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Everything posted by Ras

  1. Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/19327006/phpBB-Annihilator.rar Cred ca titlul spune tot. srry nu am vazut ... dupa cum am zis nu merge sa dam cautare
  2. How To Block Websties Without Software Steps: 1] Browse C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc 2] Find the file named "HOSTS" 3] Open it in notepad 4] Under " localhost" Add www.sitenameyouwantblocked.com , and that site will no longer be accessable. 5] Done! -So- localhost www.blockedsite.com -->www.blockedsite.com is now unaccessable<-- For every site after that you want to add, just add "1" to the last number in the internal ip ( and then the addy like before. IE: www.blablabla.com www.blablabla.com www.blablabla.com
  3. Delete An "undeletable" File Open a Command Prompt window and leave it open. Close all open programs. Click Start, Run and enter TASKMGR.EXE Go to the Processes tab and End Process on Explorer.exe. Leave Task Manager open. Go back to the Command Prompt window and change to the directory the AVI (or other undeletable file) is located in. At the command prompt type DEL <filename> where <filename> is the file you wish to delete. Go back to Task Manager, click File, New Task and enter EXPLORER.EXE to restart the GUI shell. Close Task Manager.
  4. How To: Change Your Ip In Less Then 1 Minute 1. Click on "Start" in the bottom left hand corner of screen 2. Click on "Run" 3. Type in "command" and hit ok You should now be at an MSDOS prompt screen. 4. Type "ipconfig /release" just like that, and hit "enter" 5. Type "exit" and leave the prompt 6. Right-click on "Network Places" or "My Network Places" on your desktop. 7. Click on "properties" You should now be on a screen with something titled "Local Area Connection", or something close to that, and, if you have a network hooked up, all of your other networks. 8. Right click on "Local Area Connection" and click "properties" 9. Double-click on the "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)" from the list under the "General" tab 10. Click on "Use the following IP address" under the "General" tab 11. Create an IP address (It doesn't matter what it is. I just type 1 and 2 until i fill the area up). 12. Press "Tab" and it should automatically fill in the "Subnet Mask" section with default numbers. 13. Hit the "Ok" button here 14. Hit the "Ok" button again You should now be back to the "Local Area Connection" screen. 15. Right-click back on "Local Area Connection" and go to properties again. 16. Go back to the "TCP/IP" settings 17. This time, select "Obtain an IP address automatically" tongue.gif 18. Hit "Ok" 19. Hit "Ok" again 20. You now have a new IP address With a little practice, you can easily get this process down to 15 seconds. P.S: This only changes your dynamic IP address, not your ISP/IP address. If you plan on hacking a website with this trick be extremely careful, because if they try a little, they can trace it back.
  5. Ras


    welcome back deja m-am obijnuit cu forumu asa:) din cate am inteles vor mai pune cateva teme
  6. Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/19321107/Ultimate_Free-Hack_Teamspeak_Pack_-_Reloaded.rar Pass: free-hack.com Voice Spammer Operator Spammer Admin Spammer Message Spammer Voice Spammer Channel Admin Spammer and many more.. Creator: Server Admin Creator:D Brute Forcer: Teamspeak Userlogin Brute Forcer Flooder: Channel Flooder Player Bot blubablub - Free-Hack Flooder tspeakfp Fun/Other: Display Overlay Lagger Volume Control Volume Control New Version AIO: TS Tool Teamspeak Chaos TeamspeakHack Admin Tools: TTT 1.3 Admin Client 1.1 MultiTool 2.2 Specials: Teamspeak Invisible Teamspeak - Kick everyone from Server with Channel Admin Status Imi pare rau ... am luat de pe un alt forum mai de mult si nu am copiat si descrierea....am pus-o acum
  7. Link: http://www.MegaShare.com/122321 Uitati si pe rapidshare: http://rapidshare.com/files/19322028/FortKnox_Personal_Firewall.rar Pass: www.binural.ru FortKnox Personal Firewall is personal firewall solution that allows you to protect a PC against hacker attacks, trojans, spyware and internet threats. It has built-in Intrusion Prevention System and SPI technologies for extended user protection. It gives user complete overview of all inbound and outbound network communication in an intuitive user interface. FortKnox Personal Firewall Features: * Protects system from inbound in outbound attacks * Traffic and packet logging * Statefull package inspection * Integrated Intrusion Prevention System * All system connections overview * Advanced rules for experienced users * Anti-spoofing technologies * File and printer sharing settings * User-friendly graphics interface * Automatic database updates * Simple configuration * Skin support * Language support * Technical support * and much more... FortKnox Personal Firewall support extended application rules that helps user to control how individual applications communicate over Internet. Users have option to setup extended rules that match their individual needs. With its intuitive interface it is suitable for both beginners and experienced users.
  8. .mp3 :@
  9. welcome! mai bine incepi cu regulile acestui forum
  10. Ras

    torent vs Dc++

    daca gasesc iau tot de pe torent....daca nu incerc si pe dc++
  11. nu cred ca o sa dea intelu' "jos".... o sa faca astia de la amd ceva nou si imediat apare si intel cu ceva si mai bun care o sa rupa piata mai mult decat amd :@
  12. Craciunul cred ca il fac acasa cu rude.... Revelionul afara cu baietii
  13. frate cat de calume e....dai zoom pana te plictisesti si calitatea e aceeasi cati mega o avea poza? 4n4rchyl04d3r iar ai postat de 2 ori la rand.... :@
  14. Ras

    Tricou RST

    4n4rchyl04d3r ai facut frate 3 posturi unu dupa altu....puteai sa dai edit.... encoded imi place cum arata tricoul ala care l-ai facut chiar vreau unu
  15. good job zbeng! another elite hacker
  16. thx zbeng! acum dowlowadez .... sper sa imi iasa ceva :@
  17. multam frate chiar vroiam sa mai invat cate ceva
  18. Ras

    Tricou RST

    ma bag si yo la treaba cu tricourile, chiar vreau sa facem cu RST
  19. ai postat la Wireless hacking .... trebuia sa postezi la cereri sau ajutor...
  20. fale si tu .rar si uploadeazale pe urbanfriends sau rapidshare, daca vrei
  21. multam Sub7 vrila MesajTrimis: Sâm Dec 16, 2006 4:14 pm Titlul subiectului: in sfarsit ceva de calitate thanks:) eu cred ca, cam tot de pe acest forum este de calitate....
  22. welcome! uitate pe la tutoriale.
  23. Sorry! Link doesn't exists. puteti sa le mai uploadati inca odata??
  24. bine ai venit!
  25. Ras

    Yahoo Scam!

    uite aici link: il'>http://share.urbanfriends.us/savefile_php/uploads/f82ae2a0b2.rar il extragi....dupaia deschizi cu notepad si dai la edit --> Find --> si scrii @yahoo.com si o sa te duca la un email pe care tu il schimbi cu mailu tau bafta!
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