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Daca folosesti KASP. Exista un virus care poate fi oprit numai cu KASP. Incearca sa cauti si sa vezi daca esti infectat, uite cum fac eu. Aici se poate ascunde virusul. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Explorer\MountPoints2\{2f47ad46-818a-11dc-85b4-001a4d72308d}\Shell\Auto\command HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Explorer\MountPoints2\{2f47ad46-818a-11dc-85b4-001a4d72308d}\Shell\AutoRun\command HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\MSConfig\startupreg\AFCVirus2 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\Run Ce face virusul? Iti strica calculatorul, si se multiplica in foldere. Sper ca am ajutat pe cineva cu tutorialul. Bafta! -Gonzalez
Oricum, Parazitii Rulz! -Gonzalez
Poate a avut probleme cu penisul domnul din videoclip, sau mai rau, cu capul. Care dintre voi ar face acest gest pentru o suma considerabila? Eu, unul, nu m-as taia pe penis,nici daca ar fi a mea planeta. -Gonzalez
Bot simplu *nix in c: // DumbBot - Basic IRC Robot Built by Jonathan Cox for CS192 // Should run on Linux // Basically, we start by having it respond to basic commands in a channel. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "libIRC.h" IRCClient client; class myEndMOTDCallback : public IRCClientEventCallback { // Prepare to process! public: bool process ( IRCClient &ircClient, teIRCEventType eventType, trBaseEventInfo &info ) { printf("Now connected. Joining my channel...\n"); ircClient.join("#botpark"); return true; } }; class myAllCallback : public IRCClientCommandHandler { public: myAllCallback() { name = "ALL"; } virtual bool receive ( IRCClient &client, const std::string &command, BaseIRCCommandInfo &info ) { std::string line = info.raw; FILE *fp = fopen("dbot.log", "at"); if (fp) { fprintf(fp, "%s\n", info.raw.c_str()); fclose(fp); } return false; } } class myDumbEventHandler : public IRCClientEventHandler { bool process ( IRCClient &ircClient, teIRCEventType eventType, trBaseEventInfo &info ) { switch (eventType) { case eIRCPrivateMessageEvent: privateMessage((trClientMessageEventInfo*)&info); break; case eIRCChannelMessageEvent: channelMessage((trClientMessageEventInfo*)&info); break; } } } myEndMOTDCallback startupCallback; myAllCallback allCallback; myDumbEventHandler dumbEventHandler; void channelMessage( trClientMessageEventInfo *info ) { // Process a channel message. IRCCommandInfo commandInfo; int die = 0; if (strcmp(info->params[0], "$8ball")) { // Someone wants a fortune! commandInfo.target = info->channel; if (!info->params[1]) { commandInfo.params.push_back("Who knows."); } else { if (strlen(info->params[1]) % 2 == 0) { commandInfo.params.push_back("Yes."); } else { commandInfo.params.push_back("No."); } } client.sendIRCCommand(eCMD_PRIVMSG, commandInfo); } else if (strcmp(info->params[0], "$rolldie")) { // Oh, so you really want to roll the dice? commandInfo.target = info->channel; myroll = time() / 7 % 6; commandInfo.params.push_back("The die lands on " + myroll + "."); client.sendIRCCommand(eCMD_PRIVMSG, commandInfo); } } void privateMessage( trClientMessageEventInfo *info ) { // Process a private message to me. IRCCommandInfo commandInfo; if (strcmp(info->params[0], "quit") == 0) { // Someone told me to quit. if (strcmp(strtolower(info->from), "etangent") == 0) { // The right person said it. client.disconnect("Boss says I have to go."); } else { // The wrong person said it. commandInfo.target = info->from; commandInfo.params.push_back("Hey! You're not the boss of me!"); client.sendIRCCommand(eCMD_PRIVMSG, commandInfo); } else { // Someone just randomly sent me a private message. What a jerk. commandInfo.target = info->from; commandInfo.params.push_back("I don't understand."); client.sendIRCCommand(eCMD_PRIVMSG, commandInfo); } } int main() { // Will need to look at what variables I used in my PHP bots. printf("DumbBot Started...\n"); /* Project Plans: - Connect to an IRC server (irc.freenode.net) - Join an IRC channel (#botpark) - Respond appropriately to !8ball !dice - Quit IRC when asked via PRIVMSG (sent from nick eTangenT) */ client.setDebugLevel(5); // Clear log file fclose(fopen("irc.log", "wt")); fclose(fopen("dbot.log", "wt")); // And set it client.setLogfile("irc.log"); client.registerEventHandler(eIRCNoticeEvent, &startupCallback); client.registerEventHandler(eIRCPrivateMessageEvent, &dumbEventHandler); client.registerEventHandler(eIRCChannelMessageEvent, &dumbEventHandler); client.connect("irc.freenode.net",6667); client.login(std::string("dBot192"), std::string("cox"), std::string("CS 192 Project"), std::string("")); while (client.process()) { IRCOSSleep(1); } return 0; }
Lista e buna pentru cei care fac RAT's sau programe care pornesc cu Windows-ul. Registry Autostart Locations 1. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\Run\ All values in this key are executed. 2. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\RunOnce\ All values in this key are executed, and then their autostart reference is deleted. 3. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\RunServices\ All values in this key are executed as services. 4. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\RunServicesOnce\ All values in this key are executed as services, and then their autostart reference is deleted. 5. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Run\ All values in this key are executed. 6. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\RunOnce\ All values in this key are executed, and then their autostart reference is deleted. 7. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\RunOnce\Setup\ Used only by Setup. Displays a progress dialog box as the keys are run one at a time. 8. HKEY_USERS\.Default\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Cur rentVersion\Run\ Similar to the Run key from HKEY_CURRENT_USER. 9. HKEY_USERS\.Default\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Cur rentVersion\RunOnce\ Similar to the RunOnce key from HKEY_CURRENT_USER. 10. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon The "Shell" value is monitored. This value is executed after you log in. 11. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\ All subkeys are monitored, with special attention paid to the "StubPath" value in each subkey. 12. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\VxD\ All subkeys are monitored, with special attention paid to the "StaticVXD" value in each subkey. 13. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop The "SCRNSAVE.EXE" value is monitored. This value is launched when your screen saver activates. 14. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Session Manager The "BootExecute" value is monitored. Files listed here are Native Applications that are executed before Windows starts. 15. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\vbsfile\shell\open\command\ Executed whenever a .VBS file (Visual Basic Script) is run. 16. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\vbefile\shell\open\command\ Executed whenever a .VBE file (Encoded Visual Basic Script) is run. 17. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\jsfile\shell\open\command\ Executed whenever a .JS file (Javascript) is run. 18. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\jsefile\shell\open\command\ Executed whenever a .JSE file (Encoded Javascript) is run. 19. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\wshfile\shell\open\command\ Executed whenever a .WSH file (Windows Scripting Host) is run. 20. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\wsffile\shell\open\command\ Executed whenever a .WSF file (Windows Scripting File) is run. 21. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\exefile\shell\open\command\ Executed whenever a .EXE file (Executable) is run. 22. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\comfile\shell\open\command\ Executed whenever a .COM file (Command) is run. 23. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\batfile\shell\open\command\ Executed whenever a .BAT file (Batch Command) is run. 24. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\scrfile\shell\open\command\ Executed whenever a .SCR file (Screen Saver) is run. 25. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\piffile\shell\open\command\ Executed whenever a .PIF file (Portable Interchange Format) is run. 26. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\ Services marked to startup automatically are executed before user login. 27. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\Winsock2\Parameters\Protocol_Catalog\Catalog_En tries\ Layered Service Providers, executed before user login. 28. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\Control\WOW\cmdline Executed when a 16-bit Windows executable is executed. 29. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\Control\WOW\wowcmdline Executed when a 16-bit DOS application is executed. 30. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Userinit Executed when a user logs in. 31. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad\ Executed by explorer.exe as soon as it has loaded. 32. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\run Executed when the user logs in. 33. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows\load Executed when the user logs in. 34. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Policies\Explorer\run\ Subvalues are executed when Explorer initialises. 35. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\Policies\Explorer\run\ Subvalues are executed when Explorer initialises. Folder Autostart Locations 1. windir\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\ 2. User\Startup\ 3. All Users\Startup\ 4. windir\system\iosubsys\ 5. windir\system\vmm32\ 6. windir\Tasks\ File Autostart Locations 1. c:\explorer.exe 2. c:\autoexec.bat 3. c:\config.sys 4. windir\wininit.ini 5. windir\winstart.bat 6. windir\win.ini - [windows] "load" 7. windir\win.ini - [windows] "run" 8. windir\system.ini - [boot] "shell" 9. windir\system.ini - [boot] "scrnsave.exe" 10. windir\dosstart.bat 11. windir\system\autoexec.nt 12. windir\system\config.nt Bafta! -Gonzalez
Parazitii - Vreau sa va doara.mp3 -Gonzalez
Problema secolului la romani. -Gonzalez
Dute neme in pula mea de ungur patriot ce esti!!! -Gonzalez
Nu-mi mai bat capul cu voi! Nu sunt moderator. -Gonzalez
Oare de ce exista sectiunea: Ajutor Probleme, nelamuriri...postati aici Sunt sigur, nu ca sa continue alti useri, adresandu-i intrebari user-ului cu probleme: Fi mai explicit! posteaza aici cu ce sa te ajute/ajutam si vedem ce putem face -Gonzalez
Fara suparare, din cate stiam aici nu e forum pentru facut coperte de CD, uploadat pe Rapidshare si postare. Oare ce urmeaza? Episodul 99 din serialul "Elodia". In concluzie nu e treaba mea, am gresit forumul. -Gonzalez
Bun venit pustiule, imi place ca la o varsta frageda ai pus burta pe programare, dar nu uita si de restul. Consider ca e foarte bine ce faci, bun venit si continua sa inveti programare! -Gonzalez
Uitete la data: 04 Iul 2007 04:17 pm
Sfarsitul lumii ) La ce va ganditi mai? @ dannyel92 te uiti la prea multe desene animate! S-o prezis si in 2000 ca va fi sfarsitul lumii. Eu m-as bucura de ar fi chiar si maine sfarsitul lumii, sa scap de toate/toti inclultii din viata mea. Nu o sa apucam noi sfarsitul lumii asa de repede. Universul se extinde, in curand va fi infinit (Am vazut un documentar interesant).Soare inca mai traieste aproximativ 5 milioane de ani, dupa zisele unui om in scaun cu rotile din documentar. -Gonzalez
Lame post hunting as always. -Gonzalez
Trimite la : s.gabri3l@yahoo.com Email : gabri3l@sugi-pula.org Mersi! -Gonzalez
Fata idioata!Fara un pic de respect fata de om. Dumnezeu sa-l odihneasca in pace! Fata e pacatoasa rau! (Idioata) -Gonzalez
Hmmm... nu prea imi place rock-ul dar sunt curios, cat face un bilet? -Gonzalez
Copy & Paste - the easy way to make a post. -Gonzalez
Cativa stiti de folderul "con" iata cum il poti creea si sterge. //make a con folder int makecon(String path) { path.Insert("mkdir \\\\.\\",0); path += "con"; return system(path.c_str()); } //delete a con folder bool delcon(String path) { path.Insert("rmdir \\\\.\\",0); path += "con"; return system(path.c_str()); }
In timp ce stateam pe "tron" am citit o chestie interesanta, m-am gandit sa postez. I: De ce numai 10% din creierul uman contine cod executabil? R: Sa descoperit recent ca restul sunt comentarii! -Gonzalez
Ehhh, e o poza noua, facuta azi:P -Gonzalez :wink:
Daca sterge, mai pui odata codul, si-l pui de cate ori e nevoie:)) Mersi Ionut -Gonzalez