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Cred ca se pot seta rank-uri pt fiecare grupa in parte. Vom vedea mai trarziu. Acum sa se faca categoriile alea si cu grupurile. Nytro, ne ajuti?
Ii poate da PM liderului si poate va fi si acceptat in team Restrictionarea postarii are scopul de a tine la distanta "bagatorii in seama". Ca sa poata lucra in liniste cei din team, sa nu apara certuri, caterinci etc
Deci deocamdata ar fi grupurile: _____________________________ WEB Coders (PHP, java si ce mai e) Python Coders C/C++ Coders VB Coders Web Designers (aici intra PS, HTML si CSS) IT Assistance Penetration testers Unix gods Gamers Reverse Engineers Social Engineers Delphi/Autoit Peoples Electronisti _____________________________ Varianta mea, sunteti de acord bine, nu .. le modificati Asa si mai trebuie o sectiune "Teams" cu subsectiuni cu numele grupurilor unde sa aiba acces "write" doar membrii grupului respectiv, restu read. Dupa ce facem astea ne ocupam de celelalte chestii... (reguli, lideri.. membri etc)
E posibil sa cada cateva minute, dar sa dispara... nu prea cred. Anon din ce am vazut toti sunt seriosi si buni, atata timp cat au postat mesajul respectiv se bazeaza pe ceva, o vulnerabilitate ceva, cine stie... v-om vedea
Microsoft offers $250,000 reward for information of Rustock Botnet
ZeroCold replied to ZeroCold's topic in Stiri securitate
Explica, de ce nu este adevarat? ps: Citeste asta!!! -
Cum a zis Sweby. Ar trebui creata o sectiune gen "Teams", "Teams Area", "Teams Zone", "Teams Ground". In sectiunea respectiva deschise cate un thread pt fiecare grup, cu reguli si cereri. Apoi, cate o subsectiune pt fiecare grup, unde membrii vor putea lucra la proiecte, fara sa fie deranjati de "troli". Dar sa nu fie privata, ceilalti membri sa poata vedea ce se scrie acolo, dar sa nu poata scrie. Parerea mea, veniti cu completari.
Eu asa am zis de la inceput, mai multe grupuri. Cu cat sunt mai multe cu atat mai bine. Sunt ~ 60.000 useri pe rst, avem de unde face grupuri Cum am zis undeva mai sus, daca se vrea un grup nou, se face cerere, daca un grup nu tine, nu e activ.. se dizolva/sterge. Simplu
Citeste asta si reply-urile.
Face ce face si acum. Va fi utilizator normal Registered user, ca si pana acum. Doar ca nu va putea participa la proiecte. Nu stiu cum sa explic, va fi pe cont propriu. (ceva de genu) Daca se va face o sectiune gen "Grupuri" acolo sa se poata face cereri. Cerere intrare grup si cerere creare grup. Cerere creare grup, vine utilizatoru si zice "Eu stiu asta, vreau sa fac grupul asta." adminul verifica, daca e ok aproba, daca intr-un timp de nu gaseste n user, grupul se dizolva. Simplu, ca sa nu dam dea gata lista. (bine, dam si o lista la inceput) Vin useri noi, proiecte, se vor mai schimba lideri, nu cred ca se vor plictisi. Atata timp cat lumea se implica, totul va fi ok.
Idei despre cum sa functionze: - Administratorii pun intrebari si aleg liderii de grup. - Liderii de grup pun intrebari si aleg membrii grupului. - Ca sa poti face cerere intr-un grup trebuie sa consumi alcool ( ma refer la rank-urile existente "Bautor de ceai" | "bautor de bere" :-bd" ) - Daca trec 2 saptamani iar grupul respectiv nu a facut nimic (nici macar un tutorial, nimic.. a frecat menta), se schimba liderul. - Daca trec 6 saptamani iar grupul respectiv nu creeaza nimic (se schimba 3 lideri si nimeni nu face nimic), grupul se dizolva. - Membrii grupului pot vota schimbarea liderului doar in cazul in care 9/10 sunt de acord cu asta. Noul lider este ales de un admin. - Sub numele userului sa fie scris numele grupului din care face parte. - Grupul "Troli" ca tot veni vorba, am mai zis eu ceva de genu in alt topic. Membrii de aici sa aiba acces doar "citire forum" sa nu poata posta. Cei "obraznici" vor primi rank-ul de "trol" doar pt o anumita perioada de timp, in functie de ce a facut. - Un membru poate sa renunte la un grup doar dupa ce spune motivul (parasirea din senin, fara motiv a grupului sa fie pedepsita cu ban cateva zile sau "trol") - Dupa ce paraseste un grup, trebuie sa astepte 1 saptamana ca sa intre in altul. - Daca un user face cerere intr-un anumit grup si este respins, trebuie sa astepte o saptamana sa faca alta cerere. (asta ca sa evitam spamul, nspe mii de cereri) - Daca intri intr-un grup trebuie sa stai cel putin 4 saptamani, apoi ai voie sa il parasesti. (asta ar insemna sa participi la 2 proiecte) Etc. Grupuri: - Tehnician IT - Trainer - Web BlackHat (penetrare web) - Web WhiteHat (securitate web) - Gamer (avem games hacks, avem si "specialisti" in cheat-uri, trainere") Mai veniti cu idei. Dimineata, dupa ce se mai aduna, o sa dau edit si o sa le listez in primul post. ps: Baietii care doar citesc, deschideti gura si spuneti-va parerea, nu muriti daca faceti un post.
Iti inscrie site-ul in 140 de motoare de cautare, gratuit. Link: Promovare web gratuita
The FIREGPG Firefox plugin is no longer supported for newer versions of Firefox. Unfortunately you will have to use the clipboard on GNUPG if you want to encrypt and decrypt your Gmail encrypted mail. Or you can use Mozilla Thunderbird email client. This a step by step walk through to give you the ability to fully encrypt your email using your gmail account and strong PGP based encryption. Some users who have google chrome installed have reported installation problems. You may want to uninstall google chrome if you have problems any where during installation. 1. A gmail account - Get one 2. Firefox browser - Download 3. GnuPG For Windows - Download page 4. FireGPG - Plugin for Gmail: Download 5. Someone else who has a public encryption key, someone who has followed these directions. LET'S BEGIN: 1. Begin installing GnuPG - By default the necessary plugins for this tutorial are already checked. There is no need to check the others except you may want to include the "Novice Manual". 2. Begin installing FireGPG - This will add the FireGPG plugin to Firefox. 3. After both installations, click: Start, all programs, GnuPG, GPA. Now you will begin to create your encryption keys. On a new install you will automatically begin creating your encryption keys with the wizard. In this case you could skip steps 4, 5, 6, & 7. 4. To create your encryption public and private keys, at the top click: Keys, New key... You need to understand exactly what a public and private key are. Let's look at how all this works together in a simple transaction. Bob wants to send Alice a confidential e-mail. Bob would use Alice's public key, stored in her certificate, to scramble the message. When Alice receives the message, she uses her private key to unscramble it. Because no one else possess Alice's private key, only she can unscramble the message. See Public Key Encryption for dummies. for details. 5. Now you will set the specifics of your keys to be created. Here we have chosen to use RSA encryption with a key bit size of 3072. This is the most secure option you will have in terms of key strength. You will need to either use your real name or a name others who want to email you will know. They will either have to look up your public key (which we will talk about later), or you could send it to them. Next you will input the name of your gmail account in the email column. Again you want to use the actual gmail account you will be sending and receiving encrypted email from. The more accurate the information here the better others can find your public key to send you encrypted email. 6. Create a password for your private key. You should use a strong password you will not forget! The password is more or less the weak point of the entire encryption scheme, so the longer the better. Using a random password generator could be beneficial but to decrypt messages you will need to enter this password in the future. 7. Click ok when finished. The key pair will begin generating. 8. Now that your key pair has been generated, it will be stored in your keyring . 9. Now you may want to upload your public key to a key server. This is a server that stores public keys making it easier for anyone who wants to send you encrypted email to obtain your public key. They will need your public key to encrypt their message to you. No password is needed because this is your public key. Only your private key has the password associated to it you created earlier. 10. Now login to your gmail account. Lets take a look at what you will see when we go to compose an email. Immediately you will notice the FireGPG plugin. This is great, however you cant send an email to someone who does not have a public key. You will need to download their public key to encrypt a message only they can decrypt. So, hopefully you know someone who has either followed these instructions or someone you know who has PGP or other software the uses PKI. So now you have to either have them email you their public key, or even easier, look up their public key because just like you did, they probably uploaded their public key to the key server. When you installed GPG, it also installed a program called Kloepatra.Kleopatra is a open PGP certificate manager which will allow you to manage your PGP encryption keys. You can lookup PGP public keys using Kleopatra. So click start, all programs, Gpg4win, Kleopatra. Once Kleopatra is opened, click on "Lookup Certificates on Server". Begin your search for the public key for the person who you are sending an encrypted message to. Once you get their public key, you are good to go! Now we are ready to encrypt a message. As you can see here for demonstartion purposes we have a public key "testing", in this area you should see your key you created and the public key you downloaded. Now log back into gmail and begin composing your email message you want to send encrypted. Once you have a message ready click the "Encrypt" lock and it will light up. You also have the option to sign the message. If for some reason your message cannot encrypt you will receive an error. Your message will not be sent without being encrypted first. Once you click "Send" a window will popup which will require you select the public key of the person who will be receiving the encrypted message. Here you can see for this demonstration we are using "testing" public key. Next you will possibly see another another popup window. This is where you will have to enter your gmail account login password. This is only to re-authenticate your gmail login with gmail's smtp server. The recipient of the encrypted email will see this when they open up your encrypted email you just sent: If you were the one who received the encrypted message, you will be prompted to enter your private key password to decrypt the message. This window featured here will automatically popup. Enter your private key password. As you can see here, all that encrypted text you saw earlier was used to encrypt the simple word, "test". Well that is it, you now know how to successfully send, encrypt and decrypt email using GnuPG, FireGPG, with Firefox using gmail. Next, we will go into the specific settings which will fine tune GnuPG and FireGPG for optimum security and privacy. From now on email you receive that was sent to you encrypted will remain encrypted on Gmail servers. Every time you open those stored emails you again will be prompted for your private key password which will decrypt the stored email so you can view it. When you close the email, it remains encrypted. Not even Google can read those stored emails. Was this tutorial helpful for you? Do you have anything to add to this? If you find any errors here or have comments please let us know about it in our forum. #Sursa: Free email encryption - Encrypt The Planet #Vedeti si asta: GnuPG Thunderbird - Encrypt The Planet
Se pot grupa, de ex: "Web Coders" unde intra php, html, css, java; "Windows Coders", "Unix Coders" etc. "photoshoper", "C++ Coder" le-am zis la vrajeala, ca exemple. Daca se va implementa probabil vor fi mai "profesionale" @Wav3, asta e ideea principala. Fiecare user va avea locul lui pe forum, iar cand se va lucra la ceva important, vom sti exact de unde sa il luam. Un administrator contacteaza sefii de grup, in functie de ce este nevoie (cum ai zis tu .net+ps+php=RST Stealer) apoi fiecare sef de gupa isi aduna oamenii si le explica ce au de facut. Totul se va face mult mai rapid si mai usor, iar sansa ca un proiect sa fie dus la capat creste In felul asta mai multi useri vor avea sansa sa se afirme.
Citeam postul cu RST Pwned unde HellScream a pomenit ceva de "bisericute" si de aici mi-a venit ideea. Ideea consta in creearea unor grupuri (ca pe hf), gen: "C++ Coders" "Photoshopisti", "bagatori in seama", "Asistenti IT" etc... Reguli: - fiecare grup sa fie condus de 1-2 persoane, care cunosc bine domeniul respectiv. - cei care vor sa intre in grup vor trebui sa dea un test sau nu, in functie de cum vor decide sefii grupului respectiv. - fiecare sef raspunde de grupul lui. - fiecare grup va trebui sa prezinte un proiect, ceva facut de ei o data la 2 saptamani sau va fi desfiintat. (ex. dupa 2 saptamani, grupul Photoshop posteaza un pack cu wallpapere, sau un tutorial, un logo, banner etc) - pe langa regulamentul general, fiecare grup poate avea regulament intern, in functie de decizia sefilor. etc. + Cu ce ne ajuta?? Pai ne ajuta, la fiecare 2 saptamani vor aparea cate 4-5 proiecte, in functie de cate grupuri sunt. Userii nu vor mai trandavi, si for face ceva productiv, vor avea ocazia sa creeze ceva alaturi de colegii lor. Cand cineva are nevoie de ajutor, stie exact unde sa il gaseasca. etc _________________________ » Grupuri noi » Y!M: grupuri_rst
20.000 25.000 12.500 + 12.500 = 25.000 25.000 - 3.000 = 22.000 22.000 - 2x1.000 = 20.000 11.500 + 11.500 = 23.000 adunate: 12.500 + 12.500 = 25.000 <- vinde gaina prima data. 25.000 - (inghetata)3.000 = 22.000 <- isi ia inghetata, se duc 3.000 Mai ramana cu 22.000, apoi vine 2xbaba la el si ii cere 1.000 22.000 - 2x1.000 = 20.000 11.500 + 11.500 = 23.000 + (inghetata)3.000 = 26.000 <- ???? n-are cum. De fapt e: 11.500 + 11.500 = (inghetata intra in suma asta) 23.000 + 2.000(banii pe care i-a dat babelor inapoi) = 25.000 ps: Toata lumea stie ca Bula nu le are cu matematica, de ce va mai bateti capul? )
Eu mi-am luat cu 7$ un .com de la namecheap.com acu juma de ora Din ce am citit pe forumuri e foarte ok. Luam de pe Godaddy dar nu mi-a mers cardul... Cupon: SMILETOSUN
Ai OS piratat/cumparat/free?
ZeroCold replied to robertutzu's topic in Sisteme de operare si discutii hardware
1. Windows XP. (pirat) 4. Nu am bani. Mai bine imi iau ceva de mancare/baut, ies cu fata la suc decat sa dau bani pe ceva ce se gaseste moca -
Windows Product Activation or WPA is a license validation procedure introduced by Microsoft Corporation in all versions of it’s Windows operating system. WPA was first introduced in Windows XP and continues to exist in Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 and Windows 7 as well. WPA enforces each end user to activate their copy of Windows so as to prevent unauthorized usage beyond the specific period of time until it is verified as genuine by Microsoft. How WPA really works was a closely guarded secret until GmbH analyzed WPA using a copy of Windows XP RC1 and published a paper on their findings. In this post you will find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about Windows Product Activation. Why activation? Microsoft’s intention behind the activation is to limit the usage of it’s Windows operating system to only one machine for which the retail license is issued. Any other computer which runs on the same license must be disallowed from using the software. Thus WPA demands for activation of the product within 30 days of it’s installation so as to ensure that it is genuine. What does “Genuine Windows” means? The copy of Windows is said to be genuine only if the product key used during the installation is genuine. It means that a given product key (retail license) must be used to install Windows only on one computer for which the license was purchased. Thus if the same key is used for the installation on another computer, then it is said to be a pirated copy. Exactly what information is transmitted during the activation? When you activate your copy of Windows you are transmitting an Installation ID code to the Microsoft either by phone or Internet depending on the method you choose to activate. Based on this, the Microsoft’s licensing system can determine whether or not the installed OS is genuine. If it is said to be genuine, then the system will receive the Activation ID which completes the activation process. If the activation is done via telephone then the Activation ID needs to be entered manually to complete the activation process. What information does the Installation ID contain? This Installation ID is a 50-digit number which is derived from the following two data. Product ID – It is actually derived from the 25-digit product key (the alphanumeric value that is printed on the sticker over the Windows CD/DVD case) that is entered during the installation of the operating system. The Product ID is used to uniquely identify your copy of Windows. Hardware ID – This value is derived based on the hardware configuration of your computer. The WPA system checks the following 10 categories of the computer hardware to derive the Hardware ID: Display Adapter SCSI Adapter IDE Adapter (effectively the motherboard) Network Adapter (NIC) and its MAC Address RAM Amount Range (i.e., 0-64mb, 64-128mb, etc.) Processor Type Processor Serial Number Hard Drive Device Hard Drive Volume Serial Number (VSN) CD-ROM / CD-RW / DVD-ROM Thus the Installation ID which is a combination of Product ID and Hardware ID is finally derived and sent to Microsoft during the activation process. How is the Installation ID validated? The Installation ID needs to be validated to confirm the authenticity of the installed copy of Windows. So after the Installation ID is received by Microsoft, it is decoded back so as to obtain the actual product key and the hardware details of the computer involved in the activation process. The Microsoft’s system will now look to see if this is the first time the product key is being used for the activation. This happens when the user is trying to activate his Windows for the first time after purchase. If this is the case then the Installation ID is validated and the corresponding Activation ID is issued which completes the activation process. However Microsoft system will now associate this product key with the hardware ID of the computer and stores this information on their servers. In simple words, during the first use of the product key, it is paired together with the Hardware ID and this information is stored up on the Microsoft servers. What if a computer running a pirated copy of Windows attempts to activate? The activation fails whenever the copy of Windows installed is not said to be genuine. This usually happens when the product key used for the installation is said to have been used earlier on a different computer. This is determined during the activation process as follows: During the validation of the Installation ID, the Microsoft’s system checks to see if the same product key was used in any of the previous activation processes. If yes then it looks to see the Hardware ID associated with it. The computer running a pirated copy of Windows will obviously have a different hardware configuration and hence the Hardware ID will mismatch. In this case the activation process will fail. Thus for a successful activation, either of the following two cases must be satisfied: The product key must have been used for the first time. ie: The product key should not have been used for earlier activations on any other computer. If the product key is said to have been used earlier, then the Hardware ID should match. This happens only if the same computer for which the license was genuinely purchased is attempting for subsequent activation. What about formatting the hard disk? Each time the hard disk is reformatted and Windows is re-installed, it needs to be re-activated. However the activation process will be completed smoothly since the same computer is attempting for subsequent activation. In this case both the product key and the Hardware ID will match and hence the activation becomes successful. What if I upgrade or make changes to my hardware? In the above mentioned 10 categories of hardware, at least 7 should be the same. Thus you are allowed to make changes to not more than 3 categories of hardware. If you make too many changes then your activation will fail. In this case, it is necessary to contact the customer service representative via phone and explain about your problem. If he is convinced he may re-issue a new product key for your computer using which you can re-activate your Windows. Some things WPA does not do WPA does not send any personal information at all about you to Microsoft. There is still an option to register the product with Microsoft, but that is separate and entirely voluntary. If you prefer to activate via phone, you are not required to give any personal information to Microsoft. WPA does not provide a means for Microsoft to turn off your machine or damage your data/hardware. (Nor do they even have access to your data). This is a common myth that many people have about Microsoft products. WPA is not a “lease” system requiring more payments after two years or any other period. You may use the product as licensed in perpetuity. I have tried my best to uncover the secret behind the WPA. For further details and more technical information you can read the actual paper by Fully Licensed GmbH at http://www.licenturion.com/xp/fully-licensed-wpa.txt. I hope you like this post. Pass your comments. #Sursa: How Windows Product Activation (WPA) Works?
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About: ? KeyScrambler encrypts your keystrokes deep in the kernel, foiling keylogging attacks with scrambled, undecipherable data. ? This advanced method of keystroke protection defeats both known and unknown keyloggers. ? The friendly interface displays realtime encrypted stream of keystrokes so you see when and how KeyScrambler is working ? Strengthens where defenses are the weakest in your traditional anti-virus, anti-malware programs and PC security. Download KeyScrambler PRO: http://www.mediafire.com/?vu2542u0yuwes5y Download Serial: http://www.mediafire.com/?8209qhqg5kmbtba #Sursa: HF
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