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Everything posted by sTrEs

  1. Un alt mod sigur de a sta de vorba fara dureri de cap ? In afara de icq, daca ideea voastra e jabber, explicati-mi va rog de ce, din cate observ si am citit, jabber-ul face logs acolo unde serverul este hostat, numai bine.
  2. Iar eu chiar nu ma pot abtine, ti-as gura ta de analfabet mic, pune mana si mananca.
  3. Caut programator perl sau python pentru un scanner privat smtps, ma intereseaza doar useri cu experienta in unul din cele doua. Poti lasa mesaj aici cu oferta ta sau imi poti da pm.
  4. Cumpar baze de date: Australia, Anglia, Suedia, UK, Irlanda, Scotia si Austria, ofer preturi foarte bune, dar inainte de asta vreau dovada ca sunt verificate, nu prostii spamate sau alte rahaturi, am nevoie pt oferte marketing. Lasa direct aici oferta, cu ce ai si cati bani doresti.
  5. SOLD
  6. sTrEs

    Vand RDP-uri

    Salut, cate ai de us? Ai pe verizon sau ceva gen cu banda calumea ?
  7. Nu, nu , nu a fost nici un delay, de pe 25 am stat prin spitale ca venit pe lume micuta stres Deaia v-am si urat mai tarziu.
  8. Buna seara, scuzati intarzierea dar am fost disparut de pe data de 25 decembrie, as vrea sa va urez un sincer si un calduros "la multi ani" , multa sanatate, dragoste, spor in tot ce v-ati propus, implinirea tuturor viselor, multe realizari si prosperitate!!!
  9. sTrEs

    Play Vplay

    Aveti idee ce player folosesc cei de la vplay? Caut player-ul de ceva vreme si nu am reusit sa-l gasesc, este singurul care ruleaza si pe consolele de la Sony, in rest iti iei eroare m-ai peste tot.. Stima.
  10. Ne doare-n pula de voi, ne doare chiar in pula De voi toti astia idioti de rasa pura!
  11. Este perfect legala achizitionarea de seminte, nu ai nici o treaba, nici o problema, dar ai grija cine stie ca o cresti
  12. Jos palaria, respect pentru tot ceea ce faci.
  13. vplay-ul nu moare incercati vplayro.com , un domeniu nou, alta munca pentru protv. MUIE PROTV, MUIE CNA, MUIE GARDA!
  14. Pentru ce sa o lasi acasa ? O iei cu tine, o aduc si eu pe a mea si vedem care e mai shic Facem ceva pe vinerea, sau sambata asta ?
  15. re-upload .dll-ul de la google va rog.
  16. Munca si nevasta nu permite
  17. Cand m-ai faceti o tura, anuntati si voi din timp Deabea azi am vzt postul .. ca veneam si eu
  18. Security researchers are raising funds to conduct an independent audit of TrueCrypt, the popular disk encryption utility. TrueCrypt is widely used as a tool to strongly encrypt and decrypt entire drives, partitions or files in a virtual disk. It can also hide volumes of data and said to be easy to use. The source code for the Windows, Linux and Mac OS X utility is publicly available for people to inspect and verify, but this has not been enough to convince every cryptography guru that it's entirely secure. For one thing, researchers have been unable to prove that the downloadable Windows executable, built by the TrueCrypt team, can be constructed purely from the published source code, for reasons based on unusual decisions by the developers – as explained by cryptographer Matthew Green here. (In short, the Windows binary appears to save a block of unexplained bytes with the encrypted data. Some fear this is a key to a backdoor, which would allow people in-the-know to decrypt the data without the user's password.) Encryption authority Bruce Schneier has recommended TrueCrypt as a tool to keep sensitive files out of the grasp of the NSA's global data dragnet, albeit it with caveats. He stops short of giving it a ringing endorsement. "No, I don't have any inside knowledge about TrueCrypt, and there's a lot about it that makes me suspicious," said Schneier. "But for Windows full-disk encryption it's [TrueCrypt], Microsoft's BitLocker, or Symantec's PGPDisk - and I am more worried about large US corporations being pressured by the NSA than I am about TrueCrypt." TrueCrypt's documentation makes it plain that it can't secure data on a computer compromised by malware or a hardware keylogger. It's also well known in computer forensics circles that TrueCrypt keys can be recovered from memory, even using commercial tools from the likes of ElcomSoft, given physical access to a powered-up machine. So-called cold-boot attacks allow the same trick to be tried on recently powered-down devices. Encryption tools are not a panacea. Unless a user follows best practices and operational security guidelines then their precautions will be stripped away by cops, the Feds, intelligence agencies or other capable attackers. Hidden backdoors? Who knows That's always going to be the case with any security or encryption tool but the concern here is that TrueCrypt may be unsafe even when it's used properly because of a hidden backdoor or similar. These concerns have always been present, but have risen to the fore because of the ongoing controversy over Bullrun, the NSA's effort to work with hardware and software technology vendors to weaken encryption systems and their underlying components. A new project aims to crowd-source funding to audit TrueCrypt and compare its published source to the compiled binaries in circulation. Such an audit is long overdue, as the security experts who kicked off the fundraising drive explain: We want to be able to trust it, but a fully audited, independently verified repository and software distribution would make us feel better about trusting our security to this software. We're pledging this money to sponsor a comprehensive public audit of TrueCrypt. The project was created by Kenn White, a systems engineer who co-founded BAO Systems, a hosted services provider to the health sector, and Matthew Green, a cryptographer and research professor at Johns Hopkins University. The project's goals include conducting a public cryptanalysis and security audit of TrueCrypt version 7.1a, one of the latest builds, as well as sorting out licensing issues that have prevented the suite from being bundled with Linux distributions including Ubuntu, Debian and Red Hat. In addition, researchers also want to certify a build of the security software for Mac, Windows and Linux users. They hope to apply a variety of approaches and tools to study the code, including potentially paying out bug bounties as well as paying for professional fingertip-searches of the code. An evaluation [PDF] of the deniability of hidden volumes in TrueCrypt by Schneier and other experts five years ago discovered security leaks and other causes for concern. These issues may well have been fixed by now but without a proper audit we just can't be sure. Code review Scrutinizing code is painstaking work that can only be carried out thoroughly by experienced and skilled practitioners, so the only way to nail this audit is to ensure it's properly financed. Hobby projects have resulted in improvements in cryptography in other areas but auditing TrueCrypt is a far more serious undertaking that can't be left to amateurs. The project has attracted $2,922 via 36 pledges to FundFill and a further $1,640 through Indiegogo by Tuesday afternoon; a fair way towards its funding target of $25,000 within two months. A blog post by Green outlines several reasons why an audit of TrueCrypt is needed and arguably even overdue. "The 'problem' with TrueCrypt is the same problem we have with any popular security software in the post-September-5 era: we don't know what to trust anymore," he writes. "We have hard evidence that the NSA is tampering with encryption software and hardware, and common sense tells us that NSA is probably not alone. TrueCrypt, as popular and widely trusted as it is, makes a fantastic target for subversion." Green is careful to say he has no specific reasons for doubting the strength and security of TrueCrypt. The audit is proposed more in the spirit of “trust but verify” than a search to confirm a suspicion. The developers of TrueCrypt are anonymous and this is a major reason that Green et al are uneasy about TrueCrypt, and one of the main reasons it has become the target of a funding drive. "We don't have an upper limit on Fundfill. I'm talking to audit firms this week," Green told The Register. TrueCrypt's anonymous developers could not be reached for contact. Their website denies of any suggestion that TrueCrypt has a hidden backdoor. The same statement explains that it's not possible for TrueCrypt to assist in decrypting data in cases where users have forgotten their own password – suggesting once you've lost the key, there's no way of recovering the data. ® Sursa
  19. Vreau si eu un cont steam cu cs only, da-mi pm cu ce doresti .. sau lasa mesaj direct aici doar cs, nu ma int cu unspe mii de jocuri.
  20. sTrEs

    cumpar wmz

    Un id de la ei sau un site ?
  21. sTrEs

    cumpar wmz

    Cumpar wmz, lasa-ti rata de schimb, plata wu sau mg.
  22. Pret pentru cele de la optus ?
  23. sTrEs

    Cumpar DB aus

    Chiar nu are nimeni ?
  24. Australia ai ? daca da ce retele ?
  25. Am Perfect Money veau WebMoney
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