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Everything posted by Gonzalez

  1. foarte simplu,cu IDM poti lua multe lucruri pe gratis
  2. LOL nici nu si-o rupt aia fata ROLF de dobitoaca
  3. Maresteti viteza la internet si banda Mai jos vei vedea cateva smecherii la registry ,urmeaza Patchurile! 1. Mareste viteza la banda prin "tweak" in Windows XP Pro Aceasta metoda functioneaza doar pentru Windwos XP Professional In sistem comportamentul benzii este de 100% ,daca este o aplicatie care ruleaza,indica sistemului ca trebuie sa trimita "prioriate maxima" de date, cat timp are deschis Socketul,Windows XP va limita "cel mai bun efort" al traficului la 80% a bandei pentru traficul de mare prioritate sa se acomodeze.Normal, aplicatiile pot "cere" OS-ului pentru QoS [Quality of service] folosind aplicatia QoS [ de interfata ] APIs in Windows si aceasta doar aplica ceea ce,cere QoS. Daca vrei sa modifici cu cat banda este rezervata QoS [ default este 20% - banda totala ] fa urmatorul lucru: 1. Asigurate ca esti logat ca si "Administrator" 2. Mergi la Start > Run si scrie gpedit.msc 3. Mergi la Local Computer Policy > Administrative Templates > Network > QOS Packet Scheduler 4. In fereastra din dreapta, dai dublu-click pe limit reservable bandwidth 5. La setari, bifeaza Enable Setting 6. Acolo unde scrie "Bandwidth limit %",modifica sa citeasca 0 [sau orice procent tu vrei] 7. Click pe OK, inchide gpedit.msc Fa urmatorul lucru acum: dute la Start > My Computer > Network Connections > Network Connections > Click dreapta pe conexiune > Proprietati [ acolo unde e listat protocoalele ] asigurate ca e bifat QoS Packet Scheduler si exista. Aplicand aceste tweak-uri necesita modificarea Registriurilor [ nu stiu daca am pronuntat corect !? ] {Start > Run > Scrie: regedit}.Ca deobicei fa un backup la registry-urile tale inainte de a modifica ceva. 2. Prioritatea rezolutiei hostului Windows 2k / XP Primadata deschide Regedit,si [ dupa backup ] mergi la HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesTcpipServiceProvider Tine minte! urmatoarele [ toate dword hex ] Class = 008 ( indica faptul ca TCP/IP este un nume de provider, nu-l schimba. LocalPriority = 1f3 (499) - local names cache HostsPriority = 1f4 (500) - fisierul de HOST DnsPriority = 7d0 (2000) - DNS NetbtPriority = 7d1 (2001) - NetBT numele-resolution{ REZOLUTIEI }, include WINS Ceea ce incercam sa facem este sa marim prioritatea la ultimele 3 setari,in timp ce pastram ordinea lor.Raza valida este de la -32768 pana la +32767 ,iar numerele mai mici inseamna prioritate mai inalta comparata la celelalte servicii. Noi tintim la numere mai mici fara a ajunge la extreme,priveste mai jos: Schimba liniile "Priority" cum e mai jos: LocalPriority = 005 (5) - local names cache HostsPriority = 006 (6) - fisierul de HOST DnsPriority = 007 (7) - DNS NetbtPriority = 008 ( - NetBT name-resolution, including WINS Windows 9x/ME Schimbarea este aproape la fel ca si la Windows 200 / XP,doar locatia in Registry e putin diferita. Primadata deschide Regedit,si [ dupa backup ] mergi la HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetServicesVxDMSTCPServiceProvider Ar trebui sa vezi urmatoarea setare: Class=hex:08,00,00,00 LocalPriority=hex:f3,01,00,00 HostsPriority=hex:f4,01,00,00 DnsPriority=hex:D0,07,00,00 NetbtPriority=hex:D1,07,00,00 Schimba liniile "Priority" cum e mai jos: LocalPriority=hex:05,00,00,00 HostsPriority=hex:06,00,00,00 DnsPriority=hex:07,00,00,00 NetbtPriority=hex:08,00,00,00 Restart Pc pentru a avea efect setariile!!! Rog sa intelegi ce faci inainte de a schimba/modifica OS-ul.
  4. http://www.rebusonline.com/data/cuvinte-titlu.txt
  5. http://anonymouse.org
  6. BitDefender Antivirus Plus v10.0 BitDefender Antivirus Plus v10 provides all the security an Internet connected household needs. Packed with the most powerful features, it provides comprehensive protection against viruses, spyware, spam, rootkits, scams, phishing attempts and intruders – standard license includes coverage for 2 PCs and 2 years plus free phone and e-mail support. Features Filters all possible virus access scenarios: shares, downloads, web traffic, Peer-2-Peer and IM applications, removable drives, etc. Blocks unknown viruses using advanced proactive detection techniques Scan incoming and outgoing mail without any additional configuration Firewall filters all incoming and outgoing network connections and renders decision making easier than ever due to predefined application rules Antispam module classifies e-mail as spam/legitimate based on user preferences and protects against scams aimed at accessing sensitive data Download : http://2vkgev4gei.rapidsafe.de/ Password: leisureisland
  7. ZoneAlarm Internet Security Suite v6.5.737.000 ZoneAlarm Security Suite is an easy-to-use, comprehensive solution that provides all-in-one PC protection, integrating Zone Labs' award-winning firewall with antivirus, privacy protection, Web site filtering and instant messaging security. Here are some key features of "ZoneAlarm Security Suite":
  8. Okoker Encrypt Folder v1.2 Okoker Encrypt Folder is a secure and easy to use program that lets you password-protect and easily prevent access to your important folders. A protected folder and its contents will be prevented from being renamed, modified, deleted, copied, moved, accessed or even seen on the system. You can only enter the system by using the correct password, which will enable you to view or edit the encrypted folder contents. Wherever, at home, work, or any other environment where you share your computer with others, Okoker Encrypt Folder can really help you secure your files and folders from prying eyes, malicious programs, users, and getting infected by dangerous viruses and unwanted access or accidental damage. The Encrypt Folder interface has been designed to be intuitive and easy to use, and the most important is that the software is human and intelligent. Features: * Super drag and drop to quickly Encrypt or Decrypte your folders. * Automatically encrypt when a folder is added. * It's a intelligent program that can be used easily and quickly. * Encrypte and protect your folders. * A protected folder and its contents will be prevented from being renamed, modified, deleted, copied, moved, accessed or even seen on the system More Information http://www.okoker.com/encryptfolder/index.htm Download 3.1 MB http://rapidshare.com/files/834028/Okoker.Encrypt.Folder.v1.2.Cracked-ARN.rar Password: www.devilived.com
  9. Owned By RST Machines
  10. merita vazut : www.owned.com
  11. Professional Eclipse 3 for Java Developers Download : http://rapidshare.com/files/511907/B.DauM_-_PRoFeSSioNaL_eCLiPSe_3_FoR_JaVa_DeVeLoPeRS.rar
  12. Download : http://rapidshare.de/users/VRIM45
  13. Gonzalez


    DDos Download : http://rapidshare.de/files/36698628/ddos.rar
  14. Clean Disk Security v7.62 What is Clean Disk Security? - This program gives you secure file deletion, making sure that deleted files cannot be undeleted again. Deleting a file normally just removes the file's directory entry, but the data itself remains on the disk. This program completely eliminates the contents of deleted files. The highly acclaimed Gutmann disk cleaning method is now available as an option. This program can also clean the Window's swap file, and can optionally clean unneeded temporary files from your hard disk, such as your Internet browser cache, files in your system's Recycle Bin, and can clear the "recent files" list. Comes with a direct disk viewer for discovering exactly what is on your hard disk. More Information http://www.theabsolute.net/sware/clndisk.html Download 0.6 MB http://rapidshare.com/files/711546/Clean.Disk.Security.v7.62.WinALL.Regged-CHiCNCREAM.rar Password: www.devilived.com
  15. De ce ai nevoie: * Windows Windows 2000 sau XP * Sa te pricepi un picut la Command Prompt * WinRAR 1* Fa un folder,numestel cum vrei,eu il numesc : New Folder.In acest folder ai un document important sa zicem.A meu e : Important [ Document *.txt ] si o poza,pe care o numesc: secret [ tip *.jpg ] 2* Arhiveaza documentul 3* Deschide command prompt: Click pe Start -> Run -> Scri cmd -> Ok 4* Mergi la folderul pe care vrei sa-l ascunzi,al meu e New Folder. 5* Cand ai ajuns,scrii asa: copy /b secret.jpg + important.txt.rar + money.jpg 6* Deschide WinRAR din Start 7* La WinRAR dai click pe File [sus in dreapta] si cauti folderul,a meu e: New Folder ,dai click sa se vada toate fisierele din folder [ All Files ] si deschizi money.jpg ATENTIE: money.jpg e numele la jpg-ul secret in care se va afla documentul Enj0y!
  16. merge 100%
  17. Cred ca sunteti [ unii ] nervosi cand trebuie sa downloadati ceva de pe MEGAUPLOAD, si nu mai sunt sloturi libere pentru tara noastra,asta mica. Sunt 2 variante pentru a nu mai sta dupa sloturi: 1* Pentru FireFox Instaleaza User Agent Switcher : http://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/59/ Repornesti FireFox,apoi faci urmatorul lucru,mergi la : Tool -> User Agent Switcher -> Options -> Options Dai click pe User Agents -> Add Si completezi asa : Description : MEGAUPLOAD User Agent : Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; W*ndow$ NT 5.1; SV1; Alexa Toolbar) Dupa ce ai terminat de scris, dai de doua ori pe Ok. De acuma incolo cand ai vreun fisier de descarcat de pe MEGAUPLOAD trebuie sa dai click pe : Tools -> User Agent Switcher -> MEGAUPLOAD. ATENTIE!!! : inainte de a pune linkul in browser trebuie sa faci "chestia" de mai sus. 2* Pentru IE 6-7 [ Internet Explorer ] Foarte simplu, dai click pe Start -> run -> scrii regedit -> ok Pentru IE 6 Acuma mergi la [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREM*cro$oftW*ndow$Curr entVersionInternet Settings5.0User AgentPost Platform] Pentru IE 7 mergi la [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurr entVersionInternet SettingsUser AgentPost Platform] Enj0y!
  18. in mare parte: da poate ai vreun prieten care nu are AV,si merge
  19. Scanner 1. 7th Dimension Port Scanner: Scan your port address more easily. 2. AB Complete Ping: Allow you to ping one or more IP addresses, to scan a network for shared resources and to scan a computer for open ports. 3. Angry IP Scanner: Scan IP very easily and rapidly!. 4. Dave’s Port Sniffer: Detect FTP, HTTP, POP, SMTP, TELNET and FINGER deamons running on any TCP host machine. 5. DeadBolt: Monitor holes in Windows and alert you when it detects suspicious activity, giving you the power to stop viruses dead in their tracks!. 6. Linux-Vuln-source: Carry the two scanner as Rnmap and VLAD ’s system security kit!. 7. MacAnalysis: Audit suite for your Macintosh to perform and help implement a security standard for your computer/network by performing some work. 8. NetBIOS Security Kit(unix): Perform various security checks on remote servers running NetBIOS file sharing services. 9. NetBIOS Security Kit(windows): Perform various security checks on remote servers running NetBIOS file sharing services. 10. Netmon: Monitor network connections. 11. Nmap: Explore or security audit network on Linux or Unix. 12. Port Invader: Scan a range or list of IP addresses to verify if there are open or closed ports. 13. Port Scanner: Scan a group of IP address looking for the presence of specific incoming TCP/IP ports. 14. PortScan: Scan port fast and configurably!. 15. Port_Scanner: Collet 20 tools to use in port sacanner on Linux or Unix!. 16. Portscan SMS Alert: Alert you when probed scandlogd logs information to syslog and invokes this shell script. 17. Scanner: Collect 84 tools and misc to scan. 18. SecureScan NX: Scan your distributed network architecture for vulnerabilities from one central location. 19. SkPortScan ActiveX Control: Integrate port-scanning capabilities into your applications with this ActiveX control. 20. THC-HappyBrowser: Check an NT-Server/Webserver for known vulnerabilities. 21. THC-Probe: Scan compilation for Linux. 22. THC-Scan: Automate tone, carrier, vmb scanning. 23. WhereIsIP: Find the geographic location of chat room members, ICQ members, and more. 24. Windows_Trojan_Scanner: Collect 6 little tools scanning whole networks to find well known Trojans. 25. Windows_port_scanner: Collect 9 Port Scanner running on Windows. 26. XSharez scanner: Scan, search and get specific resources for you. Sniffer 1. Blackbox for AOL: Monitor application for America Online, AIM, ICQ, and Yahoo Messenger. 2. Colasoft Application Protocol Sniffer & Analyzer: It is a TCP/IP Network Sniffer & Analyzer program based on Windows system. 3. Ethereal0814: Free network protocol analyzer’s another version. 4. Ethereal0817: Analyze network protocol, another version of Ethereal. 5. Ethereal0820: Analyze network protocol freely for Win32. 6. Libpcap062: Needed for capturing packet to you as the packet capture library, the latest release of Libpcap. 7. Linux_sniff_source: Contain 18 sniffer tools on Linux and some source files. 8. LittleBrother: Allow supervisors to accurately manage and measure internet and network resource usage. 9. NetProb32 Network Analyzer: Analyze, Monitor Traffic, and Generator Packet program. 10. PacketX: Integrate winpcap packet capture functionality with VB or any other programming environment supporting Microsoft ActiveX technology. 11. Phenoelit’s own security sniffer: Open a network interface for all packets and not only for these packets, which are send to this interface. 12. Proxy Workbench: It is a unique proxy server ideal for developers, trainers and security experts that displays its data in real-time. 13. Snarp: Allow the host to sniff the data from the wire. 14. Sniff-em: Base on a competively priced, performance minded Windows as a Network analyzer. 15. Sniffers: Having 34 files in it and among that are 28 sniffer tools and some source codes. 16. Socket Workbench: Designed to analyze socket communications. 17. Stealth Activity Recorder: Use newly and easily internet enabled tool for monitoring home and business PCs. 18. Tcpdump362: Capture and dumper program pretty much for the original protocol packet. 19. Windows_sniff: Facilitate the capture and visualization of network traffic kit of 5 tools and 1 source code files. 20. Winpcap: Capture and send raw data from a network card, the free Packet Capture Architecture for Windows!. Snoop tool 1. ID: Display the ID information of machine’s specific hardware. 2. IPQuery: Show the current IP Address. 3. NetroSnooper: Find hidden files on the internet!. 4. Network Inventory: Provide network administrators with the ability to perform a software inventory on all machines located on a network. 5. Quadsoft’s IP Tool: Tell you your IP Address in a variety of ways. 6. ShellSPY: Track every process running on your PC. 7. Trouble In Paradise: Install nothing but trouble your machine with some showing message. 8. iNetTools for Windows: Collect menu-driven testing tools for internet and IP-based networks. Source code 1. APG: Set for random password generation. 2. ARP Monitor: Trace arp requests from/to your machine. 3. Asm: Including msmh, inpect, GetDialPasswords, it is a kit. 4. Backdoor: Includes 17 Backdoor tools in the kit with their source code. 5. Blue Beep: Blue Beep is a wardialer, this includes its source code. 6. C_SOURCE: Contain 4 files in it, and get the tools source code after decompress them. 7. Emailcrk: Crack password of e-mail account. 8. Findhost: Scan port on the net for you. 9. Harvester: Contain the source of Harvester, which monitors remote web pages and FTP directories. 10. IgmpNuke: Use IGMP packet tool’s source code. 11. Jail Chroot Project: Build a chrooted environment on POSIX with source code of C. 12. Keylogger_SRC: Include all the full source of Keylogger recording keystrokes. 13. Misc_src: Misc source code of 10 tools. 14. Network Grep: Mimick as much functionality in GNU grep as possible, applied at the network layer. 15. Nutcracker: Check/crack password tool for Unix/Linux. 16. PgpIcq: Encrypt your ICQ messages using the power of the world’s best encryption software. 17. Portscanner: Scan a group of IP address. 18. SecurityFocus ARIS Extractor: Analyze IDS log sophisticatedly and filter important attacks from the noise. 19. ShareDecryption: Extract share passwords from registry. 20. VB_SOURCE: Contain 14 files in it, and get the tools source code after decompress them. 21. Wnuke4: This is the complete wnuke4 source file package. 22. Zebedee: Secure IP tunnel tool’s source code!. Spoof 1. Credit probe: Creates fake credit card numbers. 2. HTTPort: Establish a transparent TCP/IP tunnel through a proxy server. 3. IP Spoofer: Support IP spoofing software kit. 4. Ircgspoofer: Spoofer software on IRC Ghost. 5. Pinger: Trick your ISP into thinking you are always active. Virus 1. Virus_exe: Including six most typical executable virus programs. 2. Virus_source: Containing many virus source codes in the package, this page will be devoted to Virii and Trojan’s, 89 files in all. Backdoor extract the file and rename it to ISO Download : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Z3RK5G91 [url]http://www.megaupload.com/?d=X3AQJ4P2[/url] [url]http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3NEGK6RJ[/url] [url]http://www.megaupload.com/?d=V2JMPQUY[/url] [url]http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FA2XYT4A[/url] [url]http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YZ9W0LA0[/url] [url]http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YJP8RZHT[/url] Video Tutorials: Students then learn how intruders escalate privileges and what steps can be taken to secure a system. Students also learn about intrusion detection, policy creation, social engineering, DDoS attacks, buffer overflows, and virus creation. When students leave this intensive five-day class, they will have hands-on understanding and experience in ethical hacking. Chapter 1 - Introduction to Ethical Hacking Chapter 2 - Footprinting Chapter 3 - Scanning Chapter 4 - Enumeration Chapter 5 - System Hacking Chapter 6 - Trojans and Backdoors Chapter 7 - Sniffers Chapter 8 - Denial of Service Chapter 9 - Social Engineering Chapter 10 - Session Hijacking Chapter 11 - Hacking Web Servers Chapter 12 - Web Application Vulnerabilities Chapter 13 - Web Based Password Cracking Techniques Chapter 14 - SQL Injection Chapter 15 - Hacking Wireless Networks Chapter 16 - Evading IDS, Firewalls and Honey Pots Chapter 17 - Linux Hacking Chapter 18 - Buffer Overflows Chapter 19 - Cryptography Chapter 20 - Virus and Worms Chapter 21 - Physical Security Chapter 22 - Penetration Testing Download : [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/33881434/CBt_Nuggets_Certified_Ethical_Hacker_Series-Video_Tutorial.part01.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/33881325/CBt_Nuggets_Certified_Ethical_Hacker_Series-Video_Tutorial.part02.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/33883360/CBt_Nuggets_Certified_Ethical_Hacker_Series-Video_Tutorial.part03.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/33883362/CBt_Nuggets_Certified_Ethical_Hacker_Series-Video_Tutorial.part04.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/33886318/CBt_Nuggets_Certified_Ethical_Hacker_Series-Video_Tutorial.part05.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/33885932/CBt_Nuggets_Certified_Ethical_Hacker_Series-Video_Tutorial.part06.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/33885867/CBt_Nuggets_Certified_Ethical_Hacker_Series-Video_Tutorial.part07.rar[/url]
  20. 1) Connection: A) IP Scanner - Scans for IPs with an open port you specify Get PC Info - All PC info, including Disk Size, Space, User etc C) Get Home Info - Gets all Home Info the vic specifies for their Windows Registration ( not always availible) D) Server Options - Options pertaining to removing, changing port, updating server, etc. E) IP Notify - Adds a new notify method or changes the current method on the current server 2) Keys/Messages: A) Keyboard - Open Keylogger, get offline keys, disable keyb. etc Chat - Chat with the Victim Download : http://erkan.fastsponsors.de/Trojaner/sub7_legends.rar Password : htool01
  21. NOD32 v2.51.8 Administrator Edition Download : http://rapidshare.com/files/198281/NOD32_v2.51.8_Admin.rar
  22. Fake Webcam v2.0 Use fake webcam to play you pre-recorded videos on instant messengers (Yahoo, MSN, Paltalk etc) while chatting. It can even broadcast one single movie to all the messengers at the same time. Download : http://www.midload.com/file/477/Fake-Webcam-v2-0-Cracked-TBE.rar.html
  23. @ Shocker : incerc! Themida v1.820 Demo: http://www.tool32.com/go.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Foreans.filesdownloads.com%2FThemidaDemo.zip
  24. mai stii ca nu sant dinaia ? paranoici ?
  25. Mirror : DLL To Lib v1.42 Full Retail DLL to Lib is a magical tool which can convert a DLL into its equivalent static library file. After that, you can replace the original DLL with the static library, rebuild your application, and distribute it without the DLL! The most exciting thing is that the conversion process DOES NOT require any source codes of the DLL! * Convert DLL file into its equivalent static library. In the conversion process, a programming interface identical to the export functions in the DLL is introduced for developers. And the necessary symbol tables, string tables and reference tables are also reconstructed from the DLL to make a valid and portable static library. * Support to convert all 32-bit DLLs developed by different tools, including Component Object Model(COM) based DLLs. * Integrate "Import Library Reference Information Generator" to process the references to standard libraries. * Integrate "Symbol Finder" for you to find the detail information about a special symbol or a class of symbols. * Support to convert DLLs that use compiler and API implements of TLS. * Perform cross check between the DLL's import lib and the generated static lib so to eliminate the potential inconsistency. * Check the COMDAT symbols in the import libs when generating the static lib. * Support to load and save the conversion settings as a project file. * Support command line parameters. More Information : [url]http://www.binary-soft.com[/url] Download Appz Retail ( 2.00 MB ) : http://rapidshare.com/files/153520/dll2libf.rar Password : www.devilived.com
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