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Everything posted by .darky

  1. .darky

    Fun stuff

    A venit vreo 30-40 de inci, am zberat, mi-a dat cu deparalizante...
  2. Username: .darky Link-ul cu profilul tau: https://rstforums.com/forum/members/-darky/ Numarul de posturi: 173 Numarul de like-uri primite: 171 Numarul de like-uri date: 0 "Prietenul" cel mai bun de pe RST: SmarTeu si StoNe- User-ul pe care il respectati cel mai mult: - Melodia favorita: Artistul favorit: - Hobby-uri: Skateboarding, Penetration testing, Rapper/Songwriter Film favorit: - Joc favorit: - Rezolutia pentru anul 2014 (optional): - Ce astepti cu nerabdare in urmatorul an?: Sa ninga. Ce din 2013 nu ai vrea sa se regaseaca in 2014?: - Ce ai vrea sa iti spui peste un an?: "Coaie, te-ai dat dracu'!"
  3. Oarecum, ai respectat aproape toate cerintele si apreciez efortul deoarece aceste provocari au ca scop dobandirea de noi cunostinte.
  4. Unknown column 'cadouri' in 'Craciun'.
  5. CHALLENGE CLOSED! This challenge is for now, closed. Any reply/private message about it will not be considered.
  6. Te rog frumos, sa intri pe profilul meu si sa te uiti la posturile mele. ON: Bine ai venit! La cum ai inceput, nu o sa "traiesti" mult.
  7. Daca nu este al tau, de ce persoana respectiva foloseste acelasi pseudonim ca al tau (WinKode)? Mai nou, e la moda sa deschizi forum de securitate (exact ca cel de Counter Strike 1.6).
  8. Imi era lene sa caut altu' vulnerabil.
  9. .darky

    Fun stuff

    - De ce esti fan Fuego? - Pentru ca din seria colindelor si pentru ca brad.
  10. .darky

    Fun stuff

    Nu stiu, presupun ca da. Oricum, astea se vand peste tot prin tara.
  11. OFF: Mai sus, puteti vedea un h4x0r de temut care a reusit sa gaseasca un exploit pentru Limba si literatura romana.Felicitari!
  12. Sa presupunem ca si IP-ul tau se afla printre cele redirectionate? ON: Pacat ca functioneaza doar in LAN... Daca era atat de usoara "exploatarea" unui IP, pai ne redirectiona ghosthck11 pe toti, pe RedTube, la categoria Gay.
  13. The Publicized Hacks, Cyber attacks and Data breaches continue to increase, and the majority of attacks are from outsiders. Recently, Some unknown Russian hackers have reportedly stolen Personal details of nearly 54 million Turkish citizens, about 70% of the whole Turkish population. According to a report published by 'Hurriyet News', Researchers from KONDA Security firm revealed that the hackers have stolen data from a political party's vulnerable system that include Name, ID numbers and address of 54 million voters across the Nation. Researchers claimed that the hacked system (being used for Database and website Management) did not have any antivirus product installed and voter information was also uploaded online on a vulnerable website. This was really a bad idea, and they mentioned that “in two hours hackers downloaded all the information.” In another statement, they mentioned that some government institutions share citizen’s personal data online with other public and private bodies without ensuring the protection of data. It’s tough to accept, but you cannot protect all data. Data breaches will keep striking in 2014 also, but we will never know Where, When and How. Attackers are getting smarter, developing new advanced persistent threats, so Data breaches continue to become increasingly sophisticated. It is always important to take steps to enable encryption for Data and Devices, educate and aware the end users about the latest threats and basic necessary actions to protect the key data. Source: Russian hackers stole Personal details of 54 million Turkish Citizens
  14. .darky

    My Nigga

    OFF: De cand e HTML limbaj de programare?
  15. OFF: O mai arde careva cu B.U.G. Mafia, pe aici?
  16. .darky


    Mânu?aDeHaur* ON: Bine ai venit!
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