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Everything posted by begood

  1. In what appears to be one of the most ridiculous incidents in traditional vs. new media mentalities, the Senior Editor of CNN’s Middle East Affairs Octavia Nasr has been fired over a tweet she made last week. The controversial tweet has been circulating the web for the past couple of days since Nasr tweeted her opinion of a late prominent Lebanese Shiite cleric (Octavia being a Lebanese American) in which stated: We’re not going to get into a debate about the content of the tweet, Jillian C. York has done a wonderful job at that. But what does seem odd, is that a prominent news agency like CNN is willing to lose a 20 year CNN veteran over an opinion published out of context and in such short notice. No one is defending Octavia’s opinion, but her right to state it should not be an exception. The incident has started a tweet storm, so to speak, around the world and especially in the Middle East, where the Middle Eastern web icons have expressed their outrage. People including Samih Touqan (Founder of Maktoob.com and CEO of Jabbar Internet Group), Habib Haddad Founder/CEO of Yamli, and Mohamad Tikriti CEO of iHorizons, the company developing most of AlJazeera’s online portal, have all voiced their disgust. I wonder if they should fear for their jobs too after this, perhaps so should I? CNN Fires ‘Senior Editor’ and 20 Year Veteran Over A Tweet
  2. Developer Sean O'Neill, famous in cryptographic circles for designing the EnRUPT hash algorithm, has released an open source Skype library that emulates the modified version of the RC4 encryption algorithm used by Skype. Skype chose to modify key generation for the stream cipher to make its product incompatible with other IM clients and ensure that it remained a closed system. However, initial analysis suggests that O'Neill's publication does not mean that Skype's encryption can be considered 'cracked'. Further study will be needed to determine whether key expansion and initialisation vector generation are secure. Because Skype has not released details of its encryption procedures, for years researchers have been trying and failing to reverse engineer the company's encryption. What is clear is that Skype uses a variety of encryption procedures. AES-256 is used to communicate with Skype's login server, SMS/event server and search servers. Supernodes and clients use the modified version of RC4 for the actual communication. No further information is currently available – O'Neill's website, on which he announced his breakthrough, is currently offline. Even the Skype Library RC4 v1.108 download is currently offline. O'Neill has promised further details, but not until December, when he intends to present his findings at the Chaos Communication Congress in Berlin (27C3). Until then, interested users can examine the code and use it for test purposes. Commercial usage is currently permissible only after consultation with O'Neill. Skype's encryption procedure partly exposed - The H Security: News and Features
  3. ma indoiesc ca vor obtine cat de curand, dar castiga din ce in ce mai multe batalii. de 25 de ani (daca nu mai mult) se chinuie sa se impuna pe internet, cu tot felul de filtre, uite ca pana acum nu prea au reusit. oamenii nu-s prosti, dar nici prea destepti.
  4. Complexitatea culturilor si civilizatiilor umane (foste si actuale), dinamica sociala a ultimului veac (mai exploziva decat o dinamita!), alaturi de evenimente fulgeratoare (precum izbucnirea unui razboi sau inventarea unei supertehnologii care da lumea peste cap) – toate acestea fac ca o astfel de dilema, precum cea enuntata in titlul acestui material, sa para, oarecum, lipsita de sens si consistenta. Va sa zica, raspunsul la intrebarea "Cum ar arata lumea, daca pe Pamant ar trai numai 100 de oameni" nu credem ca da imaginea completa a lumii noastre de astazi, cand pe Terra traiesc aproximativ 6.814.600.000 de indivizi (estimare facuta de United States Census Bureau, pe 14 aprilie 2010). Cu toate acestea, o lume in creuzet, un sat cu numai 100 de locuitori, esantion reprezentativ pentru intreaga omenire, accentueaza foarte presant tendinte si statistici extrem de interesante care, de multe ori, bombardati fiind, zilnic, cu o pleiada de informatii mai mult sau mai putin (i)relevante, ne scapa din vedere. Asadar, "Cum ar arata lumea, daca pe Pamant ar trai numai 100 de oameni?" nu ne aduce imaginea totala a lumii de astazi, dar ne ofera niste franturi esentiale (si poate definitorii) de realitate, foarte exacte.
  5. Fake SMS texts - Anonymous mobile phone text messages txts for fun! n-am testat, vedeti voi.
  6. pare fi facut mai mult de dragul de a testa niste functii decat pentru a face "ravagii" daca n-as stii mai bine, as zice ca doar pentru statistici a fost facut
  7. sunt estimari, si sunt foarte grosolane, poti visa tu mult si bine la 300k boti, da mai 24 milioane
  8. principiul e urmatorul : prostia omeneasca care da pe afara cel care a facut malware-ul trimite la o lista cat mai mare de idioti un link via messenger. ei intra pe link crezand ca deschid o poza (habar nu au ca are extensia .exe) si se infecteaza. malware-ul preia controlul computerului victima si citeste contactele din lista, trimitand mai departe linkul. ai 1 botmaster. el trimite la 300k persoane linkul, 20% se infecteaza (60k), aia 60 k au fiecare cate 100 persoane in lista, 20% se infecteaza => 60k*100*0.2= 1 200 000 computere infectate la a doua generatie, la a treia creste la 24 000 000. evident in realitate rata de infectie e mult mai mica, de ordinul 1-5 %, dar daca totul depinde de IQ-ul oamenilor, la copii evident procentul creste (am calculat eu) chiar si la 40%
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  10. Documentary From the creators of the classic, BUSTED: The Citizen's Guide to Surviving Police Encounters (2003), Flex Your Rights releases its new achievement, 10 Rules for Dealing with Police. The 40-minute docudrama is the most sophisticated and entertaining film of its kind. Narrated by the legendary trial lawyer William (Billy) Murphy, Jr. (from HBOs The Wire), 10 Rules depicts innocent people dealing with heavy-handed policing tactics used every day in the United States. Through extensive collaboration with victims of police abuse, legal experts and law enforcement professionals, we've developed a powerful multi-language (English, Spanish & Arabic) resource that provides proven survival strategies for dealing with racial profiling and police abuse. Do you know what your rights are if you're stopped by police? Most people don't, and the consequences can be severe. From simple misunderstandings to illegal searches and excessive force, a bad police encounter can happen to anyone. But after watching 10 Rules for Dealing with Police, you'll be more confident and better prepared to handle every kind of police situation. Learn How To... * Deal with traffic stops, street stops & police at your door * Know your rights & maintain your cool * Avoid common police tricks * Prevent humiliating searches Genre: Documentary Video codec: XVID Frame Size: 720 x 416 Average Video Bitrate: 1200 Kb/Sec Avi file size: 384,178 KB Total Time: 00:38:03.00 Frame Rate: 29.97 Frames/Sec Total Frames: 68445 Video Data Rate: 29.00 frames/Sec Video Quality: 53.22 Audio 1: 0x0055 (MP3) 128.00 Kb/Sec - 48000 Hz (2 Channels) filelist.ro :: Login
  11. begood

    rst logo

    n-ai nimerit umbrele la tija de metal, ai impresia ca e intoarsa invers orar (vazut de sus) edit: pardon, da, reflexii.
  12. sistemul merge in felul urmator : eu platesc un abonament lunar de minim 2 euro pe luna la flattr. pe durata lunii gasesc n articole interesante, de exemplu nytro scrie trei, kw3 scrie 2. in acest caz n=3+2=5. cei doi euroi se impart la n si se impart la fiecare om pe care l-am promovat eu. deci nytro primeste 1.2 euro si kw3 primeste 0.8 euro la sfarsitul lunii. la fel se intampla la toti userii care folosesc flattr. daca stai si te gandesti ca pe luna poti scrie minim 2-10 articole bune care sa primeasca puncte scoti banuti frumosi din asta
  13. consecutive ? neah, nici nu visati la asa ceva
  14. Some days ago I wrote about Flattr, the new micropayment service founded by ex-Pirate Bay speaker Peter Sunde. Flattr is well on its way in Germany, where many early adopters have already received their first payment on June 1 (more on that later). But what about the rest of the world? Since I haven’t seen much buzz around Flattr outside of Germany, I asked my Twitter followers why they think the service hasn’t taken off elsewhere. While Christian Kreutz criticized the invitation phase as making no sense because Flattr “need a mass right from start”, company evangelist Eileen Tso added that the service’s adoption by leftist German newspaper taz “took it to another level”. Jürgen Eichholz saw Peter Sunde’s talk at re:publica 10 (video, see also this interview with dctp.tv) as crucial. Peter himself eventually sided with Jürgen, also pointing out that he’s living in Berlin. So there seems to be a consensus that a talk at re:publica was helpful to kickstart Flattr into the German blogosphere. Indeed, the conference is not only the biggest one aiming mostly at bloggers (and, at least in my eyes, more open and welcoming than both other Internet community events, such as the Chaos Communication Congress and typical media conferences), but also organized by the people (and companies) behind two of Germany’s most prominent blogs, netzpolitik.org and Spreeblick (I have interned at, and write for, both). These two blogs are also among the first to implement Flattr, alongside many other major (and smaller, of course) blog and some newspapers. On June 1, Flattr paid out the first monthly revenues to the participators. Many of them have responded by publishing the figures, in general saying that they are posivitely surprised. Below are some figures and statements, alongside some rankings derived from the “Leitmedien” index of Rivva, an important aggregator that uses links and tweets as indicators of relevance. Tim Pritlove: I am flattered 208,54 € for podcasts Chaos Radio Express and Not Safe For Work (not listed on Rivva) Johnny Haeusler: Flattr after the first 14 days 110,94 € for multi-author blog Spreeblick (#30 on Rivva) Spreeblick has also embedded a poll asking their readers about their use of Flattr. Surprisingly, the share of those who use the service as both writers and readers (17%) is lower than the one of read-only users (18%). 37% state that they plan to join Flattr in the future, whereas only 28% have no interest in the service. Matthias Urbach: First money from Flattr 143,55 € for newspaper taz (#14 on Rivva) Carta editorial office: Flattr: The first payoff122,56 € for multi-author blog Carta (#7 on Rivva) Udo Vetter: Flattr – the first payoff33,06 € for blog law blog (#135 on Rivva) Michael Seemann: Flattr – it works! 0,26 € for blog HIER Flattr is still in closed beta mode, thus you need an invite code to join. I still have some left, so if you want one send me an email to [myfirstname] at [thisdomain]. I will be especially happy to give away some invite codes to my international readers! http://www.simoncolumbus.com/2010/06/03/first-flattr-revenues-from-germany-and-what-about-the-row/
  15. Flattr is a new startup with an inovative business model, coming out of Sweden. In fact it’s the brainchild of a group of people formerly associated with The [infamous] Pirate Bay, including Peter Sunde Kolmisoppi. It’s highly ironic that Flattr has sprung from a similar group that refused to pay for content, like movies. But Flattr just might work because there are already signs that the micropayments startup is getting grass-roots traction – and it’s still only in closed beta. Flattr is reminiscent of Digg or perhaps Facebook Like buttons – but this time with real money. That could make things very interesting. According to one blogger he has had €875.89 for the month of June from Flattr and the amount has increased steadily upwards. Plus Flattr (as in flattering someone and a flat-rate payment model) is already in use by two major German newspapers, completely unprompted: taz.de and Freitag.de There are also lists appearing of people appearing who are starting to make actual money. Admittedly these are small amounts, but that fact it’s even happening is interesting. Flattr has competition in the form of Kachingle but it’s fair to say the latter is not getting quite the same amount of buzz. So how does it work? The trouble with micropayments to date, say via Paypal, is that the threshold for donating to a site is high, and sending just a small sum like €0.01 is tedious. So every user that sets up a Flattr account pays a monthly fee — a minimum €2 — that they are willing to contribute for any kind of online content. When the user finds something they like that has a Flattr button, they can click the button to “reward” the content provider. At the end of the month, the user’s monthly fee (remember this could be as low as €2) is split equally among the holders of the content that they “flattered”. Remember, clicking one more button doesn’t add to your monthly Flattr fee, it just divides the fee up equally. Of course, there needs to be enough content creators willing to include Flattr buttons on their sites and enough Flattr users (the service is currently in beta and an invite is required to set up an account). Flattr’s system encourages participation, since in order to get money you also need to offer it as a button. Plus, before you can get flattred you need to funds to your account – so you have to pay into the system to get something out. If you empty your account the flattr payments stop happening. And if you do flattr nothing in a month your budget goes to charity. Flattr can be used as a compliment to donations or advertising or even for getting small donations for open source software. Third-party applications are now starting to spring up around Flattr including ImFlattrd (social network) and a Firefox add-on (to flattr any content). Imagine a world where journalists are paid according to how many flattrs they attract? It may still happen… Is Flattr the new Facebook Like, but this time with real money?
  16. Can flattery really get you everywhere? Even if you’re a notorious pirate? Until last year, Peter Sunde was the scourge of record labels and film studios as one of the founders of the Pirate Bay, the “unauthorised” music and movie downloading site. Now he’s hoping to change the economics of content again with a new venture, Flattr. read more : Pirate Bay founder aims to make a Flattr world | Tech Blog | FT.com
  17. Financial Infographics, Savings Account & CD Rates - VisualEconomics.com
  18. 4 ani. !_30 ti-a mai crescut mustata intre timp ?
  19. begood


    ai putea vorbi cu andrewboy sa faca un anunt pe worldit in cautare de editori. am putea uni mai multe forumuri like hackpedia/skullbox/isr. nota : sa nu aud de conflicte personale cu diferiti indivizi de pe acele forumuri ! ps : revista nu trebuie sa aiba o data fixa a aparitiei
  20. begood


    eu zic sa nu faci echipa, nu merge asa din cate am observat pe alte forumuri. cel mai bine posteaza cine doreste niste tutoriale/stiri si le adunati in revista
  21. Leecher Mods - : Search results for yahoo sunt curate release-urile lor.
  22. foarte tare, multam !
  23. Inguma is a free penetration testing and vulnerability discovery toolkit entirely written in python. Framework includes modules to discover hosts, gather information about, fuzz targets, brute force usernames and passwords, exploits, and a disassembler. Inguma - A Free Vulnerability Research and Penetration Testing Toolkit
  24. fratilor e nefolositor din moment ce odata inchis containerul criptat, cheile din memorie sunt suprascrise. practic ei gasesc parola la un container deja deschis => destul de inutil, nu credeti ? datele oricum sunt compromise. @xact that's rubber hose cryptanalysis ! basic stuff. shall i demonstrate on flubber here ?
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