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Everything posted by statdx2

  1. este hacer cainele ?
  2. statdx2

    Idee Afacere

    practic ai nevoie de firma, locatie si o pagina, preturi bune si promovare la maxim. exemplu marketonline.ro "cumpara" produse de la azerty.ro
  3. ifunbox este un file explorer pentru utilizatorii de iphone, ipad etc.. am testat acest program si este super foarte util. No Jailbreak SSH Manage files on your iPhone/iPad just like Windows Explorer on your PC, but in a more robust and friendly way. Fast browsing root file system with full file operations supported including recursive folder drag&drop from/to Windows Explorer and other applications. On-the-fly thumbnail previewing for images in any directories. Pretty handy for editing iOS system config files, clearing caches and logs on iPhone and iPad, replacing carrier logo and Springboard themes. Here's a list of the most common folders in the iOS file system. Please note, if your device is still jailed you are NOT able to see these folders. /Applications This is where pre-installed native apps and jailbreak apps are installed. /Library/Ringtones This is where the pre-installed ringtones are stored. User-purchased ringtones are placed in /private/var/mobile/Media/Ringtones /Library/Wallpaper This is where Wallpapers and Lockscreens are stored. /private/var/cache This folder contains cached data from applications, which can be deleted safely. A backup beforehand is recommended. /private/var/mobile/Applications This folder contains applications that were downloaded from the App Store. /private/var/mobile/Media/DCIM This folder contains all the pictures you have taken on the iPhone. /private/var/mobile/Media/iTunes Control iTunes stores its media files and preferences here. /private/var/mobile/Media/iTunes Control/Music This folder contains music and videos added via iTunes. Files are randomly renamed, but the content can be identified by reading the tags on the media files. /private/var/mobile/Library/Summerboard/Themes You can customize Summerboard Themes here. /private/var/root/Library/AddressBook This is where iPhone Address Book is stored. /private/var/root/Library/Recordings This folder contains audio files recorded by software like VNotes. /private/var/root/Library/Ringtones This folder contains ringtones transferred by software like iBrickr. /private/var/root/Library/SMS This is where text messages are stored. /private/var/root/Media/PDF This is where PDF files are stored. /private/var/tmp This folder contains temporary data. /System/Library/Audio/UISounds This folder contains audio files used by the user interface for various events. /System/Library/Fonts/Cache This folder holds all of the system fonts. /System/Library/Carrier Bundles Every carrier setting is here. Every folder has a shortcut with a number (from 00101 to 74810). /System/Library/CoreServices/SpringBoard.app SpringBoard is the standard application that manages the iOS home screen, providing graphical services ranging from icon badges, the dock, multitasking and so on. download Download iFunBox
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