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About Hir0sh1

  • Birthday 02/20/1980


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  1. Looks pretty good, i will have to use it. Thanks for sharing this mate.
  2. great job finding all that info
  3. have you been able to decompile the builders of the finfisher's exploit for pdf/doc? They are not macro executionals.
  4. Hir0sh1


    how difficult would be to add a button to choose between romanian/english?
  5. why don't you take the $150 and get you some escorts,i'm sure will be worth it.
  6. excellent information,i'm taking a look at it. Thanks for sharing.
  7. yes,metasploit will create a doc or a pdf file. I was refering to the script posted by the original post. There is a 0day for both .doc and .pdf that will execute with no warnings use by the finfisher (gamma group) but it's not public yet.
  8. you still looking for help?
  9. i have tried that exploit along many others and on my side they don't work. The only way to exploit a .doc this days is if the person "enable" and "run" macros.
  10. hmmm interesting indeed,will be looking more into it,thanks
  11. Excellent thread,informative and direct. Thank you for posting it. I started downloading the leaked package in a torrent but i gave up,since the size was very large. Shame the person didn't got his hands on the new 0 days in office word and pdf wich installs silently without any warnings.
  12. Hello i am Hir0sh1 ! Your forum looks interesting so i registered and see what i can learn and share. I am in Japan and i am a female. I do not dominate your language, therefore i use the universal language (english) Interests and hobbies....too many. Well now i am going to read the rules and go thru the forum. Any question feel free to msg me. Hir0sh1
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