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Everything posted by zeffy
asa si eu.. nu stiu cum sa pun codebreaker pe cd.. ca sa pot accesa usb. tutoriale de cacat
http://www.hackathon.ro/ a inceput, avem membri rst inscrisi acolo ?
ubuntu in loc de Win??
zeffy replied to flower-power's topic in Sisteme de operare si discutii hardware
e foarte simplu de ales os pentru oricine , spre exemplu (1): windows 7, 8 cel mai bun pentru cei care folosesc un nivel minim de utilizare (chat,torrent,muzica,film,jocuri), in caz ca ai un calculator antic, folosesti xp, in caz ca ai vreo fosila, folosesti ceva gen gos, puppy , strict chat,multimedia, cu interfata prietenoasa. (2) daca microsoft nu mai este o enigma pentru tine, si vrei sa rezolvi alta enigma, instaleaza linux, recomand ubuntu, incepi cu el, testezi alte distributii, e mult mai complicat decat windows,o sa ia mai mult timp sa inveti sa il folosesti si sa il "dibuiesti". (3)observ ca tu vrei "sa inveti hacking" , pai apucate mama si invata sa folosesti linux, sa il stapanesti,invata limbaje de programare, apoi sa ai pretentia sa "hackeresti". ps : hack : protejeaza,securizeaza crack : sparge,fura,ajunge in iad eu am dual boot, ubuntu si win8, nu as renunta la win8 pentru nici o distributie linux la capitolul multimedia. dupa cum am spus, daca vrei sa folosesti calculatorul pt muzica,film,joc,chat,etc atunci win8 e mai bun decat toate sistemele de opereare, si alegerea asta nu e discutabila, e batuta in cuie -
Oops! We can't find the page you requested on our server. If you want to help us fix the problem you can email us at walletrequest@epassporte.com and let us know where you see the problem. mesajul asta il primesc cand vreau sa inregistez un cont .. care o fi treaba ? au ramas in pana de administratori ? nu mai are cine se ocupad e site ?
eram pe alt monitor cand am intalnit problema , cand am schimbat monitorul mi`a mers si imi arata ca e instalata (fglrx) . ms pt replayuri
am instalat ubuntu desktop ultima versiune, apoi mi`a aparut o fereastra sa instalez driver video , am placa radeo 4500hd, am instalat`o , am dat reboot, si cand sa intre pe desktop imi zice monitorul : mode not supported ! ce ii pot face? si din recovery mode,in terminal ce as putea scrie ca sa dezinstalez placa video, ca sa nu mai instalez iar ubuntu
stiviniuvunu civinirivinipeveneavanascavana (stiu ciripeasca)
Download : http://www.2shared.com/file/P1EjDz-w/eGold_Roulette_GAME.html http://www.2shared.com/file/zew0rl5Z/Ogame__english__RPG.html http://www.2shared.com/file/hbu_W6RR/Phaos_Super_RPG.html http://www.2shared.com/file/0WV5SDQA/Promisance_RPG.html http://www.2shared.com/file/YPFhQ5nA/QS_Gen_RPG.html http://www.2shared.com/file/7V8O7qwo/QS_Gen_V07_RPG.html http://www.2shared.com/file/z71EoZdZ/Ravan_RPG.html http://www.2shared.com/file/tPS86mlo/Real_Thugz__rebuilt__RPG.html http://www.2shared.com/file/L3jGne0c/Real_Thugz_RPG.html http://www.2shared.com/file/IYUoCTVw/Realms_RPG.html http://www.2shared.com/file/UY8p8aGo/Robot_Warz_RPG.html http://www.2shared.com/file/C3-ADXYw/Solar_Empire_RPG.html http://www.2shared.com/file/PhdDHwZN/Solar_Imperium_RPG.html http://www.2shared.com/file/7TVaRnCA/Street_Domination_RPG.html http://www.2shared.com/file/0OmU6Kho/Street_Gangz_RPG.html http://www.2shared.com/file/06vnoBpZ/TheGame_RPG.html http://www.2shared.com/file/YTC774Ao/Time4crime.html http://www.2shared.com/file/_9O9_FB_/VA_RPG.html http://www.2shared.com/file/XlxzIBc4/Vice_Warz_RPG.html http://www.2shared.com/file/VClONewj/Wap_Online_RPG.html
Soukoban is a classic logical puzzle game invented in the early 1980s by Hiroyuki Imabayashi, president of Thinking Rabbit Incorporated Japan. Soukoban is Japanese for warehouse keeper, and the objective is to move all the boxes to their correct destination in a crowded warehouse. What's the catch? You can only push the boxes, hence it's easier than you think to get them stuck in a dead end! Because of the ingenious simplicity and elegance of the rules, and the intellectual challenging complexity of the puzzles, Soukoban quickly became popular and has bedeviled computers and players ever since. In fact it's so addictive, it should be illegal! You move using either the arrow keys or the numeric keypad. Whenever necessary you can restore the puzzle to its original condition, and start all over from scratch by selecting Reset Puzzle from the Game Menu. Unlike in real life, it's never too late to regret your actions in Soukoban. Selecting Reverse Your Action, also from the Game Menu, will undo your latest move. Soukoban automatically keep track of which level you are working on, thus you can exit the game at any time without any special procedures. The next time you start Soukoban the game will continue where you left off. It's as simple as that, yet tough to master! Enjoy Soukoban, have some creative fun and workout your brain daily! Download : soukoban.zip download - 2shared ps: nu e nevoie sa va laudati la ce lvl ati ajuns ca puteti gasii rezolvarile pe google, fiecare sa`l rezolve pentru el.
e bine ca incepe la 18:45, sper sa nu intarzie...ca eu samabta intru la 20:00 la munca, deci prind 75 min din curs
let me in
Sondaj pentru verificarea utilizatorilor vechi activi
zeffy replied to a topic in Anunturi importante
sunt inca activ -
vreau sa invat linux ! apreciez buna-vointa ta . Multumesc anticipat
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mie personal mi`ar fi foarte utila o functie de sortare a topicurilor dupa popularitate,commenturi,calitate. Acolo unde este un tutorial/program/etc util,lumea aprecieaza si comenteaza.. imi vine greu sa iau la mana tot forumul,pagina cu pagina si sa vad aceleasi programe de versiuni diferite sau branduri diferite dar care fac acelasi lucru. De exemplu, daca sunt atatea feluri de keyloggere,unu mai practic decat altul, atunci de ce mai vine Gheorghe de la tara sa faca si el un topic si sa shareuiasca un keylogger gasit pe cucamacaiiland care oricum nu e bun, si e detectat si de mamaie ? ca sa para interesant? sau cum ? shareuiti fratilor ce credeti ca e util, ce folositi, sau ce credeti ca e de shareuit, umpleti forumul cu fel si fel de nimicuri..
m`i s`a facut dor de lumea it sa zic asa .. si am "revenit" oarecum pe aici si nu se putea sa nu zic eu nimic de dota
Am gasit pe site-ul asta :: 3DP Chip :: 3DP Software (3DP Chip / Net / Bench) niste aplicatii foarte utile , printre care si 3dp net - contine toate driverele de la cele mai uzuale placi de retea lan,wlan .
install newest driver right click on desktop go into nvidia controll panel display -> adjust dektop size and position use nvidia scaling
Tool: RST Port Scanner + RST Ip Locator + RST Notifier
zeffy replied to SlicK's topic in Programe hacking
upload again plz