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Everything posted by Ras

  1. Daca voi pateati ceva era vina mea in totalitate Intradevar nu am testat programul... dar am intrat in el ca sa fac poza. Scuzati-ma daca ati patit ceva la calculator.
  2. darar domnu' sa vina incerc sa ajut cum pot si cat pot forumul
  3. Este o versiune 1.3.0 care este publica si detectabila... Dar aceasta versiune privata este nedetectabila momentan. Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/39731908/Hav-Rat_1.3.0__privat_.rar
  4. Ras

    Z-Dem0n 1.26

    L-am testat si e detectat de nod32
  5. Ras

    Z-Dem0n 1.26

    Scz... nu am descriere... daca aveam puneam Nu intelegi nimic din poza aia?
  6. Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/39716270/zdemon.zip Inca nu l-am testat
  7. Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/39715279/J_Multi_Binder_1.0.rar
  8. PowerCmd is a modern and sleek Windows Command Prompt Replacement that allows you to run multiple consoles within a single tabbed window. You can easily organize console windows, use Windows style text editing behavior, auto-save logs, highlight keywords, configure font and colors, customize a toolbar for frequently used commands or tools, shift to a very nice full screen mode, and get much more functionalities. With much more powerful user interface than Windows Command Prompt, PowerCmd makes the console convenient and friendly. Organize command line windows Main view is split with specified layouts. Each view represents a tabbed control, which organize multiple command line windows with associated tabs. The whole main window can be minimized to a system tray icon (in the notification area of the taskbar). PowerCmd allows you to view command line windows in a very nice full screen mode. Integrate to Shell (Command Prompt Here) PowerCmd adds a "PowerCmd" context menu option on file system folders, giving you a quick way to open a command prompt window pointing at the selected folder from Explorer right click context menu. A new instance of PowerCmd will be created to carry the tabbed prompt window. If you don't allow mulitple instances, the new command prompt window will be a tab in exisiting PowerCmd instance. Enhanced Windows style text editing behavior PowerCmd supports standard generic text editing behavior. You can cut, copy and paste using the conventional Windows shortcuts, drag and drop text within PowerCmd. (the left part on the left screenshot) PowerCmd still supports traditional column selection mode of the prompt window when ALT key pressed. (the right part on the left screenshot) Filtered command prompt history You can use the up and down arrows to recall commands from history buffer. F7 and F8, the undocumented command prompt tips, are better if you want to re-execute a particular command. F7 brings up a history window with numbers, a command can be selected by the arrow keys and then executed by pressing Enter or mouse double click. Ctrl+Enter or Ctrl + double click puts the command to current command line but not executes it. F8 brings up the history window with filter. The listed commands are all start with the filter. Auto Save Logs To help prevent loss of your work, PowerCmd allows you to save the output of consoles automatically. This capability doesn't impact your interactive operations on consoles, but can protect your data if console or your computer unexpectedly quits, and can provide you the history logs of consoles conveniently. Highlight keywords on a console and Word Find Buttons PowerCmd search toolbar puts a search box for consoles, making it easier than ever to find anything you want on a console. Quick Launch Toolbar PowerCmd allows you to customize a toolbar for quick launching applications, batch scripts and command prompt commands, which can be launched to current console, start a new one or even not in a console. With shortcut key you can quickly input an command, e.g. to get your ip address within current console. Watch Command Prompt Environment Variables Environment variables have long been used in computer operating systems. To display environment variables, check "Watch Environment Variables" under "view" menu. PowerCmd allows you to change environment variables from the watch window directly. From the header context menu, you can "Refresh" current variables, or save all environment variables and reload them later. You may be able to find undocumented environment variables that you never see them before, such as "=U:" on the left image. "=U:" is the working directory of volume U if you have ever changed the working directory of that volume. Auto Completion AutoCompletion makes files under current directory easily accessible. You can display a list of files using TAB key. The system icon for files is displayed before the file names. When a file name from the list is selected, you can press TAB or ENTER to insert that file name into your command line. You can also input "", "..", or blackslash, and easily seek files or directories on other folders. Configurable - Set start directory - View/Hide line numbers - Enable/Disable word wrap - Rule for log file name when enable auto-save - Behavior of triggering Auto-Completion - Customized behavior when double clicking on tab (start, exit and etc.) - Set font face and size, font color and background color - Automatically outlining according to your settings - Allow/Disallow multiple instances - Set transparency Homepage: http://www.powercmd.com/ Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/39696795/PowerCmd.v1.3.526.rar
  9. A incercat cineva acest program? Merge? Eu nu downloadez momentan programele care mi se par suspecte pt ca nu am antivirus...
  10. in strainatate in italia [venetia], franta si andorra EDIT am sa revin cu cateva poze
  11. Pai cu ce sa te lamuresc? Presupun ca ai creat un server apoi l-ai trimis celor de la tine din retea si dupaia te conectezi pe server si le faci ce vrei.
  12. Ras

    Slh 4.0.1

    Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/39602334/Slh_4.0.1.rar
  13. Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/39602002/UndetectorByYaMaNe.zip
  14. pune o alta adresa cu r57.txt ai aici o lista cu r57: http://www.clientwyre.com/temp/r57.txt? http://www.nykola.ch/Sefirot_r0x/r57.txt http://br.geocities.com/murilokkk/rst.txt http://no.spam.ee/~tonu/phpshell/r57shell.txt http://lppm.uns.ac.id/r57.txt http://www.ekin0x.com/r57.txt http://www.xfocus.net/tools/200608/r57.txt http://ins3ct.biz/mambo.txt EDIT acum fara suparare dar trebuia sa cauti si tu pe forum inainte sa intrebi
  15. Ras

    hy all...

    imaginatie bogata
  16. Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/39533407/PHPBB_RFI_Scanner.rar
  17. nu! am sa iti dau pm cu un forum.
  18. Momentan nedetectabil, testat de mine. Sa nu ii faceti upload pe VirusTotal sau cum e pagina aia... Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/39476676/Poison_Ivy_2.3.0__unpacked_.rar
  19. Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/39475372/Scofield_1.1.rar
  20. Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/39474720/PS_Crypter.rar
  21. Ras

    CrackMe 01

    nu trebuia sa zici si tu exact cum ai facut trebuia doar sa pui poza .... daca uploadezi pe vreun site poza ... copiaza link-ul unde e poza si punel intre tag-urile ... cum am facut eu mai sus EDIT felicitarile mele
  22. bai omule tu chiar crezi ca merg la noi chestii d'astea ? banati acest n00b!
  23. Ras

    CrackMe 02

    beauty chiar imi place sa fac asa ceva cand ma plictisesc virusz tot asa
  24. Ras

    CrackMe 01

    nu a fost greu... dar a fost mai frumos si mai diferit
  25. GIF Animation has changed the face of the Web, and all you need to build these GIF "movies" is GIF Movie Gear, a professional quality, award-winning, powerful and easy-to-use tool for building, perfecting and optimizing GIF animations. Why GIF Movie Gear? By relying on substance instead of hype, GIF Movie Gear makes GIF animation building quick and easy. It is not a bloated, slow, complicated app that is a chore to use. What it is is small, fast, and efficient. It gives you the tools you need to get the job done cleanly and effectively. The superior interface shows all the frames of the animation at once, making it easy to see what you are working on. Top quality optimization and color reduction functions keep your file sizes down. Fine-tuning of timing, transparency, cropping, sizing and color palettes is trivial. A variety of import/export options, including GIF, AVI, BMP, JPEG, ICO, PNG and layered Photoshop PSD files, support most common image formats. And the built-in tutorial helps you get started in no time. Homepage: http://www.gamani.com/ Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/39326993/GifMovieGear4.1.rar
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