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sar`na.super folositor
ff bun postul.eu stiam de un site chinezesc si altu` unsingapp.com- parca pe situl asta bagai imei`u si aplicatia o uploadai
cati dintre voi fac bani lucrand la domiciliu (homework)
dragosh1904 replied to DrGrim's topic in Off-topic
da din instalare sisteme de operare, upgrade`uri pc,si mai sunt depinde ce vrea omu mentionez ca primu` e de baza dar nu stiu vara asta park s au mai domolit cum zicea si daaatdraqq park e rusine sa ceri bani la priteni la ceilalati asta e:) profit:..hm depinde uite luna trecuta decat 20 ron adica ff putin.si astia luati park pt ca am schimabat sursa si dvd +ram .. dar nu traiesc eu din asta -
scz de intrebarea mea de n00b:D da` astea sunt incercarte de tine?[fara sup]
e mai veche stirea... dar poate nu stiati Un britanic risc? pân? la 70 de ani de închisoare pentru c?, spune el, a încercat s? caute dovezi despre existen?a extratere?trilor. Gary McKinnon, considerat cel mai periculos hacker din lume dup? ce a spart sistemul Pentagonului de securitate informatic?, urmeaz? a fi extr?dat în Statele Unite dup? ani de procese în Marea Britanie. McKinnon este acuzat c?, în perioada februarie 2001 - martie 2002, a piratat zeci de computere apar?inând NASA ?i armatei americane. Fapta sa este descris? în presa american? drept cea mai mare ac?iune de piraterie informatic? militar? din toate timpurile. Avoca?ii s?i au apelat la toate metodele legale pentru a împiedica extr?darea, f?r? succes îns?. De?i britanicul a adus pagube de 800.000 de dolari, el a uimit spunând c? dorea s? afle doar dac? exist? civiliza?ii extraterestre. McKinnon sufer? de o form? de autism, iar familia lui se teme c? starea acestuia de s?n?tatea s-ar putea agrava odat? cu extr?darea c?tre Statele Unite. sursa Realitatea sincer eu asta nu prea as numi "hacker" mai degraba curios
f bun.adevar mare spui:) off ma gandeam cate igg ai u ca park mai mt de 100 nu merge:P
tre sa fi destept ca sa ti dai seama ca esti prost ..deci:)
nu e asa de pedo:-":)))peste 5 6 ani printesa valoraoasa .. dk or mai tine manelele astea ca vad ca lady.proxy s a reprofilat:> manele house:|
User de DC++ filat, judecat şi amendat. Ai putea fi următorul
dragosh1904 replied to daatdraqq's topic in Stiri securitate
eu iau numai dupa demonoid:D...poate fbi sa ma prinda si nu as vrea ca sa fiu off topic:D.. cum poti sa ascunzi ip pe torrente dar nu cu proxy pt ca si asa am viteza mica la net.. PS am inteles ca cei de la TPB voiau sa scoata cva.. un torrent dwd anonimizer sau cva de genu -
nu vad eo bn sau asta e frum hi5 | Your Friends. Your World.
User de DC++ filat, judecat şi amendat. Ai putea fi următorul
dragosh1904 replied to daatdraqq's topic in Stiri securitate
am fst mai rapid:P -
da vad ca se paote ca tel cu java sa aiba virusi gen Trojan-SMS.J2ME.RedBrowser.a F-Secure Virus Information Trojans That Target Cell Phones And PDA's! It is not just PCs that are vulnerable to virus attacks these days--now you also have to protect your phone from mobile phone virus and PDA, too. Advanced mobile phones run the same kind of applications as desktop and laptop computers, and they have multiple wireless connections so they too get infected by mobile phone virus and spread cell phone virus. There are currently about 100 mobile viruses that can disable a phone or create bills of hundreds of dollars by sending pricey picture messages. The first mobile virus spreading "in the wild" emerged less than two years ago. While this is still a tiny number compared with personal computer viruses, the threat is expected to increase. What Are Mobile Trojans? Mobile Trojans is one type of cell phone virus. A Trojan is a program that appears desirable but contains harmful virus or a worm. When the program is downloaded it turns out to be a malicious code or mobile Trojan that compromises your confidential information stored on the mobile or PDA. These mobile Trojans spread through blue tooth, and multi media messages. These mobile Trojans once installed in your mobile starts sending SMS and pricey MMS and you end up losing money. What Mobile Trojans Do? Some of the common mobile Trojans to have attacked mobile phones and smart phones are: SymbOS.Sendtool. - a Trojan horse that runs on the Symbian operating system, which is the operating system used for Nokia series 60 mobile phones. The Trojan horse drops a hacktool that can be used to send malicious programs, such as variants of the SymbOS.PBStealer family of Trojans, to other mobile devices via Bluetooth. CDropper is a family of Symbian SIS file Trojan that will install Cabir variant(s) into the device. Some of the installed Cabirs will replace system or common third party applications. If user has one of those applications installed into system it gets replaced with Cabir and its icon in the menu will go blank. Which Phones Are Affected – Smart-Phones, Mobiles Running Java The arrival of the smart phones & PDAs has led the way to cell phone spyware, PDA virus, mobile virus on the new platform. The problem seems especially severe for the series 60 platform, due to it's use by the major handset manufacturers like Nokia and sony ericsson. The main reason is that commwarrior a new trojan horse is affecting it more rapidly then any other model. Similarly the java script mobiles are affected first than anyone as many virus are captured easily in it. One of the reasons for the relatively slow spread of cell phone virus so far has been the greater variety of software running cellular phones compared with computers, which mostly run on Microsoft's Windows operating system. However since symbian is commonly used by many smart phones like Nokia and Sony Ericsson, they have become mobile phone virus favorite target. How Does Mobile Trojans Get Downloaded? Business users utilize their mobiles and smart phones not only for company business, but also for e-mail, instant messaging, browsing the Web, downloading and sharing files over the Internet, as well as for checking financial accounts. Majority of smart phone users store confidential personal, business or client data on their devices. Many use their PDAs and mobiles to send and receive e-mails that include confidential personal data; they also use mobile phones to access bank accounts. While this is great convenience, it also makes mobiles susceptible to Trojans and other spyware to be installed. What Mobile Trojans Can Do? The mobile phone Trojans will affect your mobile in two ways. They are annoying malware, which will drain your battery or try and send premium rate messages but will do no real damage to the phone itself. Then you have the more malicious malware that can disable programs or even disable the phone itself. Needless to say it is undesirable to contract any of these files. Annoying activities of a Trojan would be changing your desktop around or silly icons appearing. Malicious damage from a Trojan is capable of deleting files on your mobile or PDA and allowing personal and confidential information to be collected without you being aware. rojans unlike viruses are a program that never duplicates or copies itself but does damage or compromise the security of the mobile. The best defense against mobile virus is antivirus software but most antivirus software won’t find all variants of Trojans so again a firewall is needed. The kaspersky antivirus personal is one of the antiviruses available for removing the cell phone virus like cell phone virus 911. The spy sweeper is an award winning software that effectively and safely detects and removes Trojans from your mobile. The antivirus software is a pest patrol that protects your cell phone from the cell phone spyware and removes them. The best way to remove Trojan is preventing it before it gets installed. Some of the preventive techniques are explained below. Preventive Techniques Fortunately, security products that can detect malicious code exist for most mobile device operating systems. For smart phones in particular, real-time automatic and on-demand virus scan capabilities can protect files that are stored on the smart phone's file system, while the firewall should use protocol and port filtering to protect the data and applications being transmitted. To ensure that devices are protected against new threats, users should be able to download the latest virus protection updates when the device has access to a wireless connection. Another way of prevention is * Do not install pirated software on your mobile. Only install software from reliable resources. * Do not accept any messages sent over blue tooth from somebody you don’t know or if you are not expecting to receive one. * Provide training to personnel using mobile phones / PDAs. People cannot be held accountable to secure their information if they haven't been told how. * Patch management for software on mobile devices should not be overlooked. This can often be simplified by integrating patching with syncing, or patch management with the centralized inventory database. The anti virus software can easily detect and remove all the current Symbian malware and can also detect if infected files are trying to be installed and stop them. But at the end of the day if you use your common sense and follow the rules you will have nothing to worry about at all. Smartphones, PDAs, and laptops are increasingly being used in much the same way as desktop computers, putting these devices at risk of the onslaught of threats that has been seen in recent years on PCs. Mobile phone virus though still not as widespread as computer viruses can still be a nuisance and lead to monetary loss or identity theft. Taking some basic precautions as described above could effectively combat cell phone virus and mobile viruses. scz dk e prea lung sper sa fie de folos deci jeefo nu are cum fara o platforma m ai avansata cel putin nu la nokia meu`
pai a luat TBP, nah au inceput cu cel mai bun si folosit
LAS VEGAS - A Mac security expert has uncovered a technique that hackers could use to take control of Apple Inc. computers and steal data that is scrambled to protect it from identity thieves. Prominent Mac researcher Dino Dai Zovi disclosed the software flaw at the Black Hat security conference in Las Vegas, one of the world's top forums for exchanging information on Internet threats. About 4,000 security professionals are in attendance, including some who are really hackers. While experts ferret out software flaws to fix them and protect users, hackers use the same information to devise pranks or commit crimes. Attacks on Apple computers are extremely rare, but security experts say that will change as Macs gain market share on PCs running Microsoft Corp's Windows operating system. Some hackers have already released programs that attack Macs, including one earlier this year that was spread to a small number of machines via pirated software. It is not illegal to publish software that can be used to hack into computer systems, though it is against the law to use it to break into them. Dai Zovi, a security researcher and co-author of "The Mac Hacker's Handbook," said on Wednesday that once hackers start to put substantial resources into targeting Apple's computers, they will be at least as vulnerable as Windows machines. "There is no magic fairy dust protecting Macs," he said in an interview. The technique — dubbed "Machiavelli" — exploits a vulnerability in the Mac OS X kernel, the heart of the machine's operating system. It only works on machines that have already been victimized, such as ones attacked with the pirated software. It can take control of Apple's Safari browser, logging passwords to financial accounts and data on bank statements, Dai Zovi said. An Apple spokeswoman could not be reached for comment. Apple is the fourth-largest U.S. PC maker and continues to take market share. It held 9 percent of the U.S. market in the second quarter, according to Gartner. "They are advancing. Our concern is that they are just not advancing as fast as they are gaining market share," said Charlie Miller, co-author of "The Mac Hacker's Handbook." Still, they said the Mac's operating system will be an easier nut to crack once hackers start to focus on it. That is because it has a lot more code in it than Windows, leaving room for more vulnerabilities and bugs that hackers can exploit, the two experts said. "Everyone is on their toes," Miller said. sursa Mac flaw could let hackers get scrambled data - Security- msnbc.com
corect da eu am zis nokia 6131 virusat a trebuit resoftat cum asta pai mi s a umput memoria telefonului si nu gaseam nimic pe telefon. virusii erau bagati dupa Card am dat select all si am mutatat niste poze park...deci tineti minte s40 nu se viruseaza decat cardu conectat la pc...
Primul caz de piraterie, amendat în România :O
dragosh1904 replied to dragosh1904's topic in Off-topic
faza e ca nu asa ar trebui pedepsite aceste cazuri. ei spun ca dau exemplu dar faza e cam asa sufera un om pt alte mii. nu i corect:| -
3.000 de euro. Aceasta este amenda pentru primul caz de piraterie pe DC++ depistat de poli?i?tii români. Dup? aproximativ un an ?i jum?tate de la sesizarea Poli?iei, un utilizator al DC++ a fost sanc?ionat pentru c? pus în re?ea sute de piese muzicale protejate de dreptul de autor. Ac?iunea a fost demarat? de membrii Asocia?iei Industriale Muzicale din România (AIMR). Dupa un an si jumatate de la sesizarea Politiei, unul din cazurile de piraterie de pe DC++ s-a finalizat in civil avand castig de cauza Asociatia de Lupta anti-Piraterie, utilizatorul de DC++ fiind obligat la daune de 10.932,62 lei. Asociatia de Lupta anti-Piraterie a depus o plangere la UPFR (Uniunea Producatorilor de Fonograme din Romania) impotriva unui utilizator de DC++ care punea la dispozitie in retea materiale protejate de Legea drepturilor de autor. UPFR a chemat in judecata in proces civil faptuitorul pentru plata daunelor cauzate prin punerea la dispozitie a fisierelor cu muzica prin intermediul unui hub. Din totalul de 210,13 GB de informatie pusa la dispozitie, 66,36 GB reprezentau piese muzicale, o parte dintre ele apartinand membrilor UPFR, atat din repertoriul muzical romanesc cat si din cel international. Prejudiciul a fost stabilit in functie de materialele gasite la utilizator, astfel daunele pentru acest caz au fost estimate la contravaloarea a 295 de produse originale a cate 10 euro fiecare. Valoarea finala stabilita pe criteriile acestui caz este de 2950 de euro, echivalent in lei cu 10 923. Alegerea acestui user a fost aleatorie din lista de useri a hubului hub.xboss.ro, a declarat inspectorul pe anti-piraterie digitala din UPFR. “Actiunea a avut drept scop constientizarea fenomenului de piraterie pe internet, cu toate consecintele financiare pe care utilizatorii de DC++ le pot suporta. Este un exemplu care ar trebui luat in seama atunci cand se utilizeaza DC++ pentru postarea fisierelor cu muzica. In prezent sunt initiate multe actiuni si impotriva celor care detin site-uri cu muzica, fara acordul producatorilor titulari, sau care intretin platforme digitale pe care sunt postate fisiere cu muzica pirat. Suntem constienti ca nu putem schimba comportamentul publicului consumator in ceea ce priveste downloadul de muzica, insa consumul de muzica on-line poate fi orientat catre surse legale, astfel incat sa evitam aceste de procese. In prezent lucram la un proiect care sa informeze publicul despre legalitatea sursei de muzica on-line.” a declarat avocatul George Cracea, cel care a coordonat acest caz. sursa monden.info
lol dupa 2 ani... exsita PM
probabil ceea ce vezi u sunt joc.rms alea sunt salvari... in rest stiu ca se paote virusa decat dk ai pe card si apoi ii dai move si numai poate fi sters din telefon il ia ca pe un element protejat
ParapsihOLOAGA Nina Petre pretinde ca megastarul nu a ajuns inca in rai... da repede face translate ea:))
vad ca nu merge cu alt 0160:|
) aoleu cat am ras:)))
sorry greseala mea nu am vazut ca ai dat edit la postu tau acum merge de minune