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Mircea88 last won the day on October 25 2014

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  1. Buna! imi poti da si mie te rog o invitatie pentru filelist?


  2. Deci.. nu mai bate laptopul ca se supara pe tine Si da se poate dezlipi pt ca tu cand i-ai dat una era cald. Sau mai poate fi si de la panglica dintre display si placa de baza, daca zici ca iti fuge imaginea cand misti de display.
  3. Sunt mai multe fara parola decat WEP ...nu stiu pe unde locuiesti.
  4. Password rekings.com
  5. 3290
  6. Incearca si in fastboot, rescrie boot.
  7. Face si tenda wds...
  8. De unde se activeaza?
  9. Adaptor USB Wireless N 150Mbps de mare putere TL-WN7200ND - Bine a?i venit la TP-LINK
  10. Destroy Windows 10 Spying It is a portable app that can block anonymous data being sent, remove apps that can’t be removed the standard way and more. I liked that it can remove some of the Windows default programs that can be removed under Apps & Features, an annoyance I immediately discovered since I prefer to “slim” down windows. How to Use ? Extract the archive Run DWS Lite Click on Destroy Windows 10 Spying On completion it will require restart Click on Yes to restart Done ! Enjoy http://i0.wp.com/onhax.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/slRKPPN.png?resize=451%2C448 https://dailyuploads.net/w7ic4j7p0ocr
  11. Am si eu nevoie de o licenta de windows, folosita doar personal. Ms
  12. Super. MS
  13. Hardul a capatat bad-uri cand l-ai trantit, recupereaza ce poti din el si schimba-l.
  14. Mircea88

    Windows 10

    Trebuie sa rulezi cmd ca administrator.
  15. Mircea88

    Windows 10

    Pai da dar ce versiune? Cumva Windows 10 Pro Build 10240? Daca da eu il am instalat de vreo saptamana si l-am activat asa : TO activate windows 10 pro(fresh install), just do the the following: copy these commands in cmd and press enter: slmgr /ipk W269N-WFGWX-YVC9B-4J6C9-T83GX slmgr /skms kms.xspace.in slmgr /ato
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