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  1. Singurii intregi la cap sunt Nytro si Neme (poate si cativa care nu prea mai frecventeaza forumul), in rest doar sa va dati aere stiti.
  2. @ElChief - Oameni de valoare, am ras putin (mai mult) . Cacanar esti tu si cu familia aia a ta, tu cred ca ai uitat ca ai statut de moderator PE UN FORUM ba baiatule, nu e nicio functie in lumea reala, trezeste-te daca ti s-a urcat la cap. PS: Nu e nici forumul lu maicata sa vii cu pretentii ca userii sa se comporte intr-un fel sau sa posteze doar ce vrea pula ta.
  3. Multa dreptate in privinta moderatorilor mai ales a lui ps-axl si Benny, erau ok inainte sa aiba moderator dar acum s-au gandit ei sa schimbe RST-ul cu reply-uri cu aere de inteligenti.
  4. The United Nations Human Rights Council unanimously declared last Thursday that Internet access and online freedom of expression is a basic human right. All 47 member states of the council signed the resolution*, which says all people ought to be allowed to connect to the Internet and freely express themselves there. It's not the first time the U.N. has referred to Internet access as a human right – a 2011 report by the council said "ensuring universal access to the Internet should be a priority for all States." Thursday marked the adoption of an actual resolution in that vein, which "affirms that the same rights that people have offline must also be protected online, in particular freedom of expression." The resolution, which was adopted without a vote, was introduced by Sweden and co-sponsored by countries including Tunisia, Brazil and the United States. China, which has a penchant for censorship, said it hoped the council would take different views on freedom of expression into account, noting that states were "bound to run the Internet legally," lest the free flow of "unhealthy and negative" information "obstruct the function of the Internet." Despite that, China – a member state of the Human Rights Council – backed the resolution. Cuba, also a member of the council, said the resolution didn't take into account the fact that most people in the world don't have access to the Internet. (Internet World Stats estimates that about a third of the world can get online.) South Los Angeles is, in some ways, one of those places Cuba was talking about. In recent years, a nonprofit community economic development organization named CDTech has worked to get the Vernon Central community (roughly the 90011 zip code) connected to the Internet. Its goal was to get 10 percent of its approximately 20,000 households connected. It ended up surpassing that goal and got 16 percent online. "High-speed Internet access [in the area] is limited – it's on and off," Kristine Williams, CDTech's vice president for strategic initiatives, told OnCentral in May. CDTechLink, a center which provided computer/Internet access and tech training to folks in Vernon Central, shut down in late May due to funding problems, leaving South L.A. residents with even less access. CDTech President and CEO Benjamin Torres said the U.N. was "absolutely right" to think of Internet access as a basic human right, adding that it was up there with housing, health and education. "The Internet provides people with connectivity, access to education, information," he said. "It allows them to connect with each other." Torres says the Internet is a place people can "develop the kinds of skills and capacities needed in this current environment," but characterized South Los Angeles as a place that's been left behind. "I think this movement toward social media, smaller media, technology that's 'quick response' – there are a lot of folks using that, but there are also a lot of folks who never learned to use the desktop technology." He explained that for unauthorized immigrants, or for young people who went to schools with no basic technological or computer training, that's a disadvantage that puts them behind. Social media – sites like Twitter and Facebook – can be an "opportunity for people to jump in" and learn, but learning about that doesn't replace basic computer and technology skills, he said. "Texting is great, but texting doesn't help you get a job," he said, adding that getting used to the shorthand that often characterizes text messages or tweets can be detrimental when it comes to getting a job or carrying out a successful Internet search. The southside has more places where people can get online than it did 10 years ago, he noted, à la the late CDTechLink, but in terms of using the web for job applications or communicating with local government, the region just isn't at that level. "The biggest use of technology in South Los Angeles is for gaming, primarily," said Torres. "Technology is a fundamental and basic human right – to have an opportunity to be successful. We're still very far behind." SURSA
  5. O prostie de intiativa, warn / ban pentru offtopic da ce cacat e comunism aici, de ai tu dreptul de a cataloga post-ul meu ca offtopic sau nu, uitati-va la Nytro si ceilalti mai vechi cum stiu sa catalogheze un offtopic, si nu sare cu warn-ul repede pentru fiecare cacat care il vede, ca pana la urma toti avem trolling-ul in sange. Nu ma intereseaza ca nu am contribuit cu nimic comunitatii, imi zic doar parerea deci nu are legatura nimic altceva. S-a dus vremea pe cand Nemessis si ai mai vechi "conduceau" forumul, cam atat am vrut sa spun.
  6. Disclaimer: I was hung over and sleep depraved when I wrote this at Bucharest Airport. But I just re-read and I still agree. I just spent 10 days in Romania. There was not a specific reason why I went, it was just a country that I have never visited so I booked a flight. A friend decided to join when he found out, he would only be able to spend 3 nights though, so for the rest I would be on my own. Other friends gave me a quizzical “Why do you want to go THERE?” or warned me about being robbed and assaulted. The first event in Romania was that just meters above the ground during landing at Bucharest airport the engines of the plane suddenly went to full power and the plane rapidly pitched up. We were pressed into the seat. The girl next to me said: “Perhaps they realized it’s the wrong airport. There are two you know.” The pilot informed us shortly after that another plane has suddenly rolled onto the runway. The wild east I thought. I stayed at a serviced apartment in the old town near Unirii square. Razvan, the manager of these apartments, picked me up with his car. After a couple of questions he started talking about Bucharest. A very likable guy. He wasn’t the only one as I should find out. First things first: The city has a population of about 2 million and while it has areas with beautiful, old buildings that remind visitors why it was once called the “Paris of the East”, most of the city looks typically post-communist. The women, this has to be mentioned, are very attractive on average and know how to dress well. Many are straight out stunningly beautiful. People seem to be moving throughout the city in groups. Rarely a lone pedestrian can be found. 99,9% of people have black hair and dark eyes. But that might differ in other parts of the country, I am not sure. The apartment was in top condition and located in a six story building in one corner of the Lipscani district, the main nightlife area of town. It’s just awesome to live that close to the action, no subway or taxi necessary at all times. I was given the keys and was instructed to do what I want, because this is my apartment now. In case of any trouble I could always call Razvan. My neighbors were mostly older people who probably have been living there for many years. I’ve met my friend who arrived a few hours earlier and after a quick dinner we hit the streets of Lipscani. The area got busy around 10 PM and would get even busier until the morning hours. Thousands of people were walking the streets between the bars, clubs and restaurants, again, mostly in groups. Almost every bar had tables outside which were crowded, something that I haven’t seen in a while. We arrived on Friday, it would be only slightly less crowded during the week. One more thing about the bars and clubs: They range from cozy quiet hangouts for friends to loud techno clubs that blast their music out into the streets. But in all of them smoking is allowed. There are it seems so far no anti-smoking laws in Romania, although that may change with the EU forcing their rules on the local government. Gypsies: Romania has a bad image abroad because they are perceived as stealing gypsies and con-artists. Sometimes I’d see somebody and assume he’s a gypsy, but that, as I found out, did not mean they were thieves or beggars by default. I was approached by beggars, small children, a few times but was told to not give them anything. They probably had their S-class mercedes already and didn’t need any more money. So I was told. Safety: I rarely felt as safe in a foreign capital as I did in Bucharest. And I am not a naive tourist. There simply is no sign of threat whatsoever. I think Berlin and London are vastly more dangerous. So forget all that crap you hear. The main tourist attraction seems to be dictator Ceausescu’s palace - now the home to the Romanian government. An immensely huge building with a road that resembles the Champs-Élysées in Paris and leads up to their own version of the Arc de Triomphe. I didn’t go inside though. When I planned to do it was (orthodox) Easter and there were no tours. There was, however, a drift racing event right in front of the palace for at least 2 days. The parks are particularly great. Huge areas of green lawns, trees and sometimes with a lake, they are located in central areas throughout the city. We’ve seen many bikers and inline skaters there. You can imagine pavement walkways in all directions with park benches facing them conveniently for an afternoon of people-watching. As a rule of thumb expect to pay about half what you would pay in western EU countries. There’s many more things to be said, I could list facts all day, but the fact is you should just trust me and visit. I could say I don’t know what it is that is so damn appealing about being here, but I do. It’s the people. As a visitor you feel very welcome. The people are warm and enthusiastic. 99,9% of people I’ve spoken to (those includes mostly the younger generation) speak fluent English. They might even surprise you, because they speak 5 other languages as well, including yours. And if they do, they do it well. They seem to be extremely good educated and some are very well traveled. There’s a sense of love for their own country, pride, the will to improve things, and a generally positive outlook to life. Perhaps this is blue-eyed, but it is the impression that I got from the people I have met here and spent some time with. Sometimes there’s an almost absurd talent. Go to a karaoke party (almost as popular here as in Japan!) and you’ll see (or rather hear) what I mean. So what happened. I’ve had a blast, even after my friend left and I was alone in this city. I could have easily fallen in love with a girl, and I think she did fall in love with me. I went on taxi-rides with complete strangers without knowing the destination or what the hell they were saying. I was thrown out of a club because my date was a little bit too alive that evening. I saw many near-escalations, but somehow nobody really seems interested in violence here. There’s a temper though, and it keeps up the pace of life. There are roads in Transilvania that are designed to kill you, never take your eyes off the road. But they are a pleasure to drive for every motorist. There are witches, black magic and strange rituals. Some say that if you go into a particular forest at night, the lure of singing will bring you to a place where you will see naked girls dancing. They will be so beautiful that it will drive you mad or have you killed. Just like sirens in the sea, these creatures live in the forests. There are also vampires, of course. The stories can be traced back to some rituals that are still going on. Would you believe there are people that even today will take a wooden stick and ram it through a dead corpses chest? I wouldn’t either. But then again, it’s probably true. There are places that will look very spooky if you take a picture. You might hear strange sounds and see weird things. But also you might just have a brilliantly good time. Trust me. Go to Romania, make the conscious decision to mingle and indulge in local life, and you’ll see for yourself. You might also have a hard time to find another tourist. At least in Bucharest there don’t seem to be that many. At least around this time of year. Go, come back, and tell your friends. I like to summarize my trips in one or two sentences. This is what I came up with for Romania: If Germany is Europe’s high-tech factory and France is Europe’s kitchen, then perhaps Austria is Europe’s ski-resort and England is where Europe’s humor comes from. But Romania is Europe’s heart. And it’s beating wildly. #Conspiracy - Romania, a surprise
  7. Un mic offtopic, nu sariti in cap PS: Am mancat o litera in titlu (seen)
  8. Daca le futem femeile in cur si le bagam limba pana-n gat ce au zis hai sa vedem daca macar sunt igienici
  9. @noVaLue - Ala e un BSOD mai "mascat" Mi se pare o prostie ce au facut ei, interfata de tableta pe PC, nasol.
  10. Chestiile astea de le explicati voi ca puteti face cu linux-ul mai rapid, mai nu stiu cum, nu prea intereseaza pe user-ul de rand. Eu prefer sa pot instala un program din 2 click-uri nu sa fac chestii avansate mai rapid cu linux-ul (pe care oricum nu le fac).
  11. Nu ma intereseaza ca e adevarat sau nu.
  12. Am urmarit multe comentarii de la acel video si aceeasi reactie din partea tuturor: Ca e fake. Dar si-a pus cineva intrebarea daca e adevarat? Aduce cam multe dovezi femeia aia + "monstrul" are aceeasi forma cu cel de aici https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1QcPWev4oY mai putin capul (dar din video-ul asta pare mai "dezvoltat"). PS: Nu spun ca e adevarat dar incercati sa combateti dovezile de acolo. REPET: Nu spun ca e adevarat.
  13. GoDaddy ofera si o adresa de email. Problema e ca eu vroiam mai multe.
  14. Ala e hosting frate eu vorbeam strict de domeniu fara host. // Bun atunci macar zi-mi de unde pot lua un domeniu si sa pot crea minim 5 email addresses fara niciun ban in plus (ca nu merita).
  15. Ai incercat si tu o mica ironie dar a iesit cam de cacat Inca mai e valabila intrebarea (din ce am citit pe GoDaddy am inteles ca poti crea doar o singura adresa gen info@site.com si ca sa faci mai multe trebuie sa cumperi ceva separat).
  16. Cumparat 26/03/2012 - Slabe sanse de atunci sa nu fi fost folosit.
  17. OnlineHelp


    Neme era capul raidurilor .
  18. Daca tot le-ai pus acolo nu le mai pune si aici, ca atunci degeaba ai mai criptat acel link
  19. Mersi
  20. Pai asta a si fost interesul tau dupa ce ai vazut post-ul lui Ahead. Si nu te mai umfla la mine date-n sloboz.
  21. @Sm0k3112 - Iesi date-n mortii mati ca nu face Gecko d-astea.
  22. Pe domeniile facute la GoDaddy poti face si conturi de email nelimitate?
  23. Genul asta de topic-uri imi aduce aminte de Neme
  24. Nu am nimic cu tine dar ce conteaza cate a baut? Daca stii cum e senzatia atunci cred ca ii poti intelege motivatia de a crea acest topic, omul se simte bine lasa-l sa se simta pana la capat.
  25. Nu am niciun email de la nicio firma + in legatura cu datele reale, nu cred ca sta nimeni sa verifice manual. Oricum mersi.
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