Sunt vulnerabile in fata algoritmului de generare, unii 'atacatori/spargatori' pot inversa decriptarea prcesului. Un exemplu online este: http://makemeapassword.com Cu cat e mai lunga parola, cu atat e mai buna Pe vremuri, caracterele in parolele din NT erau limitate la 14. Azi, Windows 2000 si Windows XP permit 127 de caractere. Cu cat e mai lunga, cu atat mai mult timp il ea pe 'infractor' sa o crack-uiasca. Folosestete de Caractere/Simboluri Pentru a crea o parola puternica si sigura, trebuie sa utilizam simboluri si caractere. Litere Mici – a,b,c,d Litere Mari – A,B,C,D Simboluri - @,#,$,%,^, Numere – 1,2,3,4 Alte Caractere – Â, € Va recomand sa utilizati o combinatie de caractere, numere si simboluri. Daca nu doriti sa folositi Caracterele Alt, folositi litere mari si mici, numere si simboluri, ele vor crea o parola puternica. Cuvinte inversate Uni sunt de parere ca e bine sa folosesti cuvine inversate. Cum ar fi ADMIN -> NIMDA. Password crackers (programe de spart parole, asa sa va zic mot a mo) pot inversa cuvinte, deci nu e o idee buna sa inversati cuvintele. Este usor sa spargi cuvinte simple, la fel ca si cuvintele inversate. Folosirea parolelor diferite pentru conturi diferite De ce nu ca toate usile de pe strada ta (din bloc, sau unde locuiti) sa aibe aceeasi cheie? Pentru ca vecini dvs nu doresc sa intrati in casa/apartamentele lor. Sa presupunem ca "Ghita" va stie parola la contul dvs de yahoo, care e aceeasi parola cu cea a contului bancar. De aceea va recomand sa folositi parole diferite pentru conturi diferite. Nu vreau sa zic sa folositi parole diferite la fiecare cont, dar neaparat parola diferita pentru contul de shopping, sau cont bancar. Password Crackers In cele din urma, orice parola poate fi crack-uita (sparta). Dar timpul in care se poate crack-ui parola depinde de cat de buna e parola. Daca e una grea, poate dura chiar si o saptamana. Concluzie Cea mai buna parola este aceea care o 'inventezi', nu cea care iese automat dintr-un site cu 'password generator'. Trebuie sa fi familiarizat cu ea, ca sa o tastezi rapid, in cazul in care cineva trage cu ochiul. O parola buna/puternica trebuie sa contina litere mari, mici, caractere, numere si simboluri. De asemenea trebuie sa fie lunga, daca este posibil 15 caractere cel putin. Doar tu poti decide care este parola potrivita pentru tine. Pentru a face un test, intra pe Password Strength Meter si testeaza-ti parola de la Yahoo! Messenger (incep sa ma enervez cand aud de yahoo messenger), sau parola de la contul bancar, sau etc. Sper ca nu v-am plictisit. eNj0Y! -Gonzalez
Mi-am varsat berea pe mine -Gonzalez
Ce bine, lol, Simona (aka picior murdar). -Gonzalez
Link Checking in FIREFOX Aste este pentru utilizatorii Firefox si care (eventual) vor avea nevoie de o verificare manuala la link-urile RapidShare; se vor afisa automat linkurile inactive si cele 'live' prin simpla navigare a site-ului. Pasul 1. Dute aici si descarca Firefox Greasemonkey Addon. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/748 Doar fa click pe ' Add to FireFox ', pe urma faci un "restart" la Firefox. Pasul 2. Dute aici si instaleaza scriptul (te uiti in dreapta pagini, si faci click pe Install). http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/9467 Acum uitete si verifica cateva link-uri active si inactive, cred ca vei fi surprins placut. Acest truc, sper sa faca o viata mai usoara tuturor. ( ehh nu va ganditi la multe). Pe final, va las si un script tot pentru FireFox, care verifica urmatoarele: + rapidshare.com + megaupload.com + filefactory.com + depositfiles.com http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/24984 eNj0Y! -Gonzalez
Frumos spiridusule! -Gonzalez
Cica: costi.ionita: as vrea eu costi.ionita: dar sunt fan si eu Jos cu maneaua! -Gonzalez
Nu vreau sa dau in offtopic cu tine: black_death_c4t. -Gonzalez
Frumos lucrat Nytro. -Gonzalez
NOD32 3.0.650 (no patch,serial or activation)
Gonzalez replied to Gonzalez's topic in Programe securitate
Si totusi care e problema ta? -Gonzalez -
Filelist.ro rulz dupa parerea mea. OffTopic: are cineva o invitatie pe iPlay? -Gonzalez