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Everything posted by voodoo

  1. Pagina are acum 35840 likeuri. A crescut doar organic!
  2. Il gasesti gratuit pe net... daca ma incordez il pun eu, dar mi-e lene sa il caut sa vad unde l-am downloadat.
  3. Ati primit amandoi link cu pagina
  4. Vand pagina de facebook 21k. Pret 1000 ron Pagina crescuta cu poze si videoclipuri virale, are rich destul de mare, parerea mea. Am avut si 1 milion reach. Fara offtopicuri va rog!
  5. cam vechiut postul, stiu, se poate un reupload?
  6. Deci are cineva sau poate face?
  7. Sincer ma interesa un script local si fara abonamente, etc... pot sa pun si eu scriptul pe un host nu-i problema. Cat despre ce mi-ai aratat endemic, e super pro, felicitari... ma gandeam la o investitie mai mica de aia zic.
  8. Era putin diferit ca ala te trimitea pe un site nu era intern de la facebook...
  9. Am vazut in mai multe localuri in Iasi, exista o aplicatie de facebook care este setat la rooter si cu ajutorul careia strangi likeuri la pagina. Cand te conectezi la rooter ca sa ai acces la internet trebuie sa dai like la o pagina de facebook prestabilita. Are cineva? Cat costa?
  10. Un pm cu pagina?
  11. si mie te rog unul... multumesc anticipat
  12. ai in linkul de mai jos cateva scripturi php gen jackpot la scriptul de ezpzskins trebuie sa faci urmatoarele 1.- To install the site script on a WINDOWS machine, follow the steps below. 1.1.- Install XAMPP. 1.2.- Go to your folder where you have installed xampp and enter htdocs. 1.3.- Remove everythign from the folder htdocs and move the whole script there. 1.4.- Open XAMPP Control Panel and install APACHE2 & MYSQL. 1.5.- Create a new database and import the file db.sql found in the htdocs folder. 1.6.- Open the file set.php with NOTEPAD++ and edit it to fit your DB details. 1.7.- Open the index.php file with NOTEPAD++ and edit the TRADE LINK field that you will find at the bottom to fit your bot's trade link. 1.8.- Go to the steamauth folder and open the file settings.php with NOTEPAD++ and change the URL field and APIKEY field to fit your details. Important Notes: 1.- To get your api key go to Steam Community setarea butului 1.- Open the tradebot.js file with NOTEPAD or NOTEPAD++ (i prefer NOTEPAD++) 2.- On the first line var admin = 'TradeBot ID'; replace the TradeBot ID with the steam ID of the account you're going to use as bot. (you can get the id of the aacount from HERE) so for example after the replace it should look like this var admin = 'STEAM_0:0:000000000'; 3.- On line 4 and 5 you have to enter the username and the password of the account that you're going to use as BOT. accountName: 'Username', password: 'Password' So you have to replace the Username with the username of the account and Password with the password of the account. 4.- Then save the file and open start.bat. Then close the console and open you're email and look for letter from steam. Then open the letter and copy the steamguard code. 5.- Now go back to NOTEPAD++ and paste the code that you copied for the email on line 12 var authCode = 'Steamguard Code'; 6.- On line 24 type the name of your site sitename = "site name here"; 6.1.- Now on line 31 you have to enter your api key: steamuserinfo.setup("api key here"); 7.- Now you have to edit the lines from 35 to 38 where on line 35 you have to type the host of you're DB then on line 36 you have to type the user for MySQL connection... on line 38 you have to type the password of the user and on line 38 you have to type the name of the DB. host : 'DataBase host ', user : 'DataBase user', password : 'DataBase userpass', database : 'DataBase name', 8.- Save the file and close NOTEPAD++ 9.- Now go to you're steam folder and copy the ssfn file of the account that you're going to use as bot. Then go to disc drive D:\ and make new folder named ssfn and paste the ssfn file in the folder. 10.- Now edit the ssfntosentry.bat (to edit it right click on the file and then click EDIT) 11.- Once you opened the notepad window to edit the file you'll see something like this node import-ssfn.js olegwedun51 C:\Users\Hello\Downloads\Bot\Bot\ssfn\ssfn2445454598091469817 So here you have to replace olegwedun51 with the username of the account that you're going to use as BOT.. and this C:\Users\Hello\Downloads\Bot\Bot\ssfn\ssfn2445454598091469817 to D:\ssfn\the name of the ssfn you copied earlier 12.- Now save the file close the edit window and open the ssfntosentry.bat after it's done close the window and open start.bat 13.- Now you'r bot must works just fine. Important notes: 1.- Before start with the setup of your bot download and install nodejs from https://nodejs.org/download/ download script: https://mega.nz/#!EQ5WCRKD!THcQaud1x-EfYgXYiqwdaqmirnwqYWeNVVPuWcBBg6U download bot: https://mega.nz/#!NBIH3YSK!AaIIE-zMJVSAG0dcAOPa7HK7ocheUFfMBO4vU-zMtuQ Si aici gasiti mai multe versiuni de scripturi: https://mega.nz/#!DhFDXYIZ!1vXGU8lkQnzuWjMvwFWZ8lpL0XpWI0MlGPU4WxcVptU Si astea gasite la o simpla navigare pe internet. Nu stiu cat de bune sunt scripturile dar par destul de recente, asa ca mult succes la implementare, si daca reusiti sa nu ma uitati o donatie acolo pe steam nu strica!
  13. Se poate si mie o licenta de windows 7 Ultimate? Multumesc anticipat, daca se poate
  14. interesat 4 euro paypal
  15. cat ceri pe el? nu sari calu ca nu se merita
  16. testeraplicatii@yahoo.ro
  17. Fufu - Viral media/gag script - PHP Scripts | CodeCanyon 2 euro bucata, plata paypal.
  18. Scuze pt offtopic De unde l-ai luat si cat ai dat pe el?
  19. Daca nu ai vândut te contactez eu mâine. Cump?r sigur!
  20. Caut un plugin bun de wordpress care sa ia feedurile din alta parte, cu articol integral, cu tot cu imagini si sa ale posteze pe site intr-o anumita categorie, prima imagine sa fie feature image. Multumesc care da o mana de ajutor.
  21. Pentru pretul asta, pastreaza-l pentru tine, cred ca nu mai stii valoarea banului.
  22. voodoo

    youtube down?

    cred ca a fost o problema de la datacenter
  23. voodoo

    youtube down?

    502. That’s an error. The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request. Please try again in 30 seconds. That’s all we know.
  24. trimite si mie pm
  25. nu are cum sa nu fie. Numai daca e host gratuit si iti baga reclama pe gat.
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