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Everything posted by zbeng

  1. Below is a compiled list from the internet, google has these resources. Most of the list provided by http://www.ductape.net/~mitja/freeunix.shtml. If you wish to add to this list, reply to the thread or PM me,shit, you can even email me. If you I dont see it, it doesnt get added. (unless someone is feeling generous) [b]SDF Public Access UNIX System - Free Shell Account and Shell Access[/b] [url]http://sdf.lonestar.org/index.cgi[/url] [b]SDF-EU Public Access UNIX System - Free Shell Account and Shell Access[/b] [url]http://sdf-eu.org/[/url] - - - 1. limited, VERY limited features [b]GREX[/b] [url]http://www.grex.org/nu/newuser.html[/url] [url]telnet://cyberspace.org/[/url] - - - 1. does not support eggdrop, or other irc bots. 2. does support dialup: (734) 761-3000 [b]Nyx[/b] [url]http://www.nyx.net/[/url] - - - 1. supports dialup users: 303-409-1401 2. requires valid ID: [url]http://www.nyx.net/newacct.html[/url] Arbornet, Inc. [url]http://m-net.arbornet.org/[/url] [url]telnet://m-net.arbornet.org/[/url] - - - 1. free accounts are extremely small. [b]Death Row OpenVMS Cluster[/b] [url]http://deathrow.vistech.net/account-info.shtml[/url] [url]telnet://gein.vistech.net/[/url] - - - 1. supports SSH [b]Nic.Nac.Project[/b] [url]http://nic-nac-project.org/apply/apply.html[/url] - - - Require for account: - A copy of your passport, ID or drivers license - A nice postcard from your local area (or just a regluar one) - An envelope + a stamp Not allowed: - Bots of any kind - Bouncers of any kind - IRC daemons of any kind - Shoutcast servers of streaming of any kind - Excessive port scanning of any kind - Copyrighted material of any kind [b]Cyberrunners[/b] [url]http://cyberunners.org/payshell_end2.php[/url] - - - 1. 30 day free trial 2. Paypal accounts must be verified Features of 30 day free trial: Backgrounds process: 1 Hard disk space: 20M IPV6: yes SSH access: yes Screen and BitchX: yes precompiled eggdrop: yes irssi: yes webhost: yes php: yes mysql: yes FTP: yes [b]JVDS[/b] [url]http://www.jvds.com/freeshells/[/url] 1. Quota: 6Mb (shared between mail and web) 2. Background processes allowed: No 3. NO IRC [b]unixdaemons[/b] [url]http://www.unixdaemons.com/[/url] [url]http://www.unixdaemons.com/phpBB2/[/url] [b]..:: Gigapixel Networks :: RULEX.NET ::..:[/b] [url]http://www.rulex.net/index.php?page=shell[/url] irc://irc.shellsnet.org/rulex.net Phone: +358 40 8446642 - - - 1. 10mb quota 2. 1 IRC connection 3. SSH & SFTP access 4. 2 processes Si al sfarsit (va rog sa imi zice daca vrun link e mort ) http://freeshell.org [url]http://sdf-eu.or[/url] [url]http://www.grex.org[/url] [url]http://www.nyx.net[/url] [url]http://m-net.arbornet.org[/url] [url]http://www.xox.pl[/url] [url]http://www.rootshell.be[/url] [url]http://www.daforest.org[/url] [url]http://www.vectorstar.net[/url] [url]http://www.polarhome.com[/url] [url]http://vmsbox.cjb.net[/url] [url]http://www.titanix.net[/url] [url]http://www.bur.st/[/url] [url]http://deathrow.vistech.net[/url] [url]http://nic-nac-project.de[/url] [url]http://aragon.marway.org[/url] [url]http://www.magnesium.net/[/url] [url]http://cyberunners.org/[/url] [url]http://www.jvds.com/freeshells/[/url] [url]http://www.unixdaemons.com/[/url] [url]http://www.polarhome.com/[/url] [url]http://shells.thinkgeek.co.uk[/url] [url]http://www.silenceisdefeat.org/[/url] [url]http://www.zsuatt.com/[/url] [url]http://www.rulex.net/[/url] [url]http://www.aeshells.org/[/url] [url]http://freeshell.simosnap.com/[/url] [url]http://freebsd.prohostuk.net/[/url] [url]http://www.celebris.net[/url] [url]http://unixclan.no-ip.org/[/url] [url]http://www.zerged.com[/url] [url]http://www2.steve-gibbs.co.uk/[/url] [url]http://www.shellsnet.org[/url] [url]http://bsd.miki.eu.org/[/url] [url]http://www.chules.net/[/url] [url]http://jiyu.gnook.org/[/url] [url]http://shell.yaphog.org/[/url] [url]http://www.gibbs-hosting.co.uk/freehosting.html[/url] [url]http://www.phoenix-network.org/[/url] [url]http://freeshells.mtveurope.org/[/url] [url]http://www.systemshell.net/[/url] [url]http://www.kverka.no/[/url] [url]http://www.weed.se/[/url] [url]http://www.geekshells.org/[/url] [url]http://www.darktech.org.uk/[/url] [url]http://furry.doesntexist.org/[/url] [url]http://nullshells.com/[/url] [url]http://www.disflux.com/[/url] [url]http://www.bobshells.be/[/url] [url]http://www.boinc.ch/[/url] [url]http://sense.do.pl/[/url] [url]http://dieguin.no-ip.org[/url] [url]http://catcher.no-ip.org/[/url] [url]http://lostsouls.uv.ro/[/url] [url]http://artax.homelinux.com/[/url] [url]http://osmiumnet.com[/url] [url]http://univac.gnu-linux.net/[/url] [url]http://www.nonlogic.org/[/url] [url]http://shell.blinkenlights.se/[/url] [url]http://www.kraimorie.net/[/url] [url]http://freeshells.ch/[/url]
  2. cred ca au cam bulito cu windows vista a fost unicul vista la care am vazut reclama la televizor
  3. Ras pune si o mica descriere ca poate nu toti stim ce contine p.s: promul are :Spammer: Voice Spammer Operator Spammer Admin Spammer Message Spammer Voice Spammer Channel Admin Spammer and many more.. Creator: Server Admin Creator Brute Forcer: Teamspeak Userlogin Brute Forcer Flooder: Channel Flooder Player Bot blubablub - Free-Hack Flooder tspeakfp Fun/Other: Display Overlay Lagger Volume Control Volume Control New Version AIO: TS Tool Teamspeak Chaos TeamspeakHack Admin Tools: TTT 1.3 Admin Client 1.1 MultiTool 2.2 Specials: Teamspeak Invisible Teamspeak - Kick everyone from Server with Channel Admin Status
  4. 1) e o carte in engleza 2) ce cauta la Articole securitate | Carti [ Romana ] 3)trebuie mutat la Articole securitate | Carti [ ENGLEZA ]
  5. More, better, faster, cheaper, easier, cooler, safer. All of these and more capture our desire to understand and get the most out of the investment we’ve made in our PCs. From making a PC boot faster, to improving its reliability, to using multiple operating systems, to being able to recover quickly when something goes wrong, the PC hacks in this book will improve your PC experience and make you a lot more computer-savvy.The term hacking has a bad reputation in the press. They use it to refer to someone who breaks into systems or wreaks havoc with computers as their weapon. Among people who write code, though, the term hack refers to a “quick-and-dirty” solution to a problem or a clever way to get something done. And the term hacker is taken very much as a compliment, indicating that someone is being creative, having the technical chops to get things done. The Hacks series is an attempt to reclaim the word, document the good ways people are hacking, and pass the hacker ethic of creative participation on to the uninitiated. Seeing howothers approach systems and problems is often the quickest way to learn about a new technology. Since you’ll be hacking your PC, and it probably contains all your data, never more than ever are you most strongly encouraged to follow three basic tenets of PC ownership: back up, Back Up, and BACK UP! While we won’t intentionally lead you through a hack that will harm your system, life with a PC is not a matter of if your system will crash, but when. Backups, system restore points, software and hardware installation disks, and printouts of hard-to-remember or obscure details are very handy to keep safe but close at hand should you need them. TABLE OF CONTENT: Chapter 01 - Basic System Board Hacks Chapter 02 - Basic System Board Setup Chapter 03 - CPU Hacks Chapter 04 - Memory Hacks Chapter 05 - Disk Hacks Chapter 06 - Disk Drive Performance Hacks Chapter 07 - Video Hacks Chapter 08 - I/O Device Hacks Chapter 09 - Boot-Up Hacks Chapter 10 - Configuring a New PC http://rapidshare.com/files/16299579/PC_Ha.rar PASSWORD: Augustiner
  6. Introduction to C tutorials Introduction Introduction to C Versions of C The C Programming Process Using this CD A Basic C Program The "Hello World" Program Variables The scanf Function Chapter 2 Exercises Chapter 2 Solutions Basic Elements of a C Program Whitespace Data Types Strings Arithmetic Operators Comments More on printf and scanf Chapter 3 Exercises Chapter 3 Solutions Conditional Code The if Statement Blocks The if...else Statement The switch Statement Relational Operators Boolean Expressions Advanced Relational Operators The goto Statement Chapter 4 Exercises Chapter 4 Solutions Introducing the Course Project Course Project Solution Loops About Loops The while Loop The for Loop The do...while Loop break and continue Special Loops Chapter 5 Exercises Chapter 5 Solutions Arrays About Arrays Strings Revisited Multi-dimensional arrays Array Initialisation Chapter 6 Exercises Chapter 6 Solutions Strings and Characters String Input and Output The ASCII Character Set Character Functions Chapter 7 Exercises Chapter 7 Solutions Advanced Operators Assignment Operators Increment and Decrement Operators The ? : Operator The sizeof Operator Casting Chapter 8 Exercises Chapter 8 Solutions The C Preprocessor About the C Preprocessor The #include Directive and Header Files The #define Directive Macros The #ifdef and #ifndef Directives Other C Preprocessor Directives Chapter 9 Exercises Chapter 9 Solutions Functions About Functions Defining and Calling Functions Global Variables Function Parameters Functions that Return a Value Function Prototypes Chapter 10 Exercises Chapter 10 Solutions Structures Defining and Using a Structure Structures and Functions The typedef Keyword Chapter 11 Exercises Chapter 11 Solutions The Compilation Process Layout of a C File Structure of a C Program The Compilation Process Chapter 12 Exercises Chapter 12 Solutions Basic Pointers Introduction to Basic Pointers Understanding Pointers Pointer Syntax Pointer Syntax Examples A Common Pointer Confusion What are Pointers for? Coding with Pointers Pointers as Function Parameters Pointers to Structures Chapter 13 Exercises Chapter 13 Solutions Scope About Scope The static Keyword Chapter 14 Exercises Chapter 14 Solutions Dynamic Memory About Dynamic Memory Understanding Memory The malloc Function malloc Examples The free function Other Dynamic Memory Functions Chapter 15 Exercises Chapter 15 Solutions The Standard C Function Library The main Function void Functions Exiting a Program File-based Input and Output stdio.h Revisited Standard I/O Functions Using Standard I/O Functions Generating Random Numbers References Chapter 16 Exercises Chapter 16 Solutions Bitwise Operators About Bits The << and >> Operators The ~ Operator The & and | Operators Bit-sized Structure Fields Chapter 17 Exercises Chapter 17 Solutions Advanced Pointers The void Pointer The NULL pointer Pointers and Arrays Pointer Arithmetic Pointers to Pointers Chapter 18 Exercises Chapter 18 Solutions Function Pointers About Pointers to Functions Understanding Pointers to Functions Using Function Pointers Writing Generic Code Chapter 19 Exercises Chapter 19 Solutions Appendix - Linked Lists The End -- Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/19058641/C_programming_vtc.rar
  7. * 1 Introducere * 2 Înainte de a întreba * 3 Când întrebaþi o 3.1 Atenþie unde întrebaþi o 3.2 Forumurile Web si canalele IRC orientate cãtre începãtori o 3.3 Pasul doi: listele de email ale proiectului o 3.4 Folosiþi linii de subiect relevante o 3.5 Nu îngreunaþi rãspunsul o 3.6 Folosiþi un limbaj clar, corect gramatical ºi ortografic o 3.7 Folosiþi un format uºor de citit o 3.8 Fiþi precis în descrierea problemei o 3.9 Multe informaþii nu înseamnã precizie o 3.10 Nu pretindeþi cã aþi descoperit un bug o 3.11 Milogeala nu impresioneazã ºi nu înlocuieºte efortul propriu o 3.12 Descrieþi simptomele problemei, nu presupunerile dvs o 3.13 Descrieþi simptomele problemei în ordine cronologicã o 3.14 Descrieþi obiectivul, nu paºii intermediari o 3.15 Nu solicitaþi rãspunsuri private o 3.16 Puneþi întrebãri concrete, punctuale o 3.17 Nu puneþi întrebãri din tema pentru acasã o 3.18 Reduceþi numãrul întrebãrilor irelevante o 3.19 Urgent pentru dvs, nu ºi pentru noi o 3.20 Puþinã politeþe nu stricã o 3.21 Reveniþi cu descrierea soluþiei * 4 Cum se interpreteazã rãspunsurile o 4.1 RTFM ºi STFW: cum îþi dai seama cã ai sfeclit-o o 4.2 Dacã nu înþelegeþi... o 4.3 Cum sã trataþi obrãzniciile * 5 Cum sã nu vã purtaþi ca un loser * 6 Întrebãri pe care sã nu le puneþi * 7 Întrebãri bune, întrebãri greºite * 8 Dacã nu vi se rãspunde * 9 Cum sã rãspundeþi la întrebãri * 10 Alte resurse * 11 Mulþumiri http://wiki.lug.ro/mediawiki/index.php/Cum_se_pun_intrebari_inteligente
  8. zbeng


    lume incet ca deabea am revenit in forta:D sysghost spor la munca teh_lost_byte iara pleci la baut [distractie]
  9. nenea encoded in actiune arata bine ai 1 vot
  10. ce bine ca a venit rst deja ma plictiseam ATI FACUTA treaba buna sys kwe etc place noul design sys daca e mai vb si pe mes
  11. zbeng

    cateva TM

    Tm 5196 http://rapidshare.com/files/6981079/ff5rr1tt9mm6rr.rar.html Tm 6229 http://rapidshare.com/files/7092392/ff6rr2tt2mm9rr.rar.html Tm 6686 http://rapidshare.com/files/7093060/ff6rr6tt8mm6rr.rar.html TM 5053 http://rapidshare.com/files/7173903/ff5rr0tt5mm3rr.rar.html TM 7114 http://rapidshare.com/files/7679782/kk7vv1ee1rr4aa.rar.html Tm 9825 http://rapidshare.com/files/7784307/ff9rr8tt2mm5rr.zip.html Tm 8793 http://rapidshare.com/files/8315252/ff8rr7tt9mm3rr.rar.html
  12. http://rapidshare.com/files/8320738/Animation_sextoon.com.rar
  13. hai sa va vad baeti care este prin afara de pe aici ate am sanse sa gasesc vro unu prin spania
  14. zbeng

    Tricou RST

    kwe zici ca vine mos craciun cu cate unu de ala la noi:D
  15. - o pisica se masturbeaza facut de hfhun da nu il poate posta
  16. hfhun nu ai facut nimik mai incearca trebuie sa mearga;)
  17. uuuuauuu..... le are baiatu:D chir mi-ar place daca ar scuate un cd;)
  18. costi ionita:-voi romani -strainatatea e m-ai parisva ca moartea
  19. zbeng

    "Boala" IRC

    Nu prea este o sectiune adecvata..da nu ii vad locul corect :@?
  20. deci nu va m-ai bateti capu si va ganditi atata la ce trebuie sa faci, gandeste asa: DACA ADMINU VRE ITI DA VIP DACA NU VREA NU ITI DA si gata atata bataie e cap pt nimik
  21. flyppy toti vrem ce nu avem - totoriale de calitate -ajuta membri care nu stiu -sa fii activ (adica nu intri de 10 ori pe luna) si chestii de astea care par cacaturi dara sunt importante
  22. http://share.urbanfriends.us/savefile_php/uploads/5cc8c8f028.zip
  23. Windows Workstation XP Pro,Premium Edition(32-bit),Advance H indows XP Service Pack 2 (5.2.3790.2725.rtm.060714-2056), Professional Edition, Premium, En-US, 32-bit x86 ******************************************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type.................: Application Platform.............: Windows 2005 More Info............: YA RIGHT Image Format.........: .iso Image Created with...: CloneCD Burn Tested..........: Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Release Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Master installation Source: Windows Server 2003, Service Pack 2, v.2725 (5.2.3790.2725.dnsrv.060615-2035), En-US, 32-bit x86 Deployment Source: WIM-based, Longhorn XP Professional (6.0.4074.0.idx02.040425-1535), Neutral Windows Image File/Setup: Windows PE (6.0.4074.0.rtm.060718-0824), 183,629,593 bytes bootable WIM, Neutral (2,54 to 1 ratio) Windows Image File/Installation: xml version 1.0, encoded UTF-16, non-standalone (12441 files), 2,115,376,595 bytes storage, En-US (2,61 to 1 ratio) Setup Requirements: 128 Mb RAM minimum, 2,9 Gb + 1.5 times your system's memory size, either a 32-bit or 64-bit CPU Minimal Requirements: 600 Mhz, 192 Mb RAM Recommended System: 1 Ghz Pentium III or later, 256 Mb RAM, DirectX 7+ compatible video Introducing Server Scalability to Windows "Workstation" XP Premium ------------------------------------------------------------------ bundled applications with this OS: M*crosoft .NET Framework 1.1 (4322.573) M*crosoft .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1 (871.273b) M*crosoft .NET Framework 2.0 (50727.42) M*crosoft Internet Explorer 7 (7.0.5450.0 Beta 3) for Windows Server 2003 (x86) M*crosoft Windows Media Player 11 (11.0.5358.4827) for Windows XP (x86) SysInternals PageDefrag 2.32 WinRAR 3.60 Beta 6 Corporate Alcohol 120% Diskeeper Server 10.0.593.0 XPize 4.4 Switch Off (System Service) Acronis DiskDirector Server 10.0.2064 NOD32 2.5 Antivirus / Control Center Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0.7 Firefox 2.0 Beta 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bootable..hit any key and SPECIAL NOTE: I USE THIS AS MY MAIN OS AND WOW, IT'S GOT THE SERVER R2 SP2 KERNEL AND XP SP2 FUNCTIONIALITY...A true HYBRED. SIZE 891 MEGS. Yes this build is truley impressive, a little XP, mixed with a little server r2 sp2, and a whole lot of speed and stability, a true masterpiece http://rapidshare.de/files/29096539/Workstation_Premium__July_2006_Release_.part01.rar.html [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/29097332/Workstation_Premium__July_2006_Release_.part02.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/29098276/Workstation_Premium__July_2006_Release_.part03.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/29099258/Workstation_Premium__July_2006_Release_.part04.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/29100190/Workstation_Premium__July_2006_Release_.part05.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/29101246/Workstation_Premium__July_2006_Release_.part06.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/29102212/Workstation_Premium__July_2006_Release_.part07.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/29103323/Workstation_Premium__July_2006_Release_.part08.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/29104343/Workstation_Premium__July_2006_Release_.part09.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/29105391/Workstation_Premium__July_2006_Release_.part10.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/29106522/Workstation_Premium__July_2006_Release_.part11.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/29107777/Workstation_Premium__July_2006_Release_.part12.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/29108913/Workstation_Premium__July_2006_Release_.part13.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/29109985/Workstation_Premium__July_2006_Release_.part14.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/29111281/Workstation_Premium__July_2006_Release_.part15.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/29112545/Workstation_Premium__July_2006_Release_.part16.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/29113734/Workstation_Premium__July_2006_Release_.part17.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/29115024/Workstation_Premium__July_2006_Release_.part18.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/29116288/Workstation_Premium__July_2006_Release_.part19.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/29116758/Workstation_Premium__July_2006_Release_.part20.rar.html[/url] Pass: desiwarez4u
  24. This is an ISO integrated by me. It includes Windows XP SP2 + until Dec-2006 Updates + DirectX-9.0c(December) + ASPI Drivers + .Net FrameWork 1.1 with SP1 + .Net FrameWork 2.0 + IE 7 + WMP 11 + WindowsMediaFormat 11 runtime.. I tested this release on my Own PC, and I'm now on this OS.. No errors found, since now, if anyone found inform me, i'll rectify it in my next version.. http://rapidshare.com/files/7901414/WINXP07.part1.rar.html [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/7909125/WINXP07.part2.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/7916821/WINXP07.part3.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/7923493/WINXP07.part4.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/7929825/WINXP07.part5.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/7934679/WINXP07.part6.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/7893223/WINXP07.part7.rar.html[/url] ISO MD5(After Extraction) 61081C108643D4FF63320AE3521A3F7F ISO Size: 658 MB(After Extraction) Compressed: 612 MB Serial: X6YWJ-M4TG2-DPGWJ-QCFR8-927M6
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