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About Sobolanus

  • Birthday 03/05/1991

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  1. Sobolanus


    credema ca din prima am scris cuvantul ala si cand l-am cryptat, mi l-a pus cu litere mari si de aia nu mi-a mers Ex:64696E6F7A617572696D617269 //Oricum sunt aproape numai conturi de metin acolo deci e clara treaba..
  2. Sobolanus


    Cine a deslusit parola...macar e animal?
  3. Sobolanus


    dinozauri, animale, preistoricii, sloboz sa-i bata am cryptat zeci de cuvinte de genu si tot n-am gasit raspunsu
  4. Sobolanus


    Am incercat vreo 10 min si m-am lasat pagubas
  5. acolo mai sus e link, citeste cu atentie
  6. Ba sincer, mie niciodata nu mi-au placut stealerele, eu prefer mai mult RAT...stealerele fura ce ai salvat in browser pe cand cu rat ai si acces si tot odata keylogger. Si nu in ultimu rand iti multumesc pentru el.
  7. Le-am blocat si eu acum, nu sunt un adept al facebook! Asa ca imi cer scuze daca n-am stiut sa-l folosesc cum trebuie.
  8. Cred ca am vreo 30 de persoane de la care am primit prostia asta..sau aia cu Facebook Red.. m-am plictisit de ele, cred ca o sa ma descotorosesc de facebook in curand, posteaza toti numai tampenii.
  9. Sunt destui dependenti(oameni prosti domne'), care practic nu pot sa traiasca fara facebook, am o matusa ''nebuna'' care si daca face o ciorba o pune pe facebook sa vada Romanii ce gateste ea in Italia...sa fim seriosi.
  10. Merge, merge! Atentie la HINT
  11. AES 256 Password : ZHRwYlkrZGNXRW5JYitkQ215Um1VK1d3JTNEc2gzVXpCQlk1YV VZdDQyJTNEczczbTZ3d0ljNTQvKzRMJTNEYkcwbWNwdmV0bmJt akJPUTZwem1wcUltTHZ4VytSTmE1QjAvMmtQ AES 256 Password Encrypted in this way : ATOM128 -> ESAB46 -> TRIPO5 -> BASE64 Password of .rar file crypted with AES : W9rMppFhZhwR8v49dTlxMmvcaFBVHFWJ4Hb5xnYQpXC22kBlDP b5+RQOkaNkr+W/9nsRpvmDDKHCPYb3UojbaBRdE1kLe6LQtQ76SdoE/oK7QI5tmK3u7/aKUzLj533JkKmC Little hint to help you : "Your content is encrypted using industry-standard AES 256-bit encryption. Governments use AES 256-bit encryption to protect their TOP SECRET information." Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9unsniss5wck1md/xCrypter.rar?dl=0 Sursa:http://www.hackforums.net/showthread.php?tid=4396840
  12. This is an old Autoit project, feel free to comment. It has been in my folder for awhile now and figured I'd release it. If you don't Obfuscate then you get 1/60 results. Download: 34xk8C0jwyGf8W9Y7nNkuWpV9CGlNj0ivTAjOA// Hint: e.s.a.b.
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